Locations de bateaux à Dubaï

  • Circuits en 4x4, VTT et tout terrain
  • Circuits extrêmes
  • Locations de bateaux
  • 1 heure maximum
  • 1 à 4 heures
  • 4 heures à 1 jour
  • 5,0 sur 5 bulles
  • 4,0 sur 5 bulles et plus
  • 3,0 sur 5 bulles et plus
  • 2,0 sur 5 bulles et plus
  • Dubai Yachts Luxury Yacht Rentals
  • Dubai Marina
  • Centaurus Yachts & Boats Dubai
  • Forte demande
  • Le classement des visites, activités et expériences disponibles sur Tripadvisor est déterminé par plusieurs facteurs, notamment les revenus générés par Tripadvisor à partir de ces réservations, la fréquence des clics des utilisateurs, ainsi que le volume et la qualité des avis des clients. Occasionnellement, des produits qui viennent d'être répertoriés peuvent être prioritaires et apparaître plus haut dans la liste. Leur position spécifique peut varier.

location yacht dubai journee

1. Location de croisière en yacht privé depuis la marina de Dubaï

location yacht dubai journee

2. Expérience en yacht privé depuis la marina de Dubaï

location yacht dubai journee

3. Location de yacht à Dubaï - Azimut 50ft Dubai Yacht

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4. Location de 2 heures d'un yacht de luxe de 50 pieds à Dubaï

location yacht dubai journee

5. Jetski à Dubai Burj Al Arab et Burj Khalifa en 30 Minutes + Photos et Vidéos Gratuites

location yacht dubai journee

6. Excursion en bateau autonome à Dubaï : JBR, Atlantis et Burj Al Arab

location yacht dubai journee

7. Les premières excursions en bateau cristallines au monde

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8. Excursion privée de 2 heures en yacht de 50 pieds autour de Burj Al-Arab

location yacht dubai journee

9. Découvrez l'île cachée de Dubaï avec Majesty 48ft Yacht Rental

location yacht dubai journee

10. Location de yacht à Dubaï - Réservez un yacht privé de 58 pieds jusqu'à 28 personnes

location yacht dubai journee

11. Location de yacht à Dubaï Majesty 77 pieds

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12. Promenade en yacht privé de luxe de 2 heures - L'expérience ultime de Dubaï

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13. Excursion en hors-bord à Dubaï : JBR Skyline, Atlantis, Burj AlArab en option

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14. Location de yacht à Dubaï Majesty 63 pieds

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15. Partez pour une aventure en jet ski dans la marina de Dubaï

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16. Location Jet Ski 30 min à La Mer

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17. Location de yacht privé - Yacht de luxe Azimut 42 pieds à Dubaï

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18. Nuitée privée à Dubaï à bord d'un mini yacht de luxe

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19. Dubaï Jet Car et visite autonome avec transfert privé

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20. Location de yacht privé depuis la marina de Dubaï

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21. Bateaux à pédales à Hatta

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22. Location de yacht de luxe - Numarine 80ft Dubai Yachts

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23. Location de yacht de luxe privé à Dubaï

location yacht dubai journee

24. Location de yacht privé de luxe à Dubaï

location yacht dubai journee

25. Location Evojet 15 minutes à Dubaï

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26. 30 minutes de location de jet ski pour deux personnes sur des yachts de luxe

location yacht dubai journee

27. Jet Ski à louer à Dubaï

location yacht dubai journee

28. Tour en yacht privé Dubaï - Croisière festive jusqu'à 28 personnes

location yacht dubai journee

29. Location privée de yacht de luxe depuis la marina de Dubaï

Ce qu'en disent les voyageurs.


  • Location de croisière en yacht privé depuis la marina de Dubaï
  • Expérience en yacht privé depuis la marina de Dubaï
  • Jetski à Dubai Burj Al Arab et Burj Khalifa en 30 Minutes + Photos et Vidéos Gratuites
  • Les premières excursions en bateau cristallines au monde
  • Location de yacht privé depuis la marina de Dubaï
  • Siyyad Khan Tourism
  • TripVentura UAE
  • Elevate DMC
  • ⭐️ Kings and Queens Yachts ⭐️
  • White Whale Holiday Tours And Flights India Private Ltd
  • High Sky Tourism
  • Travellers choice
  • VooTours Tourism
  • Bedouin Trips Tourism LLC
  • Go Fishing Tours
  • Popeye Jetski Rental
  • Dubai Limousine
  • Xclusive Yachts
  • Nanje Yachts & Boat Rental Dubai
  • Luxury Sea Boats Charter
  • Sea Life Watersports Dubai
  • Adventure Zone Dubai

Location bateau Dubaï avec ou sans permis

  • Location bateau  / 
  • Location bateau Émirats arabes unis  / 

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Gulf Craft Majesty 70 1100cv (2017)

À partir de 1 441 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Al Shaali 2014 1150cv (2014)

À partir de 1 213 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yamaha Hannibal 730 (2021)

À partir de 625 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Bateau à moteur MNH 45FT 2012 (2012)

À partir de 903 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Sunreef 70 (2009)

À partir de 4 000 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Azimut Azimut 68 1300cv (2017)

À partir de 179 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Integrity 2023 1800cv (2023)

À partir de 38 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Bateau à moteur Azimut Majesty50 900cv (2018)

À partir de 1 200 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Bateau à moteur Integrity 2022 1260cv (2022)

À partir de 1 976 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Majesty 56 18cv (2009)

À partir de 2 300 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Motorboat Majesty 810cv (2011)

location yacht dubai journee

Bateau à moteur Al Shahali MNH75 Yacht 1540cv (2012)

À partir de 2 047 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Bateau à moteur Azimut 45 750cv (2019)

À partir de 1 000 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht De Birs 2013 2000cv (2013)

À partir de 4 500 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Gulf Craft Black ROSE 2013 1775cv (2013)

À partir de 4 760 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Bateau à moteur Al Shahali MNH50 Yacht 1080cv (2007)

À partir de 1 304 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Bateau à moteur Sea Master 4 300cv (2023)

À partir de 760 € par jour.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Sea Master 5 1000cv (2019)

À partir de 254 € par jour.

Location de bateau à Dubaï - Une oasis de luxe au Moyen-Orient

Impossible de s’ennuyer en louant un bateau à Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis ! Pour commencer, c'est une ville qui détient le record du plus haut bâtiment du monde, grâce à l’élégant gratte-ciel Burj Khalifa au pied duquel on se sent tout petit. C'est un endroit où les célèbres contes de fées sur le Moyen-Orient ont un fond de vérité ! Caractérisée par sa proximité avec le golfe Persique, Dubaï se prête à une expérience de navigation inoubliable dans une région à la beauté naturelle inégalée.

Certes, la location d'un bateau à Dubaï n'est pas la première chose qui vous vient à l'esprit lorsque vous pensez à cette célèbre ville où le luxe est la norme, grâce aux vastes réserves de pétrole des Émirats arabes unis.

Mais avec une location de bateau à Dubaï, vous pouvez naviguer jusqu'au golfe d'Oman, à Bahreïn ou à Muscat en Oman, sillonner les eaux tranquilles du Moyen-Orient et découvrir les paysages d’un autre monde typiques de cette région. À noter que l'océan Indien relie Dubaï à l'Iran au nord, au Qatar et au Bahreïn à l'ouest et au Sultanat d'Oman à l'est.

Avec Click&Boat, il existe une grande variété de bateaux à louer à Dubaï :

• Bateaux à moteur

• Catamarans

• Yachts de luxe

Combien coûte la location d'un bateau à Dubaï ?

Bien que Dubaï soit l'incarnation des fantasmes de luxe des plus audacieux, le prix de la location d'un bateau y varie.

Les coûts de location dépendent de la date de construction, du modèle et de la capacité du bateau, ainsi que de la demande de services supplémentaires tels qu'un skipper et/ou un équipage. Mais quel que soit le bateau que vous choisirez, vous serez sûr de bénéficier d'un service sur mesure, de profiter d'une bonne ambiance et de vues luxueuses ! Click&Boat propose un large choix de bateaux et de yachts - il y en a pour tous les goûts !

La location d'un yacht à Dubaï coûte en moyenne 2 400 € par jour à diviser entre tous les passagers à bord. Vous pouvez diviser le prix du voilier entre les passagers.

Pour une location de bateau à moteur : les prix varient entre 584 € et 2 300 € la journée. Vous pouvez prendre contact avec le propriétaire, alors, au moindre doute n'hésitez pas !

Qu'y a-t-il à voir et à faire à Dubaï ?

Pendant que vous êtes à terre, il y a beaucoup de choses à voir et à faire ! Voici une petite liste d'attractions que vous ne pouvez pas manquer lors de votre prochaine visite :

• Le plus haut gratte-ciel du monde, le Burj Khalifa…

• L'un des hôtels les plus luxueux du monde, présenté sous forme de voiles, le Burj al-Arab.

• La célèbre fontaine musicale de Dubaï

• Les gigantesques centres commerciaux que sont le Dubaï Mall et le Mall of the Emirates.

Après avoir expérimenté l'agitation de Dubaï, rendez-vous dans le port où un bateau vous attendra ! Vous passerez des vacances inoubliables, que Click&Boat peut également vous aider à organiser !

Quand visiter Dubaï ?

L'ambiance estivale à Dubaï est sans fin, c'est pourquoi tant de personnes viennent la visiter et que la location de bateau y est commune ! Avec son climat subtropical sec, c'est l'escapade parfaite pour échapper au blues de l'hiver.

Des vacances à la plage au milieu de l'hiver ? Ce n'est pas seulement un rêve, c'est une réalité !

En hiver, la température moyenne de l'eau ne descend jamais en dessous de 23 °C, et la température de l'air dépasse rarement 30 °C. En revanche, du printemps à l'automne, attendez-vous à une chaleur extrême et à une mer assez chaude ! En été, les températures atteignent 40 °C et la température de l'eau avoisine les 29 °C.

Découvrez d'autres émirats et plus encore avec une location de bateau à Dubaï !

Il existe d'innombrables endroits à visiter à Dubaï lorsque vous êtes à bord d'un bateau... Peut-être pourriez-vous en découvrir quelques-uns ?

• Faites une croisière dans le port d’Abou Dhabi et admirez les vues sur les émirats de Sharjah et de Fujairah.

• Passez une nuit à terre dans l'émirat d'Umm Al Kuwait, pour une soirée arabe calme et sereine, comme dans le conte des "Mille et une nuits".

• Ne manquez pas de vous baigner au large de la côte des îles du monde, archipel artificiel créé pour ressembler à la carte du monde.

• Amusez-vous et faites du jet-ski le long de la côte !

• Explorez les eaux calmes du Moyen-Orient, comme le golfe d'Oman, Bahreïn ou Muscat à Oman.

• Admirez les vues panoramiques de Dubaï, du magnifique Sheikh Palace et du Burj al-Arab à l'hôtel Atlantis et à la promenade de la célèbre résidence Jumeirah Beach.

• Faites un tour en bateau de la marina de Dubaï et naviguez le long de ses gratte-ciels.

• Louez un bateau de pêche et passez la journée à pêcher en haute mer.

• Mettez le cap sur Palm Jumeirah, qui fait partie de l'archipel des Palm Islands - ces îles artificielles ont été créées en forme de palmier et sont très impressionnantes à voir !

• Invitez vos amis et votre famille à bord et organisez une fête sur le bateau.

Puis-je louer un bateau à Dubaï avec un skipper ?

Oui ! Avec Click&Boat, vous pouvez choisir parmi une large sélection de services de location de bateau à Dubaï disponibles avec skipper (et équipage).

Les capitaines de bateau tiendront compte de tous vos souhaits et de vos demandes de réservation individuelles. Outre les sorties en mer de loisir, ces bateaux peuvent également être utilisés pour des événements - d'entreprise ou privés, anniversaires, mariages, etc.… sur demande. N'hésitez pas à envoyer un message au propriétaire du bateau en utilisant notre outil de messagerie interne pour discuter des détails.

La location d'un bateau avec un skipper est fortement recommandée et présente des avantages ! Tout ce que vous avez à faire, c’est de vous asseoir et de vous détendre pendant que le skipper et l'équipage s'occupent de l'ancrage, de l'accostage, de la navigation et plus encore ! Vous pouvez vous attendre à des vacances confortables et sans tracas !

Si vous avez les qualifications nécessaires pour naviguer et que vous êtes intéressé par les locations sans skipper, utilisez le filtre "sans skipper" pour trouver le meilleur bateau pour vous.

Pourquoi louer un bateau à Dubaï ?

Avec Click&Boat, louer un bateau en vaut la peine, et ce pour de nombreuses raisons. À commencer par la possibilité de personnaliser vos vacances à bord, qu'il s'agisse de choisir le type de bateau (bateau à moteur, catamaran, yacht ou péniche), la durée de votre location ou de faire des demandes spéciales ! Et la destination Dubaï parle évidemment d'elle-même !

Que votre location de bateau à Dubaï soit amarrée à Jebel Ali, Rashid ou Al Hamriyah, vous serez surpris par cette métropole au bord du désert. Entre les hôtels de luxe, les boutiques proposant les dernières collections de couture, les voitures rares et les yachts d'une incroyable beauté, c'est l'endroit où il faut être, et encore plus si vous êtes à la recherche d'une aventure de voile unique !

Vous ne voulez pas attendre plus longtemps ? Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Click&Boat a de nombreuses options à vous proposer !

Bon à savoir

Foire aux questions dubaï, combien coûte une location d'un bateau pour une journée à dubaï .

Le prix moyen d'une location de bateau à Dubaï est généralement de 1 714 € par jour. Plusieurs facteurs influencent le prix de la location d'un bateau, comme la saison, l'année de construction et son équipement. Les prix peuvent varier entre 50 € et 15 000 € par jour.

Quel est le prix d'un skipper à Dubaï par jour ?

Le coût d'un skipper varie en fonction du propriétaire du bateau et de la destination. En Dubaï, vous payez en moyenne 100 € par jour pour un skipper.

Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans le prix d'une location de bateau à Dubaï ?

Par exemple, dans le prix d'une location de bateau en Dubaï sont inclus les éléments suivants : Table de cockpit, GPS, Bain de soleil avant etc.

Quels types de bateaux puis-je louer à Dubaï ?

Dans Dubaï, vous pouvez par exemple louer un(e) Bateau à moteur, Yacht ou encore un(e) Semi-rigide.

Le carburant est-il compris dans le prix d'une location de bateau à Dubaï ?

Pour la plupart des bateaux, le carburant n'est pas compris dans le prix de la location. En Dubaï, le carburant est inclus dans le prix de 54 bateaux.

Nos destinations proches de Dubaï

À Dubaï, des bateaux de particuliers et professionnels sont disponibles à la location. Découvrez d'autres bateaux dans les environs.

Louer un autre type de bateau à Dubaï

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Location yachts dubai.

Découvrez le luxe ultime avec Destination Dubai VIP ! Nous vous proposons un vaste choix de yachts et bateaux de tourisme à la location à Dubai, avec équipage. 

Tarifs disponibles à partir de 2 heures de croisiè re.   


Yachts de luxe

Vedettes & petits yachts / Speed boats 

Voiliers / Catamaran

Party Boats

Pêche en haute mer

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Pour un séjour inoubliable, louez une Ferrari à Dubai    pour 24h ou plus ou effectuez un saut en parachute au dessus de Palm Jumeirah !

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Elite Rentals Yachts Dubai .

Elite Rentals Ranks #1 in the UAE for Four Consecutive Years

#1 most exclusive VIP yacht rental in dubai

Most booked yacht rental dubai.

Our Premium Yacht Fleet

Elite Diamond Madison A-48 Yacht

Elite Diamond Austin A-50 Yacht

Elite Diamond Milano A-55 Yacht

Elite Diamond Milano A62 Yacht

Elite White Riva 70 Yacht

Elite Diamond Stellar 70 Yacht

Elite Diamon Lima 70 Yacht

Elite Diamond Venice 80 Yacht

Elite Diamond Madrid 80 Yacht

Elite Black Helsinki Yacht 95

Elite Diamond Sydney 95 Yacht

Elite Predator Havana 95 Yacht

Elite Diamond Tokiyo 105 Yacht

Elite White Predator Pershing 5X - 2023

Elite White Event 120 Yacht

Elite Black Predator Pershing 5X - 2023

Elite Predator Moscow 95 Yacht

Elite Diamond Imperial 100 Yacht

Elite Predator Milano 100 Yacht

Elite Diamond Apollo 100 Yacht

Elite Predator Feretti 67X - 2023

Elite Predator Pershing 7X - 2023

Elite Predator Singapore 120 Yacht

Elite Predator Feretti 78X - 2023

Elite Black Predator 105 Yacht

Elite Benetti Tripple Deck 125 Yacht

Elite Beirut Predator 160 Yacht

Elite Prestige 160 Yacht

Elite Stellar Empress 130 Yacht

Elite Onyx Predator Stealth 130 Yacht

Elite Predator Miami 150 Yacht

Elite Noble Commander 140 Yacht

Elite Guard Commandor 160 Yacht

Elite Grande Legacy 140 Yacht

Elite Diamond Emperor 140 Yacht

Private Yacht rental Dubai .

For years, Elite Yachts has maintained itself as the highest quality yacht charter company. We have proven this time and time again. Operating out of the most exclusive marina the country has to offer. At Elite Yachts we are the management of the highest quality yachts available in the UAE. We pride ourselves on delivering the most exclusive chartering experience. 

Best VIP Diamond yacht offers


Price (Per Hour): AED 6500 8500 Size: 100ft

Crew included, unlimited drinks, price (per hour): aed 2000 3000 size: 40ft.


Price (Per Hour): AED 10.000 14.000 Size: 110ft


Price (Per Hour): AED 4500 6500 Size: 105ft


Price (Per Hour): AED 2500 3500 Size: 95ft

Price (per hour): aed 10.000 12.000 size: 124ft, price (per hour): 18.000 20.000 size: 164ft.


Price (Per Hour): AED 3000 3500 Size: 105ft


Price (Per Hour): AED 1300 1600 Size: 62ft

Price (per hour): aed 1100 1300 size: 55ft, yacht rental dubai ..

Elite Rentals Dubai is a distinguished luxury yacht rental company located in the heart of Dubai. With an exceptional fleet of over 50 exclusive private yachts, we have redefined the concept of opulence and grandeur in the realm of VIP yachting. What truly sets us apart from the competition is our unwavering commitment to excellence, as every single one of our yachts falls into the prestigious Category A, representing the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication. In conclusion, Elite Rentals Dubai is the epitome of class, luxury, and world-class service. With our exclusive fleet of Category A yachts, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, we have set new standards in the luxury yacht rental industry. Allow us to exceed your expectations and embark on an unforgettable journey through the mesmerizing waters of Dubai. Discover why Elite Rentals Dubai is the unrivaled choice for those seeking the pinnacle of elegance and sophistication in luxury yacht rentals.

What sets Elite Rentals Apart from any other rental company?

Step aboard our exclusive Category A - Diamond Yachts and immerse yourself in luxury and distinction. At Elite Rentals, we stand in a league distinctly our own, setting sail beyond the horizon of conventional yacht rentals in Dubai. Our dedication to superior quality and meticulous attention to detail is evident in the time and resources we invest, ensuring every moment with us exceeds your expectations and delivers an exceptional experience. Comparing our Diamond Yachts to any other is like comparing a Lamborghini to a Suzuki — while both fulfill the purpose of travel, the journey they promise is worlds apart. The experience, the craftsmanship, and the prestige are incomparably different. We invite you to understand our ethos. We’re not just providing a service; we're curating an exclusive chapter in your life's story. Allow us to guide you correctly, with the excellence you deserve.

Elite Rentals Instagram

At Elite Rentals , we don't just promise a service; we deliver an experience that is as unforgettable as it is unmatched

Join our community of discerning seafarers and yacht enthusiasts. Follow us on Instagram @EliteRentalsDubai and witness the Elite difference for yourself. Because with Elite Rentals, you're not just renting a yacht—you're claiming your throne upon the seas.services.

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Luxury yacht charter Dubai

Elite Rentals Dubai is a distinguished luxury yacht rental company located in the heart of Dubai. With an exceptional fleet of over 50 exclusive private yachts, we have redefined the concept of opulence and grandeur in the realm of VIP yachting. What truly sets us apart from the competition is our unwavering commitment to excellence, as every single one of our yachts falls into the prestigious Category A, representing the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication.

In a market saturated with providers who showcase outdated vessels through carefully curated photographs, Elite Rentals Dubai takes pride in transparency and authenticity. We believe that our esteemed clientele, who value class, luxury, and impeccable service, deserve nothing less than a truthful representation of our yachts. To ensure complete customer satisfaction, we offer comprehensive videos of each yacht in our fleet, meticulously crafted with utmost attention to detail. These videos provide an immersive experience, allowing our clients to explore every aspect of their chosen yacht before embarking on their extraordinary voyage. Our commitment to delivering unrivaled luxury experiences goes beyond the aesthetics of our fleet. At Elite Rentals Dubai, we place paramount importance on client satisfaction, ensuring that every interaction is characterized by professionalism, personalized attention, and a dedication to surpassing expectations. Our team of seasoned professionals possesses a deep understanding of the luxury yachting industry, enabling us to curate bespoke experiences tailored to the unique preferences of each individual client. When you choose Elite Rentals Dubai, you embark on a journey defined by exclusivity, elegance, and impeccable service. We understand that our clients seek more than just a yacht rental; they yearn for unforgettable memories and unparalleled luxury. Whether it's a serene sunset cruise, an extravagant party on the open seas, or a romantic getaway, we take pride in our ability to transform dreams into reality. With meticulous attention to detail, we carefully plan every aspect of the journey, ensuring that each moment is flawlessly executed. From the moment you step on board one of our luxurious yachts, you are enveloped in a world of indulgence. Immaculate interiors, meticulously designed to cater to your every desire, create an ambiance of refined elegance. Our yachts boast the latest state-of-the-art amenities, ensuring your comfort and entertainment throughout your voyage. Lavish lounges, spacious cabins, gourmet kitchens, and opulent dining areas are just a few of the features you can expect to find on our exquisite vessels. Elite Rentals Dubai takes great pride in the professionalism and expertise of our crew. Every member of our staff is meticulously selected for their exceptional skills, unwavering dedication, and warm hospitality. From our knowledgeable captains who navigate the waters with precision to our attentive onboard staff who cater to your every need, we guarantee a seamless and unforgettable experience. Our crew members are well-versed in the art of luxury service, ensuring that your journey is marked by personalized attention, discretion, and a commitment to exceeding your expectations. Dubai is a city known for its opulence and grandeur, and Elite Rentals Dubai perfectly complements this reputation. Our fleet of Category A yachts is a testament to our commitment to providing the highest standards of luxury and service. We understand that our clients expect nothing short of perfection, and we go to great lengths to exceed those expectations. Our meticulously maintained yachts exude timeless elegance and sophistication, ensuring that your experience on board is nothing short of extraordinary. With its breathtaking coastline, crystal-clear waters, and iconic landmarks, Dubai offers a stunning backdrop for your luxury yacht experience. Whether you desire a leisurely cruise along the coastline, a thrilling adventure in the open sea, or an intimate celebration with your loved ones, our experienced team will tailor every aspect of your journey to suit your preferences. We collaborate closely with our clients to curate bespoke itineraries, incorporating their desired destinations, activities, and special requests. From exploring the world-renowned Palm Jumeirah to witnessing the awe-inspiring Dubai Marina skyline, every moment of your voyage is crafted to perfection. Elite Rentals Dubai has earned an impeccable reputation as the leading luxury yacht rental company in Dubai. Our commitment to providing unparalleled experiences in the world of yachting, combined with our dedication to customer satisfaction, has solidified our position as the go-to choice for discerning individuals seeking the ultimate luxury yacht rental experience. We are proud to have served a diverse clientele, including high-profile individuals, celebrities, and luxury-seeking travelers from around the world. In conclusion, Elite Rentals Dubai is the epitome of class, luxury, and world-class service. With our exclusive fleet of Category A yachts, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, we have set new standards in the luxury yacht rental industry. Allow us to exceed your expectations and embark on an unforgettable journey through the mesmerizing waters of Dubai. Discover why Elite Rentals Dubai is the unrivaled choice for those seeking the pinnacle of elegance and sophistication in luxury yacht rentals.

Choose Yacht

With us, you will find more than one option for a boat rental; you can choose anything according to your need and affordability. Unlink regular yacht rental Dubai; we think about you and your comfort.

Confirm the Yacht

All your payments and deposits are safe with us; there are many yacht hire Dubai options that you can choose and look through. Once you find your choice for Dubai yachting, choose a mode of payment and finalize things.

Enjoy the Yacht

Once your payment goes through, you will unlock the privilege and infinite services and care of our services of yacht rentals Dubai; you will be able to connect and communicate with us for all your needs.

Feel the Elite Rentals Vibe .

Embark on an unforgettable voyage on a luxury yacht with elite yachts, the leading yacht charter company in the uae. available for both daily and hourly rent. backed by a professional crew with more than 20 years of sailing experience, our yacht rental service in dubai aims to deliver the ultimate yachting experience with professionalism, security, and unparalleled luxury..

For years, Elite Yachts has maintained itself as the highest quality yacht charter company. We have proven this time and time again. Operating with the top 50 Diamond yacht fleet in the UAE. At Elite Yachts we are the proud owners of the highest quality yachts available in the UAE. We pride ourselves on delivering the most exclusive chartering experience

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Visit also our Super Car Rental page

Have an unforgettable car experience with Elite Rentals Dubai, Elite is the leading car rental company in the UAE. We offer a wide range of 95 luxury supercars.


Join our community of discerning seafarers and yacht enthusiasts. Follow us on Instagram @EliteRentalsDubai and witness the Elite difference for yourself.

Dubai Marina Yacht Club - Moon Tower Showroom 7

+971 50 425 8131


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Elite Rentals Dubai

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Contact our bookings & service team directly on Whatsapp  

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Yacht Rental Dubai: Premier Yacht Tours & Boat Charters | Book.Boats

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Hey there! Welcome back.

Customer registration, yacht rentals in dubai : your yachting adventure starts here. book now, explore our shared tours, shared yacht tour - 80ft, silver craft 5 - 35ft, rent a yacht, kensho yachts 246ft - 246ft, voodoo 27 - 27ft, oceanco alfa nero superyacht 269ft - 269ft, luxury super yacht experience dubai - 140ft, ferretti 780 2019 - 78ft, dream halic tersaneleri 349ft - 349ft, explore by marina.

Dubai Marina Yacht Club

Dubai Marina Yacht Club

Dubai Harbour

Dubai Harbour

Jumeriah 1

Business Bay

Yacht categories.


Super Yachts

Shared Tours

Shared Tours

Additional services.

location yacht dubai journee

Photo Shooting

Use our photo-shooting services to capture your yacht vacation experiences permanently. Our skilled photographers will document every part of your tour, from the breathtaking landscapes to the happy times spent with your loved ones.

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Enjoy a culinary experience on board our yachts with the help of our catering services. Our chefs will create a feast to tempt your taste buds, from delectable canapes to multi-course feasts.

location yacht dubai journee

Water Sports

We provide a variety of water sports in Dubai such as wakeboarding, jet skiing, and banana boat excursions, for thrill-seekers. While you are having the time of your life, our qualified instructors will watch out for your safety.

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How it works

Search for the perfect yachts from all available in the Dubai area.

Send an inquiry

Ask for more information about to yacht you’ve selected for your trip.

We will send a response with availability with pricing. Work with our team to confirm details for your charter.

Book online

Pay and book online. Our team will help arrange the details of your charter.

What charter guests say

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“Booking our yacht through Book.boats was an absolute delight. The yacht was impeccably maintained, and the crew was exceptionally professional, ensuring our comfort and safety throughout the journey. Book.boats made our yacht rental experience in Dubai seamless and memorable. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a premium yachting experience.”

location yacht dubai journee

“Our experience renting a yacht in Dubai through Book.boats exceeded all expectations. he booking process was straightforward, and the customer service team was very helpful, making sure every detail was attended to. Book.boats was the highlight of our trip, providing us with luxury and comfort.”

location yacht dubai journee

“I turned to Book.boats for a corporate event and was thoroughly impressed with their selection of yachts for rent in Dubai. The yacht we chose was spacious, elegant, and equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, perfect for entertaining our clients and colleagues. Book.boats is now my go-to for yacht rentals in Dubai.”

location yacht dubai journee

Embark On An Unforgettable Voyage With Our Yacht Booking Dubai

At Book.Boats, we guarantee an exceptional and value-rich experience that surpasses your expectations. When you book a yacht from us, you not only get the yacht itself but also benefit from the services of a skilled captain, utmost security, and complete privacy. Waste no time and embark on an unforgettable voyage with Book.Boats yacht booking in Dubai. Indulge in luxury and relaxation aboard our exquisite yachts as you explore the breathtaking shoreline and natural beauty of Dubai. Our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to fulfilling your every need, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable journey. Whether you desire a serene retreat or an action-packed holiday, our yacht charters in Dubai are the ideal selection to cater to all your requirements.

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Yacht Party

Make lifelong memories during the ultimate yacht party in Dubai with our book.boats. With state-of-the-art music systems, the best catering, and breathtaking scenery, our yacht party packages are the perfect way to remember any occasion.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Fishing

With the help of our fishing from yacht packages, you may experience the thrill of fishing at sea. Our experienced staff will drive you to Dubai's top fishing spots in dubai and provide all the necessary equipment to make sure you have a fantastic day on the water.

location yacht dubai journee

From business gatherings to birthday parties and weddings, our yachts are ideal for all occasions. With a variety of packages available, we can adapt our services to meet your unique needs and demands.

location yacht dubai journee

Private Romantic Trip

Take your special someone on a romantic sail on our romantic yacht cruise in Dubai to commemorate the bond you share. You and your spouse can enjoy Dubai's breathtaking shoreline while our staff takes care of your needs. Our romantic holiday packages are perfect for proposals, wedding anniversaries, or a special night out with your beloved one.

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Dubai Sightseeing

Explore Dubai's well-known attractions and breathtaking architecture from the comfort of our yachts. With amazing views of Dubai's skyline and the chance to take stunning pictures, our sightseeing packages offer a singular and unforgettable experience.

How Do You Make Yacht Bookings In Dubai

Hiring a yacht rental company in dubai might sound like a complicated process nowadays. But Yacht bookings in Dubai with Book Boats are made simple by following these steps

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Choose a Yacht

Choose your preferred yacht from our fleet that best suits your requirements and budget.

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Confirm the Yacht

Confirm your yacht rental by filling out our online booking form or contacting our customer service team.

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Enjoy the Yacht

Enjoy your yacht rental in Dubai with our experienced crew, who will ensure you have a memorable experience on the water.

Additional Service Offered By Book Boats

In addition to our yacht cruise in Dubai, we also serve a range of services to make your experience even more memorable. Let our experienced crew guide you through the city's must-see attractions and hidden gems.

location yacht dubai journee

Yacht Decorations

Use our yacht decoration services to add a special touch to your yacht trip.

location yacht dubai journee

Enjoy a culinary experience on board with the help of our catering services.

location yacht dubai journee

We provide a variety of water sports in Dubai, such as wakeboarding, jet skiing, and banana boat excursions, for thrill-seekers.

location yacht dubai journee

Use our photo-shooting services to capture your yacht vacation experiences permanently.

Factors To Consider When Renting A Yacht In Dubai

There are several important aspects to consider while renting a boat in Dubai to guarantee a smooth and comfortable trip.

location yacht dubai journee

Depending on the size of your group, you will need to charter a yacht. Ensure enough space on the yacht for the entire crew to sit comfortably.

location yacht dubai journee

Create a budget for renting a yacht and factor in all the extra services you could require, such as catering or décor. To suit any budget, Book.Boats offer a range of boat or yacht charter dubai price packages.

location yacht dubai journee

Duration of the Trip

Make sure your schedule and travel time are appropriate. Half-day and full-day boat charters are both offered by Book.Boats in Dubai.

location yacht dubai journee


Choose the destinations you want to visit, then make sure the yacht you rent can get you there.

location yacht dubai journee

Season and Weather:

When making travel plans, take the time to consider the season and weather conditions. Booking your yacht hire during the cooler months may be more comfortable because Dubai can get very hot in the summer.

location yacht dubai journee

Pick a trustworthy yacht leasing business that prioritises safety, like Book.Boats. Make sure the staff is knowledgeable and skilled and that the yacht is fully equipped with all required safety gear.

Discover Unmatched  Yacht Rentals in Dubai

Embark on an unparalleled journey across the shimmering waters of Dubai with our exclusive  yacht rental Dubai   services. At Book.Boats, we specialize in offering a fleet of magnificent motor yachts and graceful sailboats, each outfitted with opulent amenities to provide a truly luxurious sailing experience.

Luxury Yacht Charter Dubai : A Class Apart

Experience the zenith of luxury on our well-appointed yachts, where every detail caters to your comfort and pleasure. Whether you're craving a serene sunset cruise or eager to witness Dubai's famed landmarks from a fresh perspective, our diverse charter options are designed to fulfill your every desire. Our streamlined online booking system ensures that your dream yacht adventure in Dubai is just a few clicks away.

Private Yacht Rental Dubai : Your Exclusive Escape

Seize this extraordinary chance to revel in Dubai's glitz and glamour aboard your private yacht. Our comprehensive selection of  yacht rental Dubai  caters to every preference. Renowned for its opulent day charters, Dubai is the quintessential yachting destination throughout the year. Sail along the iconic Dubai Marina, glide past the majestic Jumeirah, marvel at the Palm, Burj Al Arab, and the Atlantis Hotels. Uncover these landmarks and more on an unforgettable yacht journey.

What Makes Our Yacht Rentals in Dubai Stand Out?

Yacht for rent in Dubai  isn't just about hiring a boat; it's about crafting an experience of elegance and leisure on Dubai's waters. Our yacht rental services may include a dedicated captain, gourmet chef, bartender, and attentive staff, ensuring a safe, luxurious, and delightful experience. The cost for yacht rental in Dubai varies, depending on the yacht's type and size, as well as the rental duration, offering flexibility to suit different preferences and budgets. From hosting special events to enjoying a day of splendor on the water, our  yacht rental Dubai  promise an unforgettable escapade.

Step-by-Step Guide to Our  Yacht Rental Dubai  Process

Selecting Your Ideal Yacht for rental

Begin your luxury sea adventure by exploring our extensive fleet. Our  yacht for rent in Dubai  collection caters to every taste and requirement. Whether you're looking for a vessel with specific amenities, size, or style, our selection is unmatched. Compare various  yachts for rent in Dubai  to discover the one that aligns with your desires, budget, and preferences.

Tailoring Your Experience  

Once you've set your sights on the perfect yacht, secure your booking with ease. Reach out to us to finalize your choice, and we'll arrange everything to fit your schedule. Provide us with your preferred dates, times, and the duration you wish to enjoy the  luxury yacht rental .

The Formalities  

We value your peace of mind. Our transparent rental agreement outlines every detail, ensuring you're well-informed of the terms and conditions. Review and sign with confidence, knowing that your luxury experience is our top priority.

Seamless Transactions  

With the details settled, we'll guide you through a smooth payment process. Our payment options are designed for your convenience, securing your reservation promptly and efficiently.

Embarking on Your Journey  

On the day of your adventure, a warm welcome awaits you at the marina. After a brief verification and safety overview, step aboard your chosen vessel to commence an unforgettable  yacht rental experience in Dubai .

Sail and Revel

The sea is yours to explore. Indulge in the freedom of the open waters, host a distinguished event, or bask in tranquility aboard our  rent yacht dubai . Every moment is crafted to be memorable.

Returning with Memories  

As your journey concludes, simply return the yacht to us. We handle the details, allowing you to disembark with ease, carrying with you the memories of a lifetime.

Post-Rental Assurance  

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond your rental period. We conduct a thorough inspection to ensure the yacht's impeccable condition, guaranteeing the best experiences for every client.

Embark on your maritime adventure today with  Book.Boats , where your dream  yacht rental Dubai  is just over the horizon. 

  • Chartering a boat

What variety of yacht rental packages do you offer in Dubai?

We offer a suite of yacht rental options perfect for any occasion:

Day Charter : Ideal for a luxurious day out or an unforgettable yacht party in Dubai , typically lasting 8 hours.

Overnight Charter : Spend a starlit night aboard our plush yachts for a unique experience.

Weekly Charter : For a comprehensive sailing vacation, enjoy a full week on the seas.

Corporate Charter : Our yachts are the perfect setting for corporate gatherings, offering a blend of leisure and elegance.

Special Event Charter : Tailor-made for celebrations like weddings or birthdays, set against the stunning backdrop of Dubai’s skyline.

Fishing Charter : Designed for the fishing aficionado, explore the finest fishing spots in Dubai.

Luxury Charter : The ultimate in luxury and service, complete with gourmet cuisine and bespoke amenities.

How are the costs determined for renting a yacht in Dubai?

The cost of a yacht rentals Dubai is based on the yacht's type and size, rental duration, and included amenities. Prices start at 900AED per hour, with a range that accommodates various preferences and requirements.

Can you tell me about the types of yachts available for rent?

Our fleet includes everything from sleek motor yachts to majestic sailing yachts and roomy catamarans, suitable for anything from a leisurely boat ride to an opulent yacht tour .

What amenities are included in a yacht rental package?

Each yacht comes staffed with a professional crew, including a captain and support staff, to ensure a smooth experience. For those seeking extra luxury, services like a personal chef and bartender are available upon request.

Is it permissible to bring our own food and drinks onboard?

Guests are welcome to bring personal refreshments aboard. However, certain services related to food and beverage may have additional charges.

Are there any navigation restrictions during the yacht tour Dubai?

Guests can enjoy the freedom to explore Dubai's waters within the bounds of UAE maritime regulations, with our captains providing expert guidance.

Can we organize events or parties on the yacht?

Certainly, our yachts offer an exceptional setting for events and yacht parties Dubai . From birthday celebrations to exclusive soirées, we cater to all types of events.

What should we know about the cancellation policy?

Our cancellation policy is detailed in the rental agreement, and we advise all our clients to review it thoroughly. For specific queries, please contact us directly.

How can I book a yacht for rent in Dubai?

To book, simply explore our fleet, select your ideal yacht, and get in touch to confirm your reservation. Our booking process is user-friendly, available online, via email, or by phone.

For The Ultimate Escape in Dubai

Leave behind all the worries of your daily life and go on a luxurious yacht vacation in Dubai Marina. Enjoy some fun water sports activities and great food. Create unforgettable memories on a yacht in Dubai with your friends or family.

For You, The Best Amenities in Dubai

Indulge in opulence aboard our luxury party yachts. Hop on our luxury rental boats, perfect for your private events and touring in Dubai. Book now and elevate your yacht tour in Dubai to an unparalleled level of luxury.

For Your Corporate Events in Dubai

Elevate your private corporate events and celebrations in Dubai to a new level of sophistication. Book a private superyacht and go on a yacht tour. Host unforgettable events on our rental yachts, where the serene waters of Dubai Marina provide the perfect backdrop for business or pleasure.

For Your Family Vacation in Dubai

Create great memories on our sightseeing yacht charter. Cruise with family and friends on our private yachts. Book our rental yacht, host an event, and enjoy a great dinner on a yacht tour in Dubai and cruise the Dubai coastline. Your perfect luxury getaway rental tour in Dubai Marina awaits.

Why choose D3 Yachts in Dubai Marina?

D3 Yachts rental in Dubai Marina specialises in curating the perfect atmosphere tailored to your rental yacht or boat events. Our paramount focus is on understanding and delivering precisely what our clients envision while they book a yacht and embark on their offshore journey in Dubai. Whether you seek relaxed yacht sightseeing and dinner or a sophisticated and elegant rental tour package in Dubai with some partying, we possess the expertise to transform your luxury rental yacht charter tour experience into an event that's truly remarkable. As you book a luxury private rental yacht tour with us in Dubai, it is not only enjoyable but also delectable. We take pride in serving top-tier cuisine and the best beverages on our dinner cruise, ensuring your palate is delighted with every bite and sip. Choose from our premium range of thrilling rental water sports activities in Dubai during the tour—sunbath on the deck or go fishing—all customised to your Dubai rental yacht tour preferences. Worried about affordability? Rest assured, our yacht rental pricing remains exceedingly reasonable, making your yacht party cruise package with D3 Yachts in Dubai Marina an even more enticing proposition. Book your rental yacht tour in Dubai today.


Book your luxury private yacht for rent in Dubai

Planning to take a tour of Dubai on a private luxury super yacht? We got everything from boats to luxury superyachts that you can book and have a rental ride or conduct an event and have a dinner with loved ones. A yacht tour in Dubai Marina is something marvellous that should be on your travel bucket list if you're a travel enthusiast. Once in a lifetime, feel the salty sea breeze of Dubai and sunshine while on deck of our rental yachts and party like never before on your tour. Let the waves carry you to the horizons of Dubai that you have dreamed of discovering on a boat tour. If you are lucky enough, you will be able to see the most exciting sight from our yachts—dolphins coming to the surface of the water. If you think that this is what you have been longing to experience, then book a luxurious premium party superyacht package from D3 Yachts and enjoy the best rental trip of your lifetime in Dubai.

location yacht dubai journee

Capacity : 58 Guests

Length : 95 Ft

No of Crews : 5

Availability: 7 days a week

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location yacht dubai journee

Capacity : 23 Guests

Length : 68 Ft

No of Crews : 3

location yacht dubai journee

Capacity : 22 Guests

Length : 62 Ft

No of Crews : 2

location yacht dubai journee

Capacity : 33 Guests

Length : 82 Ft

No of Crews : 4

location yacht dubai journee

Capacity : 25 Guests

Length : 58 Ft

location yacht dubai journee

Capacity : 15 Guests

Length : 55 Ft

location yacht dubai journee

Capacity : 12 Guests

Length : 52 Ft

location yacht dubai journee

Capacity : 10 Guests

Length : 35 Ft

No of Crews : 1

location yacht dubai journee

Length : 33 Ft

location yacht dubai journee

Length : 42 Ft

Premium Collections of Luxury Yacht Charters in Dubai Marina

Embark on an extraordinary journey with us in Dubai that knows no bounds. Our premium luxury rental yacht charters in Dubai Marina redefine relaxation and adventure, making every moment at sea an unforgettable escape with a fine dinner to wind up your yacht tour in Dubai. Book a rental yacht and feel the tranquillity on the decks of a private superyacht charter during the Dubai sunset. Enjoy the tour and a delicious dinner on our yachts in Dubai. As you book and charter one of our premium rental yachts, you'll have the opportunity to go sightseeing at a range of stunning locations in Dubai, all while relishing in the unparalleled comfort and luxury of a private yacht cruise experience on board. On the decks of our private superyachts you charter in Dubai, you can have a full-on party, an event, or just watch the sunset and have a fine dinner. Hurry and book a yacht in Dubai today! Our dedicated crew will take the time to understand your needs, expertly guiding you through the superyacht or boat selection and booking process. You'll be taken on a tour of the perfect sunset spots in Dubai, and you can party, have an event—let it be a birthday event or corporate event—or relax and have dinner. We're here to help you make the best choice, ensuring your Dubai yacht rental experience is nothing short of exceptional. So, when are you planning to book your private yacht in Dubai?


Capacity :58 PAX

Feet : 95 ft.


Capacity :23 PAX

Feet : 68 ft.


Capacity :22 PAX

Feet : 62 ft.


Capacity :33 PAX

Feet : 82 ft.


Capacity : 12 PAX


Capacity : 130 PAX


Capacity : 15 PAX


What's new with yacht charter packages in Dubai?

At D3 Yachts, we make a luxury private yacht charter an experience of a lifetime with great dinner and touring moments on a rental yacht in Dubai. Brimming with opulence, an exceptional crew, and premium amenities for any yacht tour events, you have everything you need for an adventure as you book our superyacht tour packages in Dubai. A luxury yacht charter from an experienced yacht rental agency in Dubai comes with an exclusive package that includes a gourmet menu including a dinner, luxurious interiors and sleeping quarters, and modern entertainment systems, perfect for your boat party and events. So what are the latest facilities that are going to sweep you off on a luxury party yacht hire in Dubai? Book your rental boat ride in Dubai today.

Dedicated Rental Yacht Crew

Because crew matters! When you book a rental yacht package with us in Dubai Marina, you have everything from the captain, chefs, and stewards to water sports facilitators. You will have a dedicated crew to take care of you while you relax and enjoy yourself effortlessly on board our boat. You can talk to our experts at D3 Yachts in Dubai Marina to choose the right crew, a delicious dinner, and the best rental superyacht package to book that is fit for your yacht tour and events.


Customised Menu on the Rental Yacht

Taste the best dinner on our rental boat tour in Dubai. As you book a private superyacht from us in Dubai, we provide impeccable service and have superior standards in every facility that we provide to our customers on our yacht rental service, especially with the dinner. You can dine al fresco or in private, and our chefs will prepare a personalised menu with fresh and flavorful food on our boats. Just make sure to communicate what customizations are possible on each tour package. Book now and enjoy the exquisite cuisine on your yacht tour in Dubai.


Add more fun with water sports in Dubai

When you book a yacht in Dubai from D3 Yachts, you are booking for more than just a yacht cruising experience. From fishing to jet skiing, we have a wide range of water toys to add fun to your cruise package and charters in Dubai Marina. You can enjoy water sports or fishing based on your preference with our yacht rental service in Dubai Marina. Our team will help you choose the right rental boat if you're looking for some watersport adventure in Dubai. You can also specify these preferences while booking your yacht in Dubai from us.


Luxury at its best in Dubai

Craving for a dream yacht getaway away from the Dubai crowd? Charter a private rental yacht in Dubai and have a party or event. We have everything on board to make it come true. Dinner on the yacht during your Dubai tour? We serve great dinners on our rental yacht tours. Book your Dubai yacht rental tour today. Whether it is a boat party with your friends or colleagues or a family holiday tour, yachts offer an exclusive and premium experience. Our yachts offer luxury at its best. Want to customise your luxury yacht charter package? You name it, and at our yacht rental service in Dubai, we have it all on our boats to make it an amazing private tour for you. Book your luxury yacht ride today.


The Ultimate Yachting Experience in Dubai Marina with the Best Yacht Hire

You need the right yacht and the best crew to create the complete premium yacht cruise experience. An experienced yacht rental agency like D3 Yachts in Dubai Marina will help you find the best yacht, package, and crew for your luxury yacht ride in Dubai. If you are hiring a corporate yacht charter service, you will need staterooms, boardrooms, a great crew, a fine dinner, and other special facilities during the superyacht cruise in Dubai. Whether you are booking a private yachting experience to get away from the busy world and enjoy the soothing sea on your boat tour or you want to build a brand presence by connecting with your clients or launching a product, you need best-in-class service with luxurious amenities on board. D3 Yachts has an experienced crew to give you premium service, while our rental yachts are equipped with the best modern amenities crafted in style and luxury for your rental yacht tour experience in Dubai. From waking up in the morning to a blue sea to enjoying the taste of adventure with jet skiing or even diving if you want, fishing, and getting a premium experience with Jacuzzis or sunbathes, indulge in the pleasures of a luxury yacht hire package with a fine crew to craft a special experience while on deck. With the right yacht charter, you can get value for your fee and leave with a lot of great memories made in Dubai. Go sightseeing in Dubai's favourite locations, from Dubai to the Atlantis, and cruise while enjoying the stellar city. Relax and sunbathe on the yacht deck, loosening up your mind and body. Have discos or private dances under the stars and fall in love with your exclusive superyacht experience while enjoying flavorful meals on board cooked just for you. Yacht rental services are not just about being on luxury vessels; they are tailor-made cruise experiences to take home for everyone. Book your yacht private cruise experience in Dubai with D3 Yachts.

Thinking of booking a rental yacht tour in Dubai?

Where do you want to go today for an exclusive yachting experience in Dubai Marina? Chartering or booking a superyacht cruise or boat tour can feel a little tricky, even if you are familiar with the process. How do you choose the right rental yacht or boat and the right crew? Do you need support in choosing the best rental cruise yacht for your special occasion or a party? Which is the best location to choose for yacht docking, and which is the best route for yacht cruising? This is why we have an exclusive, dedicated yacht and boat booking in Dubai from D3 Yachts rental. Our crew is ready to help you create your ultimate yachting experience on our superyachts in Dubai. If you need a yacht rental service for a birthday party or a corporate product launch, we can help you plan in minute detail, and our staff will take care of all arrangements in the tour package, from food to the floor. Our rental yachts and boats are equipped with the best music systems, opulent designs, and lighting that adds a tinge of grandeur to your occasion, and our dedicated staff will make sure that everything is done right to make your special occasion on the yacht memorable. Our team of professionals is committed to excellence and will provide you with options, knowledge, and best-in-class service at all points of your boat cruise. We pay attention to detail, and our dedicated yacht management team ensures that you have all the resources you require. With a crew who will ensure that your every need is met and a premium service, you are in for an experience of a lifetime with our much-loved, dedicated premium luxury yacht booking company.

Entertainment on a Super Yacht in Dubai

Our range of featured premium yachts and boats for booking offers different levels of service for you on your super yacht charter. With a luxury yacht, you get decadent services with ultra-premium amenities and a great crew. These superyachts for charter are equipped with the latest technology and have smart amenities on board. From staterooms to luxury cabins with bedding that hug you to sleep to comfort and cuisine, our yacht rental agency provides various luxury yacht rental services to make your day special, along with state-of-the-art entertainment systems perfect for partying. Book your private party yacht package and keep your toes moving to the beats on our boats. Our luxury yacht rental and charter service also includes water sports and fishing, which you can enjoy with assistance from our trained crew. You can bring in your own fishing gear or ask in advance if the fishing gear will be available on the boat. If fishing is your main aim, you can book a boat that's most suitable for fishing. Explore more with a luxury super yacht cruise and enjoy the peaceful waves along with your favourite hotspots in Dubai. Dock or cruise, our luxury yacht rentals come with exceptional crew, unlimited entertainment options, and customizable features. So, how about a boat or superyacht cruise? Book your dream luxury private yacht charter today.

Testimonials and Feedback


Ramzi Semaan

Each year and for the past 3 years, we have rented a yacht from D3 to celebrate a friend's birthday. We have never been disappointed. The prices are affordable and the crew has always been extremely friendly. Will surely rent from them again next year.


Preethy Kappen

Absolutely amazing ride, clean and tasty food, and welcoming staff. This is my second time with D3 and if I refer this will be it.


Simon Pandi

Hi, D3 Yachts is a really good experience and the people on board are very good at assisting and they provided good hospitality to us.


I threw my fiancé a surprise birthday boat party using D3 Yachts and they were absolutely fantastic! Great value for money and customer service was exceptional from start to finish. They even decorated the boat beforehand for me. Everyone mentioned how great the guys on board were. Thank you!! We will definitely be back in the future.


Entertainment on a Premier Yacht

Our range of featured yachts offers different levels of service for you on your yacht charter. With a yacht, you get decadent services with ultra-premium amenities. These yachts are equipped with the latest technology and have smart amenities. From staterooms to luxury cabins with bedding that hug you to sleep to comfort and cuisine, our yacht rental agency provides various services to make your day special, along with state-of-the-art entertainment systems. Our luxury yacht rental service also includes water sports and fishing, which you can enjoy with assistance from our trained staff. Explore more with a luxury yacht cruise and enjoy the peaceful waves and seas along with your favourite hotspots in Dubai. Dock or cruise, our luxury yacht rentals come with unlimited entertainment options and customizable features.

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Candle Light Dinner


Intercontinental Delicacies


Birthday Party


Honey Moon Package

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Yacht Rental in Dubai

Travel The Way You Want It





  Enjoy a luxury Yacht experience in Dubai  

Hiring a boat is a brilliant way to explore the beauty of Dubai. Renting a boat in Dubai, or a yacht in Dubai can enable you to enjoy and mesmerise yourself with several different activities. Everyone knows about the eye-catching yachts, boats, and cruises floating on Dubai Marina, but many people miss the activities according to their taste just because they didn’t know about it.

Enjoy a luxury motor yacht and enjoy a romantic sunset trip in Dubai Marina, or celebrate the ultimate wedding anniversary onboard.

location yacht dubai journee

A Fascinating Experience

Ziyana Yachts operates one of Dubai's premier yacht hire experiences; the ultimate indulgence for those that relish life’s finer luxuries and seek to make an expression of their signature style and panache.

Our luxury yachts offer the perfect platform to impress clients, friends or that special someone in unique and memorable settings.

Take in the spectacular backdrop of Dubai's famous monuments and the exhilarating atmosphere of the Marina as you relax in the indulgent interiors of our yacht and delight in a bespoke hospitality experience provided by our onboard service team.

  Our Yachts in Dubai Marina  

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing afternoon or planning a fun-filled celebration with friends, getting on the water in Dubai is the perfect way to get away from the everyday. And with Ziyana Yachts, booking a boat experience is easier than ever.

location yacht dubai journee

What People Say About Us 


Great Experience!! Can't wait to go again. I will definitely come back. The service is extremely professional. I was never discombobulated while going at high speeds, never felt sea sick. I recommended this yacht to my grandma, we'll spend her remaining 10 days on it. Thank You Ziyana Yachts!!!

Nay Lin Aung

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Select Yacht & Capacity

Select Date & Time

Fill Details & Book

Booking Confirmed

Black Background

The Images show what a generic yacht trip of 1, 2, 3 and more hours would entail. 

ZY Route Map 3-4 Hrs

This map illustrates the route that our boats take during a 3 hour or longer trip.

ZY Route map 2 Hrs

This map illustrates the route that our boats take during a 2 hour trip.

ZY Route map 1 Hrs

This map illustrates the route that our boats take during a 1 hour trip.

Burlington Tower - Marasi Dr - Business Bay - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

+971 50 712 2707

+971 58 614 6007

[email protected]


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Follow Us @ziyanayachts

Our Yachts in Dubai have been registered according to the UAE regulations and checked by the Municipality department. Our Captains & Crews have extensive knowledge of the local cruising area, allowing you to capture all the best sight’s along Dubai’s famous waters.

Depending on the number of people onboard, for either a private or corporate Charter, Ziyana Yachts will arrange for additional crew members to meet your special requirements where needed. 

Ziyana Yachts operate from the heart of Dubai Marina.  With multiple offices located in the Dubai Marina & JBR which allows us to deliver a second to none service experience. We are able to assist you every step of the way to provide you a life time experience. 

Ziyana Yachts is located just behind the Dubai Marina Mall. The Marina is served by the main Marina ring road, which can be reached by either the new SZR Interchange 5A or 5.


For Booking Call Us Now !

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Elite Luxury Yacht Rental In Dubai

Elite Pearl Charter-Elite 16 Yacht

Elite 16 Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Majesty 56Ft Yacht

Majesty 56 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Azimut 50Ft Yacht

Azimut 50 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Majesty 48 Yacht

Majesty 48 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Majesty 44Ft Yacht

Majesty 44 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Oryx 36Ft Yacht

Oryx 36 Ft Yachts

The magic of new year's in dubai, elite super yacht rental in dubai.

Elite Pearl Charter-Sensation 164Ft Yacht

  • 164"ft

Sensation 164 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Sunseeker 130Ft Yacht

  • 130"ft

Sunseeker 130 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Majesty 121Ft Yacht

  • 121"ft

Majesty 121 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Majesty 101Ft Yacht

  • 101"ft

Majesty 101 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Majesty 88Ft Yacht

Majesty 88 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Majesty 75Ft Yacht

Majesty 75 Ft Yachts

Elite Pearl Charter-Yacht Party Dubai

Book Yacht Party

Deal of the week - Yacht rental Dubai

Deal of coming Weekend

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Why you should choose

Elite yacht rental in dubai .

Elite Pearl Yachts Charter is your one-stop solution for booking a yacht rental in Dubai.

Established over 10 years ago, we have top-of-the-line luxury vessels for any of your charter needs.

Our knowledgeable and professional staff provide unbeatable customer service and make it easy to book elite yacht rental Dubai without any hassle.

Whether you’re looking for day trips, fishing excursions, barbecues with friends, romantic cruises or corporate events and company retreats – we’ve got you covered.

With the best prices around, our fleet is sure to meet your budget and expectations.

Book today to experience the luxury yacht charter in Dubai!

Dubai is well known for its elite yacht culture.

If you’re looking to rent a yacht in Dubai, there’s no better company than ours.

We offer the best deals and the most luxurious yachts in the city.

Whether you’re looking for a corporate event or just a day out on the water with your friends, we can accommodate you.

Come see us today and let us help you book the perfect yacht charter!

Yacht rental Dubai-Elite Pearl Charter

Elite Pearl Charter - No.1 Yacht Rental Company in Dubai

We are providing Luxury Yachts and Love Boats rental service in Dubai Marina. Our Main passion is to do memorable your every moments.

We respect your times. Book your cruise in easily with most comfortable price.

  • Operated By Experts Crew Members
  • Elite Luxury Boats & Yachts
  • 100 % Quality Service Guaranteed

What We Offer

Elite Pearl Yachts Charter is a Dubai-based full-service yacht rental company that specializes in providing luxurious yachting experiences and unforgettable memories.

Our highly experienced team of professional staff is here to make sure that your time aboard our illustrious fleet of vessels is enjoyable and smooth sailing.

With more than 10 years of experience in the yachting industry, we offer an extensive range of services and features to suit every need.

From private charters for special occasions or corporate events, to luxury cruising trips and beach days, our staff will go above and beyond to ensure you get the most out of your time on the water.

After all, we proudly offer a variety of boats available for charter, ranging from small day cruisers to large luxury super yachts, tailored to the individual needs and preferences of our clients.

Our elite fleet includes renowned brands such as Azimut, Majesty, Oryx, Silver Craft, Gulf Craft Yacht Charters.

All boats are maintained immaculately by our experienced crew and come fully equipped with all the necessary amenities for a perfect day out at sea.

We also provide catering services upon request for an extra fee.

Accordingly, When it comes to safety at sea, Elite Pearl Yachts Charter takes great pride in setting strict standards for their customers’ well-being that comply with local regulations as well as international maritime laws.

All vessels are fitted with modern navigation equipment so guests can enjoy stress free cruising during their trip with us.

OUR services

Super yacht rental, private yacht rental, shared yacht rental, fishing yacht rental, party yacht rental, water sports, yachts catering service, jet-ski rental, luxury car rental, to get latest offer drop your email, key facts of yacht rental in dubai.

Our experienced captains have thorough knowledge of the waters around Dubai and its surrounding islands, ensuring safe passage during your journey.

Additionally all boat operators receive training according to safety regulation standards set forth by the local maritime authority before they are allowed onboard any vessel chartered through Elite Pearl Yacht Charters.

In addition to exceptional service on board our vessels, Elite Pearl Yachts Charter also provides event planning services should you wish to host a special occasion or corporate event aboard one of our ships.

Our experienced event planners can assist you with every aspect from decor selection through to catering options in order to ensure a memorable occasion that goes off without a hitch!

With us you don’t just rent boats; rather it’s an entire experience tailored specifically towards you that lives up to its promise!

Private Luxury Yacht

Elite Pearl Yachts aims to bring you the best cruising experience. We are determined to redefine pure luxury and enjoyment.

Yacht rental Dubai for corporate meeting

Yacht party in Dubai

Book a luxury yacht for your special day. We are providing all kinds of parties like Birthday party, Wedding party, corporate party.

Yachts Catering Service-yacht rental dubai

Yacht Catering Services

Our chefs are fully prepared for a diverse range of cuisine styles, a variety of party sizes, occasions, and all food you want us to prepare.

Elite Pearl Charter-Range Rover

Make Your Dubai Trips with A Luxury Car. We provide luxury car rentals in Dubai with comfortable price. So let's start your journey !

Our Customer Says

Read our latest news.

Dubai yacht experience guide

Setting Sail: The Ultimate Dubai Yacht Experience Guide

Table of Content Dubai, the glittering gem of the United Arab Emirates, is renowned for its opulence, world-class attractions, and unforgettable experiences. Amidst the towering skyscrapers, pristine beaches, and the allure of the Arabian Desert, there’s another captivating world waiting to be explored—the world of Dubai yacht experiences. In this comprehensive guide, we invite you […]

Corporate Meeting In Yacht-Elite Pearl Charter

Yacht Corporate Events: For Team Building And Networking

Table of Content There’s a certain allure to the open sea that awakens the spirit of adventure within us all. A luxurious yacht gently cutting through the pristine waters, a warm breeze carrying the laughter of colleagues, and the setting sun casting a golden glow over your team. By yacht corporate events, team building and […]

Elite Pearl Charter-Top yacht celebration

Top Fourteen Events-Celebrate On A Yacht In Dubai

If you’re looking for a unique way to celebrate your special occasion in Dubai, why not consider celebrating it on a luxury yacht charter? You can celebrate many events aboard a yacht, from birthdays and anniversaries to corporate functions and weddings. Here, we present our top fourteen event picks for celebrating on a yacht in […]

Elite pearl charter -Book Private Yacht Banner

Basic tips to choose perfect yachts

  • Concentrate on Price
  • Concentrate on Capacity
  • Concentrate on Amenities
  • Concentrate on service inclusions

How to Choose the Perfect Yacht

Dubai, with its stunning coastline and azure waters, offers an unparalleled opportunity to embark on a luxurious yachting adventure.

However, with a plethora of options available for yacht rental in Dubai, it can be overwhelming to find the ideal vessel for your dream voyage. To ensure a memorable experience, it’s crucial to concentrate on four key aspects: Price, Capacity, Amenities, and Service Inclusions.

1. Concentrate on Price:

When looking for the perfect yacht rental in Dubai, it’s essential to set a budget that aligns with your expectations. Yachts come in various sizes and with different features, resulting in varying rental costs. Determine the amount you are willing to spend and explore options that offer the best value for your money. While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest deal, remember that quality often comes with a higher price tag. Prioritize reputable yacht charter companies that offer transparent pricing and excellent customer reviews.

2. Concentrate on Capacity:

Consider the number of guests you intend to bring along on your yachting escapade. Yachts in Dubai come in different sizes, accommodating various passenger capacities. It’s crucial to choose a vessel that comfortably accommodates your group, ensuring everyone enjoys ample space and a sense of luxury. Whether you’re planning a private family gathering or a lively party with friends, selecting the right capacity is vital for a seamless and enjoyable experience.

3. Concentrate on Amenities:

The amenities offered by a yacht can significantly enhance your onboard experience. From lavish lounges, fully-equipped kitchens, and spacious decks to state-of-the-art entertainment systems and water toys, the range of amenities can vary widely. Take note of the amenities that matter most to you and your group. For a leisurely day under the sun, you might prioritize a spacious sun deck and water sports equipment. Alternatively, for an opulent dining experience, a yacht with a well-appointed galley and elegant dining area would be ideal.

4. Concentrate on Service Inclusions:

The level of service provided by the yacht charter company can make a significant difference in your overall enjoyment. Look for yacht rentals in Dubai that offer professional and attentive crews to cater to your needs. Experienced captains and crew members can enhance your safety and ensure a smooth journey. Additionally, inquire about the services included in the rental package, such as fuel, food, beverages, and water activities. Transparent communication about inclusions will help you avoid unexpected costs during your voyage.

Choosing the perfect yacht rental in Dubai involves careful consideration of Price, Capacity, Amenities, and Service Inclusions . By defining your budget, knowing the number of guests, prioritizing desired amenities, and ensuring excellent service, you can create an unforgettable yachting experience along Dubai’s captivating coastline. Remember, the right yacht will provide you with cherished memories that will last a lifetime, making your journey on the waters of Dubai truly extraordinary.

5. Beware of budget

Embarking on the journey to find the perfect yacht to cater to your unique needs can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience.

With a myriad of options to consider, it is essential to assess your priorities and preferences beforehand to streamline your search.

Start by identifying your primary purpose for renting a yacht; whether it is for recreational trips, lavish events, or long expeditions.

This will significantly influence the size, model, and features you seek.

Furthermore, examine your budget and how many guests you have for the yacht cruising. Depending on your purpose of yacht renting, consider other important factors such as service quality, amenities, and safety standards of the chosen yacht.

It may also be helpful to consult with professionals in the area who can provide further guidance on the best rental choice available.

Finally, look into different packages offered by companies in Dubai to find one that covers all your needs while fitting within your budget.

With careful research and consideration, you will be able to secure a luxurious sailing experience tailored exclusively for you!

Yacht rental in Dubai is a unique opportunity to make lasting memories while exploring this fascinating city from an entirely new perspective.

If you are looking for an unforgettable adventure that promises exceptional luxury and relaxation, then consider booking a private yacht today!

Commonly Asked Questions

The average cost of yacht rental Dubai ranges from AED 350 to AED 20,000 per hour. The exact price will depend on the size and amenities of the yacht, as well as the seasonality of the rental.

The price of yacht rental typically includes the cost of fuel and captains and crew costs. Elite Pearl Yachts Charter also offers unlimited soft drinks, mineral waters, sound systems and limited ice.

There are a variety of yacht sizes available for rent in Dubai, ranging from a small yacht that can accommodate up to 10 people to large ships that can hold up to 100 guests. The size of the yacht you rent will depend on your budget and the number of people you plan on having onboard.

No, you do not need a license to rent a yacht in Dubai. Additionally, most companies will require that you sign a waiver indicating that you are aware of and accept responsibility for any risks associated with the yacht tour.

No, you don’t need insurance to rent a yacht in Dubai. But you must have a valid Emirates ID, Passport Or Driving License.

There are no age restrictions for renting a yacht in Dubai. However, Be sure to check with your chosen rental company for their specific age requirements before making a reservation.

No. All yacht rental companies in Dubai will provide you with experienced captains and crew members.

Dubai, known for its luxurious and opulent lifestyle, offers a unique and thrilling way to experience its breathtaking skyline views and crystal blue waters – yacht rentals.

Those interested in renting a yacht in the city need to be aware of certain requirements to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

First and foremost, potential renters must provide a valid identification document such as a passport or Emirates ID. Renters should also be mindful of the weather conditions, as rental companies might impose restrictions due to safety concerns during unfavorable weather.

Furthermore, understanding local maritime regulations and obtaining necessary permits, if applicable, will ensure a hassle-free sailing experience. To seal the deal, getting acquainted with the rental costs and payment options, as well as policies on cancellations and reschedules, will keep you well-prepared for this extraordinary adventure in the heart of Dubai.

Renting a yacht in Dubai can be an exhilarating and memorable experience for tourists and residents alike; however, there are a few risks to be aware of when embarking on this luxury adventure. The first risk to consider is safety, as incidents can occur when navigating the waters.

Ensuring that the yacht is equipped with appropriate safety equipment and is piloted by an experienced captain is of the utmost importance.

Lastly, keep in mind that the legal requirements for yacht rentals in Dubai may differ from those in other countries. Familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations to prevent any potential legal repercussions. By staying informed and cautious, one can mitigate these risks and thoroughly enjoy the luxurious yachting experience that Dubai has to offer.

Are The Reputable Companies Offering Dubai Yachts For Rent ?

Yes absolutely ! A lot of companies are offering yacht rental service in Dubai. Just you need to sort out the best one! We are also reputable yacht rental company in Dubai.

Experience luxury and opulence like never before with Dubai yachts for rent . Indulge in the extravagance of cruising along the glistening waters of the Arabian Gulf on board your private yacht. With a myriad of options to choose from, you can select the perfect vessel that suits your style and group size. Whether you’re looking to host a lavish party against the backdrop of Dubai’s iconic skyline, enjoy a romantic sunset sail with your loved one, or simply bask in the sun in absolute serenity, renting a yacht in Dubai offers an unforgettable escape. Immerse yourself in the lap of luxury, where personalized service, breathtaking views, and the sheer thrill of navigating through the azure waters merge to create an unparalleled maritime experience.

Accordingly – everything you need to know about yacht rental in Dubai.

From the multitude of benefits, this experience offers to essential safety tips and recommended places to explore, it’s clear why many people are choosing  to rent a yacht while they’re in Dubai.

So why not get out on the waters and enjoy a unique view of ‘the City of Gold’?

With Elite Pearl Yachts Charter’s amazing services, guaranteed safety measures, friendly crew members and numerous guided cruise options taking a luxury yacht tour in Dubai is close to perfection. Don’t wait any longer and choose Elite Pearl Yachts Charter today for an unforgettable adventure!

Satisfied Clients

Luxurious boats, experiented crew, premium facilities.





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Elite Pearl Charter

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  • Super yacht -
  • Yacht Packages

+971 58 651 3796

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Sail serene.

Italian Quality Service

Yacht Rental & Dinner Cruise in Dubai Marina

Discover our handpicked collection of luxury yacht dinner cruises or plan your yacht birthday party in Dubai on board one of our exclusive yachts equipped with Jacuzzi, state-of-the art sound systems, and curated menus. We are among the finest private yacht rental companies in Dubai for couples. With unparalleled expertise and knowledge of the yacht charter industry, our team can help you pick the best yacht for a romantic gateway and arrange every last detail, from flowers to champagne, a butler and more. We are here to look after you from the moment you book with us to the moment you leave.



Clean and spacious yachts, yacht rental with dinner.

Our location is easy to reach and close to all the restaurants, bars and shops in Dubai Marina Mall. Hotel pick up and drop off is available at convenient rates.  

We have designed the layout of all our yachts with three things in mind: space, comfort and cleanliness. Indoor areas are all airconditioned and spacious sky decks give you plenty of room to spread out and relax or party.

You can charter a yacht by the hour and bring your own food and drinks or experience our world class services and hospitality by choosing our carefully curated dining arrangements with gourmet dishes and beverage packages . Total flexibility allows you to rent a yacht in Dubai at the best price.

Luxury Yacht Cruises in Dubai

Boat hire with captain | megayachts | dinner cruises.


AED 690 – AED 5,900 per hour 12 – 27 meter yachts


AED 5,990 – AED 14,990 per hour

47 – 73 meter yachts



AED 199 – AED 499 per person

47 – 73 meter megayachts

sail-serene-luxury-dhow cruise-dubai-marina.jpg


AED 3,900 – AED 6,900 per hour

27 – 47 meter cultural boats

Sail Serene YAcht Tours.jpg


Bluewaters Island - Atlantis - Burj al Arab - Palm Jumeirah - Sheik Island - Dubai Canal



$ 4,800 – $ 6,500 per hour 9 passengers 



With bespoke trips tailored to our guests’ desires, our luxury charter fleet offers the most diverse and exclusive cruises in Dubai.  We know that no two trips are the same, so we design engaging yacht experiences that are uniquely yours and catered to your passions and interests. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality service and will arrange every last detail with precision and confidence. Discover our handpicked collections of the finest yachts in Dubai.



Get Inspired

Inspiring free spirits and lifestyle travelers in their journey of discovering Dubai. Because a destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. These articles are written to expand your prospective, inform you, excite you and create incredible travel experiences in Dubai and on board our luxury yachts. It’s easy to connect with our advisors who can change your vacations for the better. Ask us when to visit Dubai, or how much it costs to rent a boat for the new year’s celebration.  If you’re looking for a travel experience that goes above and beyond an average yacht charter in Dubai, these are just a few of the most intriguing topics to spark your spirit of discovery. 


Best Bikini Boutiques in Dubai

Don't rent a yacht in dubai marina before you read this, the best advice you could ever get about yacht rental for couples.


Dubai's Best Whiskey & Cigar Bars

A step-by-step guide to yacht photography, travel guide - palm jumeirah’s hotels seen from the sea.


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  • How much is to rent a yacht in Dubai? Yacht rentals in Dubai have different prices, depending on the type of yacht you select and the add-ons you chose. A luxury yacht which is not older than 2 years or which has been refitted recently will cost more than an older and seasoned yacht. In general, these are the things to consider when renting a yacht for a day: 1. Yacht rental in Dubai with dinner. You can go for a small yacht rental in Dubai with alcohol and food or even a yacht rental in Dubai vegetarian with alcohol, but it might not be a cheap yacht rental. Most small yachts outsource food and beverages to restaurants and catering services, and simply transfer the price to you, the client. We prepare food and catering services with our own resources, so we are able to offer attractive rates and design the menu to your preference, but for those companies that can't do that you'll have to factor in some additional cost. If you rent a yacht in Dubai, especially for a couple or for two or four guests you would be better off if you brought your own food and alcohol. 2. Yacht rental in Dubai for birthdays Celebrating a birthday on a yacht in Dubai is always a memorable experience because to the fun of the occasion you add the glamour of the surrounding. You can take stunning pictures that will look great on Instagram, sunbathe with your besties, swim or dance and party on the yacht flybridge. Our suggestion is to rent a yacht with a BBQ grill, so you can bring your own food and have it cooked by the crew while you enjoy a chilled drink and listen to your favorite tunes. How much does a yacht party cost in Dubai then? Here is the fun part, shop for a Dubai Marina yacht rental birthday package in Yallabanana, Sum or TripAdvisor. You might find a cheap option there, but if you can’t find what you want, opt for a bareboat charter, but make sure the yacht rental company provides cutleries, cups, basic decorations and has a sound system that you can connect to with Bluetooth so your music will sound great. 3. What is the cheapest yacht rental in Dubai Marina? Unfortunately, there is no fix answer. For many people price is the only factor while deciding which company to go with. Don’t be attracted to extremely cheap rates as you may very well find yourself cruising on a smelly old wreck, facing incomprehensible crew and poor service. Compare the prices of the companies that you screen, and opt for the one that suit all your specifications. Read more on the topics on our article Don’t rent a yacht in Dubai Marina before you read this.
  • Can I pay a yacht rental in Dubai with credit card? Sail Serene Yacht Charter and Boat Rental in Dubai offers easy payment methods. The most common is through internet Gateway. After you have received our confirmation about your luxury yacht rental, we will send you a link by email. When you click on the link you will be directed to a bank payment page showing all the details of the yacht rental and the amount to be paid. You can then enter your credit card details and make the purchase. We take all major national and international credit cards. Alternatively, you can pay cash or through bank transfer. Some of our small yachts do not take credit card payments on board because they do not have the POS terminal. Please ask in advance if you plan to use the credit card on board. Total or partial payment? We require 50% of the total cost to be paid at the time of booking and the rest by cash or through bank transfer or payment gateway (internet link) before we sail. If for some reason you cannot attend, we can postpone the trip to another day of your choice, if not already booked, or we can refund the money according to our cancellation policy.
  • How to rent a yacht in Dubai with Sail Serene? The easiest way is to contact us by WhatsApp, phone, email or by pressing the Booking Enquiry buttons on the website. Once we know your requirement for your luxury yacht rental (i.e., yacht rental for couples, for birthday, yacht party, yacht event, fishing trip in Dubai, etc.) we will give you our best yacht match with the best yacht rental price. If you accept, we will block the yacht for the day and time chosen and arrange for you to make the payment. We require 50% payment at the time of booking and 50% before we depart, either by link (additional 3% processing fees), bank transfer or cash handed directly to the captain. Depending on your requirement we can provide food and beverages but a luxury yacht charter with Sail Serene always includes water, soft drinks and juices. You can bring your own food and alcoholic beverages to consume on board the yacht and we will happily serve the food on elegant serving platers, provide cutleries, cups, napkins, plates, a small quantity of ice and coolers. We require our guests to arrive at the yacht in Dubai Marina or Dubai Harbour 10 minutes before departure. Children up to the age of 12 will be provided with a lifejacket which they will have to wear at all times. Although it is customary to remove the shoes while on board a yacht, rubber soles shoes, rubber sandals and flip flops are allowed. Towels are also available for rent on board for a small fee (AED 25 each).
  • What is there to see and do on board a yacht in Dubai? When you decide to charter a yacht in Dubai Marina, your journey of discovery begins before you even come on board. Dubai Marina offers a multitude of options, from shopping at the Marina Mall to trying the world's first “AI-based robotic cooking” at Robochef in Marina Plaza or walk along the promenade. For sure, when you come on board you will be in the right mode for a fun and enjoyable day out at sea. The captain will give you a safety brief before departure and ask you if you have a particular itinerary in mind. If you don’t, we will offer you some choices and sail the turquoise waters of the Arabian gulf and let you experience the spectacular views of the Dubai Skyline (JBR, Blue Waters Island, Palm Jumeirah, Atlantis, Burj al Arab and Skydive Dubai). Our all-times favorite tour on Yallabanana is called Dubai 2-hour Yacht Tour or on TripAdvisor Dubai Yacht Tour Our policy, as a yacht charter company in Dubai is to always include complementary cold bottled water, soft drinks and juices. You can bring your own food and alcohol to consume on board unless you decide to hire a yacht with the alcohol package included. In that case the cost of hiring the boat will include the alcohol package per person for maximum 4 hours. In fact, we do not offer yacht charter cruises overnight, so if you plan to rent a party yacht for more than 4 hours with the drink package included the price will be slightly higher. What kind of boat hire would you suggest? It depends on two main factors: 1. The number of people you plan to have on board and type. 2. The purpose of your yacht rental in Dubai. Number of People The number of people will most likely determine the size of the boat based on the capacity. The majority of yacht charter companies in Dubai Marina and Dubai Harbour have standard model yachts, which means they were built and intended for family use, so although the length of the boats is high, they might only carry a handful of passengers. It is not unusual to find a 50 ft yacht with the capacity, that is number of passengers allowed on board, of 8 people. You do not want to hire those yachts because the price of the yacht rental will not be cheap and the space to spread out and move around will be limited. Our yachts are all custom-built to accommodate large groups or individuals that do not want to be crammed and squeezed in a corner during their yacht party, family celebration, or chill-out dinner. Purpose of your yacht rental in Dubai If your main purpose is to have thrilled and adrenaline adventures, you might want to go for a speed boat hire. If you are hands on and like to feel like a captain for a day, you might choose to go for a self-drive boat hire in Dubai. If you want to hire these types of boats, we can direct you to yacht charter companies that can provide cheap rental boats, or even jet ski hire, in Dubai Marina or Dubai Creek. If your purpose is to rent a small luxury yacht for family, private parties, or business events, then we are the best yacht rental company in Dubai. No detail is too small or too big, and no matter what your requirements are, we probably have it covered. Get in touch with us and a personal advisor will be able to assist you easily and smoothly 24/7.
  • What do you wear to a dinner cruise in Dubai Marina? If you opt for a sunset dinner cruise at Dubai Marina you have two options: 1. Luxury megayacht 5-star dinner cruise from Dubai Marina Pier 7 2. Luxury dhow cruise from Dubai Marina. These are luxury dinner cruises and the price can vary according to the package you choose, from standard ones with 5-star catered buffet food and soft drinks, to VIP service with reserved seats, premium alcoholic beverages and fast pre-boarding lounge. What to wear on a dinner cruise in Dubai is a question we hear frequently. Although the dress code is pretty flexible, we suggest you dress semi-formally or for the glamorous stars, just “dress to impress”. High hills and trendy dresses are welcome. After all we are in the most glamorous and iconic city of the world! Have a look at our gallery and judge for yourself.
  • Can I play my music on a yacht in Dubai? Yes. You can play your music on small yacht rentals in Dubai. All our yachts are equipped with state-of-the-art sound systems that are either built in or that can be moved around depending on your preferences. If you opt for a party yacht rental, we can provide the music or you can connect your device to our sound system via Bluetooth and play your music on the yacht. We have charging cables for almost every phone so your device battery will never quit on you. Our luxury yachts have 220V power outlets. For mega-yachts private charters in Dubai we allocate space and assistance if you like to bring in your own DJ, otherwise we can provide DJ services for a fee or play music from our playlists. When we are in the open sea, the volume to play your music on the yacht depends on your preferences and comfort. However, when close to Dubai Marina, Dubai Harbour and the Palm we will turn the volume down to a soft level as required by local rules.
  • When is the best time to rent a yacht in Dubai? Really every time is a good time to rent a yacht in Dubai. It all depends on a few factors, and you need to be aware of those before you decide to hire a boat in Dubai. The best months of the year to rent a yacht in Dubai. The best months to rent a yacht with captain in Dubai are the Winter months, usually from September to April. If your vacation or plans will not allow that, can you still rent a yacht in the Summer in Dubai? The answer is absolutely yes BUT you need to make sure that the yacht is air-conditioned; that it has a large flybridge so you can feel the breeze when you are outdoor, and that the yacht has a canopy to provide a shaded area away from the direct sun. The best time of the day to rent a luxury yacht in Dubai Marina. During the winter months you can pick your party yacht rental any time of the day. If you like to rent a yacht for swimming, for Jet Ski riding or to have brunch on the yacht in Dubai, then the morning to late afternoon hours is preferred. If you rent a yacht for couples or a private sunset cruise to see the majestic Dubai skyline, then the early evening is the best time to rent a yacht in Dubai. Shared Dinner cruises in Dubai Marina usually leave around 7.30 pm and return around 10.30 pm. These are shared cruises where you buy a ticket and enjoy 5-star catered buffet food and various drink packages, but you don’t get to choose the timings or the itinerary. Finally, private yacht rental at night or late afternoon are ideal for autumn and summer months. The bonus? You get to be mesmerized by Dubai light shows, fireworks and drone shows in front of Ain Dubai on Blue Waters Island almost every night.


The organization of my wife's birthday party was memorable. Thank you!

Michael - Florida



create your

Luxury - Yacht Rental Dubai


Aquaman Yacht Is Your All-inclusive resource For The Ultimate Yacht Charter Dubai. We Provide A Range Of Services And Yachts Depending On Your Preference And Budget. You Can Organize Everything From Birthday Parties And Weddings To Corporate Events And Family Gatherings.

Get your family or a group of friends

Pick the yacht of your preference, let’s choose your destination, sail, your’re ready to enjoy now, popular boat rentals.

Gulf craft 40ft - Yacht

Gulf craft 38ft - Yacht

Aed- 400/hour, capacity -10 guest.

location yacht dubai journee

Majesty 42ft - Yacht

Aed- 500/hour, capacity -12 guest.

Dominator 64 ft - Yacht

Dominator 60 ft - Yacht

Aed- 650/hour, capacity - 18 guest.

yacht on the water

Blue Arrow - 68 ft

Aed- 700/hour, capacity -25 guest.

70 ft - House Boat

70 ft - House Boat

Aed- 900/hour, capacity -40 guest.

100 ft yacht

100 ft yacht

Aed- 1100/hour, capacity -50 guest.

location yacht dubai journee

Majesty - 52 FT

Aed- 600/hour, capacity - 20 guest.

location yacht dubai journee

Sun Seekar - 48 FT

Aed - 550/ hour, capacity - 15 guest.

location yacht dubai journee

Diamond - 88 Ft Yacht

Aed- 1250/hour, capacity - 60 guest.

Best destinations available online

Hire a Yacht for Rental and Enjoy Luxury experiences.

Let’s live your unique

Decorations Package


Full yacht decor outside & inside (upper and lower deck) including;

1) Ring backdrop with Happy Birthday light or Happy Anniversary Neon light 2) Teddy bear holding cinematic light board with name and msg 3) Main table decor with cake stand 4) Candles (mix of original and LED candles) 5) Balloon garland with Helium balloons with color theme of ur choice


Dubai Marina


Have a look at our

Popular Destinations

Our benefits

Why Choose Us

No hidden fees, maintenance of boats, experienced team, live your unique sailing experience., yacht rental dubai:.

we offer top-tier yacht rental services that cater to your every need. Our fleet of luxury yachts and boats ensures that you have access to the best vessels for your adventure. From intimate gatherings to grand celebrations, our yacht charter Dubai Marina options have you covered.

Luxury Yacht Charter:

Experience Dubai’s iconic skyline and pristine waters in unparalleled luxury. Our luxury yacht charters provide you with the utmost comfort and style. Choose from a variety of yachts and let us tailor your charter experience to your desires.

Book Private Yacht in Dubai:

Your dream yacht is just a click away. Book a private yacht in Dubai through and embark on a journey of opulence. Our straightforward booking process ensures that your yacht rental experience is hassle-free.

Yacht Hire Dubai Marina:

Explore the beauty of Dubai Marina like never before. Yacht hire in Dubai Marina is made effortless with Aquaman.ae. Our prime location in Dubai Marina allows you to access your yacht easily and start your adventure promptly.

Yacht Parties in Dubai:

Elevate your celebrations with our yacht parties in Dubai. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or corporate event, our yacht party options provide the perfect setting for an unforgettable experience.

Small Yacht Rental Dubai:

For more intimate gatherings and outings, consider our small yacht rental options. These cozy vessels offer a more personal experience, making them ideal for romantic getaways or small gatherings with friends and family.

Best Yacht Rental Dubai:

Aquaman.ae is committed to providing the best yacht rental experience in Dubai. Our attention to detail, well-maintained fleet, and exceptional service make us the top choice for those seeking the best boat hire in Dubai.

We provide high-quality services

WhatsApp us


Sky Walker is participating at the upcoming Dubai International Boat Show this February 28 - March 3, 2024, in Dubai Harbour






Need Assistance? Call: +971551824533 or WhatsApp chat

Indulge on a Luxurious Sailing Adventure with DXB Yachts

Turn your sailing experience to new heights of adventure, enjoyment, and luxury with DXB Yachts. By choosing a luxury yacht charter in Dubai, you can also celebrate significant events like birthdays and anniversaries, or for hosting an exclusive yacht party. Invite your family and friends to share in these unforgettable moments and enjoy your quality time amidst the tranquil beauty of the sea.

With DXB Yachts, every voyage is more than just a journey; it’s a celebration of life’s special occasions, set against the breathtaking backdrop of Dubai’s iconic coastline.

Luxury Yachts

Discover the best in luxury with our top-notch yachts. Each one brings you the ultimate in design, comfort, and service, making your journey luxurious, exclusive, and unforgettable on the beautiful, clear waters.

MY Astra 76 ft. 40 Guests

  • AED2,000.00 / Hour.

M/Y Lana 62 ft. 20 Guests

  • AED1,000.00 / Hour.

M/Y UXO 52 ft. 15 Guests

  • AED850.00 / Hour.

Pershing 5x, 8 Guests

Virgo, 95 ft. 65 guests.

  • AED2,200.00 / Hour.

Sunseeker 64 ft, 15 Guests

  • AED1,500.00 / Hour.

Serena 48ft, 20 Guests

Majesty, 88 ft, 40 guests.

  • AED1,900.00 / Hour.

Alise 70 ft, 30 Guests

Enjoy an exceptional yacht tour in dubai.

Looking for great deals on yacht rentals in Dubai? We have exactly what you need. Whether you’re interested in a private outing or a luxury yacht experience, our wide selection caters to every preference. Explore Dubai’s famous landmarks like the Palm Islands, Burj Al Arab, and Dubai Marina with us.

With years of experience in the yacht rental industry, we focus on providing top-quality service to ensure your satisfaction. DXB.YACHTS is your go-to source for reliable yacht rentals in Dubai, offering a range of options from premium to luxury yachts.

Experience the beauty of Dubai from the water, whether you’re soaking up the sun, celebrating a special event, or just enjoying a day out with friends and family. We guarantee a memorable experience with every rental, tailored to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Choose DXB.YACHTS for your next yacht adventure in Dubai, where quality service and unforgettable experiences are our top priorities.

Throw an Amazing Yacht Party in Dubai with DXB Yachts

Why not celebrate your birthday in style? Imagine you and your closest friends laughing and dancing on a yacht, with the beautiful sea all around. It’s the ultimate birthday bash.


Give the bride-to-be a fabulous send-off with a bachelorette party on one of our luxurious yachts. It's all about fun, style, and making memories.

Corporate Events

Take your corporate events to the next level on a yacht. It’s a fantastic way to show appreciation to your team and wow your clients, all while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Romantic dinner

Plan the most romantic dinner for two under the stars on our yacht. It’s intimate, beautiful, and a perfect way to celebrate love.

If you want to host an event that stays forever in your memory and that of your guests, then a perfect choice for you would be a party yacht rental in Dubai.

Ready to ask the big question? A proposal on a yacht is as special and unforgettable as your love.

Our Services


Transform your yacht event with our bespoke decoration services, creating the perfect ambiance for any occasion.

Experience culinary excellence with our gourmet catering service, tailored to satisfy your unique taste and preference.

Photo shooting

Capture your yacht journey's precious moments with our pro photography service, creating lasting memories.

Water Sports In Dubai Marina

Jet ski rental.

Experience the thrill of gliding over waves with our high-performance jet skis, available for rent.

Discover the exhilarating sensation of flying over water with our cutting-edge E-Foil boards.


Defy gravity and soar above the water with our adventurous wakeboarding experience.

Banana Boat

Enjoy a fun-filled ride on our banana boats, perfect for group outings and family fun.

Jet Car Rental

Command the sea with our speedy and easy-to-operate jet cars, offering a unique water sport experience.

Get ready and hold on tight; it's an exciting donut ride, promising thrilling turns and adventurous splashes.

The Yacht can be booked by making a full payment or a deposit of 50%. However, the remaining 50% is payable during arrival. It must be noted that deposits can be made using different payment methods. Once the payment is made sucessfully, you will receive the official quotation.

Various considerations such as size, model, facilities, and what different options are available are some factors that you need to keep in mind while renting Yacht in Dubai.

Selecting a yacht for rent in UAE is not as easy as it looks. But, no need to worry; our experienced and qualified team will help you in booking Yacht on rent in Dubai Trip. We arrange all events such as entertainment programs, get together, birthday parties, corporate gatherings, and even fireworks at Burj Al Arab or JBR.

In short, it depends on yacht rental companies in Dubai. However, some companies allow it while others don’t allow bringing personal food and drinks on a trip to Yacht. Before proceeding, you must cross-check the BYOB” (Bring Your Own Beverage) policy, as it relies on the specific Yacht renting company you are booking. It must be noted that some Yacht rental companies offer catering services or have chefs who prepare meals on orders at additional cost.

Yes, children are allowed to take a trip to Yacht in Dubai. You need to inform rental companies in advance about the number of kids and their ages so that they can provide additional safety measures or suggest suitable yacht options. For their safety, adults must always supervise children and protect them from unwanted accidents.

If you’re clear with your dates and times,  we recommend you book well in advance, often 2 or 3 weeks ago during peak season or 1- 2 weeks prior during the summer.

Tips and Articles

A day on a dubai yacht: a timeline.

Dubai, the jewel of the Middle East, promises luxury at every corner. But nothing compares to a day spent aboard a Dubai yacht. Let’s journey …

Fishing in Dubai and Deep-Sea Adventures in Dubai: A Journey Beyond the Horizon

Dubai, a city of marvels, offers an unexpected treasure – a thriving marine life perfect for deep-sea fishing. Below, we’ll sail through the details of …

Making Your Proposal on a Yacht: a Day to Remember

Setting the Scene: Why a Proposal on a Yacht? Imagine the serene waters of Dubai Marina with a picture-perfect sunset. In this setting, you can …

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  • Yacht Rental
  • Wakeboarding
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Dubai Yachts

Luxury Yacht Rental Dubai

Celebrate your special occasions on the sea with luxury dubai yacht rental, luxury yacht charter in dubai.

Dubai. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day on the water with family and friends, or a grand celebration with a touch of luxury and comfort, our range of private yachts in Dubai Harbour can accommodate all your needs. Our luxury boat rental includes yachts of various sizes and styles, from sleek and modern to classic and traditional, ensuring we can provide the perfect yachts in Dubai for your occasion. From customized menus to onboard entertainment, we will work with you to create an unforgettable experience. Rent Luxury Yachts in Dubai and make your cruising experience extraordinary with Dubai yacht rental.

Dubai Yachts' Luxury Fleet

Azimut Mia Yacht on Dubai Marina

Azimut 42ft "MIA"

location yacht dubai journee

Azimut 50ft "LUNA"

Kami Yacht in front of Palm The Atlantis

Azimut 53ft "KAMI"

location yacht dubai journee

Pershing 54ft "AYA"

The aerial view of sunseeker against the Dubai skyline

Sunseeker 65ft "ANNA"

The view of Eva 80ft Numarine yacht in Dubai

Numarine 80ft "EVA"

location yacht dubai journee

Galeon 80ft "ELLA"

location yacht dubai journee

Ferretti 78ft "LINA"

The view of Princess 95 ft against the backdrop of Burj Al Arab

Princess 95ft "AURA"

Rent yachts in dubai & explore water sports in style.

Looking for an adventure in the beautiful waters of Dubai? Look no further! Our water sports activities offer something for everyone. We offer a range of water sports activities such as jet skiing, flyboarding, wakeboarding, Seabob, and so on. These activities are a great way to add excitement to your yacht rental and experience the thrill of the water. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the activity and ensure you have a safe and enjoyable time.

We understand that safety is a top priority, and we take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of our guests. Our yachts are equipped with the latest safety equipment, and our staff is trained to handle emergency situations. Our licensed captains are highly knowledgeable about the local waters and can take you to some of the most beautiful spots in Dubai. You can explore the iconic landmarks of Dubai, such as the Burj Al Arab, the Palm Jumeirah, and the Dubai Marina, from a whole new perspective.

So, what are you waiting for? Rent a yacht with us and explore the beautiful waters of Dubai in style. Contact us today to book your yacht rental and water sports activities.

Dubai Yacht Rental with Water Sports Packages

including jet skiing, flyboarding, efoil boarding, wakeboarding, Seabob, and more, allowing you to feel the rush of the water.

So, what are you waiting for? Rent a private yacht in Dubai with water sports packages to explore the iconic skyline, including the Burj Khalifa and Burj Al Arab, all while enjoying the adrenaline rush of Dubai waters. Contact Dubai Yachts, the best Dubai yacht rental company to book your luxury boat with water sports activities in Dubai.

Our Process for Luxury Boat Rental in Dubai

Dubai Yachts offers a hassle-free luxurious yacht charter process. Rent yachts in Dubai in three simple steps:

Choose your preferred private yacht based on the occasion type and the number of guests.

Select the date and time & submit a booking request. You will receive a booking confirmation email.

Complete the payment & get ready to enjoy a day in the sea with your beloved ones.

Reservation System

Enjoy a great day’s entertainment on the blue sea by booking Dubai Yacht Tours

Looking for an adventure on the beautiful waters of Dubai? Look no further! Our water sports activities offer something for everyone.

Award Winning Best Yacht Rental in Dubai

We offer Dubai Yachts, the Epitome of Luxury to Deliver an Unmatched Yachting Experience!

Get ready to enjoy an unforgettable luxury voyage in the blue waters of the Arabian Sea by renting private luxury yachts from Dubai Yachts. We offer luxury yacht rental services hourly, daily, and weekly at the best competitive rates. Enjoy an ultimate cruising experience with us!

Yacht Rental Services In Dubai

Dubai Yachts - Best Yacht Rental Services in Dubai

Get ready to enjoy an unforgettable luxury cruise in the blue waters of the Arabian Sea by opting a private luxury yacht charters in Dubai. We at Dubai yacht rental, offer luxury yacht rental services hourly, daily, and weekly at the best competitive rates. Enjoy an ultimate cruising experience with Dubai Yachts!

Exclusive Romantic Dinner Cruise Package

At Dubai Yachts, we offer Romantic Dinner Cruise packages at the best price. Our all-inclusive packages are designed to add magic to your special day. Our package price starts from AED 5,000, and includes – Valentine’s Day themed décor, dining under the stars, delicious food & so on. Contact us now to book your Valentine’s Day package with special offers.

What they say about us

Dubai yachts' happy clients.


Why choose us

Dubai yachts for an enthralling cruise.

Dubai Yachts is rising as one of the premier choices for luxury yacht rentals in Dubai .

Luxury yacht rental services for all kinds of events

A wide range of add-on activities available along with renting a boat in dubai, professional captain and crew and premium hospitality, premium crew, professional captains, and hospitality, simple and quick boat rental process​.

Yacht Tour Dubai

Discover the Best Yacht Tour Routes to Explore Dubai

Latest blogs.

Host an Iftar Party on Dubai Yachts this Ramadan

Host an Iftar Party on Dubai Yachts this Ramadan

Ramadan is a time of giving, and an Iftar party…

Dubai International Boat Show 2024

Dubai International Boat Show 2024

Dubai is all set to host the most-anticipated Dubai International…

Yacht Rental Services in Dubai - FAQs

How can we rent a luxury yacht in dubai.

Browse our luxury yachts available for rent by visiting our Yachts Rental Page. Select your yacht, choose your preferred date and time, and continue booking the yacht. If you need help renting a yacht in Dubai, contact us at +971 4 331 7007. Our representatives will be readily available to assist you.

What are the best luxury yacht rentals in Dubai Harbor?

Some of the best luxury yacht rentals in Dubai Harbor include EVA 80 ft, Azimut 50 ft, Sunseeker 65ft. Contact us now to rent a yacht in Dubai.

What is the cost of 2hrs yacht cruise in Dubai?

The cost for a 2hrs yacht cruise in Dubai ranges from AED 1,600 to AED 3,000. The cost may be higher for larger yachts with more luxurious amenities. Please be noted that the number of people on board doesn’t affect the rental price.

Can I rent a yacht in Dubai for overnight stays?

Yes, you can rent a yacht in Dubai for overnight stays. Our luxury yachts are equipped with cabins with comfy beds, and different level of luxury amenities to make your overnight stay more comfortable.

Do I need a license to rent a yacht in Dubai?

No! You do not need a license or sailing experience to rent a yacht in Dubai. Our professional captain and crew members can handle the navigation and ensure your safety during your cruise.

Is Dubai Yachts, a luxury yacht rental company?

Dubai Yachts is the leading luxury yacht rental company in Dubai. We maintain a fleet of luxury yachts to accommodate all your needs. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day on the water with family and friends, or a grand celebration with more than 40 guests, we have got you covered.

Pier 7 - Dubai Marina - Dubai

location yacht dubai journee

Dubai's Yacht & Boat Rental Company since 2014

Luxury yacht charter dubai, find and book yacht rentals, jet skis, and more., best rated yacht cruise packages, most popular yachts & boats in dubai, sunseeker, luxury 90 ft. yacht.

  • Dubai Harbor

Gulf Craft, 75 ft. Yacht

  • Dubai Marina

Majesty, Luxury 56 ft. Yacht

Gulf craft jacuzzi, luxury 95 ft. yacht, rodriguez, ultra luxury 124 ft. yacht.

  • Dubai Harbour

Abacus, Luxury 62 ft. Yacht

Azimut, 52 ft. yacht, blue yonder, ultra luxury 40 ft. yacht.

  • Marasi Marina

location yacht dubai journee

Yachting since 2014

Luxury Yacht Rental company

Looking to book a luxury cruise in Dubai for a sea trip? Look no further! Get best prices on yacht and boat rentals in Dubai with T1Yachts.

At Think One Yachts, we deliver a luxurious sea trip experience on boat tours and yachts in Dubai Marina and other hot spots in Dubai.

Our luxury yachts and boats are equipped with essential amenities in order to make your cruising experience truly remarkable!

Rent a yacht online:

  • Book a Luxury cruise in Dubai
  • Experienced Crew and Captain
  • Affordable yacht rental prices
  • Affordable yacht rental prices and packages
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Safety of all passengers onboard

Explore an adventure-filled water sport experience in Dubai

Celebrate your wedding events, birthday parties and corporate events, etc.

Embark on a Yacht Cruise in dubai

Rent a yacht with t1yachts.ae.

Think One Yachts is Dubai’s premium yacht rental company in Dubai. We work hard to exceed your expectations. Our goal is to provide you with the best private yacht charter experience.

Have you ever wanted to spend a weekend on a yacht party with your friends and family? Rent a yacht for your next vacation.

Call us now, and we will book the yacht for you!

What makes us the best choice for Dubai Yacht Rental?

No. 1 choice for Dubai yacht charters in U.A.E

Guided yacht & boat tours.

Think One Yachts provides guided yacht and boat tours in Dubai. Not only do we offer luxury and ultra-luxury options, but we also have budget-friendly options without compromising on the experience!

Private Yacht & Boat Rentals

Book a private yacht or boat cruise in Dubai to celebrate your special events in privacy. Speak with a Think One Yachts team member today!

Captain and Skilled Yacht Crew

Meet our trained and hospitable crew onboard. From taking care of your valuables to providing you with whatever you need, our professional crew are all-rounders at their code of conduct.

Perfect For Any Occasion

Think One Yachts’ Dubai Private Yacht charters are the perfect solution whether your event is for 15 or 450 people.

As the most versatile Dubai Yacht rental company, we can accommodate everything from a small yacht rental Dubai to corporate event charter and wedding on yacht .

Our staff’s flexibility and their renowned hospitality will ensure that your event is everything you’ve ever wanted, no matter the size.

Need help renting a yacht? WhatsApp chat or +971 58 581 0737

Luxury Yacht Rental Dubai

Your Own Private Yacht Charter

A private boat or yacht cruise is the best way to explore Dubai’s yachting scene. Cruise along the Dubai coastline and take in the sights of Jumeirah, The Palm, Palm Jumeirah and The Creek , as well as other incredible sites.

Dubai is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, and a cruise is the perfect way to experience the city’s many attractions. From the glimmering skyscrapers of Business Bay to the stunning beaches of Jumeirah, a private yacht charter is the best way to see Dubai at its best.

You can choose between a small private yacht to explore the coastlines or go for a larger luxury yacht that is more suited to sight-seeing and touring. 

For those looking for an exclusive experience, a private yacht charter is the perfect option. With a private boat, you’ll get plenty of space and privacy.

Capture breath-taking views of Dubai

Embark on a cruise around Dubai with an unmatched yacht cruising experience from the water. Call Now to Pre-Book a yacht today!

customer feedback

FAQs about yacht bookings online

How to book a yacht in dubai.

You can call us/request for a call back by submitting a form online/chat with our executive online for our expert suggestions.

What Are the Modes of Payment?

Payments can be made online through any visa or master credit or Debit card, Bank Transfer or Cash Deposit into nearest RAK Bank CDM.

How Far in Advance Would You Recommend Booking A Yacht?

We recommend booking as far in advance as possible to ensure you get the widest selection of yachts available. All our yachts are subject to availability. We can take last minute bookings and will always accommodate clients to the best of our ability.

Do You Allow Pets Onboard?

Unfortunately, we do not allow pets on board our yachts as a matter of safety for the animals and potential damage caused to the vessels.

What are safety precautions maintained by you?

Each staff member of the crew is well trained in safety procedures. Other safety precautions include life jackets, life rafts, firefighting equipment, and First Aid kit. All our yachts are insured along with the passengers on it.

What kind of entertainment is offered on the yacht?

Music can be played; disc jockey shall be arranged as per your requirements at nominal additional charges. One is also allowed to bring the music selection of their choice.

What if the weather gets unfavorable?

In this case, we shall reschedule the booking but with prior notice as per dates as per your convenience.

What Is the Arrival Time?

We recommend arriving at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled time. If there is any extensive setup or special requests made, it is advisable to arrive earlier, to ensure you leave on time.

What Documents Should We Carry?

Every guest should carry a valid Passport or Emirates ID for their trip.

What about the privacy onboard?

It is the priority, and no one can interrupt your privacy space onboard.

Is smoking allowed on a cruise?

It is allowed on designated areas only. Sheesha smoking is not allowed on all the yachts.

Do you offer transfers?

Yes, we do offer private transfers on request at additional cost.

Can I bring my own food or drink?

You are welcome to bring food and beverages of your choice, or you may alternatively opt for our catering service

Will I be reminded before the charter?

It is our privilege to send you a gentle reminder a day prior to the event with our on-sight representative along with useful additional reminders with location and ids to be carried.

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Dubai by moonlight: a guide to night-time yachting experiences.

  • 24 Oct 2023

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Dubai, the shimmering jewel of the Middle East, is known for its glitzy skyscrapers, opulent shopping malls, and luxurious lifestyle. But as the sun dips below the horizon, the city transforms into a celestial oasis, offering an entirely different experience. And what better way to enjoy Dubai's nocturnal charm than aboard a yacht? Night-time yachting in Dubai isn't just a ride; it's a voyage of dreams beneath the moonlit sky.

When it comes to luxurious marine escapades, yacht rental Dubai stands out as a sought-after service among tourists and residents alike. The idea of cruising along the coast, with the iconic skyline of Dubai on one side and the vast expanse of the Arabian Gulf on the other, is nothing short of mesmerizing.

Charting the Night Waters

Begin your voyage by renting a yacht at the Dubai Marina. Known for its picturesque views and top-notch facilities, this location offers a plethora of options for yacht for rent in Dubai. With an array of yachts varying in size and facilities, there's something for every traveler, be it a romantic getaway or a party under the stars.

Once aboard, set sail towards the open waters. The moonlight reflecting off the calm waters creates a serene ambiance, perfect for a relaxing journey. With a backdrop of twinkling stars, the Palm Jumeirah looks even more enchanting from the sea. Navigate around this man-made wonder, taking in the views of luxurious villas and hotels.

Midnight Feasts and Entertainment

Dubai's yachting experience is not just about the voyage; it's also about savoring the finest cuisines under the starry sky. Many yacht rental Dubai services offer catering options, featuring gourmet dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds.

For those seeking entertainment, there's no dearth of options. From onboard DJs to live performances, night-time yachting can turn into a lively party scene.

Capturing the Moments

Don't forget to bring your camera along. The juxtaposition of the moonlit sea against Dubai's illuminated skyscrapers offers a myriad of photo opportunities. Capture the ethereal beauty of the Burj Al Arab or the Atlantis as you cruise by.

Wrapping Up

As the night ends and dawn approaches, head back to the marina with a heart full of memories. Night-time yachting in Dubai is not just a journey; it's an experience, a tale of romance, luxury, and the magic of moonlight.

Whether you're looking to celebrate a special occasion or just wanting to experience the city from a different perspective, a yacht for rent in Dubai is your ticket to an unforgettable nocturnal adventure. So, cast off and set sail into the moonlit waters of Dubai, and let the city's charms captivate your soul.


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  • Unit 3, Marina Level, Al Majara Tower, Al Hubob Street, Dubai Marina, Dubai
  • +971 4 432 7233
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  • Visit Dubai

Set sail on yachting adventures in Dubai


Mon, December 18, 2023

Whether you're looking for a sophisticated cruise or yacht rentals for fishing trips, there's plenty of fun to be had on the water.

Adventures with Xclusive Yachts


Whatever aquatic delights you might want to tick off your bucket list, this well-known yacht operator will deliver. With a fleet of 22-125ft boats, Xclusive can do everything from sightseeing trips to fishing excursions, though thrill-fuelled expeditions  are always popular. They'll kit yachts out with jetskis, banana boats, inflatable donuts and parasailing parachutes to amp up the action.

  • Marina Promenade, Next to Dubai Marina Yacht Club - Dubai

Fishing fun with Ocean Active

Ocean Active Dubai

If you're hooked on deep sea fishing or even keen on shorter excursions at designated  fishing spots  such as Al Maktoum Bridge and Dubai Creek, Ocean Active will ensure you get the catch of the day. Increase your haul by heading out overnight on a trip planned by these specialists who have adapted all their gear to the local environment, ensuring you never come home empty-handed. 

  • Jumeirah Fishing Harbour 1, Jumeirah - Dubai

All-in fun with Al Wasl Yachts


Experienced anglers and novice enthusiasts keen to go fishing can get the complete package – from rods and bait to crew and refreshments. All that's left for you to decide is who to invite. You can also swap fishing for sunset cruises to admire the city's sparkling coast – up to 50 people can be accommodated in Al Wasl's 85ft yacht, making it a great choice  for celebrations .

  • Al Owais Building, Al Khabaisi, Deira - Dubai

Brunch aboard the Lotus Mega Yacht

Lotus Mega Yacht

What could be better than taking in a sunset on a spectacular yacht? You can add brunch to the mix too! The Lotus Mega Yacht, which features pool decks, multiple viewing platforms and an in-house cinema, serves up  delicious brunches  that will wow even the most seasoned boating fan. There's even the option of hiring this 220ft yacht for private gatherings.

  • Berth L (T Head), Dubai Marina Below Pier 7, Outside Dubai Marina Mall, Dubai

Hop aboard The Yellow Boats

The Yellow Boats Dubai

Experience Dubai sightseeing with a twist with The Yellow Boats. Don a life jacket and cruise along the coast in an inflatable boat, with the skyline behind you and  Palm Jumeirah  ahead. Sail past Atlantis, The Palm and marvel at the iconic  Burj Al Arab Jumeirah  before setting your eyes on the beautiful palaces that line the beach, with photo opportunities between every wave. If you’re feeling the need for speed, book the Dubai Ultimate Thrill Ride. You’ll be in for an exciting 30-minute race, jetting across the open water. There are five tours to choose from, ranging from 30 to 90 minutes.

  • Dubai Marina Walk, next to Spinneys supermarket and opposite The Coffee Club

Set sail with Sky Walker Yachts

Yacht in water near Burj al Arab

Cruise along Dubai’s picturesque coastline with Sky Walker Yachts, a luxury charter service setting sail from Dubai Marina . The company offers a variety of boat and route options to suit every budget. Board the 82ft luxury yacht with 30 of your friends for a celebration like no other or opt for the smaller 35ft vessel for a more intimate tour around the Arabian Gulf.

  • Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubai

Bask in the sun with Centuarus Charter


Cruise across the glimmering blue waters of the Arabian Gulf onboard a private yacht with Centaurus Charter for unrivalled views. Whether you’re looking for a quick turn around Dubai Marina or an overnight voyage that takes in more of Dubai's stunning skyline , this longstanding yacht company has the perfect vessel, with a private fleet of luxury boats. Yachts for hire include everything from the 56ft Vassia, which can comfortably accommodate 20 guests, to the luxury 77ft Dionysos, which ferries 12 passengers upon its spacious deck and cabins.

  • Dubai Marina Harbour - Dubai Marina

Enjoy blue waters with First Yacht

Watersports by First Yacht

First Yacht is a leading maritime company that provides yacht charters, boat tours and water sports across Dubai Marina, Dubai Water Canal and Al Seef. Visitors can sign up for a day of fun with a diverse array of offerings. Whether you want to enjoy the blue waters with friends on a chartered yacht trip or treat your partner to a romantic candle-lit dinner cruise, the operator should be your go-to for water-based activities  in Dubai.

  • La Mer by Meraas - 1 2 A St - Jumeirah

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Welcome To Amwaj Al Bahar, Your Premier Provider Of Yacht rental Dubai

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Yacht Rents Fishing Trips Jet Ski and Water Games Birthdays Wedding Anniversary Romantic Dinner Full Moon Trips Team Building Wedding Parties Valentine Photography Sunset Cruises Breakfast Excursions New Year

Experience the excitement with Amwaj

يخت لعيد ميلاد في دبي

Romantic Dinner

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Jet Ski Rental

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Fishing Trips

عشاء رومانسي في دبي

Wedding Anniversary

رحلة غروب الشمس في دبي

Sunset Cruises

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Breakfast Yacht Rental Dubai


New Year EVE

Why choose amwaj yachts for your yacht rental dubai.

Wide Fleet Selection: Amwaj offer a diverse fleet of modern and well-maintained yachts. ensuring you find the perfect vessel to suit your needs, whether it’s a romantic cruise or a lively party.

Experienced Crew: Our captains and crew members are committed to providing exceptional service. ensuring your safety and comfort throughout your tour.

Prime Dubai Locations: Our strategic locations in Dubai Marina make boarding and disembarking convenient and provide easy access to the city’s famous landmarks.

Customizable Packages: We offer a range of customizable packages to meet your preferences, from short excursions to full-day adventures, along with various add-ons to tailor your experience.

Competitive Pricing: Amwaj Yachts provides competitive pricing, offering fantastic value for the yacht rental in Dubai.

Quality and Safety: Amwaj maintain the highest standards of safety and yacht maintenance, giving you peace of mind during your yacht tour.

Five-star services: At Amwaj Yachts, our client satisfaction is our priority. We work closely with you to ensure your yacht rental Dubai experience exceeds your expectations.

Memorable Experiences: With Amwaj Yachts, you’ll create a mazing memory during your yacht rental in dubai. you will view Dubai’s iconic skyline, and breathtaking sunsets.

Availability for All Occasions: Whether it’s a romantic dinner in Dubai, a family outing, a corporate event, or a Birthday. we have the right yacht and package for you.

Easy Booking: Our friendly booking process ensures a seamless experience from inquiry to embarkation. available online payment, Samsung pay, apple pay, also tabby instalment payment.

How to book Your Yacht Rental Dubai with Amwaj Yachts

Yacht rental in Dubai is a popular tourist destination. Dubai yachts can booked up quickly. especially during peak seasons. To avoid disappointment, it’s best to plan and book your yacht rental in advance.

You should also consider the size of your guest and the type of yacht you want to rent. Whether you’re looking for a small gathering or a large party. Amwaj own all sizes for yachts in Dubai.

Choose the Right Time

The best time to rent a yacht in Dubai is during the cooler months, from October to April. The weather during this time is perfect for cruising and enjoying the water activities. but also, summer is a great for yacht rental with Jetski on the yacht.

You should also consider the time of day for your yacht rental. Sunset yacht rental is popular, as you can enjoy the stunning views of Dubai as the sun goes down. However, if you want to avoid the crowds, you can opt for a morning yacht tour or afternoon cruise.

Customize Your Experience

One of the best things about Amwaj Yachts is that you can customize your experience to suit your preferences. You can choose the route, the activities, and even the menu for your yacht rental.

If you’re celebrating a special occasion, you can request for decorations, a special cake, or even a personalized menu. Amwaj Yachts will work with you to create a unique yacht experience.

Take Advantage of the Water Activities

Amwaj Yachts offer a range of water activities, such as jet ski rental, banana boat rides, and jet car. Make sure to take advantage of these activities to make the most of your yacht rental experience.

You can also request for additional activities, such as fishing or swimming, depending on of yacht you choose.

Thank you for considering Amwaj Al Bahar for your next adventure on the water. We are confident that you will not be disappointed.

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#1 Yacht Charters in Dubai

Don’t dream it. live it create your experience today.


Dubai Yacht Rentals

Indulge in a luxurious experience with our extensive fleet of yachts renting.

Dubai is a premier destination for luxury yacht charters, boasting a year-round yachting season and prime location along the Persian Gulf. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Dubai Marina, the Palm and Burj Al Arab as you explore the stunning waters of the UAE.

  • Unforgettable Private Yacht Experience
  • Luxury Yacht Rentals in Dubai
  • Half day & Full day charters
  • Great Customer Service


Talk to us. We speak your language.

Dubai Yacht Rentals

Dubai yacht charters are rated as the epitome of unforgettable memories and endless fun.

Get your adrenaline pumping with a thrilling jet ski ride. Our charters fulfill your every whim, with options for a private chef or DJ to keep the spirits high.

Enjoy the convenience of paying with Apple Pay, Visa, Mastercard, American Express or USDT.

Indulge in a Luxury Yacht Experience

Set sail on a journey of luxury, fun, and adventure with Dubriani Yachts. Whether you’re looking to celebrate a special occasion with loved ones or go on a thrilling deep sea fishing trip, our high-performance fleet is here to make your experience unforgettable.

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Galeon 780 VIP

Rent for 4000 aed /hrs, builder/model: galeon 780 | refitted: 2020 | length 78ft 24m | charter guests: 30 | crew members: 3 |onboard bbq system.


Our Luxury Yachts Open the World of Luxury & Entertainment


Dubai Yacht Charters

Dubriani Yachts has consistently earned the title of Dubai's best yacht charter company for years. With exceptional service, luxurious fleet, and unwavering attention to detail, we set the standard for yacht charters. Our dedication to world class customer satisfaction and memorable experiences makes us the top choice for private celebrations, corporate events, and leisurely cruises in Dubai. Embark on your dream yacht adventure with our flexible and exquisite yachts rental options.


Water Sports

Go on an unforgettable journey of adventure and excitement as you explore the stunning waters. With exciting water sports like jet skiing and banana boat rides, the fun never ends. Book a superyacht today and immerse yourself in a sea of excitement.


Family Get-Togethers

Celebrate your family's special moments on a luxurious Dubai yacht booking. Whether you're gathering for a birthday, anniversary, or just a fun day out, our boat rental provide the perfect setting for creating cherished memories with your loved ones. Book yours today and make your next family gathering one to remember!


Corporate Functions

Make a lasting impression at your next corporate event with a superyacht. Turn ordinary meetings into unforgettable experiences. Impress clients and reward employees with a tour for team-building activities, client outings, or to celebrate a successful milestone.


Special Events

We'll assist you in customizing your proposal or wedding cruise, offering expert guidance to choose from our range of premier packages. Immerse yourself in the luxury of Dubai Marina, Royal Atlantis, or the Burj Al Arab with the ultimate charter experience.

Give us a call or drop an email, We endeavor to answer within 24 hours

Private luxury yachts in dubai, let’s plan your next tour.

Booking a Charter Yacht : +971 4550 6309

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A. what is the average cost of renting a yacht in dubai.

The average cost of renting a yacht in Dubai varies depending on several factors such as the size of the yacht, the duration of the rental, and additional services requested. As a general guideline, prices can range from around AED 1,500 to AED 10,000 per hour. Keep in mind that luxury yachts and peak seasons may result in higher rates. It’s recommended to contact yacht rental companies directly for accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

B. How far in advance should I book a yacht rental?

It is advisable to book a yacht rental in Dubai well in advance, especially during peak seasons or holidays when demand is high. Ideally, booking at least a few weeks or even months ahead of your desired rental date will give you a better chance of securing your preferred yacht and ensuring availability. Early bookings also provide more time for customization and planning.

C. Can I bring my own food and drinks onboard?

Yes, most yacht rental companies in Dubai allow guests to bring their own food and drinks onboard. This is often referred to as a “BYOB” (Bring Your Own Beverage) policy. However, it’s important to confirm this with the specific company you are renting from, as there may be certain restrictions or corkage fees associated with bringing your own alcohol or beverages. Some yacht charters also offer catering services or have onboard chefs who can prepare meals for an additional cost.

D. Are children allowed on yacht charters?

Yes, children are generally allowed on yacht charters in Dubai. Yacht rental companies prioritize safety and enjoyment for all passengers, including children. However, it’s recommended to inform the company in advance about the age and number of children in your group, as they may provide additional safety measures or suggest suitable yacht options. Children must be supervised by adults at all times during the charter to ensure their safety and prevent any accidents.

E. What is the cancellation policy for yacht rentals?

Flexible Cancellation Policy:

• Full Refund within 24 Hours: You can cancel your yacht rental and receive a full refund within 24 hours of making the purchase.

• 14-Day Cancellation Window: If you decide to cancel at least 14 days before the scheduled start of the experience, you are eligible for a full refund.

• Rescheduling for Bad Weather: In the event of unfavorable weather conditions on the day of your charter, we offer the option to reschedule for another day without any additional fees.

Please note that these details are specific to our company. For precise information, kindly refer to our company’s terms and conditions. We prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to provide a smooth and enjoyable yacht rental experience.

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    Best Time To Visit: Dubai is hot all year round, the main sailing season is December to March when the weather is warm. Key Cruising Areas: Dubai is an ideal start for a charter in the Arabian Gulf, where the seven emirates offer unique cruising options. Don't Miss: For a taste of real Dubai, stop off at Deira and wander through the souks. An eye-opening experience, the packed streets are a ...

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    01/02/24 Sky Walker Yachts hosted the Management and golfing enthusiasts of the 2024 DP World Tour - Ras Al Khaimah Championship, Al Hamra, RAK. 19/01/24 It's a successful & vibrant Sky Walker Yachts Team's annual year-end party held at The Accent Restaurant, Intercontinental Hotel Marina on January 16, 2024.

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    Think One Yachts' Dubai Private Yacht charters are the perfect solution whether your event is for 15 or 450 people. As the most versatile Dubai Yacht rental company, we can accommodate everything from a small yacht rental Dubai to corporate event charter and wedding on yacht. Our staff's flexibility and their renowned hospitality will ...

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    Begin your voyage by renting a yacht at the Dubai Marina. Known for its picturesque views and top-notch facilities, this location offers a plethora of options for yacht for rent in Dubai. With an array of yachts varying in size and facilities, there's something for every traveler, be it a romantic getaway or a party under the stars.

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    Experience Dubai sightseeing with a twist with The Yellow Boats. Don a life jacket and cruise along the coast in an inflatable boat, with the skyline behind you and Palm Jumeirah ahead. Sail past Atlantis, The Palm and marvel at the iconic Burj Al Arab Jumeirah before setting your eyes on the beautiful palaces that line the beach, with photo opportunities between every wave.

  22. Amwaj Al Bahar, Your Premier Provider Of Yacht rental Dubai

    Competitive Pricing: Amwaj Yachts provides competitive pricing, offering fantastic value for the yacht rental in Dubai. Quality and Safety: Amwaj maintain the highest standards of safety and yacht maintenance, giving you peace of mind during your yacht tour. Five-star services: At Amwaj Yachts, our client satisfaction is our priority.

  23. Luxury Yacht Experiences in Dubai

    Yacht Rental in Doha. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond Dubai, with yacht rentals available in Doha, Qatar. Explore Qatar's rich culture and stunning coastlines from the comfort of a Dubriani yacht. Whether it's a relaxing day on the water or a corporate event in Doha, we have the perfect yacht to suit your needs.