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Replica of Historic Yacht America Continues Tour

  • By Yachting Staff
  • Updated: October 30, 2016

America, Schooner, Sailboat

The 1995-built America —a replica of the historic schooner America that won the America’s Cup in 1851—is continuing her East Coast USA tour ahead of the 2017 America’s Cup in Bermuda.

The 139-foot replica America ‘s regular home port is in San Diego, on the U.S. West Coast. She was in North Carolina this past September and is expected to be in the Caribbean after the new year. She is the official ambassador of the upcoming America’s Cup.

The historic race: The original schooner America beat her British challenger by 8 minutes to take the America’s Cup in 1851.

For upcoming replica America tour dates: go to the America’s Cup website .

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Next Level Sailing

Welcome to Next Level Sailing — located in San Diego, California.

Next Level Sailing Timeline

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The start of an exceptional company that takes sailing to the next level each and every trip.

Stars & Stripes and Abracadabra

In April, Next Level Sailing acquired the first ever Coast Guard inspected carbon fiber vessels: Stars & Stripes and Abracadabra. The Abracadabra is particularly famous because of the beautiful artwork on the hull painted by marine artist, Wyland.

The Real World: San Diego

The fourteenth season of MTV’s hit reality show called The Real World was filmed in San Diego. The cast worked on the Stars & Stripes as crew members during the fall and winter of 2003. It was the first time Next Level Sailing had been part of a television show.

Yacht America

The gorgeous replica of the original 1851 racing yacht America was purchased. The replica was built in Albany, New York in 1995 by Scarano Boat designs. In 1996, yacht America carried the Olympic torch to the 1996 Olympic sailing venue in Savannah, GA. It was then sold to Historic Tours of America. It was purchased by Next Level Sailing in 2005. Captain Troy flew to Key West, FL and sailed the boat through the Panama Canal and all the way to its new home in San Diego, CA.

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This was a very exciting year for Next Level Sailing as it was the first time a public whale watching trip was offered. In addition, we were the only company in the world to offer a Whale Watching Guarantee & No Sea Sickness Guarantee. At this time, San Diego was famous for migrating gray whales. Who knew that we would soon discover that there were whales all year around here in San Diego. Due to our fabulous whale watching trips, we started to see fin whales and blue whales in the spring as well as humpback whales throughout the summer and fall. We also saw other types of animals including: Orcas, Minke Whales, Bryde’s Whale, Risso’s Dolphins, Pacific White-Sided Dolphins, Common Dolphins, Offshore-Bottlenose Dolphins, Sea Lions, Mola-Molas, Swordfish, Sharks, and Turtles!

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In 2013, the yacht America sailed up to San Francisco and served as the hospitality vessel for ORACLE Team USA during the America’s Cup. It was an incredible event where we witnessed fast races between the AC72 catamarans and tons of photographers.

British Columbia

Yacht America and crew sailed up to British Columbia. This was the first big trip the vessel took since it sailed from Florida back in 2005.

23,500 Miles

In 2016, Captain Troy embarked on the trip of a lifetime. He sailed the America from San Diego through the Panama Canal all the way up to Maine. He then took the boat all the way back to San Diego. The trip ended up being 23,500 miles with a lot of great faces, yacht clubs, and volunteers along the way.

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In 2019, Next Level Sailing proudly won the 2019 Sustainable Achievement Award for Overall Small Company. The award was presented by the Port of San Diego Green Business Network.

COVID Pandemic

The COVID pandemic hit, and trips were shut down. The yacht America had never been shut down for two weeks before. Captain Troy decided to make the most of the downtime and do boat maintenance. He recruited relief captain Fathom and they worked very hard for two weeks. The pandemic kept going and they kept varnishing. The world slowly started to open again. Sailing on an open deck in the fresh air was the safest activity, so the company offered whale watching trips with extremely limited capacity. We followed all state guidelines throughout 2020 and 2021.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

In February of 2021, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills filmed an episode aboard the America. The cast had a great time sailing aboard the yacht America. They ate delicious food prepared by the famous chef, Brian Malarkey. We had an all female crew except for Captain Troy. The cast was very impressed that our female crew raised the sails so efficiently. Be sure to watch the episode, “Over-poured and Over-board.” Rest assured, no one went overboard!

First Place

The yacht America proudly won first place in the 2021 America’s Schooner Cup. This event is a charity regatta hosted by the Silver Gate Yacht Club.


In the spring of 2021, there was a tragedy. A visiting Australian naval ship hit and killed a fin whale cow and calf in San Diego. This was an accident, but it could have been avoided. For years, Captain Troy has been trying to get the attention of big ships and educate them about whales feeding in San Diego. We don’t just have migrating gray whales, we also have whales that stay in San Diego for months at a time feeding on krill and fish. This tragedy made national news and provided the opportunity for a partnership. Since that awful tragedy, we have had wonderful support from the Navy and the Coast Guard. We let them know where the Fin whales and Blue whales are feeding so they can stay out of the way. In addition, Captain Troy has reached out to warships and submarines during our whale watching trips and notified them about whales feeding. For the most part, these ships have slowed down and altered their course in order to avoid collisions. Since 2021, the partnership has only improved and we are very grateful to our whale watching customers. We would not be able to share this information with big ships without their help. Great teamwork everyone! Thanks for helping educate and protect these magnificent creatures!

Full Capacity

Nearly two years since the COVID pandemic, we operated our first whale watching trip at full capacity on January 1st, 2022. We followed all state guidelines throughout the pandemic. It was surreal that the impact of the pandemic lasted so long. Captain Troy and crew also wanted to feel comfortable with the number of guests allowed per trip. We are eternally grateful to all the guests that sailed with us during the past two years. We would not have been able to stay afloat without you!

First Place, Again!

Once again, we won First Place at the America’s Schooner Cup. It was an exciting race, but we proudly won first place.

Blue Whales

Starting in mid-May, we saw the highest density of Blue Whales the company has ever seen. While these animals are endangered, we were able to witness blue whales almost every day for three months. It was incredible. We are thrilled with the success of our partnership and support of the Navy and the Coast Guard. They have listened to our radio calls and stayed well clear of whales this summer. We look forward to a stronger partnership in years to come.

Our Crew Is Awesome

Get to Know Us

Next Level Sailing prides itself in having a long-standing crew of young and talented sailors. Even our ‘back-up’ crew members have been sailing on the America for an average of eight years with the core crew members with us an average four years. Qualified in First Aid and other Coast Guard required credentials, each of our crew members have some key roles in addition to their all-round charm and local knowledge.

Owner and operator Captain Troy has logged over 200,000 miles aboard the yacht America. He is a walking encyclopedia of all things America’s Cup and a wealth of knowledge about San Diego’s Navy presence and local history. He was second in charge of the 1995 America’s Cup in San Diego and at the forefront of all the current America’s Cup activities.

Our Captain


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yacht america replica

Published on December 4th, 2019 | by Editor

Beginning and end of the yacht America

Published on December 4th, 2019 by Editor -->

With the frequent sighting of the yacht America on San Diego Bay, well-handled and beautiful under sail, the history of the America’s Cup is never far from view. In this report by Dr. Hamish Ross , he provides the detailed version.

On the 15 November 1850, George Schuyler on behalf of a syndicate of five, including himself and Commodore John Cox Stevens and William Brown, signed a contract to build a New York pilot schooner for the Great Exhibition, due to be opened by Queen Victoria in Hyde Park, London on Thursday 1 May 1851. The contract was for $30,000.00, conditioned on her being the fastest yacht in the United States. Unfortunately, she was delivered a month late and failed to defeat Commodore Stevens’ Maria during her trials. Left with the prospect of selling a failed yacht and in deep financial trouble, Brown had little option but to accept a ‘take it or leave it’ price reduction of $10,000.00 by Schuyler.

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America under construction in New York in 1851.

During the building, her owner’s plans for England changed and the America would be diverted to the Royal Yacht Squadron (RYS) in Cowes after an invitation was received from RYS Commodore, the 2nd Earl of Wilton, inviting the owners to enjoy the hospitality of the Squadron during the yachting season.

The Earl had been born Thomas Grosvenor, the second son of the Marquess of Westminster (the title was later elevated to a dukedom in 1874 – the last non-royal dukedom to be created). Wilton served as Commodore of the Royal Yacht Squadron for thirty-two years between 1849 to 1881.

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On 22 August 1851, America raced against 15 yachts in the Royal Yacht Squadron’s “all nations” race around the Isle of Wight. America won, finishing 8 minutes ahead of the closest rival. After 1851, the America went through a number of owners, including service as a Confederate blockade runner under the name of the Memphis, being scuttled in Jacksonville, later raised to serve in the US Navy, and was raced by the Navy in the 1870 America’s Cup fleet race match (winning fourth place).

She was sold into private ownership in 1873 to Benjamin Butler, a controversial Union Army Major-General and later a colorful politician and lawyer. Under Butler’s ownership, the America underwent two major refits in 1875 and again in 1885.

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© Dani Tagen

She was donated to the US Navy in 1921 and was towed to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, as an on-water exhibit, where her condition gradually decayed. The onset of the Great Depression delayed the expenditure of an estimated $80,000.00 for a necessary refit.

Charles Francis Adams Jr., the America’s Cup winning skipper of Resolute in 1920, great-great grandson of the second US President John Adams, great grandson of the sixth President, John Quincy Adams, serving as the Secretary of the Navy, felt unable to approve the expenditure of such money in 1930 during the onset of the Depression.

She was classified as a Navy relic in 1941 (IX-41) and hauled out at the Annapolis Yacht Yard for work. Some preliminary was carried out on her from time to time, mainly stripping her back to sound timbers, but only around other more urgent work which took precedence.

The outbreak of the Second World War further delayed any thoughts of a determined restoration and her fate was sealed after a shed in which she was being housed in Annapolis collapsed during a severe snowstorm on the night of Palm Sunday, 29 March 1942.

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The America being towed to Annapolis on what was to be her last voyage in 1921

When the War ended, the Navy was forced to cut back from its wartime budget and was busy decommissioning many of its ships. Nostalgia was in short supply in 1945 when it came to preserving famous ships. Her end was sealed on 20th November 1945 when the US Navy signed an order for her scrapping, when faced with a repair bill of $300,000.00.

The Navy received $990.90 for the scrapping of an icon.

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One of the last photographs of the remains of the America before she was scrapped in 1945.

Many pieces of the America were souvenired and every now and then, pieces of the America come on the market, but rather like a ‘grandfather’s hammer’, it is rather hard to know if any piece offered dates from 1851 or was added later during one of its many refits. It is said, like relics of the ‘cross’, there are more pieces of wood claiming to be from the America than in a New England forest.

Three replicas of the America have been built. They were built in 1967 (Boothby, Maine), 1995 (Albany, New York), and in 2005 (Varna, Bulgaria) with varying degrees of authenticity some having an additional four feet of beam to increase accommodation and additional skylights. The first two are based in the US and the latter in Rostock, Germany sailing as the Skythia.

The America, the most famous yacht in the history of the sport of sailing, has bequeathed us a competition which represents the pinnacle of the sport in terms of technology, design, sailing skill, management, all these necessarily infused with smart strategic and tactical planning and execution, in which only the very best will win.

UPDATE 1 (Dec. 5, 2019) : Troy Sears, who owns and sails the replica in San Diego, CA, provides an update on the three boats:

The 1967 replica, commonly known as the “Rudy Schaefer” boat that you correctly state being built in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, was broken up several years ago due to rot. She spent most of her later years of her life in the Med, mostly in Barcelona and Genoa. She was a full-sized replica.

The Bulgarian replica, Skythia, is a fractional replica being about 60 tons as compared to ours which is 113 tons. I would say her design was inspired by the America but not so much a replica.

There are no original drawing available so nobody can be certain of the actual dimensions, but ours is thought to be as accurate as possible in terms of size. Also, I am happy to say that we are totally rot free and as long as I take good care of her, she will outlive me.

UPDATE 2 (Dec. 12, 2019): Marcello Grimaudo, who is Captain of the 1967 replica (below), informed us  the yacht is still sailing and in good shape but is now on drydock in Italy for a major restoration.

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Tags: america , America's Cup , Hamish Ross

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Sail Universe

Sailing Through History: Unveiling the Rich Legacy of Yacht America

Yacht America History

In the world of sailing, certain vessels transcend the boundaries of time and become legends that leave an indelible mark on maritime history. Among these storied vessels, the sailing yacht “America” stands proudly as a symbol of innovation, speed, and the enduring spirit of adventure. Let’s embark on a journey through the annals of maritime lore as we explore the captivating tale of Yacht America.

The Birth of a Legend

Commissioned by a group of New York Yacht Club members in 1850, Yacht America was designed by George Steers and built by William H. Brown. The goal was clear – to build a vessel that could bring glory to the United States in the inaugural sailing competition against British vessels around the Isle of Wight.

The America’s Cup Victory

In 1851, Yacht America, under the command of Captain Richard Brown, crossed the Atlantic to participate in the Royal Yacht Squadron’s 100 Guinea Cup, a race that would later be known as the America’s Cup. America clinched victory with an 8-minute lead over the second boat, the British Aurora, securing the trophy originally established to commemorate the inaugural universal exhibition in London. Upon hearing of America’s triumph, Queen Victoria purportedly inquired about the second-place boat, receiving the response, “ There is no second, your Majesty, ” highlighting the substantial lead over the runner-up. This declaration is attributed to the inception of the competition’s motto, “ There’s No Second. ” Although the trophy lacked a specific name, being known as the “Hundred Guinea Cup” (the guinea, although no longer legally in circulation at the time, represented 21 shillings or £1.05, making 100 guineas equivalent to £105) or “Queen’s Cup,” it adopted the name of the victorious vessel and subsequently became the renowned “ America’s Cup. “

The Impact on Sailing

Yacht America’s triumph not only marked the inception of the America’s Cup but also left an enduring impact on yacht design and racing. The vessel’s sleek lines, innovative rigging, and overall performance set a new standard for sailing excellence. The schooner’s legacy paved the way for future generations of yacht designers and sailors, influencing the evolution of sailing vessels worldwide.

After the America’s Cup

In 1856, the vessel underwent a name change to Camilla. Subsequently, seized as a war prize in 1860 by the Confederate States of America, it was rechristened Memphis. Following the conclusion of the American Civil War, the ship was intentionally sunk in Jacksonville in 1862. Salvaged, refurbished, and reintegrated into service with the US Navy under the moniker America, it was equipped with three bronze Dahlgren cannons and played a role in the blockade of Southern ports. Its active service continued until 1873, when it was retired and sold to Benjamin Franklin Butler, a former general and politician. Butler maintained the vessel in operational condition and entered it in various races.


After his passing, it changed hands multiple times until it underwent restoration in 1921 through the America Restoration Fund. The restored ship was then gifted to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis , where, unfortunately, proper maintenance was lacking. On March 29, 1942, the structure housing the ship collapsed under the weight of a heavy snowfall, causing additional damage. Subsequently, both the wreckage of the structure and the vessel itself were incinerated in 1945.

Sailing Experience Aboard Yacht America

For those fortunate enough to experience sailing aboard a replica or participate in events commemorating Yacht America, the thrill is unparalleled. The vessel’s graceful lines and historical significance create an immersive experience that connects sailors with the roots of competitive yachting. Whether cruising along the coast or participating in regattas, sailing on a vessel inspired by Yacht America is a unique journey through maritime history. Conclusion: As we sail through the 21st century, the legacy of Yacht America endures as a beacon for sailors and enthusiasts alike. From its groundbreaking victory in 1851 to the continued reverence it commands today, Yacht America remains an iconic symbol of American maritime prowess and the timeless allure of sailing. So, raise the sails, catch the wind, and let the spirit of Yacht America carry you on a voyage through the pages of nautical history. Fair winds!

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Alerts in effect, ship model of the schooner yacht america.

, designed by naval architect George Steers, won first place in the original 1851 race, a 53-mile-long circumnavigation, around the Isle of Wight, England. The owner took home the first place silver pitcher for winning the competition that would later be known as the America's Cup race.

Presently in the collection of the San Francisco Maritime NHP is a model of the schooner . This model was given to Mr. Le Marchant, owner of the yacht , that placed second in the 1851 race. In 1959, the model was loaned to the San Francisco Maritime Museum (SFMM) and later became a gift. (The SFMM eventually became part of the park.)

Unlike the America's Cup races of recent memory, no yachting syndicates from California had formed to support the design and building of the vessel for the original race. California had only become a state in 1850.

Viewing the model, you are struck by the perfect likeness to the original vessel. It is purported that a model of the was given to each of the 15 finishers of the original race on August 22, 1851.

We are fortunate to have this model in the collection as it links San Francisco Maritime to the great America's Cup tradition and especially the "World Series" races being held on SF Bay August 23-26, 2012-161 years since that first August race in 1851. The model will be on display in the Maritime Museum in the near future. See www.americascup.com/en/San-Francisco for more about the 2012 races and the 34th America's Cup race on the San Francisco Bay in 2013.

Last updated: March 1, 2015

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America Yacht Replica Model - Creations and Collections

America Yacht Replica Model

The 19th century racing yacht, America, was designed by George Steers for Commodore John Cox Stevens. Named after the first international sailing trophy it won, the America's Cup. America captured the 'One Hundred Sovereign Cup' by 20 minutes in 1851. Queen Victoria was reported to ask who was second, the famous answer being: "Ah, Your Majesty, there is no second". Scratched built plank on frame from cherry wood and clear varnished. Metal plate with "America 1851" attached to stand. Semi-assembly required.  33" L x 5 ½ " W x 28" H.

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Scarano Boat

  • Historic Replicas

Scarano Boat Building is the premier builder of historic canal boats replicas in the United States. Including the full size replica of the historic schooner America it has four large historic sailing vessel replicas to its name, including Friendship of Salem, which is the largest fully rigged tall ship built in New England in modern times.

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America 2.0

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Charles F. Mercer

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Friends Good Will

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Friendship of Salem

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Santa Maria

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The Volunteer


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Old Salt Blog

A virtual port of call for all those who love the sea , hosted by nautical novelist rick spilman.

Old Salt Blog

A Closer Look at the America 2.0 — Replica, Hybrid or High-Tech Schooner?

Photo: Classis Harbor LInes

Classic Harbor Line ‘s schooner America 2.0 is a fascinating design. Designed and built by the Scarano brothers and delivered in 2011, the boat is, notionally, a replica of the schooner yacht America of 1851, after which the famous America’s Cup was named. America 2.0 might be called a modern interpretation of the original. It could also be called a hybrid or even simply a modern high-tech schooner. The Classic Harbor line website refers to it as a “ tribute to the first schooner America .” Whatever you call the schooner, it is worth taking a closer look.

Yesterday, my wife, son and I took a lovely two hour sail on America 2.0 from Chelsea Piers in Manhattan down to the Statue of Liberty and back on the Hudson River.  It was a great afternoon. The sun was shining and the southwesterly breeze was just strong enough to make for a nice beat south and and easy run heading back up the river.  Captain Kat Van Zee and her three person crew were professional, friendly and accommodating. They had a full load of passengers and the crew still managed to jump smoothly between raising and tending sails and serving beer, wine and soda.  Captain Kat kept watch over everything as she steered through the always congested lower Hudson.  Overall, it was a delightful afternoon.

From the dock, America 2.0 is a lovely sleek black hulled schooner, not unlike the original. Her transom is a varnished cedar, showing off her wood construction, which might not otherwise obvious given how fair and smooth her black hull is as she floats gracefully alongside the pier. Her decks are teak and her rails are varnished. At a glance, she appears wholly traditional in design and construction.

One of the first unusual things that you might notice about the boat are the masts. Unlike most gaff-rigged schooners, there are no spreaders near the masthead to help spread the load into the shrouds. There are also no shrouds on America 2.0 . What at first glance appear to be shrouds are part of the running rigging. The masts, which look to be built of wood, are wholly free standing. The masts are actually built of carbon fiber, the same material which makes the modern America’s Cup catamarans possible. They are only sheathed in cedar to make them look like spars on a traditional schooner.

Later, when we were away from the dock, I did a double take as I saw Caleb, one of the crew, hauling the throat halyard of the mainsail, raising the sail and the forward part of the sizable gaff single-handed, as a fellow crew member, a young woman, did the same on the peak halyard. On schooners that I have sailed on, the mainsail halyard requires more hands to hoist the heavy wooden gaff and sails. On America 2.0 , the lighter weight carbon fiber gaffs make the crew’s hauling significantly easier.

When we pulled away from the dock and headed downriver, we were initially under power, yet the loud clatter of a diesel engine was pleasantly missing. America 2.0 is driven by electric motors powered by eight banks of lithium-ion phosphate batteries under the main cabin sole. There is also a 200-hp John Deere diesel tucked away below deck, but apparently, it is rarely used.

The batteries and electric motors are not all that is hidden on America 2.0 . Although she may look traditional, her construction throughout is highly engineered and modern. While she is built primarily of wood, she is not built with frames and planking. Her hull has an end grained balsa wood core sheathed on both sides with layers of laminated cedar. Internally, she is supported with laminated wood frames as well as a number of aluminum ring frames which are bolted to an aluminum floor and garboard structure which support the unstayed masts.  The aluminum lower floors also are the structure from which a lead fin keel with a winged bulb is suspended.

The original America was modeled after the fastest craft of her day,  New York harbor pilot boats. The America 2.0  is also designed to her time. With her carbon fiber masts, her light weight composite structure and her modern under-body, America 2.0 is one of the faster schooners of her size. America 2.0 has clocked speeds of 17 knots but typically is capable of over 10 knots. She has won top honors for several years running in the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race.

So, call her what you will — a replica, a hybrid, a high-tech racer or a tribute, America 2.0 is beautiful boat. Thanks again to Captain Kat and her able crew for a wonderful afternoon sail.

A Closer Look at the America 2.0 — Replica, Hybrid or High-Tech Schooner? — 4 Comments

Thanks for the virtual sail. Free standing masts and electric motors — sounds good to me.

I’ll always remember in 2001 the eponymous (anonymous) columnist The Wharf Rat wrote in the weekly Newport: This Week about this America, “I could dress up in war paint and feathers but that wouldn’t make me an Indian…this boat is not a replica.”

Oops , guess that was the prior America…the two seem somewhat similar in their non-replica shape etc.

Small technical comment: lithium -iron- phosphate– batteries that will finally usher and see the end of lead-acid on our boats. 🙂

Replica of yacht America begins West Coast tour

By the associated press | posted - july 10, 2015 at 8:00 p.m..

Estimated read time: 1-2 minutes

This archived news story is available only for your personal, non-commercial use. Information in the story may be outdated or superseded by additional information. Reading or replaying the story in its archived form does not constitute a republication of the story.

SAN DIEGO (AP) — A replica of the yacht that gave the America's Cup its name is on a West Coast tour promoting sailing's marquee regatta.

Troy Sears of Next Level Sailing began the tour in his home port of San Diego last weekend before heading north aboard his 139-foot yacht. The tour will make stops at yacht clubs in California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.

Sears said he's wanted to do the tour since 2010, when Oracle Team USA won the oldest trophy in international sports. After successfully defending the trophy on San Francisco Bay with a stirring comeback against Emirates Team New Zealand in 2013, Oracle decided to stage the next defense in Bermuda.

Sears said no topic is off-limits during presentations to yacht clubs, including why Bermuda was chosen over San Diego to host the racing in 2017.

Sears says there has been so much demand that he'll be making another tour in the fall to visit the clubs that couldn't be worked into the summer schedule. He'll tour the East Coast next year and will have his schooner in Bermuda during the America's Cup.

Sears said he's not being paid by the America's Cup Event Authority. He's covering his costs by charging people to go sailing on America after presentations at yacht clubs.

The original yacht America beat a fleet of British ships around the Isle of Wight in 1851 to win what was then called the 100 Guinea Cup.

The next America's Cup cycle begins later this month with the first America's Cup World Series regatta in Portsmouth, England.

Copyright © The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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The original America was designed by George Steers back in 1851. In her first year,  on 22nd August,  she won the 100 Guinea Cup which subsequently became the famous America’s Cup.

“The first replica of  America  was built by Goudy & Stevens Shipyard in Boothbay, Maine and launched in 1967. She was built for Rudolph Schaefer, Jr., owner of F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Co. Construction was supervised by her first skipper, Newfoundland born Capt. Lester G. Hollett.” – WIKIPEDIA

Designed this time by Olin Stephens who researched the original Steers plans. The same year she also starred in the film, ‘Sail to Glory’ by Rudi Scharfer. Later she went on to have a refit in 1996 in English Harbour, Antigua.


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The schooner yacht America

Next week, the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club will host a replica of one of the most famous sailing vessels of all time, the schooner yacht America .

She will anchor here as part of the promotional tour for the 2017 America’s Cup  to be held in Bermuda.

It will be a grand event and the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club is proud to act as host for this vessel.

But, as this beautiful schooner visits our harbor, she is not the same replica yacht America built in East Boothbay.

More than 49 years ago, as horns blared and flags fluttered, a sleek black hull slid down the wooden ways of the former Goudy & Stevens shipyard and dipped into the chilly waters of the Damariscotta River in East Boothbay.

The event marked the debut of America , an exact replica of the original schooner yacht that started international big boat racing.

In the 1960s, Rudolph Schaefer, the beer baron, a stalwart of the New York Yacht Club, decided to build a replica of America . The yacht’s designer went to the English naval history archives and found the drawings the Brits made of the original America after she vanquished their best yachts in 1851. Schaefer then hired East Boothbay’s Goudy & Stevens shipyard to build her.

“You have to understand that at that time, Goudy & Stevens was an incredible yard. They had a skill set of workers that were as good as it gets and most of them lived in East Boothbay,” said renowned sailmaker Nat Wilson.

On May 3, 1967, when she was launched, hundreds traveled to East Boothbay to watch her slide down the ways into the Damariscotta River.

Sen. Margaret Chase Smith even asked yard owners if she could invite one of her friends to the launching.

“It was a big, big deal,” said Mary Brewer, retired editor of the Boothbay Register.

Hodgdon Yachts and the Ocean Point Marina now occupy the grounds of the former Goudy & Stevens yard.

“She ( America ) was so beautiful as that shiny black hull slid out of the shed and down the ways,” said Brewer.

She was a wooden vessel. No plastic, no carbon fiber, no steel. Wood. Admirers of traditional wooden sailing yachts, like Wilson, would just smile when she came into view.

The launching became a national news event as helicopters filmed it from above and TV cameras from below. Even National Geographic covered the event.

After the launching, America came back home to East Boothbay for several refits. On one occasion, she was painted white.

A local man, George McKown, became her first mate. One day, his brother, David, then a printer at the Boothbay Register, went down to the docks on his lunch hour and signed on as a deck hand and sailed with her around the world. When he came back to East Boothbay, he walked into the Register and asked for his old job back. He got it.

The 1967 launching of the replica America attracted so much attention because of the accomplishments of the original vessel.

Her story, a tale that is repeated around the world, began in the late 1840s, when a group of New York yachtsmen built her to challenge their British counterparts to a race. In 1851, as Queen Victoria watched from the deck of the royal yacht, the Yankee vessel outraced her 18 counterparts in a match around the Isle of Wight.

As the story goes, Her Majesty watched the Yank win, then asked who was second.

“Your Majesty, there is no second,” was the reply.

The happy Americans brought home a trophy, called the 100 Guinea Cup, installed it in the New York Yacht Club and christened  it “The America’s Cup” in honor of the first championship vessel.

Following the race, she was sold to a Brit and fought on both sides of the American Civil War.

She was owned by a succession of Americans until she was donated to the Naval Academy where she was crushed in a snowstorm in 1942.

In the yachting world, her name became the symbol of international yacht racing.

From 1857 until 1983, the New York Yacht Club successfully defeated all challengers seeking the trophy until the Royal Perth Yacht Club brought it to Australia.

Today, the America’s Cup races are followed worldwide as today’s high tech, multi-hull yachts race at astounding speeds on hydrofoils. In 2014, the yacht Oracle brought the cup back to America during the 2013 race in San Francisco.

The replica yacht America that will sail into Boothbay Harbor next week was built in 1995.

As for the replica vessel built in East Boothbay, Wilson said he remembers her racing in Europe.

“I think she is somewhere in the Caribbean,” he said.

Does anyone know where she is?

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Neighborhood: Harborview 1492 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA, 92101

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Replica of historic schooner ‘america’ sails into southport harbor this weekend, the more than $6 million replica of the famous racing yacht, for which the america's cup was named in 1851, will be making a one-day stop..

Vincent Salzo's profile picture

Vincent Salzo , Patch Staff


Southport, CT — The 139-foot schooner America, a replica of the world’s most famous racing yacht, for which the America’s Cup was named in 1851, will be making a one-day stop in Southport on Sunday, July 17.

America is on an extensive tour of the Gulf and East coasts and the Caribbean to raise awareness of the 2017 America’s Cup defense in Bermuda, and the vessel will be docked at Southport Harbor for just 24 hours.

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Beginning at approximately 9 a.m. on Sunday, America will glide down Southport Harbor, giving residents and members of the public a rare photo opportunity as the boat passes the village’s Ye Yacht Yard at the end of Harbor Road and then Perry Green, ultimately coming to rest in front of Pequot Yacht Club.

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Read more from the press release below:

From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., the public will have the unique opportunity to board the boat at Pequot Yacht Club and learn the history of the original racing yacht which beat a fleet of Britain’s finest and launched the America’s Cup 165 years ago.

This tour is free, but donations are welcomed and will support America’s mission to spark excitement about the latest America’s Cup racing; and to engage the next generation of sailing fans by highlighting the technologies that have elevated the sport to its present state.

The schooner, captained by Troy Sears, is a near perfect replica built in 1995 at a cost of more than $6 million.


Among the world’s most beautiful racing yachts, America is also the most famous, for it truly put the sport of yachting on the map. In 1851, the original boat won the Royal Yacht Squadron’s race around the Isle of Wight. Henceforth, that “100 Guinea Cup” was officially renamed “The America’s Cup” — not for the country but for the boat.

The winners of the 1851 race, members of the New York Yacht Club, donated the trophy to their club, to be held as a “challenge” trophy, which was successfully defended by the United States until 1983 and remains the longest winning streak in sporting history.

Designed by a young genius who combined the best of Old World theory and New World practicality, and owned by a syndicate of powerful men out to prove American maritime prowess, the original America did what almost everyone thought was impossible.

The schooner’s later career was equally as colorful: a conveyor of secret agents, Confederate blockade runner, Union warship, Naval Academy training vessel, and the pride and joy of a famous Civil War general and politician. By her end in 1945, America was one of the most honored vessels in the United States. The original was destroyed during World War II.

More information about America: nextlevelsailing.com/yachtamerica


9 – 10 a.m. ARRIVAL:

Ye Yacht Yard, 985 Harbor Road, Southport, CT (limited street parking only)

Perry Green, 701 Harbor Road, Southport, CT (limited street parking only)

1 – 3 p.m. TOUR:

Pequot Yacht Club, 669 Harbor Road, Southport, CT (limited street parking only)

(Photos courtesy of Next Level Sailing)

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This Bronze Age Ship Replica, Made From Reeds and Goat Hair, Just Sailed 50 Nautical Miles

Researchers constructed the vessel using a list of materials found on a 4,000-year-old clay tablet

Julia Binswanger

Julia Binswanger

Daily Correspondent

Magan Boat Replica

A nearly 60-foot replica of a 4,000-year-old boat—complete with a sail made from goat hair—recently launched off the coast of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates.

According to a statement from Zayed University, the vessel passed numerous trials over two days at sea. It journeyed 50 nautical miles in the Arabian Gulf, reaching speeds of up to 5.6 knots (6.4 miles per hour).

A team of archaeologists and engineers designed the boat as part of a partnership between Zayed University, New York University Abu Dhabi and the Zayed National Museum. The replica is modeled after a “Magan” vessel, which once facilitated trade with destinations such as Mesopotamia and South Asia.

In the past, fragments of Magan boats have surfaced on the island of Umm an-Nar , off the coast of Abu Dhabi. Now, researchers want to use the replica vessel to shed new light on the lifestyle and craftsmanship of the Bronze Age people who lived in the region.

“I felt as though we were breathing life into history, bridging the gap between the distant past and the present,” says project manager Tayla Clelland in a statement, per  CNN ’s Ashley Strickland. “Seeing the Magan Boat sail on the water for the first time actually took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes.”

Thousands of years ago, “Magan” was the name of a region located in what is now the United Arab Emirates and parts of Oman. To reconstruct the boat, experts relied on a clay tablet from 2100 B.C.E. that detailed the necessary building materials.

“The clay tablet was discovered in the ancient site of Tello, southern Iraq,”  Peter Magee , director of the Zayed National Museum, tells  Newsweek ’s Aristos Georgiou. “Written in Sumerian, one of the earliest known written languages, it depicts a shopping list of materials including four different types of wood, palm reeds, hides, goat hair, fish oil and bitumen .”

The researchers constructed the boat using traditional Bronze Age tools and techniques. To create the outer hull, they gathered 15 tons of locally sourced reeds. They then soaked the reeds, stripped away their leaves, and crushed and tied them together with date palm fiber rope. Finally, the builders attached the reed bundles to the internal wooden frames and coated them in bitumen, a viscous liquid made from crude oil that helped waterproof the vessel.

“We gained a much deeper knowledge of the materials used to build such boats to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of these revolutionary craft,” says Eric Staples , a maritime historian at Zayed University, per CNN. “We also gained a much deeper appreciation for the ingenuity and courage of the ancient shipbuilders and seafarers of the Bronze Age.”

Once the ship was complete, there was no guarantee that it would stay afloat at sea. CNN reports that 20 people worked to lift the sail and rigging; they, like the Bronze Age builders, did not use pulleys.

“When we first towed the boat out from the jetty, we were very careful,” says champion Emirati sailor Marwan Abdullah Al-Marzouqi, who was one of the boat’s captains, in the statement. “I was very aware it was made from only reeds, ropes and wood—there are no nails, no screws, no metal at all—and I was afraid of damaging her.”

However, once the crew got out on the water, those fears were put to rest. “I soon realized that this was a strong boat,” he says. “I was surprised by how this big boat, weighed down with a heavy ballast, moved so smoothly on the sea.”

According to the researchers, the project is the largest replica of its kind ever attempted.

“Appreciating the maritime history of the Arabian Gulf is key to understanding the importance of Abu Dhabi in the ancient world,” says  Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak , chairman of Abu Dhabi’s culture and tourism department, in the statement. “From ancient shipbuilders to today’s archaeologists, the launch of this impressive Magan boat reconstruction represents thousands of years of Emirati innovation and exploration, and a long legacy of forging regional and international connections.”

The replica Magan boat will eventually travel to the Zayed National Museum on Saadiyat Island, where it will be on public display. The museum is currently under construction and is scheduled to open in 2025.

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Julia Binswanger

Julia Binswanger | READ MORE

Julia Binswanger is a freelance arts and culture reporter based in Chicago. Her work has been featured in WBEZ,  Chicago magazine,  Rebellious magazine and  PC magazine. 


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For LVMH, the Olympics Are Welcome, but Not Without Risk

The reaction to the conglomerate’s involvement in the Games has been relatively — and surprisingly — free of criticism, yet the stakes are high.

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An image looking up at the Eiffel Tower with the Olympic rings displayed

By Claire Moses

Reporting from Paris

Among the dozens of sponsors of this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, one will be by far the most visible and influential: LVMH, the French luxury goods conglomerate. The company has invested 150 million euros ($163 million) in the 2024 Olympic Games, a gamble for a brand that has long marketed its goods to the upper echelons of society. And the company isn’t just putting its name on the event. It is putting its products … well, pretty much everywhere.

Louis Vuitton created the trunk that carries the Olympic torch and the medal trays for the victory ceremonies. Various other LVMH companies are involved as well. The jeweler Chaumet designed the medals, all of which will include a piece of wrought iron from the Eiffel Tower . Berluti, together with the French fashion editor Carine Roitfeld, designed the outfits the French team will wear during the opening ceremony. And Louis Vuitton and Sephora are in charge of the Olympic torch relay, which started on May 8 in Marseille and ends on July 26 in Paris, when the Games begin.

“This is the biggest event of our life in terms of commitment,” Antoine Arnault, who is in charge of image and environment at LVMH, said at a conference about sports and fashion organized by The New York Times in Paris this month. Mr. Arnault is the chairman of Loro Piana and the oldest son of Bernard Arnault, the chairman and chief executive of LVMH.

“We decided not just to sign a check,” Mr. Arnault said. “We decided that if we were going to do it, it was going to be new. It was going to be something that was never seen before.”

But becoming not just a sponsor but what the company calls the “creative partner” in the 2024 Olympics, and turning what is seen as a national showcase into a luxury advertisement, comes with risks.

LVMH will be highly visible during the opening ceremony, a four-and-a-half hour event that will be watched by 1.5 billion people around the world and that Mr. Arnault described as “very visibly LVMH-created.” The official Olympic Games website promises that it will be “bold, original and unique.”

A lot rests on those four-and-a-half hours, he said, citing potential hiccups beyond his control — a security incident, a strike or bad weather — that could derail the ceremony.

“This is a big risk for us,” Mr. Arnault said. “It needs to go perfectly for us to feel good about our commitment to these games. If the ceremony fails, it’s not going to be a very good night for us.”

Looking back at the negotiations leading up to the sponsorship announcement in 2023 and the unique way in which LVMH is putting its stamp on the games, Mr. Arnault said that the decision to participate became “obvious” and that it had been received well internally and externally.

“We were never proactively thinking of being the main sponsor,” he said at the Times conference. But after another major sponsor withdrew, “it suddenly became possible” he said, for the company to have a seat at the table and to have real influence on the Games.

“As a sports fan, as an Olympic Games viewer and passionate about this world, I thought it was essential and obvious for us to carry that role as the leading luxury group in France,” Mr. Arnault said.

LVMH has strengthened its relationship with the world of sports in other ways in anticipation of the Olympics. This year, for the first time since 2017, Louis Vuitton is sponsoring the America’s Cup , the world’s most prestigious sailing yacht competition.

Yet as LVMH becomes an increasingly visible part of the French economy and the Parisian streetscape, it has become — inevitably, it seems — a target of criticism. In April 2023, for example, demonstrators who were protesting plans to raise France’s retirement age, forced their way into the company headquarters on Avenue Montaigne.

LVMH, as well as its chief executive, faced criticism when it promised to invest $226 million in the restoration of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame after it was engulfed by flames in 2019 . There were people who criticized the wealthy donors for not paying their fair share in taxes, depriving the French government of revenue to repair the cathedral. Others criticized the reputational boost bestowed on philanthropists during a time of tragedy.

“There’s always a lot of criticism around anything we do,” Mr. Arnault said. “It’s almost a part of the French way of life.” But, surprisingly, there has been less criticism than might have been expected on the company’s involvement in the Olympic Games, he said.

The Olympics, too, are not without criticism, especially from Parisians who are finding their city much harder to live in this summer because of traffic and increased security. Other challenges abound as well. As of June, the Seine remained too dirty for open-water swimming events. Officials said that because of unusually heavy rain, sewage water had ended up in the river.

In a show of discontent, some locals threatened to use the river as a public toilet on the original day that Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, planned to swim in the Seine to prove the water was clean. Protesters used the hashtag #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin, which, though it may sound better in French, urged people to defecate in the river. (The protest did not appear to materialize, but the mayor did take a dip in the Seine this month .)

As LVMH continues to engage in major sporting events, it is not unreasonable to assume that it has its sights on the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Mr. Arnault was wary of making any statements before this year’s games had even begun.

“For 150 million, let’s just make this one work well,” he said. “We’ll talk about L.A. after.”

Claire Moses is a Times reporter in London, focused on coverage of breaking and trending news. More about Claire Moses

Our Coverage of the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics

Go inside the games with the new york times and the athletic..

A Gold Medal in Clothes: In fashion, athletes are replacing Hollywood stars , reflecting a shift in how we structure community and define culture, our critic writes. And people are watching Olympians unbox clothes and other gear on TikTok .

Why Host the Olympics?: Paris is hoping that its targeted approach — concentrating some $1.5 billion of the Olympic budget on Seine-Saint-Denis — will jump-start urban rebirth  in one of the poorest parts of France.

Feeding 15,000 Olympians: The French will have to meet a broad array of health and cultural requirements , but they still want to serve up some delight .

A Welcome Risk For LVMH: The reaction to the conglomerate’s involvement in the Games has been relatively — and surprisingly — free of criticism, yet the stakes are high .

A Transformed Neighborhood: The Games brought billions to redevelop this Paris suburb. What will the thousands of homeless people who live there do ?


  1. The Yacht America

    A replica of the 139-foot yacht that won the historic Royal Yacht Squadron's 100 Guinea Cup race in 1851. The History. Without exaggerating, America is the world's most famous racing yacht. It is also one of the most beautiful yachts in the world. The reason is simple: The original America put yachting on the map.

  2. Replica of Historic Yacht America Continues Tour

    The replica of the historic yacht America is on tour ahead of the 2017 America's Cup in Bermuda. The 1995-built America —a replica of the historic schooner America that won the America's Cup in 1851—is continuing her East Coast USA tour ahead of the 2017 America's Cup in Bermuda. The 139-foot replica America 's regular home port is ...

  3. The Yacht AMERICA On Tour in Boothbay Harbor

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  4. America (yacht)

    America was a 19th-century racing yacht and first winner of the America's Cup international sailing trophy.. On August 22, 1851, America won the Royal Yacht Squadron's 53-mile (85 km) regatta around the Isle of Wight by 18 minutes. The Squadron's "One Hundred Sovereign Cup" or "£100 Cup", sometimes mistakenly known in America as the "One Hundred Guinea Cup", was later renamed after the ...

  5. America

    Check out the history of America at Next Level Sailing. LOA: 139 feet (43 meters) Type : 19th-century two-masted schooner. Construction: Laminated cedar hull. Year Launched: 1995. Certification: USCG certified for up to 85 passengers. Current Location: San Diego, CA. Trivia: Schooner America carried the Olympic torch to the 1996 Olympic sailing ...

  6. About Us

    The gorgeous replica of the original 1851 racing yacht America was purchased. The replica was built in Albany, New York in 1995 by Scarano Boat designs. In 1996, yacht America carried the Olympic torch to the 1996 Olympic sailing venue in Savannah, GA. It was then sold to Historic Tours of America. It was purchased by Next Level Sailing in 2005.

  7. Beginning and end of the yacht America

    On 22 August 1851, America raced against 15 yachts in the Royal Yacht Squadron's "all nations" race around the Isle of Wight. America won, finishing 8 minutes ahead of the closest rival.

  8. Yacht America 1851 replica in Chestertown Maryland

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  9. Yacht America History: Unveiling the Legacy

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  10. Historic replica yacht America to make Camden stop

    As part of its America's Cup Tour, the modern replica of the historic yacht America, will make a one-day stop in Camden and will be opening the boat up for tours and a sail on Penobscot Bay. The 139-foot America will visit the Camden Yacht Club on Tuesday, Aug. 9 as part of its international voyage to generate awareness and excitement for the ...

  11. Ship Model of the Schooner Yacht AMERICA

    Closeup of the deck of the scale model of the yacht AMERICA. SAFR 5328 . NPS. By Bill Doll, Preservation Manager The America, designed by naval architect George Steers, won first place in the original 1851 race, a 53-mile-long circumnavigation, around the Isle of Wight, England.The America's owner took home the first place silver pitcher for winning the competition that would later be known as ...

  12. America Yacht Replica Model

    The 19th century racing yacht, America, was designed by George Steers for Commodore John Cox Stevens. Named after the first international sailing trophy it won, the America's Cup. America captured the 'One Hundred Sovereign Cup' by 20 minutes in 1851. ... America Yacht Replica Model Regular price $329.95 Shipped separately, allow 3-4 weeks for ...

  13. Scarano Boat Historic Replicas

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  14. Historic replica yacht America to make Pensacola Port of Call

    Historic replica yacht America to make Pensacola Port of Call. As our nation's first settlement--discovered by mariners--Pensacola has a unique connection with the worldwide sailing community. Our ties will be boosted by the November 10-12 visit of the Yacht America, official ambassador of the 2017 America's Cup.

  15. A Closer Look at the America 2.0

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  16. Stef and Tom Play on the Schooner America

    Stef and Tom Play on the Schooner America. The schooner America is a replica of the original yacht America that first brought the 100 Guinea Gup (later renamed in the yacht's honor The America's Cup) to America from Britain in 1851. This schooner was built in Albany New York in 1995. She is 139 feet overall and draws 10.5 feet of water.

  17. Replica of yacht America begins West Coast tour

    A replica of the yacht that gave the America's Cup its name is on a West Coast tour promoting sailing's marquee regatta.

  18. America

    The original America was designed by George Steers back in 1851. In her first year, on 22nd August, she won the 100 Guinea Cup which subsequently became the famous America's Cup. "The first replica of America was built by Goudy & Stevens Shipyard in Boothbay, Maine and launched in 1967. She was built for Rudolph Schaefer, Jr., […]

  19. The schooner yacht America

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  20. The Yacht "America"

    The America Yacht, a part of the Next Level Sailing fleet, makes for a perfect private or corporate getaway.Hop aboard and sail throughout the sparkling San Diego Bay while you enjoy all the picturesque views of the sea and skyline; Next Level Sailing offers more than meets the eye - take your guests on a whale watching experience, have an extravagant dining experience right on the water ...

  21. Replica of Historic Schooner 'America' Sails into Southport ...

    Southport, CT — The 139-foot schooner America, a replica of the world's most famous racing yacht, for which the America's Cup was named in 1851, will be making a one-day stop in Southport on ...

  22. America 1851 Yacht

    Information. America 1851 Yacht (BJ-K1050) Length 35″ / Scale 1/4″. The yacht that started the America's Cup, After being launched in New York in 1851, the America crossed the Atlantic and challenged the entire fleet of England's Royal Yacht Squadron. She won, and was awarded a silver trophy that was to become known as the America's ...

  23. america yacht replica

    Give the Gift of an Experience - Purchase Your Gift Card Today! The Yacht America. A replica of the 139-foot yacht that won the historic Royal Yacht Squadron's 100 Guinea Cup ra

  24. How The American Magic Team Is Reimagining America's Cup Tech

    New York Yacht Club exterior, built by Warren & Wetmore, 1899-1901 in Beaux-Arts style, at 37 W. ...[+] 44th Street, midtown, New York, NY getty. But then again, there's nothing quite like the ...

  25. This Bronze Age Ship Replica, Made From Reeds and Goat Hair, Just

    A nearly 60-foot replica of a 4,000-year-old boat—complete with a sail made from goat hair—recently launched off the coast of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates.

  26. For LVMH, the Olympics Are Welcome, but Not Without Risk

    LVMH will be highly visible during the opening ceremony, a four-and-a-half hour event that will be watched by 1.5 billion people around the world and that Mr. Arnault described as "very visibly ...