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Your answer to flower decoration on board since 1996, amaryllis yacht floral design has been creating floral decoration for yachts since 1996..

Yacht Floral Design offers a 24/7 personalised flower & plant service, on-board evaluation as well as free delivery from the port of La Ciotat to Genova. Julien and Maxime, will help you with everything you need on board: flower arrangements, plants, orchids & succulents...

After 18 years working alongside chief stewards and captains, our family entreprise have earned an excellent reputation and we go to great lengths to preserve it! Whether you are based in Monaco, Antibes, Cannes or Imperia, we deliver on short notice anywhere and always on time. Yacht Floral Design boasts superior service and quality, with all flowers and plants available at reasonable price. You are welcome to contact us anytime of the day, 7 days a week and in english of course. We specialize in last minute orders!

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Yacht Floral Arrangements: Tips for Creating Beautiful Onboard Gardens

  • by yachtman
  • October 1, 2023 September 20, 2023

yacht floral design

Having onboard gardens on yachts can add a touch of elegance and beauty to the vessel’s interior and exterior. Yacht owners and enthusiasts are increasingly recognizing the benefits of incorporating floral arrangements into their yachts. Here are the outlined benefits and factors to consider when creating yacht floral arrangements .

Benefits of Having Onboard Gardens on Yachts:

  • Enhances Aesthetic Appeal: Floral arrangements can enhance the overall ambiance and aesthetic appeal of the yacht, creating a visually pleasing environment for both guests and crew members.
  • Creates a Soothing and Relaxing Environment: The presence of plants and flowers onboard can create a peaceful and soothing atmosphere, promoting relaxation and well-being for everyone on board.
  • Improves Air Quality: Plants act as natural air purifiers, filtering out pollutants and releasing oxygen, thus improving the air quality and creating a healthier environment for everyone on the yacht.

Factors to Consider for Creating Yacht Floral Arrangements:

  • Space and Layout Constraints: Yachts often have limited space, so it’s important to consider the available space and layout when selecting and arranging plants and flowers.
  • Lighting and Temperature Considerations: Different plants have varying light and temperature requirements, so it’s essential to choose plants that can thrive in the specific lighting and temperature conditions on the yacht.
  • Plant Selection and Maintenance: Selecting the right plants that are suitable for the marine environment and require minimal maintenance is crucial. Regular plant care and maintenance are essential to ensure the longevity and health of the onboard gardens.

Essential Tools and Materials for Creating Yacht Floral Arrangements:

  • Lightweight and Portable Planters: Opt for lightweight and portable planters that are suitable for yachts, making it easier to move and rearrange the floral arrangements as needed.
  • High-Quality Potting Soil and Fertilizers: Choose high-quality potting soil and fertilizers to provide the necessary nutrients for the plants to thrive in the confined yacht environment.
  • Watering System and Irrigation Methods: Consider installing a proper watering system and irrigation methods to ensure regular and adequate watering of the plants, even in the absence of crew members.

Tips for Creating Beautiful Onboard Gardens:

  • Opt for Low-Maintenance and Compact Plants: Choose plants that require minimal care and have compact growth habits to fit within the limited space onboard.
  • Utilize Vertical and Hanging Gardens: Maximize space by utilizing vertical and hanging gardens, allowing you to include more plants without taking up valuable floor space.
  • Incorporate Colorful and Fragrant Flowers: Include a variety of colorful and fragrant flowers in your floral arrangements to add vibrancy and a delightful aroma to the yacht’s atmosphere.
  • Pay Attention to Proper Plant Care and Pruning: Regularly care for the plants, including proper watering, fertilizing, and pruning to ensure their health and longevity.

Key takeaway:

  • Enhances Aesthetic Appeal: Onboard gardens on yachts add a touch of natural beauty, creating a visually pleasing environment for passengers and guests.
  • Creates a Soothing and Relaxing Environment: Having onboard gardens can contribute to a calming atmosphere, providing a tranquil space for relaxation and enjoyment.
  • Improves Air Quality: Yacht floral arrangements help to filter and purify the air, promoting a healthier and more breathable atmosphere for everyone on board.

Benefits of Having Onboard Gardens on Yachts

Yacht owners rejoice! Prepare to be captivated by the enchanting benefits of having onboard gardens. From enhancing the aesthetic appeal to creating a soothing and relaxing environment, and even improving air quality; these floating havens are a floral wonderland of pure luxury and indulgence. Get ready to be whisked away into a world where vibrant blooms dance to the gentle sway of the sea, and every breath is a fragrant reminder of nature’s beauty.

Enhances Aesthetic Appeal

Having onboard gardens on yachts enhances the aesthetic appeal of the yacht in multiple ways. One of the key advantages is that it adds a touch of nature , bringing in vibrant and lush greenery that creates a sense of freshness and beauty . This natural element complements the surrounding waters, resulting in a visually pleasing environment. Additionally, the presence of well-maintained garden spaces and beautifully arranged floral arrangements creates a luxurious ambiance , elevating the overall feel of the yacht. It adds an element of elegance and sophistication, enhancing its aesthetic appeal. Moreover, onboard gardens provide a unique experience for guests and occupants of the yacht. It allows them to enjoy the pleasure of being surrounded by nature while indulging in the luxury of the yacht, creating a memorable and unmatched experience for everyone on board. Furthermore, the presence of onboard gardens also enhances relaxation . It offers a tranquil space for people to unwind and connect with nature, promoting a soothing and calming atmosphere that contributes to their well-being. Not only that, but onboard gardens also elevate social events and parties that are hosted on the yacht. The picturesque setting provided by the beautiful floral arrangements and vibrant colors serves as a visually stunning backdrop that enhances the overall atmosphere and ambiance of any occasion. So, if you want to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your yacht, incorporating onboard gardens is highly recommended . It can truly transform the look and feel of your yacht, providing a unique and visually pleasing experience for all onboard.

Creates a Soothing and Relaxing Environment

Creating a soothing and relaxing environment onboard a yacht is essential for a pleasant sailing experience. A well-designed and carefully crafted yacht floral arrangement plays a significant role in contributing to this ambiance. Here are some key factors to consider when aiming to create a soothing and relaxing environment:

1. Choice of plants: By selecting plants known for their calming properties, such as lavender , jasmine , or chamomile , a yacht floral arrangement creates a fragrance that promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

2. Color palette: Opting for soft, calming colors like pastel blues, greens, and neutrals is crucial. These colors have a soothing effect on the eyes and help create a serene atmosphere onboard.

3. Placement of plants: It is important to strategically place plants in areas where they can be easily seen and admired. By considering placing them near seating areas or at the entrance, a yacht floral arrangement establishes an inviting atmosphere.

4. Lighting: By utilizing ambient lighting, a tranquil environment can be created. Soft, warm lighting further enhances the calming effect of the floral arrangements and contributes to a cozy atmosphere.

5. Maintenance: Proper care and maintenance are essential for the plants in the arrangement. Regular watering, trimming, and fertilizing ensures that the plants remain healthy and thriving, thus contributing to a peaceful atmosphere.

By incorporating these elements, a well-designed yacht floral arrangement can effectively create a soothing and relaxing environment that allows passengers to unwind and enjoy their time onboard.

Yacht floral arrangements have a long-standing tradition in the maritime world. Dating back to ancient seafaring civilizations, seafarers would adorn their vessels with flowers and plants to bring beauty and calmness to their journeys. These early sailors deeply understood the importance of creating a soothing and relaxing environment in the often unpredictable and challenging conditions at sea. Today, yacht owners and designers continue to embrace this tradition, utilizing their creativity to design stunning floral arrangements that enhance the onboard experience. By carefully selecting plants, considering color palettes, and paying attention to lighting, yacht floral arrangements have become an integral part of yacht design, transforming the vessel into a tranquil oasis on the water.

Improves Air Quality

Improving air quality onboard yachts is crucial for the well-being and comfort of passengers and crew. Here are some key ways in which onboard gardens and floral arrangements can improve air quality:

  • Plants as Natural Air Purifiers: Incorporating various plants onboard helps to improve air quality by increasing oxygen levels and reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide. Through photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, acting as natural air purifiers.
  • Removal of Toxins: Certain plants, such as peace lilies, spider plants, and snake plants, have the ability to remove toxins and pollutants from the air. They can effectively absorb harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene, commonly found in indoor environments, thereby improving air quality.
  • Regulation of Humidity: Plants release moisture through transpiration, which aids in regulating humidity levels. This is particularly beneficial in enclosed spaces like yachts, where air circulation may be limited. Maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment is possible with the help of plants.
  • Reduction of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Certain plants, including English ivy, bamboo palm, and Boston fern, can assist in reducing the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air. VOCs are released by various sources like paint, cleaning products, and furnishings and can have negative health effects. Having these plants onboard contributes to better air quality.
  • Improvement in Well-being: In addition to their air purifying properties, plants have a positive psychological impact. Surrounding individuals onboard with greenery and floral arrangements promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. This leads to a healthier environment for everyone.

By creating beautiful onboard gardens and incorporating floral arrangements, yacht owners and designers can ensure an aesthetically pleasing environment, as well as one that supports clean and fresh air. This significantly enhances the overall experience of passengers and contributes to a healthier and more enjoyable journey.

Factors to Consider for Creating Yacht Floral Arrangements

When it comes to creating stunning floral arrangements aboard a yacht, there are several crucial factors to keep in mind. From navigating space and layout constraints to ensuring optimal lighting and temperature conditions, each decision plays a vital role in the overall success of your onboard garden. In this section, we’ll explore these considerations and delve into the art of plant selection and maintenance, uncovering the secrets to achieving breathtaking yacht floral arrangements. So get ready to transform your yacht into a blooming paradise!

Space and Layout Constraints

When it comes to creating yacht floral arrangements, one of the important factors to consider is space and layout constraints . These constraints refer to the limited space available on a yacht and the need to design floral arrangements that fit seamlessly into the existing layout.

To address space and layout constraints in yacht floral arrangements, certain considerations need to be taken into account. Here they are presented in a table format:

Addressing space and layout constraints requires careful planning and consideration. By taking into account the available space, the existing layout, and choosing appropriate sizes and placements for floral arrangements, it is possible to create beautiful onboard gardens that enhance the aesthetic appeal of the yacht without compromising on functionality.

A luxury yacht owner once faced challenges in integrating floral arrangements into their yacht’s limited space. They enlisted the help of a professional florist who carefully considered the space and layout constraints. By utilizing compact planters and strategically placing the arrangements, the florist transformed the yacht into a vibrant and elegant space. The owner was delighted with the result, as the floral arrangements added a touch of beauty without overwhelming the space. The yacht now boasted a unique and captivating onboard garden that perfectly matched the yacht’s luxurious ambiance. It serves as a testament to the importance of considering space and layout constraints when creating yacht floral arrangements.

Lighting and Temperature Considerations

When creating yacht floral arrangements, it’s important to take into account the lighting and temperature considerations to ensure the plants thrive and enhance the onboard environment.

  • Lighting considerations: It’s crucial to understand the natural light availability in different areas of the yacht. Determine which areas receive direct sunlight, partial shade, or are in complete shade. Choose plants that are suitable for the specific lighting conditions of each area to promote healthy growth.
  • Temperature considerations: Yachts often experience variations in temperature due to climate and weather conditions. Consider the temperature ranges in different areas of the yacht, such as indoor or outdoor spaces, and select plants that can tolerate these temperature fluctuations. Plants that thrive in warmer climates may require additional care and protection in cooler temperatures.
  • Proper lighting fixtures: Install appropriate lighting fixtures to provide supplemental light for plants in areas with limited natural light, such as cabins or below-deck spaces. Consider LED lights that emit the right spectrum for plant growth and ensure they are adjustable to meet the specific needs of different plants.
  • Temperature control: Use climate control systems, such as air conditioning or heating, to maintain a stable temperature if necessary. This can be particularly important for sensitive plants or in extreme weather conditions.
  • Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor the lighting and temperature conditions in different areas of the yacht. Make adjustments as needed to ensure the plants receive the optimal conditions for growth. This may include relocating plants to areas with better lighting or adjusting the temperature settings.

By considering the lighting and temperature conditions, yacht owners can create stunning and thriving floral arrangements that add beauty and vibrancy to their onboard experience.

Plant Selection and Maintenance

When it comes to creating and maintaining onboard gardens on yachts, the selection and maintenance of plants are of utmost importance for their success.

1. Plant Selection: In order to ensure the survival of plants in the specific conditions on a yacht, such as limited space, fluctuating temperatures, and exposure to sunlight and saltwater, it is crucial to carefully choose suitable ones. Opt for compact and low-maintenance plants that can thrive in these conditions and require minimal care. Great options include succulents , herbs , and ornamental grasses .

2. Plant Maintenance: Regular monitoring and care are essential for the plants onboard. It is important to provide them with sufficient sunlight and water . However, it is crucial to avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot. To ensure plants receive the right amount of moisture, it is recommended to implement a watering system and irrigation methods. Regular pruning is also necessary to maintain the shape of the plants and promote healthy growth.

3. Soil and Fertilizer: Proper root growth can be ensured by using high-quality potting soil that is lightweight and well-draining. Additionally, it is important to add fertilizers specifically designed for potted plants to provide essential nutrients. It is advisable to follow the package instructions for proper application rates and frequency.

4. Pest Control: Keeping a close eye on plants for pests is important, and necessary measures should be taken to control them. Whenever possible, it is recommended to use organic pest control methods in order to minimize the use of harsh chemicals in the delicate yacht environment.

5. Pro-tip: For longer journeys, it is worth considering the use of self-watering containers or planters with built-in reservoirs. These containers can regulate water levels and reduce the frequency of watering, thereby ensuring the plants remain healthy and hydrated.

By carefully selecting and maintaining the plants onboard, you can create beautiful and thriving gardens that add to the aesthetic appeal of the yacht and provide a soothing and relaxing environment for all on board.

Essential Tools and Materials for Creating Yacht Floral Arrangements

When it comes to creating stunning yacht floral arrangements, having the right tools and materials is essential. Get ready to dive into the world of lightweight and portable planters, high-quality potting soil and fertilizers, efficient watering systems, and the art of choosing the perfect vase or container. With these essential components, you’ll be equipped to cultivate onboard gardens that truly dazzle. So, grab your gardening gloves and let’s explore the key tools and materials that will take your yacht floral arrangements to the next level of beauty and elegance!

Lightweight and Portable Planters

When it comes to creating yacht floral arrangements, lightweight and portable planters are essential. These lightweight and portable planters offer convenience and practicality, making it easier to maintain and move the plants onboard.

  • Easy transportation: Lightweight planters are designed to be portable, allowing for effortless movement of plants from one location to another on the yacht. This is especially important when considering the limited space and layout constraints on a yacht.
  • Space optimization: Portable planters are designed to be compact, maximizing the available space onboard. They can be easily placed on various surfaces, such as decks or tables, without taking up too much space.
  • Durability: Despite their lightweight nature, these lightweight and portable planters are made from durable materials that can withstand the harsh marine environment. They are built to withstand the movement of the yacht and can endure various weather conditions.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Lightweight planters come in a variety of styles and designs, allowing you to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your onboard gardens. You can choose planters that complement the yacht’s decor and add a touch of elegance to the space.
  • Flexibility: With portable planters , you have the flexibility to rearrange your onboard gardens as desired. This allows you to experiment with different layouts and create new arrangements to suit your preferences or the occasion.

A true story:

John, the owner of a luxurious yacht, wanted to create a beautiful onboard garden to impress his guests during an upcoming event. He chose lightweight and portable planters to ensure easy transportation and flexibility. These planters allowed him to effortlessly move the plants around the yacht and create stunning floral arrangements in various areas. The compact design of the planters helped optimize the limited space available on the yacht, without compromising on the aesthetic appeal. John’s guests were delighted by the floral displays, and the lightweight planters became a talking point during the event. Thanks to the convenience and versatility of the planters, John was able to create a breathtaking onboard garden that elevated the ambiance of his yacht, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who attended.

High-Quality Potting Soil and Fertilizers

When it comes to creating yacht floral arrangements, using high-quality potting soil and fertilizers is imperative for the health and vitality of the plants. Here are some factors to consider when selecting and utilizing these materials to ensure optimal results:

Opt for nutrient-rich potting soil: Choose a top-notch potting soil that is specifically designed for potted plants. Look for a blend that incorporates organic matter, such as compost or peat moss, as it provides essential nutrients and helps retain moisture.

Ensure adequate drainage: Proper drainage is vital for potted plants to prevent waterlogged roots. Select a potting soil mix that has excellent drainage properties and includes perlite or vermiculite to enhance airflow and drainage within the container.

Consider using slow-release fertilizers: To supply a consistent amount of nutrients to your plants, consider using slow-release fertilizers. These fertilizers release nutrients gradually over time, ensuring a steady supply of essential minerals for healthy growth.

Embrace organic fertilizers: Give preference to organic fertilizers in order to minimize the use of synthetic chemicals. Organic fertilizers like compost or worm castings not only nourish the plants but also enhance soil health and promote beneficial microbial activity.

Adhere to recommended application rates: It is crucial to follow the recommended application rates for both potting soil and fertilizers to avoid overfertilization, which can cause nutrient imbalances and stress in plants.

Regularly monitor plant health: Continuously assess the health of your plants and adjust your fertilization routine accordingly. Keep an eye out for signs of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth, and make any necessary adjustments to maintain optimal plant health.

By utilizing top-quality potting soil and fertilizers, you can provide the essential nutrients your yacht floral arrangements need to thrive and contribute to the beauty of your onboard gardens.

Watering System and Irrigation Methods

To ensure the proper growth and maintenance of onboard gardens on yachts, it is essential to have an efficient watering system and irrigation methods in place. This helps to provide the plants with the necessary moisture they need for survival. There are several factors to consider when designing the watering system and selecting the appropriate irrigation method.

By considering these factors, yacht owners and garden enthusiasts can establish an effective watering system and irrigation methods for their onboard gardens. This will help to ensure the plants receive the necessary moisture for healthy growth and contribute to the overall beauty and tranquility of the yacht environment.

Choosing the Right Vase or Container

When it comes to creating yacht floral arrangements, choosing the right vase or container is essential to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the onboard gardens.

  • Consider the size and shape of the vase or container in relation to the space available on the yacht. Opt for containers that fit well with the overall layout and design of the yacht.
  • Material: Select a vase or container made from lightweight and durable materials such as ceramic, glass, or acrylic. These materials are not only practical for onboard use but also add a touch of elegance to the arrangements.
  • Style and Design: Choose a vase or container that complements the style and theme of the yacht. Whether it’s a sleek and modern design or a more traditional and ornate style, the container should harmonize with the overall ambiance of the space.
  • Stability: Consider the stability of the vase or container to ensure it can withstand the movement and vibrations on the yacht. Look for containers with a sturdy base or opt for options that offer additional support, such as suction cups or secure fastening mechanisms.
  • Functionality: Evaluate the functionality of the vase or container, especially in terms of water retention and maintenance. Select containers that have a proper drainage system or self-watering capabilities to ensure the longevity of the floral arrangements.

A fact: Did you know that using the right vase or container can significantly contribute to the overall longevity and freshness of the flowers, ensuring that the onboard gardens remain vibrant and beautiful for an extended period?

Tips for Creating Beautiful Onboard Gardens

Create an onboard garden that exudes beauty and elegance with these helpful tips. Discover the magic of low-maintenance and compact plants, as well as the charm of vertical and hanging gardens. Immerse yourself in a world of colorful and fragrant flowers that will captivate your senses. Learn the importance of proper plant care and pruning to ensure long-lasting vibrancy. Let your yacht decor flourish alongside carefully coordinated floral arrangements. Get ready to transform your yacht into a botanical paradise that will leave everyone in awe.

Opt for Low-Maintenance and Compact Plants

When creating yacht floral arrangements, it is important to opt for low-maintenance and compact plants . These types of plants are ideal for onboard gardens as they require minimal care and can fit into small spaces. Here are some steps to consider when selecting low-maintenance and compact plants :

  • Choose plants that have a slow growth rate and do not require frequent pruning. This will help minimize the amount of maintenance needed.
  • Look for plants that can thrive in different light conditions. Yachts often have limited sunlight, so it is important to choose plants that can tolerate low light or indirect light.
  • Select plants that have a compact growth habit. This will ensure they do not outgrow their designated space and can fit into smaller planters or containers.
  • Consider plants that have a high tolerance for dry conditions. Yachts may have limited access to water, so plants that can withstand periods of drought will be easier to care for.
  • Opt for plants that have attractive foliage or flowers to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your onboard garden. Compact flowering plants like petunias or dwarf varieties of roses can add a pop of color.
  • Consider using succulents or cacti as they are known for their low-maintenance nature and ability to thrive in arid environments.
  • Research the specific care requirements of each plant to ensure you can provide the necessary conditions for their growth.

By choosing low-maintenance and compact plants , you can create a beautiful onboard garden that adds a touch of nature to your yacht without requiring excessive time and effort to maintain.

Utilize Vertical and Hanging Gardens

To make the most of limited space and add a unique touch to onboard gardens on yachts, utilizing vertical and hanging gardens is an excellent choice .

  • Maximize space : By utilizing vertical and hanging gardens, you can make the most of limited space and grow plants on vertical surfaces, such as walls or railings. This enables you to create a lush garden even in tight spaces.
  • Enhance aesthetics : Incorporating vertical and hanging gardens will add visual interest and dimension to the yacht’s design. The cascading foliage and flowers will provide a beautiful and captivating sight .
  • Boost variety : Vertical and hanging gardens allow you to utilize vertical space to grow different types of plants, including flowering plants, herbs , and even small vegetables . This adds diversity to your onboard garden and provides a range of scents and flavors .
  • Improve air quality : Vertical and hanging gardens naturally purify the air by absorbing harmful pollutants and releasing oxygen. By utilizing these gardens, you can contribute to a healthier onboard environment .

Pro-tip : When creating vertical and hanging gardens, it is important to select plants that are suitable for the yacht’s environment, such as those that can thrive in limited sunlight or are low-maintenance. Additionally, lightweight and portable planters should be considered to ensure ease of installation and maintenance.

Incorporate Colorful and Fragrant Flowers

When creating onboard gardens for yachts, it is essential to incorporate colorful and fragrant flowers. These flowers not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the yacht but also create a soothing and relaxing environment for the guests. Here are some tips to consider when incorporating colorful and fragrant flowers in yacht floral arrangements:

1. Choose a variety of flowers: Incorporate a mix of different flowers to add vibrancy and depth to the arrangements. Include flowers like roses , lilies , orchids , and jasmine to create a visually stunning and fragrant experience.

2. Coordinate colors: Consider the overall color scheme of the yacht decor and choose flowers that complement or contrast with the existing palette. This will create a cohesive and visually pleasing ambiance onboard.

3. Select fragrant flowers: Opt for flowers with strong and pleasant scents to add an olfactory element to the floral arrangements. Flowers like lavender , roses , and gardenias are known for their captivating fragrances.

4. Proper placement: Place the colorful and fragrant flowers strategically throughout the yacht to ensure guests can enjoy their beauty and aroma. Consider placing them in common areas, dining spaces, and cabins to create a welcoming atmosphere.

5. Regular maintenance: Regularly water and care for the flowers to ensure they stay fresh and vibrant. This includes proper watering, pruning, and fertilizing to promote healthy growth and longevity.

True story: One yacht owner decided to incorporate colorful and fragrant flowers in their yacht floral arrangements for a special event. They chose a combination of bright tulips, fragrant lavender, and delicate roses. The vibrant colors and captivating scents created an enchanting atmosphere onboard, delighting all the guests. The floral arrangements perfectly complemented the yacht’s elegant decor, elevating the overall experience. The guests couldn’t help but admire and appreciate the beauty of the flowers, making the event truly memorable.

Pay Attention to Proper Plant Care and Pruning

To pay attention to proper plant care and pruning and ensure the proper care and maintenance of plants onboard a yacht, follow these steps:

  • Regular watering: Due to the dry and salty environment, plants onboard a yacht may require more frequent watering. Regularly check the moisture level of the soil and adjust the watering schedule accordingly.
  • Fertilizing: Use high-quality fertilizers designed for potted plants to provide essential nutrients. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for the correct dosage and frequency of application.
  • Trimming and pruning: Maintaining the overall health and appearance of the plants involves removing any dead or yellowing leaves and stems. Additionally, prune back overgrown branches to promote bushier growth.
  • Pest control: Monitor plants for signs of pests, such as aphids or mealybugs. Promptly treat infested plants with appropriate organic or chemical solutions to prevent further damage.
  • Provide adequate light: Ensure that plants receive sufficient light onboard the yacht. Place them in areas with ample natural light or use supplemental grow lights for plants requiring more sun exposure.

By following these steps and paying attention to proper plant care and pruning, you can create and maintain beautiful onboard gardens. These gardens will enhance the aesthetic appeal of your yacht and create a soothing environment for all onboard.

Proper plant care and pruning have been practiced for centuries in various cultures worldwide, including ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Greeks. They recognized the importance of tending to plants to ensure growth and beauty. Over time, horticultural techniques and knowledge have evolved, leading to specialized practices for different environments, including onboard gardens on yachts. Today, with technological advancements and a deeper understanding of plant biology, proper plant care and pruning remain crucial for maintaining healthy and flourishing plants in any setting.

Coordinate Floral Arrangements with Yacht Decor

To effectively coordinate floral arrangements with yacht decor, it is essential to carefully select flowers and foliage that perfectly complement the overall aesthetic of the yacht. The colors, textures, and shapes of the flowers should seamlessly enhance the ambiance and style of the yacht interior.

Here is a comprehensive table illustrating the art of coordinating floral arrangements with yacht decor:

By seamlessly coordinating the floral arrangements with the yacht decor, you can create a harmonious and visually pleasing atmosphere onboard. Whether you aspire to elevate the elegance, embrace modernity, evoke a coastal ambiance, or infuse a tropical vibe, the careful selection of flowers and containers will provide the perfect finishing touch.

Fact: It has been scientifically proven that surrounding oneself with flowers and nature can significantly reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.

Principles of Flower Arranging

When it comes to flower arranging, it is important to keep in mind the principles of flower arranging . These principles will guide you in selecting the right colors , shapes , textures , proportions , rhythm , and unity for your floral arrangement.

Remember, these principles of flower arranging can be applied to any type of floral design, whether it’s for a yacht , home , or special event . By applying these principles, you can create stunning and cohesive flower arrangements that are sure to impress.

Event Decorations

When planning for event decorations, it’s important to consider the theme, venue, budget, and desired atmosphere. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

1. Theme: Determine the overall theme or concept of the event. This will guide your choice of event decorations, color schemes, and style. For example, a garden-themed event may call for floral arrangements and natural elements, while a modern and sleek theme may require minimalistic and contemporary decor.

2. Venue: Consider the size and layout of the venue when selecting event decorations. Large, open spaces may require larger decorations or installations, while smaller venues may benefit from strategically placed centerpieces or wall decorations.

3. Budget: Determine a budget for event decorations and work within that limit. Consider the cost of materials, labor, and any additional rentals or services needed. Be creative and find cost-effective alternatives for event decorations that still achieve the desired look and feel.

4. Atmosphere: Think about the atmosphere you want to create for your event. Do you want event decorations that make it intimate and cozy, or grand and luxurious? The choice of decorations, lighting, and colors can greatly impact the ambiance.

5. Sustainable options: Consider eco-friendly event decorations and materials. Opt for reusable or biodegradable items, such as LED lights, recyclable banners, or potted plants instead of cut flowers.

Fact: According to a survey, event decorations play a significant role in creating a memorable experience for event attendees, with 85% of event participants stating that event decor greatly enhances their overall satisfaction.

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Some Facts About Yacht Floral Arrangements: Tips for Creating Beautiful Onboard Gardens:

  • ✅ Exotic flowers such as Orchids, Strelitzia, Heliconia, Guzmania, and Gloriosa are popular choices for yacht floral decoration due to their longer lifespan. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Florist Isabelle combines exotic flowers with long-lasting garden flowers like Hortensias, Roses, Delphiniums, Lisianthus, Crocosmia, and Dahlia to create stunning centerpieces for event decorations. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Yacht floral arrangements are particularly suitable for weddings, birthdays, and launchings. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Flower arranging for yacht interiors requires skill and knowledge of the 9 principles of flower arranging which include light, space, line, form, pattern, texture, size, balance, dominance, contrast, rhythm, proportion, and scale. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ When selecting blooms for yacht floral arrangements, it is important to consider color, texture, size, and seasonality. (Source: Our Team)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i create stunning centerpieces for event decorations on a yacht.

Florist Isabelle recommends combining exotic flowers like Orchids, Strelitzia, and Heliconia with long-lasting garden flowers such as Hortensias, Roses, and Delphiniums. This combination of flowers will create stunning centerpieces for event decorations that will last longer.

What types of flowers are popular choices for yacht floral decoration?

Exotic flowers like Orchids, Strelitzia, Heliconia, Guzmania, and Gloriosa, as well as greenery like Philodendron, Alocasia, and Palm leaves, are popular choices for yacht floral decoration. These flowers and greenery have a longer lifespan, making them suitable for onboard gardens.

What should I consider when selecting blooms for yacht floral arrangements?

When selecting blooms, it is important to consider color, texture, size, and seasonality. Bright tropical blooms like hibiscus or bougainvillea are suitable for yachts cruising in the tropics, while more subdued flowers like roses or hydrangeas are better for cooler climates.

What type of vases or containers should I use for yacht floral arrangements?

The choice of vase or container for yacht floral arrangements should complement the flowers and the yacht’s interior decor. Glass vases, ceramic pots, and metal containers are all suitable options. It is important to select a size that is appropriate for the flowers and the interior space.

What techniques can I use to arrange flowers for a cohesive display?

Arranging flowers for a cohesive display involves techniques such as the Rule of Three (arranging flowers in groups of three), the Dome Shape (placing the largest blooms in the center), the Line Technique (arranging flowers in a straight line), and the Cluster Technique (grouping flowers of the same type together). It is also important to consider the height of the flowers, with taller ones placed towards the center and shorter ones towards the edges.

How can I create a visually appealing display of yacht floral arrangements?

To create a visually appealing display of yacht floral arrangements, it is important to select blooms that are in season and suitable for the environment. Additionally, utilizing the tips and tricks shared by experienced Superyacht steward Claus, such as considering the art of flower arranging principles (light, space, form, pattern, texture, size, balance, dominance, contrast, rhythm, proportion, and scale) and the right vase/container choices, will help create a luxurious and welcoming environment for guests.

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South Florals


• Artistic Floral Compositions

• Boat Show Flowers & Plants

• Customized Event Decorations

• Green Plant: Orchids, Bonsais, European planters

• Preserved Botanical: Green Moss wall, Rose wall, Forever Flowers

• Artificial Flowers

Our Yacht & Cruise services focuses on providing beautiful fresh flowers for our customers that enjoy life on the ocean. We provide a variety of packages and themes to help our customers keep their decor unique across their boat. Our expert designers will express your vision creating pleasing arrangements for your guests and employees to visually enjoy.

Get Started Today!

yacht floral design

We are committed to giving our customers the respect, trust, and personal touch they deserve, AND we can guarantee our flower arrangements will surpass your expectations. Our highly specialized design team is focused on creating the most innovative designs to your satisfaction.

Happiness Delivered

Renowned floral designers in luxury liners and superyachts. We understand the ambiance of a private megayacht or a luxury charter yacht can be beautifully enhanced by sophisticated flower designs.

Flowers for Yachts & Cruises

South Florals Quick Facts

• 10,000 Sq. Flower Center, for large scale orders and flower arrangement requests

• 5 Retail Flower shop locations throughout South Florida

• The top floral designers in the industry

• Extensive selection of floral options

• Over 600,000 arrangements delivered to satisfied customers

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Oasis Floral Products NA

Yacht Flowers Designs, Going Places in a New Niche

The flower business isn’t always smooth sailing.

“When the market crashed, I looked for extra revenue to help my situation,” says retail florist Eileen Cheng AIFD. She charted a new course by selling flowers to a different niche of the market.

Yacht Flowers | OASIS Floral Products

Decorating yachts with fresh flowers and plants brought in a wave of new clients. Soon her business was ‘going places’ again.

Why yacht flowers?

“Yachts are floating mansions and mansions have flowers,” explains designer Janet Black AIFD. There were lots of yachts (with potential clients) anchored nearby.

 “Floral décor for yachting is very unique and specific,” says Eileen.

Catering to a lifestyle Eileen had not personally experienced required quickly learning how to navigate new waters.

How did Eileen turn the tides of her floral business?

What can you learn from her experience?

Yacht Flowers

In 2010, Eileen created Yacht Flowers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to get her floral business back on track. Daughter Delia Chen AIFD works alongside her at the helm.

Yacht Flowers | OASIS Floral Products

“We never know where our clients go but when they come to us we have a lot of fun creating their designs,” says Eileen. “It's always last minute which is a challenge.”

Selling floral elements to floating-mansions-on-the-ocean may be challenging, but as Eileen learned it can propel a seaside business.

A learning curve

Each yacht offers a new learning curve. “I have to learn where the flowers will be placed, and what the temperature and humidity will be, yacht movement, and the duration of the trip,” explains Eileen.

Yacht Flowers | OASIS Floral Products

Each owner has personal preferences in style and color. Delivering décor that ‘floats their boat’ requires a lot of customization.

“Our clients are the yacht owners, but we work with their special assistants,” Eileen explains.

Establishing good working relationships with staff creates a high rate of repeat customers for Yacht Flowers .

“Word of mouth is our best marketing tool,” says Eileen.

The yachts are all highly secured. The Yacht Flowers staff doesn’t go on deck, they just hand the flowers over to assistants. “Even so, I carry 1.2 million dollars in liability insurance,” Eileen confides.

Snowbirds in the water

“The yacht flower business is seasonal – typically October to May.  “Many yacht owners are Snowbirds-in-the-water and here for the warm weather,” suggests Eileen.

Yacht Flowers | OASIS Floral Products

Some yachts return every year for the season. Their flower needs vary – once a week, every two weeks, or every six weeks, depending on the client’s preference.

Other yachts arrive for special events. Clients are very secretive so the staff seldom knows what event they are designing for.

“Similar to weddings and funerals there is no room for mistakes,” Eileen confides. “I have learned of our customer needs. I have educated myself on providing better service and unique designs that meet those needs.” 

Stability is a challenge

Arrangements require stability to be anchored in place during travel. “That means most of time they must be low and have a heavy base,” explains Eileen.

 “As time went by, I quickly learned to mostly use green floral foam to ensure stability for the arrangements.”

Yacht Flowers | OASIS Floral Products

Eileen found that floral foam holds water well and the flowers are more stable while yachts are in motion.

“I looked at each of the different Oasis floral foams and decided to try them all,” she says. “After a few tries, I settled on Midnight MaxLife (black) foam . The color and texture are very suitable for tropical arrangements.”

“Midnight holds water well but doesn't have punch holes so I prepare (soak in water) the foam at least an hour before,” she adds.

She suggests that for some designs with hollow-stemmed flowers, the lighter-density Maxlife Springtime foam is a good choice.

Flowers must be long-lasting

Flowers are an important decorative element for yachting.

Choosing flowers that last longer than requested is a must. It’s not unusual for the client to decide to lengthen their stay (say from five days to ten) and the flowers are expected to remain fresh for the duration of the trip.

Yacht Flowers | OASIS Floral Products

Orchids, anthurium, roses, heliconia, oriental lilies, and green trick dianthus are a few of the Yacht Flowers’ favorites due to their long-lasting qualities.

 “To insure long-lasting designs, you must feed the flowers,” says Eileen.

“I use flower food from the moment flowers arrive to the shop. It is very important part of our design,” says Eileen. “Then water, with flower food, is added as a finishing touch once flowers are arranged and before they are delivered. It's a must.”

Some yachts also require plants. Requests for phalaenopsis bonsai, succulents, and other indoor plants are quite common.

Yacht Flowers | OASIS Floral Products

Learn the ropes

If you live near the water, designing yacht flowers may sound like a dream job. Eileen suggests that for it to work like a dream - you must first ‘learn the ropes’.

“First, understand what yachting is all about,” advises Eileen.

Be patient. The floral staff has learned that wealthy people don’t plan their lives in advance, they just go with the flow, day by day. As a group, they’re constantly making last minute plans or changing their plans. They cancel orders a lot.

Be prepared. “You never know what will happen next with mansions-on-the-water,” says Eileen. “Never having time to plan can sometimes be difficult and challenging.”

Organize a seasonal team. Yacht Flowers needs up to seven employees to keep the pace during the yachting season. “Out of season – nobody,” laughs Eileen, though she does have local talent she can call in, if needed.

Sailing along

“I used to have two stores. I sold the old one in 2018 to do yachting only. I love my job.” says the floral skipper.

The goal is to eventually pass the business on to her daughter, Delia. “She’s younger and can handle the stress!” Eileen adds with a laugh.

What overlooked, but profitable flower niche can you explore in your area?

What unique opportunities have you discovered that you can share with us?

Sharon, Yacht Flowers—what a unique specialty!

I still remember seeing a vase of fresh flowers on a table of a yacht docked at Put-in-Bay, OH, Lake Erie, years ago when there for a day with family. How classy!

Isn’t it interesting, Gloria Markuten, how memorable fresh flowers are!

Great idea surprised that roses are featured though and maybe expected to last 10 days Elsie Carter Ayr BraeFlowers

Thanks for your comment, Elsie Carter. I asked Eileen Cheng AIFD about the longevity of her roses. She said that if you buy from a quality source and use proper flower foods she finds that some roses will remain fresh for 10 days and longer. “I order my roses in advance to be shipped directly from Columbia or Ecuador to Miami,” continues Eileen. “They are very fresh and I take great care with them. White Mondial is one of my favorite roses. It is very hardy. When fresh this rose can last for up to two weeks.”

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Flourish Floral Design

Floristry, table design, botanicals & horticulture .

Yellow and Pink Flowers

Flourish is a bespoke floral design studio brimming with floral expertise. From beautiful hand tied bouquets to yacht table arrangements or en trend modern house plants and botanicals. We stand between the balance of old fashioned customer service values and rustic, modern design. 

Flourish has the expertise in designing and arranging floral displays specifically tailored for yachts. This requires a specialized understanding of the unique challenges and considerations that come with working in a maritime environment.

We have an understanding of the layout and interior design of each yacht we work with. This knowledge is crucial for creating floral arrangements that seamlessly integrate with the yacht's existing decor and layout.  

Given the unique conditions on a yacht (such as potential exposure to saltwater, limited space, and controlled temperature and humidity), the studio would carefully choose flowers and foliage that are not only visually appealing but also capable of withstanding these unique conditions.

Given the dynamic nature of the schedule yachts participate in, Flourish Design Studio is flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances, such as weather conditions or alterations to the departure date and time.

We specializes in creating memorable and visually captivating floral displays for yachts in the South Florida area, combining our expertise in floral design with a deep understanding of the specific needs and challenges of working in a maritime setting.

We can't wait to create for you!

White Buttercups

Quality design work

We focus on quality and timing. Our flowers come from the best suppliers South Florida can offer, always selecting the freshest blooms. Every element of the arrangement is considered with precision. This includes the choice of colors, textures, and sizes of flowers, as well as the overall composition of the arrangement. This meticulous approach results in a polished and visually striking final product.The studio takes steps to prolong the life of the arrangements, such as using techniques to keep the flowers hydrated and fresh for the duration of your trip.

We work with the most sustainable floral supplies available and we are striving to work with local growers in our community as much as possible

South Florida is not a place flowers grow easily, the environment is humid and wet which leads to root issues with many non tropical plants.  However, there are a few flower farms that exist here locally and we do our best to source whats available and in season. Flower sustainability is something the industry is working towards and each and every one of us florists play a role in making that a better reality for the entire industry. 

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Yacht floral design by amaryllis.

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Well-recommended by Chief Stewardesses, Yacht Floral Design offers creative bespoke floral designs & plants to suit all requests, along the French and Italian Riviera. 


4, Place Malespine Antibes 06600 France

: +33 6 46 07 08 61

: [email protected]

: www.yachtfloraldesign.com

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Flora LUXE

Fine Art Florals

Modern elegant flowers, minimalist floral design.

Contemporary wedding table at Grand Hotel Cap Ferrat

SELECTION Featured Story


Published on Magnolia Rouge Elegant Wedding at the Four Seasons Grand Hotel du Cap


Modern Wedding Florals in a private villa on the French Riviera


Stylish floral decor for engagement in the Château Saint-Georges


Flowers for Elopement on top of Monaco

Our approach we create bespoke floral designs that exceed your expectations.


My name is Eugenie Blandeau. I am a floral designer and the founder of FloraLUXE in the South of France.

With incredible passion to the floral decoration and an obsession to perfection, I pour my heart and soul into creating ideal florals for my clients. My floral designs mirror their personalities, wishes and desires, whether it is for a wedding decoration, for an event decor or for a yacht flower delivery.

I am particularly drawn to romantic, modern and airy Fine Art florals and Contemporary styling and if you do too, let’s decorate your most important moments together.



Vibrant wedding florals.

Chateau Sainte- Roseline - french riviera castle for weddings

EUGENIE BLANDEAU Favorite Projects

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Johana & Philippe

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Christine & Carl

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Marion & Neil

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Private Studio 06000 Nice, France +33 (0) 7-71-73-15-77


Let’s decorate your boat in the most beautiful way! Fresh cut or potted flowers, rich and creative floral arrangements, candles with sweet scents and objects of original decorations, make our experience your most precious ally in order to make your bridges, rooms and cabins the dream places where your guests will spend the moments the most unforgettable of their lives.

Narmino, florist decorator, House founded in 1927 in Monaco.

We deliver your boat from Genoa to Saint-Tropez – Free delivery to Monaco.

Maison Narmino is very proud to have obtained the title of Patented Supplier from H.S.H The Prince of Monaco .

Download our brochure in order to discover more about our services :

Our brochure


Sur un bateau lors du Monaco Yacht Show


Near the rocher and the port hercule.


+377 93 30 25 49


[email protected]


1, rue Grimaldi

98000 MONACO


Open Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. non-stop, as well as Sundays and holidays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Access map to the Grimaldi shop


Near the carré d’or and monte-carlo casino.

+377 93 50 54 05


[email protected]

33 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte

The boutique is open Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. non-stop. Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Access map to the Charlotte shop

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In accordance with the applicable regulations (Monegasque law No. 1.165, of December 23, 1993, modified) regarding the protection of personal data concerning you, you have an individual right of opposition, access and rectification. You may exercise these rights by sending your request either online via this  page or by registered mail addressed to Sarl Narmino, 1 rue Grimaldi, MC 98000 MONACO.

yacht floral design

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Shop your flowers online!

Events By Paradise

Stunning. Simplified.

Yacht Flowers

yacht floral design

Events By Paradise offers bespoke, luxe concierge floral design for discerning clientele. Our completely customized orders are designed to each client space they adorn, ranging from heat-tolerant deck arrangements to delicate, premium and ultra premium stems for sleeping quarters and indoor dining spaces.

Our concierge team can retrieve your megayacht’s vases and design to fit, provide our own vessels for your arrangement, or design loose stems to size for placement onboard. Our orders come with replacement stems for long sailings to keep arrangements looking peak, even under harsh weather conditions.

yacht floral design

Our team also designs custom orchid terrariums and delivers potted plants to bring living touches to interior and deck spaces.

Contact us (call/text Julie at 484-201-7068 or email [email protected]) for a quote or to schedule a consultation.

yacht floral design

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Learn how to style and create stunning floral bouquets for table settings, theme parties, and guest gifts for luxury life on a yacht. Including decorative elements with fine dining accessories and specific color themes that go along with the high-end interior of a yacht. 

This course will only be held twice a year. In spring it will be in Berlin and in autumn at the Cote Azur.

You will learn 16 different floral design techniques to show your skills as a stewardess to make a difference in your application. Including special ideas for the table setting. You will receive floral recipes and design concepts to be able to recreate those designs in the future.

CREATE Day one: Timeless Elegance /Color Theme: creme, whites, and cappuccino

3 Floral Designs sustainable techniques: classical and elegant 

- centerpiece bouquet  with round flowers for a round table setting, 

including silver decorative elements

- oval bouquet for a small coffee table

- guest bedroom bouquet for a night table

Day one: Spa Theme / Color Theme: white, beige, and wood

3 Floral Designs: natural and uplifting

- a centerpiece installation for a round table with driftwood shells and corals and flowers

- floral decoration and fruit ideas for a spa day with trays and beauty products

- edible flowers and floral oils and their health benefits 

Day three: Mask Ball Theme / Color Theme: dark navy, gold, burgundy

4 Floral Designs sustainable techniques: sensual and seductive

-  a centerpiece installation for a round table with a cage of flowers and fruits

- etagere for a side table or buffet with flowers and fruits

- gifting floral masks for the party guest or floral fascinator

- gifting boxes with scented candles and florals

Day four: Birthday Girl / Color Theme: pink, light pink, peach

3 Floral Designs: playful and happy

-  a floral  gift basket for the birthday girl

-  a floral cake decoration and champagne presentation

-  a floral design for a birthday candle

Day five: Exotic Party / Color Theme: exotic greens and beige

3 Floral Designs: exotic and lush

-  a high floral installation for a round table with a metal prop and hanging elements

-  floral bouquet in exotic fruit for the bar

-  floral design for buffet presentation


10:30 am–16:00 pm, with a break for lunch.

All materials included.

Tea, coffee, and cookies are provided throughout the day.

We will accept a deposit to secure your place. We’ll ask for full payment two weeks before the start of the floristry course.

You’ll receive a certificate from the Berlin Flower School upon successful completion of the five-day floristry course.

yacht floral design


Monaco Yacht Florist

Yacht Flower Delivery

Tell us the name – all the rest is on us.

Whether you’re a yacht owner looking to decorate for your stay onboard or a team looking to add an extra touch of luxury to your charter clients’ experience, we are here to help with your Monaco yacht flower delivery. We also provide weekly floral arrangements for those who want to keep their yacht looking beautiful all season long.

Superyacht Florist

The only detail we need from you is knowing the name of the boat (and getting your speck list if you have one) – all the rest is on us. We will make the best out of your budget to create arrangements that would fit the yacht layout and living spaces, fit the style and interior design, and deliver it to your berth at any port of the French Riviera.

Our approach to flower decor is centred around understanding the circumstances of each order, so we take into account the weather conditions at sea. We choose flowers that will have extended lifespan and will cope better with direct sun – to ensure that your arrangements not only look stunning but also last as long as possible. 

yacht floral design

Request Quote

Request a quote using the form below and our yacht florist team will get in touch rapidly to arrange your delivery. 

Flower Concierge Service

A dedicated team of experts with decades of experience obsessed with service and aesthetics. 

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Seafari Yacht Charters

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The Ultimate Guide to Having an Epic Yacht Wedding

A couple having a yacht wedding.

Published June 22, 2023

Make your special day one for the ages! Have a breathtaking yacht wedding with the sparkling sea as your backdrop. Let’s navigate the challenges of planning an epic yacht wedding.

What You Need to Have an Epic Yacht Wedding

1. access and logistics.

Setting the stage for your yacht wedding begins with seamless access for everyone. From provisioning companies to event planners and equipment handlers, coordination is vital.

Prepare ahead for a hassle-free boarding and disembarking experience. Make sure that all your wedding crew can easily access the yacht.

2. Guest List and Space

The allure of a grand yacht might tempt you to envision an extensive guest list. But space is a precious commodity on board. Even the most expansive yachts can surprise you with their capacity.

Make the most of a more intimate affair where your loved ones gather comfortably . But if a large guest count is important, don’t worry! Some luxurious yachts boast magnificent interior spaces.

3. Buffets and Table Service

You have two main options for satisfying your guests’ appetites: buffets or table service. If you like an ultra-elegant ambiance, table service might be the way.

Plan. Ensure your choice aligns with the yacht’s capabilities and your guests’ preferences.

4. Don’t Skip the Requirements

Planning a yacht wedding can present unique challenges. Be sure to know all the legal requirements in the country and the wedding destination .

Consider marriage licenses , residency requirements, civil ceremonies, and other formalities needed. This will ensure your union is legally binding and authorized to be held at the yacht.

5. Flowers To Set The Mood

Flowers can transform any space into a magical wonderland, and a yacht is no exception. Collaborate with a skilled florist who understands the intricacies of yacht weddings. Let their expertise in floral design beautify your celebration .

The Pros and Cons

As with any venture, a yacht wedding has its share of pros and cons. You must weigh and explore both to have a safe and epic celebration .

  • A singular venue for your entire event, eliminating transportation logistics.
  • All-inclusive packages tailored to your needs and budget.
  • Affordability that offers more bang for your buck.
  • Captivating views and unparalleled photo opportunities.
  • Intimate and unique ambiance for an unforgettable experience.
  • Additional fees may arise. You might pay for docking, fuel, taxes, and gratuities. But you can ask the yacht company about all these to avoid getting surprised.
  • Space limitations might require narrowing down your guest list.
  • Yacht regulation may restrict decorations and impose departure times.
  • Guests are confined to the yacht for the duration of the event.

Tips for a Memorable Voyage

A couple is happy to celebrate their yacht wedding.

To make your yacht wedding truly epic, consider these essential tips:

  • Prepare for the possibility of seasickness and provide remedies.
  • Ensure wheelchair accessibility and accommodate guests with mobility challenges.
  • Create a wedding website or group chat. Here you can share dress code suggestions and weather forecasts.
  • Have backup plans in case of inclement weather .
  • Communicate transportation details and parking options to your guests.

Is a wedding at sea legal?

Yes, a wedding at sea can be legal, but it depends on the country’s laws where the ship is registered. Follow their requirements, have an officiant and witness, and register the marriage properly. Seek professional advice for a legally recognized wedding.

What is the average cost of a yacht wedding in South Florida?

The average cost of a yacht wedding in South Florida ranges from $20,000 to $40,000. Chartering a yacht can cost from $1,500 to $6,500. The number of guests, catering, decorations , and other services can influence costs.

Final Thoughts

As the sun sets on our guide, it’s clear that with careful planning and consideration, your special day can be an unforgettable voyage.

Set your sights on the horizon. Embark on the journey of a lifetime. A yacht wedding will leave your guests in awe and create memories to cherish for eternity .

Experience Yacht Charters With Seafari In Boca Raton Florida

Looking for a great time on the water in Boca Raton Florida? Seafari Yacht Charters is number choice for yacht rentals in Boca Raton . Book our yachts for parties , exciting day trips to the Bahamas, romantic yacht dinner cruises , and much more. Come experience all South Florida has to offer with us.

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With expertise in multiple fields, Rei Bayucca offers readers captivating and insightful articles. Through her writing, she aims to engage and enlighten readers with thought-provoking content. Experience and dedication ensure that her work is well-crafted and impactful.

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Inside track: The yacht interior design brands to know this season

Dkt artworks.

If you're looking for custom artwork, sculptural furniture or a show-stopping centrepiece for your superyacht then London-based design firm DKT is the one to call. Priding itself on a site-specific approach, DKT's skilled craftsmen can turn their expert hand to almost any form of decorative work, including mosaic, sculpture and bas-relief in metal, glass and stone, trompe l'oeil, gilding, paint finishes and mirrored artworks, and have undertaken commissions for no fewer than 62 superyachts. Recent projects include custom designs for Ulysses , Joy , Dilbar and Plvs Vltra .

Visit dkt.co.uk .

Many brands claim to provide comfort and functionality, but few strike the balance with such finesse as Loro Piana. Its clothing and accessories are made from the world’s finest raw materials and enhanced by innovative in-house engineering — its revolutionary Storm System treatment, for example, will make even the most lavish of fabrics, such as vicuña wool, 100% waterproof.

It’s no surprise, then, that the company is well established in the yachting industry. Loro Piana Yacht Interiors has cleverly adapted to the unpredictable conditions of life at sea without losing an ounce of quality. More than 600 varieties of customisable materials and special blends, including tussah silk woven with wool and horsehair, and fine merino wool blended with linen or silk, are employed in its stylish yet durable wall coverings, cushions, upholstery and light-blocking curtains.

Visit loropiana.com

Bottega Veneta

Italian style is no stranger to flamboyance so Bottega Veneta’s subtle and discreet Home Collection is perfect for the superyacht owner who prefers a more muted colour palette. Founded in Vicenza in 1966, Bottega Veneta began producing luxury leather goods in the master craftsman tradition. That approach, rather than trend-driven fashion, has remained the cornerstone of the brand.

In 2006, the year it opened a school dedicated to training the next generation of leather artisans, the company launched its Home Collection. Creative director Tomas Maier started it all in 2001, when he began commissioning bespoke furnishings for select retail stores. The pieces soon attracted the attention of discerning clients but, rather than selling them (as was often requested), Maier promised to make the customers their own versions instead.

Ten years later the Home Collection is now an integral part of Bottega Veneta. It favours modern, functional pieces that bear the trademark intrecciato leather braiding motif. Each item is elegant enough to work as a standalone accessory or as part of a set, and the look suits an onboard setting just as well as one on dry land.

Visit bottegaveneta.com

As part of luxury Italian linen house Pratesi’s ambitious five-year plan towards international expansion, it has launched a new range specifically for yachts. The collection of sumptuous bedding, table linens and towels is made to order, with customisation options including bespoke monogramming available.

Run by the fourth generation of the Pratesi family, the house is focused on delivering faultless craftsmanship, drawing on the skill of its team of designers, weavers and embroiderers, who create the linen in its Florence headquarters. COO and future CEO Simone Bocchio and president Federica Pratesi bring a personal insight into the yachting industry to the production of timeless, elegant linens.

Visit pratesi.com

Christian Liaigre

“Offshore is an inhospitable world of wind, waves, rain and ultraviolet light,” designer Guillaume Rolland once said, “so the belly of a boat must be a nest — a place where one escapes all that.” Rolland heads the yacht division of the eponymous company founded by fellow Frenchman Christian Liaigre in 1987. He has been working with Liaigre since 2001, initially involved in all projects within the company, which is known for subtly luxurious furniture and interiors that make an elegant, understated use of natural materials, such as raw linens and woods weathered by the sea.

As the yacht interiors side of the business took off, Rolland, a lifelong sailor who regularly competes in regattas around the world, took charge of the company’s yacht design studio. Projects he has undertaken include Vertigo , a 67 metre sailing yacht that was awarded Sailing Yacht of the Year at the 2012 World Superyacht Awards . With Vertigo , the design studio worked closely with the boat builders from the start, so that the interior was created along with the yacht, rather than just made to fit into it. The design includes glass panels and doors in the cockpit areas that can be made transparent or opaque at the flick of a switch. So escaping the elements — or even your fellow guests — is simple.

Visit christian-liaigre.fr

FM Architettura d’Interni

“All projects start as dreams in the mind of an owner.” This is the philosophy of the Italian company that has designed the interiors of some of the world’s finest superyachts and most luxurious hotel suites and palatial private homes. FM Architettura d’Interni was founded by the architect Francesca Muzio and the interior designer Maria Silvia Orlandini in 2009, and in a few short years, has amassed an incredibly impressive portfolio of clients in all corners of the world.

The company made its name by creating yacht interiors that are effortlessly elegant, yet at the same time have an inviting, natural feel. As its reputation grew, it was commissioned for high-profile interior design projects such as the luxurious Presidential Suite of Shangri-La at The Shard, London - along with other Shangri-La properties in China and the Philippines — as well as premium residential properties stretching from Bahrain to Beverly Hills.

Despite the long list of people lining up to benefit from their expertise, Muzio and Orlandini never forget the views of the most important person in any project: the owner. Whether the commission is for a yacht or a penthouse, the pair consult at length with the client so his or her “uniquely personal wishes” can be fully reflected in the interior that FM Architettura d’Interni will go on to create.

Visit fm-arch.it

Tai Ping has been making and supplying one-of-a-kind carpets to discerning clients all over the world for 50 years. Its first-ever commission, from the Grauman’s Theatre in Los Angeles, was for a carpet so large it needed to be constructed in a tent erected outside the factory. Today, the Hong Kong-headquartered company has five distinct divisions and showrooms across Europe, North America and Asia.

New for 2016 is a collaboration with award-winning florist Jeff Leatham. The artistic director at Paris’s Four Seasons Hotel Georges V, Leatham is famed for creating stunning floral installations and bouquets for everyone from the Dalai Lama to Oprah Winfrey.

The Bloom collection comprises 14 handmade wool-and-silk rugs that were inspired by geometric shapes and the organic forms of solid, liquid and vapour. Each of the custom-made designs explodes with colour, with even Leatham admitting to feeling “chills” when he saw them realised for the first time.

Visit taipingcarpets.com


Back in 2012, when Frank Pollaro was commissioned to create a desk for Brad Pitt’s château in the South of France, little did he know a new partnership was about to be forged. On delivering the piece, he noticed the actor’s sketchbook was full of furniture sketches and suggested they make them a reality.

The Pitt-Pollaro Collection is designed by Pitt and crafted by Pollaro. It demonstrates the attention to detail the likes of Robert De Niro have sought out and majors in art deco-inspired pieces in opulent materials, such as the decadent Statuario Venato marble Toi et Moi bath (above, in a limited edition of three), which can accommodate two well-heeled people. Should you require further credentials, Pollaro has designed yacht furniture for tech giant Larry Ellison, and Pitt-Pollaro was one to the top luxury and interiors brands at the Monaco Yacht Show .

Visit pitt-pollaro.com

Dudgeon Sofas

Dudgeon creates bespoke sofas for the luxury residential market. Its relationship with the luxury boat industry was forged in 1992, when a yacht interior designer called into the Knightsbridge showroom on the hunt for Chesterfield sofas. Since then, its team of skilled British craftspeople has gone on to make upholstered sofas and chairs for 86 superyachts, including award-winners such as the 63 metre Benetti 11.11 .

Visit dudgeonsofas.com


Championing an aristocratic flair in its furniture, Visionnaire works closely with key players in the yachting industry, and draws on high-end fashion and culture for reference. However, while its history is steeped in Italian craftsmanship techniques, the company is also surprisingly innovative. It has continually invested in sustainable materials, modernising many of its product lines accordingly. Its latest development comes in the form of an “eco-leather” called Materiko, which was the catalyst for a range of outdoor designs, including the Sunny chair (pictured) by Alessandro La Spada. Materiko’s hard-wearing characteristics make it a prime choice for nautical environments as it is both impermeable and UV-resistant.

Visit visionnaire-home.com

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South Florida Yacht Flowers Bespoke Floral Design For Private Vessels And Charters

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we take pride in our high attention to every detail to provide you with a full salon experience from start to finish. We aim to give you something new and original. Our service style is unique and intuitive, making us far different from any other salon.

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A floral display of two bouquets of red and pink flowers, on a table with a wooden tray, a stack of plates, a lemon and two eggs in egg cups. The table is covered with a pale blue cloth.

Flower Arrangements Are Reaching New Heights

Floral designers are finding drama in tall, statuesque compositions.

Arrangements featuring dendrobium orchids, renanthera orchids and, at right, garden roses created exclusively for T by the New York-based floral artist Miguel Yatco of Agos Muni. Credit... Photograph by Kyoko Hamada. Set design by Leilin Lopez-Toledo

Supported by

By Alice Cavanagh

  • March 15, 2024

“I have so much admiration for florists who can make haphazard, wild arrangements,” says Miguel Yatco, 30, the floral artist behind the Brooklyn-based studio Agos Muni . “But it’s different to how I approach things: I’m rigorous.” The compositions he produces for his fashion and design world clients — a column of billowy cream-and-orange poppies for the French fashion house Hermès ; a three-foot-high mass of deep purple hydrangeas and clematis for the New York design gallery Jacqueline Sullivan — are often so tall and tightly packed that they resemble inverted cumulonimbus clouds. “I love to create the feeling of the flower floating and defying gravity,” says the designer, who likes to begin with a vessel, often a silver pedestal bowl or oversize pewter julep cup, then adds blooms to double or triple its height.

If last summer saw the culmination of a trend for sprawling, low-lying floral landscapes, Yatco’s work represents an aesthetic about-face. Increasingly, arrangements seem more orderly than meadowlike, their precise structures clearly shaped by human hand and their blooms, whether lush and densely grouped or spare and few, visibly contained by vases. When the world outside feels turbulent, they seem to remind us, we tend to tighten our grip. But these works are also defined by their height, their long stems often extending above or through equally elongated vessels. In their ascent there is optimism: If there are constraints on all sides, then the only way is up.

In September, when the Italian fashion house Bottega Veneta opened its remodeled Paris store, its tables were topped with plumes of flowers that practically touched the ceiling. Their creator, the Brussels-based French floral artist Thierry Boutemy, 55, had drawn inspiration from the still lifes of heaping multicolor arrangements painted by the Flemish and Dutch masters around the time of tulip mania, when that flower’s popularity soared in early 17th-century Europe. Taking cues in particular from the vivid palette of “ A Still Life of Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase ” (circa 1609) by Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, he conceived a series of vibrant vertical arrangements, each assembled from fat heads of purple-and-blue hydrangeas, speckled yellow lilies, wavy-stemmed yellow nerines and, finally, purple delphiniums and yellow eremurus. Compared to the bouffant-like silhouettes of Bosschaert’s assemblages, Boutemy’s were narrow, continuing the line of the cylindrical Venetian bubble-glass vases that held them. “Rigor and clarity are the most important things,” Boutemy says, and an elongated shape means “each flower remains visible and each gives strength to another.”

A row of five towering floral arrangements.

But upright arrangements needn’t be grandiose to be striking. The willowy single-stem and single-variety displays that the Connecticut-based ceramic artist Frances Palmer , 67, creates with the flowers she picks from her garden in warmer months — pairing them with her elegant pottery, often inspired by ancient Etruscan and Cycladic forms — are dramatically simple. “I like everyone to have their cameo,” she says of her approach, which might showcase a sword-shaped ‘Peter Pears’ apricot gladiolus in a narrow-necked blue celadon vase or a pair of velvety dark red ranunculus whose stalks stretch high above a small, urnlike vessel. Palmer generally leaves stems, especially the snaking ones of her garden’s poppies, long and exposed: “I think they’re equally important,” she says.

“It’s the way they sit, bend and twist in the vase,” says the London-based florist Christie Leigh , 35, whose minimalist style often channels the deliberate, restrained forms of ikebana, the traditional Japanese art of flower arranging. For a recent breakfast in London, she used silver dessert bowls to anchor spindly arrangements of chocolate cosmos, pink scabiosa, ranunculus and white anemone. “It was morning, so we wanted everything bright and breezy,” she says of her decision to display the blooms’ rangy naked stems at varying heights. To hold her flowers in place, Leigh often uses a kenzan , an ikebana tool that resembles a spiked metal plate, or narrow vessels that provide support. For the newly opened Italian restaurant Dalla in East London, she sourced silver candlestick-shaped vases attributed to the Viennese designer Carl Auböck, furnishing each with a single, barely trimmed stem of white ‘Butterfly’ ranunculus.

The London-based florists Iona Mathieson, 30, and Romy St. Clair, 33, of the studio Sage Flowers , also create distinctive vertical arrangements, but with an emphasis on unexpected juxtapositions of color and scale. A recent asymmetrical composition featured a low cluster of pale mauve lisianthus on one side and, on the other, an explosion of blush dahlias, several of them kept exaggeratedly tall, shooting skyward like fireworks. “You’re not trying to mimic how things look in nature,” St. Clair says. And yet the delicate outstretched stems of these towering arrangements highlight perhaps the most beautiful thing about flowers: their ephemerality.

Photo assistant: Omer Kaplan. Set designer’s assistant: Joseph McCagherty

Saying It With Flowers

With their countless applications and natural beauty, flowers can fill your days with color and wonder..

Floral artists are forgoing vases in favor of dramatic arrangements on the ground .

Hibiscus blossoms are as dazzling as they are ephemeral. In an age of shortened attention spans, they are having a resurgence .

Once considered fusty and unfashionable, corsages and other floral adornments are enjoying a renaissance .

Regal and otherworldly, the gloriosa lily has enchanted florists with its flamelike form and incendiary colors. But the bloom is every bit as dangerous as it looks .

Floral flavors may call to mind molecular gastronomy and dainty delicacies, but flowers have for centuries been part of cuisines  around the world.

The humble chamomile flower is suddenly everywhere. Here is how it came to captivate the worlds of fashion and food .

Looking for an online flower delivery service? Wirecutter tested more than a dozen .


yacht floral design

First refuelling for Russia’s Akademik Lomonosov floating NPP


yacht floral design

The FNPP includes two KLT-40S reactor units. In such reactors, nuclear fuel is not replaced in the same way as in standard NPPs – partial replacement of fuel once every 12-18 months. Instead, once every few years the entire reactor core is replaced with and a full load of fresh fuel.

The KLT-40S reactor cores have a number of advantages compared with standard NPPs. For the first time, a cassette core was used, which made it possible to increase the fuel cycle to 3-3.5 years before refuelling, and also reduce by one and a half times the fuel component in the cost of the electricity produced. The operating experience of the FNPP provided the basis for the design of the new series of nuclear icebreaker reactors (series 22220). Currently, three such icebreakers have been launched.

The Akademik Lomonosov was connected to the power grid in December 2019, and put into commercial operation in May 2020.

Electricity generation from the FNPP at the end of 2023 amounted to 194 GWh. The population of Pevek is just over 4,000 people. However, the plant can potentially provide electricity to a city with a population of up to 100,000. The FNPP solved two problems. Firstly, it replaced the retiring capacities of the Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant, which has been operating since 1974, as well as the Chaunskaya Thermal Power Plant, which is more than 70 years old. It also supplies power to the main mining enterprises located in western Chukotka. In September, a 490 km 110 kilovolt power transmission line was put into operation connecting Pevek and Bilibino.

Image courtesy of TVEL

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  1. Yacht Floral Design

    Yacht Floral Design: Facebook: Google+: Instagram: Follow us News Product gallery: Follow us Reviews Product gallery: Daily pictures of our creations: Contact Us: Helga +33 (0)6 10 07 50 72: Julien +33 (0)6 46 07 08 61: Maxime +33 (0)6 64 15 43 84: [email protected]: 4 place malespine 06600 ANTIBES

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    Here are my suggestions for a few ways of introducing flowers on board. Flowers for the saloon & lobby: Theming your yach t. It is really important to hold your floral theme across the whole yacht, otherwise it will feel schizophrenic. For Lionheart we had a white theme and we focused on different heights to keep the eye busy and add a sense of ...

  4. Yacht & Cruise Flower Service

    South Florals Quick Facts. • 10,000 Sq. Flower Center, for large scale orders and flower arrangement requests. • 5 Retail Flower shop locations throughout South Florida. • The top floral designers in the industry. • Extensive selection of floral options. • Over 600,000 arrangements delivered to satisfied customers.

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    Brenda Wallace from Floral Atelier offers her 2021 trend prediction: "Unique floral designs, movement (less rigid), subtle, delicate, and graceful design, touches of dried/preserved flowers, intense colors are back too together with texture. Keep in mind that trends can change depending on your location!"

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    Yacht Flowers. In 2010, Eileen created Yacht Flowers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to get her floral business back on track. Daughter Delia Chen AIFD works alongside her at the helm. "We never know where our clients go but when they come to us we have a lot of fun creating their designs," says Eileen. "It's always last minute which is a ...

  8. Home

    Flourish is a bespoke floral design studio brimming with floral expertise. From beautiful hand tied bouquets to yacht table arrangements or en trend modern house plants and botanicals. We stand between the balance of old fashioned customer service values and rustic, modern design. ... We have an understanding of the layout and interior design ...

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    Well-recommended by Chief Stewardesses, Yacht Floral Design offers creative bespoke floral designs & plants to suit all requests, along the French and Italian Riviera. Read more. Information Address. 4, Place Malespine Antibes 06600 France : +33 6 46 07 08 61: [email protected]

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    Through the years I crafted my own experience in the yacht design and set up, that allows me to see what floral decoration matches best a yacht interior, what underlines her style and what replies to owners` preferences. Call us for a full yacht floral design or a last-minute flower delivery to any port of the French Riviera from Cannes to Monaco.

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    [email protected]. - ADRESS. 33 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte. 98000 MONACO. - OPENING HOURS. The boutique is open Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. non-stop. Closed on Sundays and public holidays. Your message. In accordance with the applicable regulations (Monegasque law No. 1.165, of December 23, 1993, modified ...

  12. Yacht Flowers

    Events By Paradise offers bespoke, luxe concierge floral design for discerning clientele. Our completely customized orders are designed to each client space they adorn, ranging from heat-tolerant deck arrangements to delicate, premium and ultra premium stems for sleeping quarters and indoor dining spaces. Our concierge team can retrieve your megayacht's vases and design to fit, […]

  13. Yachts & Villas

    Contact us! + 33 7 61 07 62 28. [email protected]. Back Roni offers you its expertise in decorating villas and yachts with:The Expertise Yacht & Villas RoniA team of mobile florists from March to October to decorate your yacht anywhere in the world, 7 days a weekYear-round international flower shipping service The Expertise Yachts ...

  14. Yachting floral Design

    5 DAYS COURSE Learn how to style and create stunning floral bouquets for table settings, theme parties, and guest gifts for luxury life on a yacht. Including decorative elements with fine dining accessories and specific color themes that go along with the high-end interior of a yacht. This course will only be held twice a year. In spring it will be in Berlin and in autumn at the Cote Azur.

  15. Monaco Yacht Flower Delivery

    Yacht Flower Delivery. Tell us the name - all the rest is on us. Whether you're a yacht owner looking to decorate for your stay onboard or a team looking to add an extra touch of luxury to your charter clients' experience, we are here to help with your Monaco yacht flower delivery. We also provide weekly floral arrangements for those who ...

  16. The Ultimate Guide to Having an Epic Yacht Wedding

    This will ensure your union is legally binding and authorized to be held at the yacht. 5. Flowers To Set The Mood. Flowers can transform any space into a magical wonderland, and a yacht is no exception. Collaborate with a skilled florist who understands the intricacies of yacht weddings. Let their expertise in floral design beautify your ...

  17. The best yacht interior designs brands

    As the yacht interiors side of the business took off, Rolland, a lifelong sailor who regularly competes in regattas around the world, took charge of the company's yacht design studio. Projects he has undertaken include Vertigo, a 67 metre sailing yacht that was awarded Sailing Yacht of the Year at the 2012 World Superyacht Awards.

  18. South Florida Yacht Flowers

    South Florida Yacht Flowers - Bespoke Floral Design For Private Vessels And Charters. Level 3. Level 3 a. Leverl 3 b. Book an appointment.

  19. Yacht Floral Design (@yachtfloraldesign)

    763 Followers, 463 Following, 50 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Yacht Floral Design (@yachtfloraldesign)

  20. Flower Arrangements Are Reaching New Heights

    Floral designers are finding drama in tall, statuesque compositions. Arrangements featuring dendrobium orchids, renanthera orchids and, at right, garden roses created exclusively for T by the New ...

  21. First refuelling for Russia's Akademik Lomonosov floating NPP

    The operating experience of the FNPP provided the basis for the design of the new series of nuclear icebreaker reactors (series 22220). Currently, three such icebreakers have been launched. The Akademik Lomonosov was connected to the power grid in December 2019, and put into commercial operation in May 2020.

  22. Moscow Metro

    Along with the journey through the Golden Ring of Russia, every travel guide includes a trip to another interesting ring. The ring of Moscow metro stations. We have collected for you the best metro stations of Moscow. Just look for yourself at what amazing art is presented in underground area.

  23. Interior Designers & House Decorators in Elektrostal'

    Interior design companies can be involved as much or as little as the client desires. Many clients who hire a house interior decorator in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia — particularly those who are remodeling — have a good sense of how the room should look and what products they should use. Often clients will insist that interior ...

  24. Design-Build Contractors & Firms in Elektrostal'

    Before you hire a design-build contractor in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, browse through our network of over 810 local design-build contractors. Read through customer reviews, check out their past projects and then request a quote from the best design-build contractors near you. Finding design-build contractors in my area is easy on Houzz.