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Us flagged vessel, health insurance costs per crew, uniform cost per crew, training cost per crew, food cost per crew, crew turnover, hires using a professional crew agency.

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Costs of food provisions will vary dependent upon how eloborate food Preferenaces are

Location will play huge factor in food provisons and thing may have to be folws into remorte locations.

Crew is one of the largest expenses on a superyacht and critical to the owner’s enjoyment of their vessel. As the largest crew agency in the world, we know crew. Our cost calculator contains customized crew lists for yachts ranging from 80ft to 600ft with salary information based on our reference verified salary data.

Our users also have the ability to completely tailor the crew list to the specific needs, schedule and requirements of their vessel. Each yacht is unique and may have specific owner requests in addition to the yacht’s safe manning requirements.

Management of the supplemental crew costs and strategic budgeting can help avoid significant overspend on categories such as food and uniform. This tool contains default values based on our industry expertise and recommended budget for an efficiently and safely run superyacht.

To learn more about each crew position in detail, including salary ranges, please visit our yacht department directory .

Drag the sliders to modify your results. These are not linear scales and we expect most yachts to operate within the 20-80% window. Above 80% and below 20% costs increase or decrease at exaggerated levels and we only see numbers in these levels in very rare circumstances.

This sunburst diagram is interactive. You can click into each block to see the expense break down and mouse over each block for more details.

Our chart of accounts displays seven major categories, 20 sub-categories plus a further 80 detail categories for a total of 107.

Our yacht operating cost calculator is now on it’s third major revision. We start with actual yacht expense data from our yacht management accountants and then generate formulas to extrapolate out the budget for a wide range of yachts. We have been providing accounting services to large yachts for the past 18 years.

Our operating cost calculator is tuned for yachts from 80 to 600 feet. We find operating variables create the largest variances for yachts smaller than 100 feet and larger than 250 feet. We have tested the numbers the most in the range from 100 to 250 feet.

Our budget calculator factors in the fuel burn for a range of engine sizes typically seen installed on yachts by length. By dragging the green “fuel dockage” slider to the right you will increase the projected fuel burn rate and therefore the budget cost for fuel. Our default position would be for a typical displacement fuel burn. Position the slider in the 60-80% range for fuel projections for planning hulls.

Our default values produce a budget number that we believe is generous to run a yacht to a high standard. Perfect is a very expensive word to use in the yachting industry where standards are already high. Moving the crew and maintenance sliders to 80% will provide an “industry best” quality of crew and give them the maintenance budget to operate to a very high standard. If you need to go over the 80% area then you may have unusually labor intensive equipment on the yacht.

Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel movement but leave the essential base maintenance and insurance in place.

Lift on and float in yacht transport is a popular way to transport yachts across large ocean passage. The yachts that this service certainly applies to are ones that may not have the motoring range or structural integrity for blue ocean cruising. The cost of transporting a yacht twice per year is put into our budget once the “Fuel Dockage” slider hits 75%. If your yacht has the range we recommend self-sufficient ocean passages whenever possible. Whilst the transport companies sell their services based upon reportedly well oiled operated schedules the reality is that your yacht may stay waiting for pickup for a week or more with no compensation due. When factoring in all secondary factors of self-sufficient passages (increased fuel, maintenance, potential storm damage, crew time off, extra delivery crew) compared with transporting your yacht (insurance, potential loading / unloading damage, loss of schedule control, no work whilst underway, crew flights, crew accommodation) we believe that there is a 100% premium associated with float in transport and a 75% premium with lift on transport compared with self-powered.

Abandoned yachts crash in value. We recommend that even if you are trying to sell your yacht that you use the yacht for a minimum of two weeks per year so that systems are tested and working every six months. There is nothing worse for a yacht than not being used. If you truly are not going to use the yacht then you should sell it immediately for the first genuine offer as every dollar you put into maintenance will not be recovered at the time of the sale.

We did not build this version with sailing yachts in mind. Early in our development of this version we decided to exclude sailing yachts as a few of the major cost drivers scale very differently for sailing yachts compared with motor yachts. For example: To calculate paint costs we reviewed the surface area of over 100 large yachts and created a formula for painted surface area to length. Sailing yachts just don’t scale in a consistent way. Similarly crew numbers don’t scale in the same manner that they do for motor yachts. If there is sufficient demand we may build a sailing selector switch into a future version of this tool.

We hate to hear when yacht owners were told by their broker to factor in 10% of the purchase price to operate the yacht. This over used saying is sadly right occasionally (particularly for newer yachts in the $20-30M range)… but just because a broken watch tells the right time twice a day you shouldn’t rely upon it to tell the time. As yachts get older their capital value decreases but their maintenance costs increase. There is no way that a fixed 10% of purchase cost rule can be true… if your broker told you this rule then you need a new yacht broker… we know some good ones. 😊

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Windward Yachts

How Much Does it (Really) Cost to Own a Yacht?

cost of a 70 foot yacht

The true cost to own a yacht is an area of concern for many prospects of yacht ownership. And it should be.

Maintenance costs, exploitation costs, total cost compared to yacht charter, we detail in this article the expenses (especially the hidden ones) you have to consider before buying your first yacht !

We also provide you several solutions to lighten your investment and reduce the cost to own your yacht. 

If you are looking for the price of a yacht charter (rental), please read this article instead .

How much is a yacht?

Before diving into the expenses that comes monthly, yearly or every decades once you own a yacht, let’s answer the elephant in the room: How much is a yacht (alone) in the first place? The short answer is… it depends, of course. But in most cases, the longer the yacht, the higher is her selling price.

Generally speaking, you can expect to find yachts for sale in the following price ranges:

  • Below 50ft (15m): between 500K – 2,500,000 € / USD
  • Between 50-70ft (15-21m): between 2 millions and 6 millions € / USD ( See our 9 catamarans for sale under 6 millions here )
  • Between 70-100ft (20-30m): between 6 millions and 20 millions € / USD
  • Superyachts over 100ft (30m): minimum 10 millions € / USD

You can always find exceptions to the rule and find cheaper or more expensive yachts for sale outside of these price brackets.

A lot of factors come into the selling price of a yacht: supply and demand, brand / model reputation, age and condition of the vessel, urgency or lack of for the sale and so on.

What are the main hidden costs that come with yacht ownership?

You probably already guessed it, the cost of owning a yacht doesn’t stop at its purchase price . In some cases, the price you bought your yacht at can seem like a bargain, but it really isn’t once you start adding all the hidden costs, and many of them come yearly.

Here are the main ones you should be wary of.

cost of a 70 foot yacht

Yacht exploitation and running costs : always calculate them carefully before buying your yacht

It always cost you money to exploit your yacht.

When you are chartering a yacht, a part of these operation costs is included in your APA (Advanced Provisionning Allowance) .

When you own a yacht, these costs still apply , but you will have to pay directly for them.

Among the main operation costs, the most important are usually the following:

  • The fuel: its cost will depend on the type of boat, her fuel consumption, the region, and the distances traveled;
  • The mooring fees which depends on the area but also on the boat size;
  • The crew, if you need it. The cost will depend on the frequency and the crew’s size;
  • The communication fees;
  • The food and beverages supplies;
  • All the expenses related to your leisure activities.

Yachts maintenance: a cost that you should definitely not overlook

cost of a 70 foot yacht

Even outside of its operating period, it still costs you money to own your yacht!

Maintenance of your boat isn’t an option and must be done on an ongoing basis. The price vary depending on the type of yacht you are owning (motor, sail, etc…), the size of the vessel, but also how old she is.

The maintenance costs include :

  • The regular maintenance of certain equipment, like engines, thrusters, sails, rigging, safety equipment, hull(s) (fairing)…;
  • The occasional maintenance operations in case of breakdown or damage;
  • The painting;
  • The cleaning and the specialized maintenance products (for teak, leather, …). 

The costs of maintenance and upkeep will obviously not be the same if you do it yourself or if you call in specialists. But regardless, you should have a budget buffer dedicated to maintenance costs when you plan on buying a yacht, especially if she already had a long sailing life.

The taxes and insurance premiums of a yacht: a cost that most forget

Consider the different taxes (at the purchase and annual) and the yearly yacht insurance that you have to pay. A specialized insurance policy is generally estimated at between 0.8% and 1.2% of the boat’s purchase price per year.

Must Read : Yacht Insurance : The Definitive Owner’s Guide

Yearly harbor fees : a very important hidden cost of yacht ownership

cost of a 70 foot yacht

The port and/or winterization fees are also a big part of yacht ownership costs that you should carefuly estimate.

Depending on your region, you may need to consider “dry-docking” your boat, which involves handling, transport, and storage which can be really expensive. 

If you can leave your yacht in the water all year round, you will need to go for a harbor ring concession.

Depending on the marina and its infrastructure, the region, and your boat’s size, the costs may considerably vary from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars a month . However, it is easy to obtain this information from marinas once you have chosen which yacht to purchase.

The depreciation’s price of a yacht

A yacht, like a car, will depreciate . It is difficult to estimate the depreciation, as it depends on economic conditions, exchange rates, price inflation when new, the type of boat, and the shipyard. 

However, it is reasonable to estimate a minimum depreciation of 10% in the first year, then 7% in the following years. From the fifth year on, the depreciation tends to slow down. On the other hand, the operating costs increase.

Summary of the main operating and maintenance costs of owning a yacht

So, to sum up, how much does it cost to own a yacht? It largely depends on your type of yacht and your location.

But in general, owning a yacht will cost you between 10-25% of its value annualy . The longer the yacht, the likelier you are to be at the end of the spectrum.

Here are the reasonable costs you could consider:

  • 10% of its value annually for a 60ft (18m) / 1 million USD yacht and below (=max 100K / year)
  • 20% of its value annually for a 100ft (30m) / 10 millions USD yacht and above (=min 2 millions / year)

These brackets of total costs include everything: usual yacht maintenance, upkeep and operating costs that will be distribued as follow:

  • Communication
  • Maintenance
  • Insurance premiums
  • Harbour fees
  • Cost of depreciation

Are you worried? Do not. Luckily, there are numerous ways to decrease the overall cost of yacht ownership and still enjoy yachting as it should be. Read the next paragraphs to know these valuable tricks.

If you liked this article you will also like : HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO CHARTER A YACHT?

How to reduce the cost of yacht ownership?

cost of a 70 foot yacht

A yacht keeps on costing money even when not in use, so the best way to make it a more profitable investment is to increase its exploitation.

Renting your own yacht : a good way to reduce the costs of owning a boat

When you are not using the boat, you can earn income by renting it out. The rental price depends on the type and size of the boat, but also its location. While making money from renting is possible, don’t expect to pay back all your expenses. Nevertheless, it will help you in avoiding your yacht becoming a financial burden. 

The easiest way to do this is to hire a professional charter company to help you. If you go for a reputable and experienced company, you will benefit from their expertise and contacts. It will also save you from legal, insurance, and withdrawal issues and avoid red tape.

On the topic : Yacht to Charter : Can It Be Profitable?

Fractional yacht ownership: share the cost of owning a yacht with co-owners

Another solution to own a yacht at lower cost is fractional ownership of a boat , which means that you own a fraction of it. It can be half, a quarter, or even less. For a long time, boaters have been opting for this option of partial ownership with friends or family. These days some companies create formalized fractional ownership arrangements for more guarantees. 

For example, in partnership with the Windward Islands, SAILING RESORT proposes fractional boat ownership on the fabulous trimaran, the LEEN 72’. So you can become a co-owner of the new hybrid-powered multihull which can accommodate up to 10 passengers and 4 crew members. You will enjoy private use of the trimaran (depending on the period) from 6 to 12 weeks during the first 5 years.

This program proposes a profitable commercial operation with 24/7 premium service. It is a tailor-made solution for all those who want to feel like owners of a prestigious yacht for a few days a year while limiting their investment and responsibilities. WI manages the operation of the yacht for you out of your personal use, like the charter’s organization, maintenance, insurance, annual mooring, and all other administrative tasks.

Once you have weighed the pros and cons and have the means to finance both the purchase and the annual costs (maintenance, operation, …) of your yacht, you should go for it! Indeed, if you can evaluate the hidden costs and expenses of owning a boat, the freedom and unforgettable memories are priceless. 

Yacht Charter remains a cheaper alternative than yacht ownership in many cases

cost of a 70 foot yacht

If you can’t enjoy your yacht frequently or are still unsure about whether it’s worth the cost or not to own a yacht, you might consider chartering instead. This will allow you to try out different models , from various shipyards, and see which ones you prefer.

Therefore, the cost of renting a yacht will save you from having to worry about all those hidden costs of owning one. All you have to do is pay for your charter, your cancellation insurance and set your APA during your stay. This way, you only pay money, time, and effort when you use the boat.

What is the (true) cost of chartering the yacht you've seen? 💰⛵

The advertised prices of all charter companies do not include APA, VAT & other variable costs. 

Use our calculator to get a 100% FREE estimate of the REAL total cost of your next yacht charter! ⬇


cost of a 70 foot yacht

Frequently asked question

For a 60-foot or million-dollar yacht, the cost per year will be about 10% of its value or $100,000 per year.

You should expect to pay about 20% or more of the original price of your boat to run it annually. So, for a $10 million yacht, the cost to operate will be about $2 million per year, including fuel, insurance, dock fees, maintenance and repairs, crew, etc.

A 180-foot superyacht and/or mega yacht costs a minimum of $4.75 million per year to operate and maintain. Kitty McGowan of the US Superyacht Association estimates an annual budget of $1 million for maintenance and repairs, $350,000 for dockage, $240,000 for insurance, $400,000 for fuel, and $1.4 million for the crew. Add another 15-25% of the vessel’s value for V.A.T.

Once you have weighed the pro and cons, if you can afford the purchase and all the hidden annual expenses, have found your dreamed yacht, and have time to enjoy it, you should go for yacht ownership!

It is not the best way to make money, but you can minimize your annual expenses by renting it or opting for fractional boat ownership.

It’s hard to tell. As long as you have the money and enough time to enjoy it, it is worth owning a yacht! Everything cannot be estimated. For example, it will bring you invaluable freedom and happiness.

One of the easiest way to reduce the maintenance cost of a yacht is to fractional yacht ownership. That way, the maintenance expenses are spread among co-owners according to their shares.

It varies greatly depending on the size of the yacht. For a yacht of 60ft (18m), you will likely spend around 10% of its purchase value each year in maintenance and exploitation costs.

Luxury yachts have maintenance and operation costs that are around 10% of their value yearly. So if a yacht value is 2 millions USD, its maintenance and operations costs should be around 200K / year.

Operating a sailboat is usually 20-40% cheaper than the same size motoryacht. Motoryachts tend to be more expensive to operate than sailboats as the fuel consumption can become an important expenditure fast.

A small yacht below 50ft is usually for sale between 500K and 2,5 millions USD / €. A mid-size yacht between 50ft and 100ft is usually for sale between 2-15 millions USD / €. Above 100ft, the selling price is rarely below 10 millions USD / €.

cost of a 70 foot yacht

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Buying a yacht : the frequently asked questions, you might also like.

cost of a 70 foot yacht

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cost of a 70 foot yacht

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cost of a 70 foot yacht

Average Yacht Prices | 40, 50, 60, 70, 100 feet + Helpful Examples

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How much do yachts cost? Let’s look at yacht prices per size.


Note: We will look at yachts that are a few years old. Very few people buy brand-new yachts as the price comes down a lot after only a few years.

How much is a small yacht? Let’s start at 40 feet length.

40 Foot Yacht Cost

A 40-foot yacht can be found used for around $200,000 and new models can cost as much as a million dollars. There are always lots of used yachts for sale around 40 feet in length, which makes them more attractive to first-time buyers.

Technically, a yacht begins at 23 feet. However, yachts that size will more often be referred to as boats.

A 40-foot yacht is a great option for looking for relative simplicity and plenty of comfort and capability. This size is great for day trips in the Caribbean dedicated to speed boating or simple cruising.

The size remains manageable, but the vessel can be updated with extra living spaces and amenities as desired, with a more affordable price than larger options.

The maintenance prices will remain lower as well.

Make sure you are considering the age of your yacht. Even if it is on the smaller end, it will be more expensive if it is new and custom-built to your wants.

Even if you think a 40-foot yacht is the cheapest option, these small factors make for a sliding price scale.

You might find that a smaller, new, custom yacht is more expensive than an older, simpler, larger yacht. One benefit of an older yacht is that it should have the improvements and equipment that make it comfortable to operate and will not have those additional costs.

For  sailboat prices specifically, check out this article .

Our Pick: Viking 42 Convertible: Cruise and Fish (2014)

Price: $895,000

cost of a 70 foot yacht

  • Cushioned seats
  • Underwater lights
  • Flybridge fiberglass hard-top
  • Recent engine and service
  • Joystick control
  • Cockpit shade with poles, freezer, and step-up box
  • Custom chairs
  • Coach roof overhang to provide shade
  • home theater setup
  • Freshwater wash area
  • Cockpit freezer and drink box
  • Forward-facing viewing windows in deckhouse

Here’s a great example of a yacht with differing ages and year models. It has twin diesel engines, 600 hp each, and cruise at 35 mph (pretty fast!).

Yacht Price Examples for Three Other 40-50 Foot

  • 42-foot Grand Banks 42 Classic; trawler-cruiser style yacht; twin diesel, 350 hp each, cruising speed is 13 mph. Price: $370,000 for 2004; $124,500 for 1986; older ones for less
  • 45-foot Sea Ray 450 Sundancer or Sedan Bridge; single or twin diesel, about 1,000 hp total; cruising speed about 26 mph Price: $472,000 for 2012 twin-engine
  • 41-foot Back Cove Downeast; single diesel 715 hp; cruising speed is 26 mph Price: $619,000 for 2016

50 Foot Yacht Cost

50-foot yachts are  normally owner-operated, so you wouldn’t need to pay for a crew. Now we are around the size of 2-bedroom yachts.

They can provide more living space giving the owner flexibility for more guests and making it a more permanent residential option. With more space comes the opportunity to install more amenities as well.

The biggest difference between the 40-foot vessel and the 50-foot is the accommodations.

Expect three-cabin layouts, which give plenty of space for rest. The opportunity to create guest rooms, owners’ suite, and entertainment spaces are better with these yachts.

Our Pick: Hatteras GT54 Convertible Sportfish

cost of a 70 foot yacht

The price for the 2017 model of this used yacht starts at $2,249,000. 

This yacht is 53′ 10″ long and weighs 75,000 pounds! It has twin diesel engines, 1,300 hp each, cruising speed of 35 mph.

It has a 1200-gallon fuel capacity with three staterooms. It sleeps up to 6 people, so it is perfect for entertaining without being so large to the point where maintenance becomes very difficult. It is known for its great propulsion rates and is very smooth and agile.

It specializes as a fishing boat but allows plenty of room for guests. In addition to the three staterooms, it has a large salon deck, a spacious galley, and plenty of indoor and outdoor seating.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 50 Foot

  • 51-foot Azimut Magellano 50; express cruiser; twin diesel engines, 425 hp each, cruising speed 16 mph Price: $670,760 for 2013
  • 52-foot Carver C52 Command Bridge; twin diesel engines, 600 hp each; cruising speed 18- 26 mph Price: $1,149,000 for 2017; $1,750,00 for 2021 with bow thrusters, gyro-stabilizer

How much is a large yacht? Let’s  step up to 60 foot.

60 Foot Yacht Cost

Now we’re looking at 2-bedroom yacht prices. A yacht in this range approaches the upper end of the owner/operator criteria.

This means that owners need to decide whether they can handle this size yacht on their own or if they need to hire outside help from a crew.

If you’re thinking of buying a boat this size, the cost may not be an issue, but understand that adding crew members adds substantial extra expenses! Crew salaries start at around $3K /mth for junior members and $10K for captains and experienced crew members.

This size is great for longer travels beyond day trips and adds more and more space for extra amenities. Hosting guests becomes easier.

Here are some examples:

Our Pick: Hatteras M60

cost of a 70 foot yacht

The average base price for this model is around $2,995,000.

The Hatteras M60 is great for someone who wants the luxury of a larger yacht but still wants to be an owner-operator. The deck’s layout below and above is spacious, with a large salon and a full master suite. It can be customized to order with hardwood floors or specific carpeting and amenities like TVs, a bar, a full kitchen, etc. It is a motor yacht, meant for pleasure cruising.

It has twin diesel engines, 1135 hp each; cruising speed is 28 mph.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 60 Foot

  • 64-foot Schaefer 640; express cruiser; twin diesel engines, 625 hp each; cruising speed 25 mph Price: $1,299,000 for 2017
  • 60-foot Sunreef 62 Sailing Catamaran; twin diesel engines 110 hp each; cruising speed 10 mph Price: $990,000 for 2009

70 Foot Yacht Cost

We’re now looking at 3-bedroom yachts. Once you reach this size yacht, it is almost guaranteed you will need a crew to help operate it. A crewed yacht is very different from an owner-operated yacht.

This is just shy of the superyacht category, so if you settle on this size, know you are almost there!

As previously mentioned, as the yacht size gets larger, so do the number of factors that make the purchase more layered and complex.

When yachts reach this size, the interior layout begins to change more drastically. They often have a spacious main deck perfect for dining and entertaining guests, whereas below, the yacht would likely have four or more cabins and crew quarters.

With more rooms comes more cost and more opportunity to customize the space to make it your own.

Here are some great options for this size:

Our Pick: Hatteras GT70 Convertible Sportfish

cost of a 70 foot yacht

The 2017 GT70 model runs around $4,500,000, but keep in mind the extra costs of maintenance, furnishing, and a cabin crew to help it run. It’s great for a long vacation and far-away destinations.

The GT70 convertible sportfish is known for its speed and agility, and high propulsion power. It has twin diesel engines, 1900 hp each; cruising speed over 30 mph.

It is 70′ 6″ with 2,140-gallon fuel capacity. The inside is lavish, with a galley, a huge salon, and five staterooms.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 70 Foot

  • 75-foot Hatteras Motor Yacht; sport cruiser; twin diesel, 1800 hp each; cruising speed 28 mph. Price: $4,375,000 for 2017
  • 74-foot Ocean Alexander Motoryacht; twin diesel, 1150 hp each; cruising speed 24 mph. Price: $1,895,000 for 2011

100 Foot Yacht Costs (and up):

You are officially in the superyacht range.

These yachts come in all styles and shapes, allowing for cruising along coastlines or focusing on watercraft and speed boating.

Since this is likely the peak size boat for practical use, you can expect a lot of additional costs for hiring a crew, maintenance, docking, as well as stocking your boat full of amenities. 

You’re likely to spend the bulk of your costs furnishing this size boat as bigger yachts typically are sold without furniture. The previous owner will want to hold on to designer furniture and other expensive interior.

Check out these great  examples of 100-foot yachts .

Our Pick: 143′ 04″ Virtus 44

cost of a 70 foot yacht

This model cost around $20,189,000.

This mega yacht is anyone’s dream.

It is home to a fully integrated beach club with room for a pool deck, floor-to-ceiling windows in the main salon, a hot tub on the top deck, five staterooms, an 8-person crew, and room to sleep ten guests.

It has room for water toys and other gadgets, with a layout that keeps them purposefully hidden from the outside world. It has a 12-knot cruising speed and 16-knot max speed,

Other 100+ Feet Yachts Price Examples

  • 98′ 5″ AB 100 Price: $8,843,260 for 2018
  • 161′ 04″ Acico Nassima Price: $17,933,000 for 2012

How Much is Yacht Insurance?

Insurance on a yacht is around 1% of the purchase price per year. It can go higher if you have lots of expensive designer furniture. This can add up over the years. It’s often cheaper to insure a sailing yacht but the price range is still within the 0.7-1.3%.

What Other Expenses Do Yacht Owners Face?

Harbor fees is another expense for yacht owners. It’s also a yearly fee that varies but as a rule of thumb, you can expect to pay around $100 per foot per year, depending on how popular the marina is. You will also have to be on a waitlist if you want a good location.

How Much Does a Luxury Yacht Cost?

A super yacht fall under the category of “luxury yachts” or “mega-yachts”.

The world’s largest private vessel belongs to the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s Azzam. It is 590 feet long and costs $600 million to build!

It is outliers like these that increase the price average for yacht owners, perhaps scaring potential owners when they start their research.

As a luxury yacht price guide, however, we need to look at averages.

Currently, the average superyacht costs $275 million. This does not even account for maintenance costs, either.

Superyachts are large and luxurious, needing a professional crew to help them run. They are designed to emphasize comfort, speed, and longer expeditions – depending on the yacht builders.

They might have:

  • swimming pools,
  • water toys,
  • diving and fishing poles,
  • fully furnished rooms,
  • helicopter landing pads,
  • and smaller support vessels

Just to name a few amenities. They are truly the epitome of the elite.

What Size Boat is Considered a Yacht?

The normal yacht length starts at around 23 feet, and can extend hundreds of feet.  If the boat meets 23 feet, it can be considered a yacht.

A boat does not need luxury features to be considered a yacht.

It can be minimal and stripped of the “extra” stuff to fall into the yacht category, so long as it meets the size and length criteria.

11 Things to Consider Before You Purchase

When making this purchase, the yacht size you buy needs to reflect what you hope to get out of the vessel.

Some important questions to ask yourself before you buy are:

  • What does your perfect day on the water look like?
  • How long will your average day on the water be?
  • Will it be more boating/watercraft focused or long cruise focused?
  • Will you use the yacht for fishing?
  • Will you be on the yacht every day of the week or just on weekends?
  • How many people do you hope to fit on the yacht?
  • Do you plan to stay on the yacht overnight?
  • Where will you dock the yacht?
  • How much boating experience do you have?
  • How fast do you want the yacht to go?
  • How important is it to have extra amenities like furnished rooms, water toys, electronics, etc.?

These questions will guide you to understand the size you really need and will be able to realistically maintain versus what your most ideal yacht would look like.

When Do You Need a Full-Time Crew?

At length over 50 or 60 feet, you may need a full-time captain or crew. 

A full-time crew person will be needed to keep all the varnished woodwork looking good and all the little things maintained.

Sometimes, you must be honest with yourself about what you want and what you actually need. Be self-aware about your abilities (or lack thereof) in taking care of a specific size yacht.

If you don’t know much about boats and navigation, you will need more help to use your vessel.

Hopefully, this comprehensive guide gives you a good starting point as you begin your yacht price research process.

Important Things to Consider As Well

Although there are many factors to consider when understanding a yacht’s prices, it is an exciting purchase nonetheless and should be enjoyed as much as possible.

At the end of your research, you’ll be the owner of a beautiful yacht you can use for leisure, cruising, sports craft, fishing, or all of the above.

Although this article is a good starting point, we would also recommend getting in touch with a  yacht broker who can help you find your best fit , model, year, and the price is given your personal budget. 

They are great sources of knowledge in addition to personal research.

Make sure you are as patient as possible in this process to make sure you are covering all your bases, but most importantly, enjoy the process!

Here’s How Much Yachts Cost on Average:

Yachts start around $300,000 for smaller 40-foot models and can go as high as several hundred million dollars for superyachts.

These are the main contributing factors to the price of a yacht:

  • The size of the yacht
  • The age of the yacht
  • The brand and  type of yacht

In general, the larger the yacht is, the more important the quality of the build becomes.

Also, potential owners need to understand the cruising speed and propulsion of different yachts.

The yacht type is also broken down into two categories:

  • Mediterranean Style Open style expresses yacht with maximum space for sun, little-to-no shade on the deck.
  • Hard-top express Semi-enclosed or fully-enclosed space on deck for the operator
  • Flybridge yachts

An express yacht is often referred to interchangeably as an  express cruiser  or  sports cruiser .

It has a single deck above the hull with a living space below.

They are much sleeker, too.

A flybridge yacht is often referred to as a sedan bridge or sport bridge, and it is typically used for fishing. It has additional space above the main deck.

Since the flybridge area has more space on the second deck, the main deck is normally made up of enclosed spaces and rooms.

It can have an open-air layout but can also have a hard-top.

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cost of a 70 foot yacht


70 foot yacht guide: finding your perfect yacht.

  • June 18, 2019

The 70 foot yacht range often represents a demarcation in yachting. Vessels below this size range are often owner-operated whereas once yacht owners get into the 70 foot range, owners typically do not operate the yacht themselves. The 70 foot yacht is also just shy of what most consider to be the superyacht category. For instance,  Boat International  tracks superyacht sales and production data of yachts worldwide that are at least 24 meters in length (78-79 feet).

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As the yacht size increases, the complexity of the purchase can also increase. While we often still begin with general use case questions such as what the yacht will be used for, how many guests should it accommodate and where do you plan to travel with the yacht, there are other important elements to consider when purchasing a 70 foot yacht. Considerations such as build quality, yacht type, cruising speed, propulsion options and more are all important elements to thoroughly examine.

Understanding the various yacht types is key to matching the right 70 foot yacht to your needs. Express yachts (can be referred to as express cruisers or sport cruisers) typically refer to yachts with a single deck above the hull and a living space below deck. These yachts often catch the eyes of onlookers as they are sleek and sporty.

Express yachts can be further grouped by looking at the hard top or enclosure. Typically the hard top express yacht either offers a semi-enclosure or full-enclosure for the operator. An open express yacht is different, however, in that it has maximum space for sun with little to no shade on deck. The open express can sometimes be referred to as a “Mediterranean” style yacht.

The flybridge or sedan bridge yacht refers to a yacht that includes an additional space above the main deck. This additional level can include seating and control station. Often times since the flybridge above is present, the main deck will have an enclosed space. The flybridge itself can be open air or enclosed.

Interior Layout

When yachts get into the 70 foot range, the interior layout can include a wide variety of options to suit your particular yachting lifestyle. Yachts in this range often have a spacious main deck salon with excellent seating, dining and entertaining spaces. Down below, the yachts will often have four or more cabins plus crew quarters. Newer yachts feature impressive full beam master bedrooms that come with remarkable spaciousness and the latest amenities. Quite often, a flybridge includes additional seating and control station.

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Finishes and interior designs can vary widely depending on the model and age of the yacht. Commissioning a new yacht build of course means that owners can provide input and select particular finishes and features to meet their needs and tastes.

Considerations When Buying A 70 Foot Yacht

If you’re relatively new to yachting, it can be good to get some experience. Taking time to  charter a yacht  in various destinations can help you narrow down what yacht you wish to buy. Getting familiar through actual use of different yacht types can be very helpful. What features and amenities are important to you? What kind of crew do you anticipate needing? Are you looking for a smaller, more easy-to-operate yacht or are you looking for the most luxurious yachting experience while cruising longer distances? Experience is truly the best way to get closer to accurate answers to these questions.

Understanding your estimated budget for a yacht purchase is a crucial element in narrowing down your options. While understanding that there is always a bigger and more expensive yacht, identify a price range that you are comfortable with while also factoring in crew, maintenance and operating expenses.

Once you identify the yacht type and price range, with the assistance of a yacht broker, you can begin identifying potential options. If considering used yachts, buyers will always encounter the trade-off between age and size. A newer and smaller boat can often cost the same or more than a larger vessel with more years. Of course, newer boats may have less maintenance and upkeep costs while also providing updated technology and features. It’s at this point where an experienced yacht broker can really provide tremendous value. Understanding your needs and budget, a yacht broker can provide excellent advice on selecting yachts to target for purchase that will lead to years of enjoyment and minimal stress.

Custom designing a new yacht can be a thrilling process for owners. Essentially, the owner can provide input at the earliest design phases of the process. The entire design and build process can take years, and the owner experiences taking the yacht from design concept to launch. A semi-custom approach is also available through a number of yacht manufacturers where the owner is essentially purchasing a production model and providing customizations during the build process. Again, talking through your needs and goals with a yacht broker can lead to the most optimal outcome.

Hiring the necessary and appropriate crew for your yacht is an important consideration where many yacht owners can make mistakes. TGYG’s yacht brokers have experience advising on the crew hiring process for yachts of all sizes. Consulting your yacht broker during this process can lead to ensuring the right personnel are in place and to potentially saving quite a bit of money.

Lastly, resale value of the yacht is also an important consideration. The degree to which your yacht holds its value will be based on a number of factors including the quality of the build and finish, maintenance of the vessel during the years of operation, the age of the boat and the overall market conditions at the time of sale. Discuss with your yacht broker the potential variance in resale between the yachts being considered for purchase. An experienced yacht broker who knows the market can provide guidance and help advise on how much this should be taken into consideration at the time of purchase.

As you can tell, working with an experienced yacht broker that you trust is crucial when pursuing a 70 foot yacht or bigger. With the complexity of the vessels and the many variables to consider, a yacht broker that truly knows the product can be the difference between a yacht purchase that leads to minimal stress and years of enjoyment for you and your family and a purchase that can lead to stressful ownership and regret.

Tom George Yacht Group yacht brokers pride themselves on establishing life-long relationships with clients. Our clients’ long-term enjoyment with their desired yachting lifestyle is our focus. This is evidenced by our trustworthy guidance and assistance throughout not just the purchase process but through years of ownership as well.  Contact us today  if you have questions about your yachting needs.

New 70 Foot Yachts to Consider

Hatteras gt70 convertible sportfish.

Image 1636: 2895

The GT70 is engineered to excel under tough conditions, while offering a host of features and amenities that define the premium sportfish category. It is built on a variable deadrise bottom with a sharp entry and powered by standard twin CAT C-32A diesels (or optional MTUs). And with a cruise range in the mid-30s and top-end speed over 40 knots, it is a workhorse with the bearing and grace of a thoroughbred.

Inside, you’ll find a lavish interior, from the gourmet galley and spacious salon to the five-stateroom, four-head accommodations. In taking cues from the celebrated Hatteras style and legendary performance, the GT70 offers the ultimate tournament sportfishing platform.  Click here to read more about the Hatteras GT70 .

Hatteras M75 Panacera

Image 1638: 3069

The M75 features a gorgeous full-beam master suite in addition to a private VIP stateroom and designer-inspired twin staterooms for your guests. Along with a generous array of fine amenities, the M75 also offers the ability to introduce a range of custom details to ensure the yacht bears your personal stamp. The Tom George Yacht Group team has delivered custom builds of the M75 Panacera to clients and is quite familiar with the model. Contact TGYG to discuss further if interested.  Click here to read more about the Hatteras M75 Panacera .

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cost of a 70 foot yacht

Provisioned for adventure

This 70 foot sailboat’s mighty hull offers luxury living space for eight friends, family or crew and all the stowage and tank capacity you need for long-distance adventures.

70 foot sailing yacht sailing with each on ocean

Sail with ease

Automated push-button sailing technology delivers effortless shorthanded sailing, and impeccable performance for fast, exhilarating passage-making on this 70 foot sailboat.

walnut interior on 70 foot sailing yacht

Space to enjoy

The Oyster 675 offers a variety of entertaining spaces, with a generous cockpit, open fore and aft decks, and a large welcoming saloon which connects seamlessly to the well-appointed u-shaped galley.


More information

American flag Oyster Yachts USA


For new yacht sales and our service operation in the Americas, visit our offices in the heart of the US East coast sailing scene, Newport, Rhode Island. We would be delighted to help.

The Oyster 675 is the centrepiece of the Oyster fleet, featuring iconic Oyster styling and a powerful hull form with twin rudders and extended transom option.

70 foot oyster sailing yacht at anchor sunset

Specified for performance and adventure

The oyster 675 is a beautifully proportioned 70 foot sailboat with a huge hull volume that makes her extremely versatile, with a wide variety of customised build options..

Well provisioned as an ocean sailboat, with large tankage, ample space above and below decks and plenty of stowage, including a vast, full-width lazarette. The spacious and sheltered cockpit, with space for eight features audio and a built-in refrigerator. Choose from the standard or optional extended transom, both of which can accommodate a telescopic passerelle along with a hydraulic bathing platform for easy access into the water and dinghy.

Unlike a production 70 foot yacht for sale, the Oyster 675 is a true bluewater adventure machine, designed and built to our meticulous and renowned build quality.

The knowledge, experience and skill of Humphreys’ naval architects, combined with Oyster’s in-house design studio and our craftspeople ensure complete reassurance and confidence at sea. The excellent stability is further enhanced by the intelligent placement of utilities throughout the hull form.

Her hull and deck are Lloyd’s Register certified. Constructed using the highest quality materials, her reinforced, monolithic composite hull structure offers superior strength, stiffness and weight optimisation. With further reinforcement in the slam zones and keel area, she is strong, safe and robust, built to adapt to any conditions, from the calm waters of the Mediterranean to challenging ocean passages. With her inspiring sailing capability and large sail locker for downwind sails, it should come as no surprise owners consider her the best 70 foot sailboat for long-distance bluewater adventures.

The Oyster 675 is a joy to sail shorthanded or with a crew. Her powerful 70 foot twin rudder hull form makes sailing a pure pleasure.

Despite her substantial displacement, the Oyster 675 is responsive and fast-moving, delivering consistently fast passage-making speed. Our design team have gone to extreme lengths to consider every aspect of the sailing experience to make her equally suited to shorthanded sailing or cruising with a full crew. When manoeuvring in tight spots, the retractable bow and stern thrusters, fitted as standard, provide complete control.

The ergonomically designed twin helm stations feature large helm seats with backrests, grab handles and sunken footwells for protection if conditions turn rough. She features a hydraulic push-button, in-mast furling and headsail furling is set up as standard. All navigation and automated sailing controls are located on the twin helm stations, with winches positioned within easy reach.

Designed to make life aboard relaxed and comfortable on extended passages, every convenience is incorporated into your customised interior design.

luxury interior onboard oyster sailing yacht

Designed for the way you live

The oyster 675 interiors can be customised to accommodate a variety of family, friends and crew..

Interior layouts include three double ensuite guest cabins, with a generous owner’s cabin with ensuites positioned fore or aft. Another option offers two double ensuite guest cabins and a separate crew cabin.

Balancing practicality and style the volume below deck accommodates every comfort. Notable features include standing-height ceilings, full-sized appliances in the galley, air conditioning and Oysters’ proprietary mood lighting system. The light and spacious saloon is naturally ventilated through the forward-opening saloon windows. The generous cabins feature quality deep mattresses, mirrors, island berths, cedar-lined wardrobes, and plenty of stowage and the ensuite heads have seamless walk-in shower trays and quiet flush toilets. As a result, the Oyster 675 offers a contemporary, luxurious home-from-home living space.

Below decks, this 70 foot yacht is designed for effortless and enjoyable living.

Considered design and space planning offers stylish, contemporary living spaces, proudly crafted and hand-finished in tried and trusted materials, including hand-selected hardwoods in oak or walnut.

The wide companionway and intuitively placed grab handles hint at considered practicality and safety throughout the Oyster 675. The large, welcoming saloon has wraparound windows above and triple Seascape windows in the hull, making it feel light and spacious, with magnificent panoramic views. The u-shaped galley opens onto the saloon, making it an integral part of this relaxed social space. Fully equipped, it has room for a large fridge freezer, microwave, cooker and built-in extractor fan. The generous saloon table seats eight comfortably and is perfect for gatherings of friends, family and crew.

Reflecting its long-distance capabilities, the latest technology is key to the Oyster 675’s versatility, comfort and work aboard potential.

The generous navigation station doubles as the ideal work-aboard space and technology hub, with an optional PC, lift-top large desk, plotter, VHF radio, power management, generator control, switchboard, and plenty of power sockets. It is also home to the Oyster Command™ system. This intuitive digital switching system connects everything from entertainment, utilities and lighting to monitoring systems. It can also be accessed from the helm station and optional additional touchscreens fitted in cabins.

There are a variety of infotainment and connectivity options available to meet every preference and to keep the yacht connected wherever she is in the world.

Oyster World Rally Promo D v8


Embark on the sailing adventure of a lifetime. entries are now open for the oyster world rally 2028-29.

yachts at anchor in beautiful location d

The joy of Oyster ownership

There is more than just pride on offer when it comes to owning an Oyster 675. Every new Oyster comes with a comprehensive warranty, personalised care, access to our global service network, unrivalled support, life-changing experiences and so much more.

On an Oyster the world is yours.


Ownership benefits rarely experienced in marine

oyster warranty


Specifications & features

LENGTH OVERALL 21.07m / 69’2"
LENGTH OF HULL 19.89m / 65’3”
LENGTH OF WATERLINE 18.31m / 60’1”
BEAM 5.65m / 18’6”
DRAFT - STANDARD KEEL 2.95m / 9’8”
DISPLACEMENT - STANDARD KEEL 40,787kg / 89,920lbs
ENGINE Volvo Penta D4-180 132kW (180hp)
TANKS - FUEL 1,780 litres / 391 imp Gallons (470 US gals)
TANKS - WATER 1,580 litres / 347 imp Gallons (417 US gals)
SAIL AREA (IMF) 225.00m2 / 2422ft2
SAIL AREA (SLAB REEF) 234.00m2 / 2519ft2

Lloyd’s Register certified hull and deck moulding

675 hulls and deck mouldings meet EU RCDII standards, with strength, integrity and build quality also certified by Lloyd’s Register.

Hydraulic in-mast and headsail furling

Push-button Seldén hydraulic headsail furling and in-mast mainsail furling, combined with the swept-back rig, make precision control and shorthanded sailing possible.

Retractable hydraulic bow and stern thrusters

Powerful Sleipner Sidepower retractable bow and stern thrusters enable easy, close-quarters manoeuvring.

Hand-built oak & walnut interior

Hand-crafted joinery runs throughout the interiors, in beautiful hand-selected oak timber with a satin finish varnish. Crown cut, random width, and walnut veneered boards create solid cabin soles, with soft carpets enhancing the luxurious feel of the owner and guest cabins.

The Onan 11kw 4-cylinder diesel generator is more than capable of running all your 240v appliances. Almost silent in operation, it is easy to operate and monitor from the control panel in the navigation station.

Seascape windows

The interior is beautifully lit throughout, with two sets of Seascape windows in the saloon and two in the owner’s cabin with Oceanair manual blinds for privacy when moored in a marina.

Air conditioning

Keep the interior at the perfect temperature with air conditioning that cools and heats. Controls in each cabin provide guests with the ability to adjust temperature based on personal requirements. The system runs efficiently from the generator or a 230v dockside supply.

Interior layout configuration

The Oyster 675 offers two layouts to suit requirements, but the volume provides the opportunity for further customisation. With all three cabin configurations, there is a useful bunk room with two bunks situated amidships on the starboard side.

Wood options

In addition to the standard oak interior, hand-crafted maple, cherry or walnut woods can be selected to add a timeless feel to a contemporary Oyster interior.

Bathing platform

The generous, hydraulic-operated bathing platform, laid with teak decking and a drop-in stainless-steel ladder, offers easy access to the water. The bumper bar posts allow safe docking for the tender.

Extended transom

Enjoy the additional storage space in the full-width lazarette – a hidden benefit of the extra space created on the aft deck with our extended transom option.

Hull colours

Make the Oyster 675 your own with a choice of hull, mast and sail colours to suit your personal taste. You can also specify creative vinyl wrap and paint options to make an instantly recognisable look.

Hydraulic passerelle

The retractable hydraulic Besenzoni 2.7m passerelle is neatly hidden in the transom. Sleek and stylish, it has a teak footboard and a painted or polished stainless-steel finish. Operate from the cockpit, with a remote control or even from your smartphone.

Autumn 2026

Plans and interior layouts.


Colour inspiration

Oyster 675 Yacht Tour

The Oyster 675

oyster bluewater sailing yacht

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Oyster World Rally 28 Yacht at anchor


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Explore other models

Oyster 595

A liveaboard 60 foot bluewater cruiser, offering effortless shorthanded capability.

Oyster 745

A 75 foot yacht, offering infinite configuration options and crew quarters.

Oyster 885SII

An exhilarating 90 foot sailing yacht, delivering comfort and safety.

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Oyster World Rally Mega Nav v2


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Oyster 565 Series II

The new 565 Series II

The pursuit of perfection continues

Oyster Yachts Sailing Charters Luxury Oyster 885 Lush

Oyster Charter

Experience exhilarating sailing, luxury and style on an Oyster charter

New 565 Series II v2

New 565 Series II

Oyster Charter Luxury Sailing Yacht Charters


Experience exhilarating sailing, luxury and style on an oyster charter. personal, exclusive and uniquely oyster.

iSNL Mega Nav D 2

Oyster 825 iSNL

Discover this exceptional late model 825 with a unbeatable spec and a bespoke layout.

Untitled design 83

oyster ownership

Oyster world rally.

Oyster World Rally Mega Nav 1 v2

Follow the Oyster World Rally 2024-25 fleet live

Winner of European Yacht of the Year 2023. She is a new breed of luxury 50 foot yacht, offering effortless shorthanded sailing capability.

Oyster 495 sailing yacht with man at helm

A magnificent, award-winning sub 60 foot sailing yacht, offering luxurious living space and outstanding shorthanded sailing capability.

Oyster 565 sailing yacht at sea in med

A beautifully proportioned 60 foot, luxury liveaboard bluewater cruiser, offering effortless shorthanded sailing capability.

Oyster 595 sailing yacht sailing at sea

A superb sub 70 foot ocean sailboat offering versatile luxury living space and impeccable sailing performance.

sailing yacht oyster 675

An inspired 75 foot yacht, offering infinite configuration options, generous luxury living space and flexible crew quarters.

Oyster 745 sailing yacht at sea with mountains 1 v2

Oyster 885SII

The remarkable, iconic 90 foot sailboat, perfect for relaxed luxury voyages of discovery.

Oyster 885 sailing yacht with crew

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How Much Does a Yacht Cost: A Comprehensive Breakdown for Buyers

Yachts embody luxury, status, and freedom, leading many to wonder about the costs associated with such an extravagant purchase.

Buying a yacht is a significant investment that involves not only the initial price but also ongoing expenses such as maintenance, fuel, insurance, and crew costs.

cost of a 70 foot yacht

The price of a yacht varies greatly depending on factors such as size, brand, age, and features. Understanding these factors will help potential buyers make informed decisions.

Smaller yachts often start at a few hundred thousand dollars , while larger or more luxurious models may cost millions. Meanwhile, superyachts and mega yachts can carry price tags in the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is important to remember that additional ownership costs, like annual operating expenses , must be considered when calculating the true cost of yacht ownership.

Key Takeaways

  • Yacht costs vary greatly based on size, brand, age, and features
  • Additional expenses such as maintenance, insurance, and crew should be factored in
  • Assessing all costs involved helps gain a clearer picture of the true cost of yacht ownership

Types and Sizes of Yachts

When considering the cost of a yacht, it's important to understand the various types and sizes available in the market.

In this section, we will explore some of the main categories of yachts, including sailing yachts vs. motor yachts and the range of sizes from small to superyachts.

Sailing Yacht Vs. Motor Yacht

There are two main types of yachts: sailing yachts and motor yachts.

Sailing yachts rely on wind power and sails for propulsion, making them more eco-friendly and fuel-efficient. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, with smaller sailboats starting around 23 feet in length. Some popular designs include sloops, cutters, and ketches.

Meanwhile, motor yachts use engines for propulsion, offering more speed, power, and maneuverability. These yachts typically range from around 30 to 100 feet, although larger motor yachts can also be classified as superyachts. Motor yachts are often equipped with a luxurious interior, offering the utmost comfort and entertainment for guests.

Small Yachts to Superyachts

Small Yachts (10,000-$100,000):

Small yachts generally range from 23 to 40 feet in length. These yachts are more affordable and easier to maintain, making them attractive to first-time buyers. They can be both sailing yachts and small motor yachts. Examples of small yachts include sportfishing boats, family cruisers, and day sailers.

Midsize Yachts ($100,000-$1,000,000):

Midsize yachts typically range from 40 to 60 feet in length. The price of a midsize yacht can vary greatly, with used models going around $200,000 while new ones can go up to a million dollars. They offer more space, better amenities, and improved performance compared to small yachts. Midsize yachts can also be classified as sailing yachts or motor yachts.

cost of a 70 foot yacht

Large Yachts ($1,000,000 and up):

Large yachts typically range from 60 to 100 feet in length. These luxurious vessels come with a higher price tag, often costing multiple millions of dollars. Large yachts offer plenty of space for entertaining, as well as state-of-the-art technology and amenities. They come in both sailing and motor yacht varieties.

Superyachts ($10,000,000 and up):

Superyachts are the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication, typically measuring over 100 feet in length. They feature extravagant amenities, such as helipads, swimming pools, and even movie theaters. The price of a superyacht can be astronomical, at times exceeding $10 million or more.

Cost Factors for New and Used Yachts

When determining the cost of a yacht, whether new or used, several factors come into play. These include the age and condition , size and style, brand and model, and location and availability of the yacht.

Each of these factors plays a significant role in the overall cost, so understanding them can help buyers make an informed decision.

Age and Condition

The age of a yacht naturally impacts its price. A brand-new yacht typically commands a higher price than a used one. However, the condition of a used yacht can also greatly influence its value. A well-maintained, used yacht in excellent condition may be more expensive than a newer model with issues or wear and tear.

Size and Style

The size and style of the yacht also play a crucial role in determining the cost.

Generally, larger yachts come with a higher price tag. For example, the average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79 foot category was $1.18 million.

The style of the yacht, such as a sailboat, power catamaran, or luxury yacht, can have a significant effect on the price as well.

Brand and Model

The yacht's brand and model also contribute to its price. Some yacht brands are known for their luxury, craftsmanship, and performance, which can lead to a higher cost.

On the other hand, more affordable brands may offer similar amenities and functionality at a more budget-friendly price.

It's essential to research different yacht brands and models to find the one that best suits your preferences and budget.

Location and Availability

The location of the yacht, along with its availability in the market, can influence the overall cost.

In some regions, yacht prices may be higher due to factors such as demand, local taxes, or shipping costs. Additionally, if a specific model is in high demand or limited supply, its price may be elevated due to scarcity.

Initial Purchase Price

Buying New Vs. Pre-Owned

When considering the initial purchase price of a yacht, one of the first decisions a buyer faces is whether to buy a new or pre-owned yacht.

New yachts typically come with the latest technology, design, and customization options, but they also come at a higher price.

On the other hand, pre-owned yachts can be significantly more budget-friendly, but may require more maintenance and lack the latest features.

The average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79-foot category was $1.18 million. These prices can vary depending on whether the yacht is new or used.

The Buying Process

The process of buying a yacht typically involves researching the market, selecting the right size and type of yacht, identifying suitable yachts, negotiating the price, and completing the purchase.

Working with a professional yacht broker can be beneficial in streamlining this process for the buyer as they can provide expert guidance in selecting the right yacht to fit the buyer's needs and budget.

Costs to Consider

In addition to the initial purchase price, there are various other costs that should be taken into account when buying a yacht. These include:

  • Insurance : Buyers should consider the cost of insuring the yacht. Insurance fees, among other factors, are influenced by the size and value of the yacht.
  • Marina fees : Docking the yacht at a marina will incur fees, which can range from a few thousand dollars for smaller yachts to tens of thousands for larger ones.
  • Maintenance : Maintenance costs can make up around 10% of the initial purchase price. For used yachts, be prepared to spend on essential repairs and upgrades as needed.
  • Fuel : The cost of fuel is influenced by the yacht's size, engine type, and cruising frequency.

Operational and Maintenance Costs

Crew Expenses

One of the significant expenses associated with owning a yacht is paying the crew salaries .

The number of crew members and their respective positions will vary depending on the size and complexity of the yacht. For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have an annual crew expense of around $1.4 million.

It is essential to account for additional crew-related costs such as insurance, training, and uniforms.

Fuel and Propulsion

Another considerable aspect of yacht ownership is fuel costs. The amount of fuel consumption will largely depend on the yacht's size, propulsion system, and usage patterns.

For instance, a larger yacht may incur around $400,000 for fuel annually.

It is also worth considering the potential expenses for any necessary upgrades or maintenance of the propulsion systems to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Repairs and Upkeep

Maintaining the yacht's appearance and condition requires regular maintenance and repairs . These expenses can quickly add up. Annual maintenance costs for a superyacht could reach up to $1 million.

This includes expenses for cleaning, teak oils, wax, and polish to keep the yacht looking immaculate. It is often recommended to allocate around 10% of the yacht's value to cover annual maintenance costs.

Dockage and Storage

Mooring fees, marina fees, and storage are additional factors to consider when estimating the operational costs of a yacht. Dockage costs typically depend on the yacht’s size and the chosen location.

On average, a superyacht may have an annual dockage expense of around $350,000 .

Additional Ownership Costs

Yacht insurance is a significant cost that should be factored into your decision to buy a yacht. The cost of insurance can vary based on the size, type, and value of the yacht.

For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have insurance costs upwards of $240,000 per year .

Obtaining quotes from various providers is essential. Remember that rates can fluctuate based on factors such as the yacht's condition and the owner's boating experience.

Taxes and Registration

Owning a yacht also comes with local and federal taxes and registration fees. Tax rates can vary depending on the state or country where the boat is registered.

In the United States, some states have a sales tax for yacht purchase, while others have an annual personal property tax. Make sure to research the applicable taxes and registration fees in your area to include them in the overall cost of ownership.


Another factor to consider when purchasing a yacht is depreciation. Over time, the value of most yachts will decrease, much like automobiles.

The rate of depreciation may differ based on the yacht's make, model, and age. To account for this potential decrease in value, make sure to have a proper maintenance plan in place and be prepared for the potential resale-value drop.

Extra Amenities and Upgrades

Finally, extra amenities and upgrades can significantly impact the cost of owning a yacht. Additional features such as upgraded electronics, specialized navigation systems, enhanced entertainment systems, or custom interior finishes can add considerably to the base cost of ownership.

Also, consider ongoing costs associated with these amenities, such as maintenance, repairs, and replacements. Budgeting for these additional expenses is critical to ensure your enjoyment of the yacht without financial strain.

Real Cost of Yacht Ownership

Owning a yacht is a luxury many people dream of, but it comes with significant costs. This section will discuss the real cost of yacht ownership , looking at the rule of thumb for annual costs and investment considerations.

Rule of Thumb for Annual Costs

When estimating the cost of owning a yacht, a general rule of thumb is that annual costs will be around 10% of the initial purchase price. This includes expenses such as maintenance, fuel, insurance, and crew salaries.

For example, a 180-foot superyacht could have an annual budget of $1 million for maintenance, $400,000 for fuel, $240,000 for insurance, and $1.4 million for the crew.

Another example is a 50-foot yacht , which may have ongoing costs between $35,000 and $85,000 per year.

  • Maintenance and Repairs: The cost of maintaining a yacht can range from $1,000 to over $1 million per year, depending on the size and complexity of the vessel.
  • Dockage: Yacht owners should budget around $350,000 annually for marina fees.
  • Fuel: Depending on the size and type of yacht, fuel expenses can be substantial, averaging around $400,000 per year for a large vessel.
  • Insurance: Insurance premiums for yachts can range from a few thousand dollars to upwards of $240,000 per year.
  • Crew Salaries: Crew salaries can account for the largest portion of yacht ownership costs. A large yacht may require a crew with an annual budget of $1.4 million.

Investment Considerations

When thinking of purchasing a yacht as an investment, potential owners should consider several factors.

Yachts depreciate in value over time, making them a less attractive investment compared to traditional assets such as stocks and real estate.

Additionally, the high cost of ownership may make yacht investment less viable for some individuals.

Keep in mind that while some owners charter their yachts to offset costs, this strategy may not fully cover annual expenses. Moreover, chartering exposes the yacht to additional wear and tear, which can result in higher maintenance costs.

Life on Board

Amenities and Comfort

Life on a yacht offers a unique blend of luxury and comfort. Yachts often come equipped with a variety of amenities to make living on board as enjoyable as possible.

One common feature is the cabin , which provides comfortable sleeping quarters and private spaces for relaxation. Some yacht cabins even have their own ensuite bathrooms for added convenience.

A well-designed galley is essential on a yacht, providing the space and facilities needed to prepare meals and store provisions.

Modern yacht galleys often come equipped with high-quality appliances and ample storage space to ensure a pleasant dining experience.

On larger yachts, additional amenities may include swimming pools , outdoor lounges, and spacious deck areas for sunbathing and relaxation. Some superyachts also feature helipads , allowing for easy access to transport and travel to and from the yacht.

Entertaining and Lifestyle

A yacht is not just a floating home, but also a platform for entertaining and socializing. The deck space on a yacht offers a fantastic setting for outdoor gatherings, while a well-appointed cabin cruiser can serve as an ideal venue for more intimate events.

Entertaining on a yacht often involves a range of activities, from casual get-togethers to formal dinners with friends, family, or business associates.

A key factor in this lifestyle is the yacht's finish – the quality of the materials, furnishings, and décor that contribute to an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication.

With such an array of amenities and entertainment options, life on a yacht combines the best aspects of comfort, luxury, and a captivating lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price range for a small yacht?

Small yachts can cost anywhere from $100,000 to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on factors such as size, brand, age, and amenities.

On average, a new, small yacht may cost around $200,000, but prices can vary significantly based on the specific yacht .

What are typical rental costs for yachts of various sizes?

Rental costs for yachts can vary greatly depending on factors like size, type, and location.

Typically, smaller yachts can be rented for a few thousand dollars per day, while larger, luxury yachts may command tens of thousands of dollars per day.

Some yachts may also require a minimum rental period and may charge additional fees for things like fuel and crew.

What is the purchasing price for a luxury yacht?

Luxury yachts generally fall within the multi-million-dollar price range, with some costing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

The exact price of a luxury yacht depends on several factors, such as the yacht's features, size, customizations, and brand.

What is the cost associated with owning a 50-foot yacht?

The cost of owning a 50-foot yacht includes the purchase price, maintenance, insurance, docking fees, and fuel costs.

While the purchase price can vary greatly, annual costs can be estimated at approximately 10% of the yacht's value, which may include maintenance, repairs, insurance, docking fees, and other related expenses.

What are the expenses involved in buying a 100-foot yacht?

In addition to the purchase price, which can range from a few million to tens of millions of dollars, owning a 100-foot yacht incurs several ongoing costs.

These expenses include insurance, crew salaries, maintenance, docking fees, fuel, and provisions. It is important to budget for these costs, as they can add up to a significant amount each year.

What can one expect to pay for a 70-foot yacht?

The purchase price of a 70-foot yacht can range from several million dollars to well over $10 million, depending on factors such as age, brand, and features.

In addition to the initial purchase price, there will be ongoing costs such as insurance, maintenance, crew salaries, docking fees, and fuel, which need to be considered when budgeting for yacht ownership.

cost of a 70 foot yacht

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How Much Does a Yacht Cost?

11th jul 2023 by samantha wilson.

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We hear the question, “How much does a yacht cost?” on a regular basis, and it’s a difficult one to answer. Much the same as with houses, the prices vary in a surprising way depending on size, style, age, and finish (not to mention location). We’re talking millions of dollars in price difference for yachts, as well, because there are yachts of many different sizes with all the same variations. But first, let’s tackle the more fundamental question, “What is a yacht?’

What Classifies as a Yacht?

To begin with, a yacht can be a sailing yacht or a motor-powered yacht. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as “any of various recreational watercraft: such as a) a sailboat used for racing; b) a large usually motor-drive craft used for pleasure cruising.” Size is not technically part of the definition, but in modern practice, size has a whole lot to do with it.

Many in the industry classify a boat as a ‘yacht’ from 40 feet up to 70 feet, although there are others who will include vessels as short as 33 feet. Not too many years ago, yachts as small as 80 feet (24 meters) were considered superyachts, but with the proliferation of much larger yachts, 130 feet (40 meters) is a more common yardstick. Beyond that are megayachts, variously defined as beginning at 165 feet (50 meters) or 200 feet (60 meters). 

The point is, there are no hard-and-fast rules, and what may be one person’s pretty little 20-foot sailboat may be another’s luxury sailing yacht. And any shiny, private vessel 40 feet and up will be called a yacht by almost everyone.

While size is the main determining factor in labeling boats as yachts, amenities aboard also play a role. For example, yachts frequently have cabins and heads below allowing for overnight stays, as well as a galley, and plenty of deck space for leisure. 

The term ‘yacht’ has become synonymous with luxury, especially with the boom in huge superyachts across the world. But a yacht doesn’t have to be fancy. A sprightly 30-foot trawler yacht might look to some like a luxury palace, but Jeff Bezos and the guests aboard his brand new $500 million sailing yacht Koru would probably see it differently. 

Cost of Buying a Yacht

Looking for an average price across all types of yachts isn’t helpful either, with sizes of yachts varying from 30 to 300 feet. And that doesn’t take into account whether a boat is new or used.  Broadly speaking, in the United States you can often buy a small used sailing yacht for $15,000 or less, and you can expect that figure to go up to $50,000 or $100,000 for a small motor yacht. A larger motor yacht, or even a new 40-foot day boat, can easily run up to $1 million or more. Superyachts, of course, will cost multiple millions of dollars. 

Cost of Owning a Yacht

The cost of owning a yacht goes far beyond the initial purchase price, and even if you’re in the market for a small yacht, you’ll need to factor in the annual costs which include:

  • Marina fees: These will vary depending on your location and the size of the boat. Expect to pay from $5,000 for a yacht at the smallest end of the scale up to tens of thousands for larger yachts.
  • Insurance: As a general rule, you can expect to pay around 0.5 percent of the value of the boat annually. Check out our guide to boat insurance for more information. 
  • Maintenance and repairs: As a rough estimation you can expect to spend around 10 percent of the value of the boat on upkeep each year. This might be lower if it’s a new yacht.
  • Fuel: This will vary depending on how far you cruise and how large the yacht is.
  • Crew: Yachts up to 70 or 80 feet often don’t require a crew, but the larger the yacht, the more crew it will need. Crew salaries range from $3,200 per month for junior crew to $10,500 per month for captains and chief engineers. In general, a yacht of 80 to 100 feet in size will require a crew of between two and eight, while yachts between 100 to 200 feet will require between 8 and 20 crew members.
  • Depreciation: Brand new boats depreciate the most and the quickest, with most depreciating by 40 to 50 percent of their initial price over the first 8 to 10 years.

Read more about the Real Costs of Boat Ownership as well as Top Tips to Lower the Costs . 

yacht marina

Types of Yachts per Cost

When we talk about yachts and their values, we usually refer mostly to the length of the yacht as that tends to be the identifying factor, but the style, engine size, and finish also play a huge role in determining how much they cost. Here we take a look at the average price differences between new and used yachts in the United States at varying sizes. 

How much is a small yacht? (25 to 40 feet)

A small yacht around 40 feet (often referred to as a cabin cruiser) is often considered an entry-level yacht, but a big step up from much smaller day boats. These are likely to have cabins, heads, and a small galley, and most offer the chance to spend weekends onboard. Prices will vary widely depending on whether it’s a used or new boat, and depending on the model, finish, and engines. New and recent-model yachts around 38 to 40 feet may cost anywhere from $250,000 to over $1 million, while the price of older models is often substantially lower. The average price in the United States for all new and used yachts sold between 36 feet to 45 feet was $238,000 according to the Boats Group Market Index of 2022.

When we’re looking at smaller yachts around 25 to 30 feet, these are unlikely to have cabins and so are considered day cruisers. Motor cruisers between 25 and 30 feet range from $70,000 for an almost-new model to well over $100,000 for a brand new one. Of course, yachts with smaller engines and simpler layouts will have considerably lower price tags, but those with premium finish and accommodations may cost much more—for example, a new Ranger 29 (pocket trawler) starts at over $350,000. See our guide to the different types of boats for a better understanding of what is available and what might be right for you. 

How much is a medium-sized yacht? (40 to 70 feet)

Mid-sized yachts that fall within the 40- to 70-foot category vary in price from around $250,000 to well beyond $4 million, a figure that depends on the size, model, finish, engines, and extras, as well as whether it’s a brand new boat or used. According to the Boats Group Market Index of 2022, the average yacht price in the United States of vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899 with 2,273 boats sold, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79 foot category was $1.18m with 997 sold in 2022. 

Yacht prices vary a lot depending on whether the yacht is new or used. As an example, the base price for a new Viking 58 is $4.1 million, a three-year-old model can be purchased for $3.5 million for, and a 10-year-old model for $600,000. Check out our new and used luxury yachts for sale on Rightboat for more comparisons. 

woman on a yacht

How much is a sailing yacht?

Long before the combustion engine was invented, yachts (or sailboats) graced our oceans for centuries. While these days we tend to think of yachts as the luxurious motor vessels that far outnumber their sailing counterparts, sailing yachts have their own class. As we’ve seen with motor yachts, the size, age, and finish of a sailing yacht will determine the price tag, with prices ranging from $5,000 to several million dollars—and much more for superyachts. The largest sailing yacht in the world is Sailing Yacht A , which cost an estimated $600 million and measures 470 feet in overall length. 

When referring to larger sailing yachts—and by larger we are talking about 100-foot yacht prices—there is a “rule of thumb” estimate of $1 million per 3 feet in length. So a 100-foot yacht may cost in the region of $30 million. But sliding back down the length ladder, it’s possible to pick up a small, used sailing yacht for a fraction of that. A 55-foot yacht that has been sailing for a few years may sell for around $700,000, whereas a new one could easily retail for $2 million or more. An older (30 to 40 years) sailing yacht of 30 to 35 feet might cost only about $25,000 while a brand new one might cost $250,000 and more. See what you can get for your money with our sailing yachts for sale on Rightboat. 

How much is a luxury yacht or superyacht?

Superyachts are some of the most luxurious vessels on the sea, and they don’t come cheap. As mentioned, yachts above 78 feet (24 meters) are accepted by many as superyachts; when they range up over 165 or 200 feet, some in the industry refer to them as megayachts. This term is still debated in some quarters, so you may hear yachts over 300 feet referred to as superyachts too.

Superyachts require a full time crew to manage them, and this adds considerably to the overall cost of running such a large vessel. Given that, how much does a superyacht cost? The costs vary, with some estimates of up to $1 million per foot of length to build a new top-of-the-line custom superyacht. Used superyachts will cost less than a new build, and you may be able to buy a 10-year-old, 90-foot superyacht for around $2.5 million—although most owners will engage in a significant and costly refit every 10 years. Models less than five years old will be closer to the $4 million mark, while a brand new one will cost around $9 million. Check out our listings for superyachts for sale all across the world. 

luxury yachts

How much is a megayacht?

When we reach megayacht status, prices skyrocket along with the length of the vessels and the volume of the interiors. The largest megayacht in the world is currently Azzam, 590 feet long at a cost of $600 million to build. Yachts in this class are the most luxurious in the world, and feature large swimming pools, helicopter pads, huge guest and crew accommodations, beach clubs, and much more. The upkeep of vessels of this size can run to $20 million or more for the crew fees, fuel, mooring fees, insurance, food, and maintenance. If you want to set eyes on the world’s most astounding superyachts and megayachts check out our superyacht travel guide to where you might find them, or use our search to discover megayachts for sale . 

Written By: Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson has spent her entire life on and around boats, from tiny sailing dinghies all the way up to superyachts. She writes for many boating and yachting publications, top charter agencies, and some of the largest travel businesses in the industry, combining her knowledge and passion of boating, travel and writing to create topical, useful and engaging content.

cost of a 70 foot yacht

More from: Samantha Wilson

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The sportfly offers an extra area for relaxation, that interrupts neither the aesthetics nor performance of the yacht. It becomes even more habitable with sunbathing and al fresco dining served by the ample mobile bar.

04.S7 Salon 2_Low Res


The owner’s suite is the most refined interpretation of Azimut’s new sporty style with fresh tones and a comprehensive look, inspired by the modern luxury residence. A separate dressing room and ensuite bathroom complete the arrangement.

07.S7 Salon Led Light_3_Low Res


Guests are surprised by the unprecedented layout, which offers four comfortable cabins. It’s possible through the advanced triple pod propulsion system, which comes with a more compact engine room.

06.S7 Vip Cabin 2_Low Res




The adoption of triple Pod propulsion, combined with the optimization of the water lines and the extensive use of carbon fiber, reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by 20 to 30%* in the main speed range.

*compared to vessels of the same weight and size with a traditional hard-chine hull and shaft line propulsion

Carbon tech_0012_S7

Azimut’s pioneering use of carbon fiber lamination goes beyond pure performance. The Carbon Tech Generation offers expanded volumes onboard, while maintaining excellent dynamic stability and perfect handling. Preserving the yacht’s low center of gravity, the carbon fiber was focused on the upper parts of the yacht, lightening the laminated components by up to 30% and reducing the natural roll momentum up to 15%.


Automated interceptors optimize the trim at every speed to maintain ideal hydrodynamics for performance and efficiency, at the same time negating any lateral imbalance due to sidewinds or weight distribution. With the pilot’s peace of mind assured, the driving experience is simpler and more enjoyable.


The custom-installed Garmin electronics have been integrated to control and monitor every onboard system: from engines and alarms, to bilge and water discharge pumps, tank levels and engine room ventilation, right through to the sound system and the air conditioning units. The system can be accessed onboard from both the interior and exterior helm stations and, with the mobile app, remotely from a tablet or smartphone.


The Joystick acts as an analog for the yacht, offering intuitive, one-handed control in every situation. When the yacht is stopped, moving the Joystick forward or back, side to side, and twisting clockwise or counter-clockwise activates the engines to mimic that motion. It’s the easiest way to pull off precise maneuvers. When Joystick Driving is activated, the autopilot is immediately engaged. For a simple course correction, the pilot just needs to twist and release the joystick to change it by a fixed increment, or twist and hold to change it by by multiple increments.. The Autopilot keeps a forward course after the Joystick is released.

Azimut_TF_High technical standard declaration

This yacht’s design and engineering meet the highest standards for production recreational vessels. Azimut Yachts issues a declaration of the premium materials, advanced technology and rigorous testing procedures.



  • Length overall (incl. pulpit) 21,68 m (71' 2'')
  • Beam max 5,15 m (16' 11'')
  • Draft (incl. props at full load) 1,69 m (5' 7'')
  • Displacement (at full load) 46 t (101412 lb)
  • Building material GRP + Carbon Fibre
  • Exterior designer Alberto Mancini
  • Interior designer Yachtique
  • Hull designer P.L. AUSONIO Naval Architecture & Azimut R&D Dept.
  • Builder Azimut Yachts
  • Keel Planing, deadrise 13,8° at stern and 18,4° amidship
  • Certifications CE A; NMMA
  • Cabins 4 + 1 crew
  • Berths 8 + 2 crew
  • Head compartments 3 + 1 crew
  • Engines 3 x VOLVO PENTA D13 IPS 1050 800 hp
  • Maximum speed (test load) up to 35 kn
  • Cruising speed (performance test mass) up to 27 kn
  • SLOW CRUISE 18,6 kn: 8,8 l/nm, RANGE: 387 nm
  • FAST CRUISE 27 kn: 10,4 l/nm, RANGE: 328 nm
  • Fuel capacity 3800 l (1004 US Gal)
  • Water capacity 1000 l (264 US Gal)

cost of a 70 foot yacht

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How much does it cost to own a yacht?

By Rob Bowman | Posted On Oct 28, 2019 Updated On Apr 16, 2024

Since we opened our doors in 2002, United Yacht Sales has worked with thousands of boaters who hold aspirations of owning a yacht. A yacht can mean different things to different people, especially when discussing the difference between intended use such as fishing, day boating, entertaining, and long-distance cruising. Just as there are many applications for how you plan to use your boat, there are also many boat builders working to design the perfect yacht to meet a specific niche in the marketplace. With nearly 1,000 transactions completed each year, United brokers commonly hear the same questions asked as new boaters begin their research into finding the perfect vessel. The yacht's purchase cost isn't the only expense though and other factors need to be considered.

What does it cost to own a yacht? "The cost of ownership for a 60-foot, $1 million yacht is going to be about 10% of its value, or $100,000 per year if it's over ten years old," said Peter Schmidt , Founder of United Yacht Sales. "You can pretty well estimate that for a later model boat of this size, in the Florida market, your general costs are going to be in that range. This would include things like routine maintenance, repairs, dockage, additional supplies, and the cost of either a professional captain or a yacht manager. If it's a newer boat, the annual costs will be less, however preventative maintenance is still very important."

If you're new to boating and this is your first yacht purchase, it makes sense to discuss these questions with your yacht broker:

  • Where do you plan to keep your yacht?
  • Are you going to run the boat yourself or will you need a captain?

How much does it cost to maintain a yacht?

  • How much does it cost to fuel your yacht?
  • Is buying a yacht a good investment?

The answers to these questions vary with many factors influencing the cost of each. Simply the location of where you plan to keep and use your yacht can raise or lower your monthly spend to keep your boat maintained in the best possible condition.

( Seen below: The below 2009 Viking 50 is an example of a sportfishing boat recently sold for approximately $1 million. Boat prices have continued to increase since 2020 and are just now beginning to stabilize. )

1 million dollar viking

How much does it cost to store a yacht at a marina?

One of the first and most important questions to answer before you buy a yacht revolves around storage. If you own a water-front home with a dock big enough to safely store your yacht, the savings are substantial. However, if you plan on keeping your vessel at a marina, those costs need to be included in your annual budget. United Yacht broker Christopher Cooke  owns his own yacht management company and often helps his clients find a space at a marina. "The cost of keeping your yacht at a marina really varies by location," said Chris. "You are charged per foot, but that cost can change not only depending on what county you're in, but also how many amenities are at the marina."

"In Florida, the marinas in Martin County for example, can be half the cost of Miami-Dade," continued Christopher. "It really all depends on your boating plans, where you live, and how far you're willing to travel to be at your boat."

Sailfish Marina of Stuart is a popular yacht storage facility in Martin county that is the closest marina to the St. Lucie Inlet also with accommodations for a 60-foot and over boat. There is a fuel dock at the marina as well as a tackle shop.  If you purchase a slip for a full year on an annual contract, the cost is $20-$22 per foot of your "Length Overall" . This is important, because while some boats might be called a "60", they may very well be 62 feet in length and cost more. Additionally, if you want electricity, water, and waste removal, it can cost you an extra $175 per month for one 50amp line.

Just 40 miles to the south, in the heart of Palm Beach County, sits Palm Harbor Marina. With over 200 slips, some of which can accommodate a 250-foot superyacht and state-of-the-art Marinetek concrete floating docks, the cost is much higher. Using the same example of a 60-foot cruising yacht, the cost of storage is approximately $5,760 per month, along with a $500 per month utilities fee. "With a place like Palm Harbor Marina, boaters are paying for the amenities and the location," continued Chris. Palm Harbor Marina features a yacht club with a hospitality bar and media center, a complete fitness center, game room, deli, concierge, as well as being right next to the best restaurants and nightlife in Palm Beach.

(Seen below: A yacht is welcomed by the professional staff that includes golf cart service. Photo credit: Palm Harbor Marina website.)

cost of storing a yacht at a marina

"For a yacht that's 60-feet, later model year, and with average usage, you can expect to pay $60,000 per year in preventative maintenance costs ," said Cooke. "And by average use I mean 150-200 hours per year. But that's assuming nothing goes wrong and has to be replaced. Typically you're looking at $4 per foot to have someone dive it, another $4 per foot to have it washed regularly, and then another $1,000 or so to go through and do a full systems check. These costs can definitely vary though depending on the boat and location. Because of inflation with the price of materials and labor, these costs have really gone up over the last 2 years." 

The best advice Christopher has for boat owners of this size is to hire a yacht management company. Yacht Management companies often oversee anywhere from 10 to 50 boats at any one time, Christopher currently has 30. The yacht manager will ensure the boat is clean, all systems checked like transmission and generators, the running gear checked, oil changes are done, and that nothing is starting to fail. Preventative maintenance can save thousands of dollars in the long run of yacht ownership and will end up paying for itself. Many yacht owners have work or other hobbies that take their time away from being able to devote to the proper maintaining of their vessel. The result can be negligence in the upkeep of the boat, causing systems to fail, and end in more costly repair bills. If you're going to spend the money on a nice yacht, a yacht management company is a smart choice.

How much does it cost to insure a yacht?

Joshua Giordano of Global Marine Insurance Agency is no stranger to insuring boats from New York to Florida. In fact, In fact, with over 20 years in the marine industry Joshua offers a unique understanding of marine insurance as it pertains to personal watercraft, boats, and yachts. This knowledge and experience allows him to find the best boat & yacht insurance at the best price.

"We get asked all of the time how much it costs to insure a yacht and the answer is it really depends on where you live and keep the yacht," says Joshua. "For a 60-foot yacht in the Northeast, you're looking at between $6,000 and $8,000 per year for insurance. Come down to Florida and that same boat is going to be $10,000 to $12,000 to insure assuming it's for private use only. If you plan to put your vessel into a yacht charter program in Florida, then costs go up $14,000 per year."

(Seen below: A 62' Azimut Yacht in Florida, if kept at a marina, will likely cost about $10,000 per year in insurance.)

cost to insure a yacht

How much does it cost to fill a yacht with fuel?

Trying to budget your annual expense for fuel can be difficult. Not only do some yachts have larger fuel capacities, but their fuel burn and range can also vary. This also then dependent upon how much you use your boat and how hard you will be running the engines. Cruising at lower rpm's at around an 8-10 knot speed can mean better fuel efficiency with longer running times between trips to get more fuel.

Assuming your 60-foot yacht has a fuel capacity 1,200 gallons and with an average fuel price of $5.50, and it will cost $6,600 to fill up. For new boaters, it's really difficult to gauge how much fuel you might use in a year and only personal experience and time on the water can help narrow down that annual cost.

Fuel costs per location also can change depending on where you are boating. The Waterway Guide offers up-to-date pricing on fuel at major marinas through the United States. For example, diesel fuel in Jacksonville, Florida is currently ranging from $5.40 to $5.90 depending on which marina you stop at. In comparison, stopping for diesel in the Florida Keys will start at $4.90 and could be as high as $5.30 per gallon.

Can you finance a yacht?

Finacing a yacht is very common," says Shana White with OceanPoint Marine Lending. "There are many attractive programs out there that can be tailored to fit the bueyer's needs. The boat loan approval process usually takes between 24 and 48 hours to receive an answer." Things like your income-to-debt ratio, credit score, credit history, and asset verification all go into whether or not a bank will loan you the money for a yacht. A favorable rate for a yacht loan could be 4% in the current market with other possible discounts available. Check out our Boat Loan FAQ's page for more information.

Is owning a yacht a good investment?

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How Much Should I Pay For A Yacht?

Owning a yacht is an investment in yourself, not a financial one. Boats depreciate in value, they cost money to maintain, and you will almost never sell it for more than what you paid for it. The memories you create with your friends and family on a yacht, however, are worth more than words can describe.  Peter Schmidt talks about why to own a yacht after more than 40 years in the business, "Owning a yacht is a good thing, one of the joys of life. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. A yacht allows you to make memories you never dreamed possible!" Peter is also a current boat owner and has owned several throughout his life. His kids now own their boats and are teaching Peter's grandchildren the joys of being on the water. "I love boating and my kids love boating. It gets in your blood and gets passed down through the generations. There simply is no greater pastime than owning a boat. Yes, there are some inconveniences along the way with repairs, but the good far outweighs any temporary inconveniences." 

Peter suggests "speaking to a knowledgeable, professional, and experienced yacht broker near you about the costs of yacht ownership. If you don't have a relationship currently with a United Yacht broker, please give our main office a call at (772) 463-3131 and we will connect you with the best broker to service you based on your location and boating needs.

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Next-Level Cruising: 2022 Palm Beach PB70 For Sale

  • By Donny Gilbert
  • September 4, 2024

Palm Beach PB70 Falcon

Looking for a stout, finely finished, high-performing Downeast-style yacht with a thoroughly modern build? Falcon , a 2022 Palm Beach PB70, has just entered the market with Grand Banks at $4.999 million.

“Her lines are much sleeker than those of most other boats in her class, many of which tend to skew more classical and, frankly, more boxy,” Yachting previously reported . “This boat is sexy, with a raked windshield and gently curving sheer line that reaches aft toward a generous tumblehome.”

Palm Beach PB70 Falcon

Construction is vacuum-infused E-glass with carbon fiber for structural areas. The deck and superstructure are built with infused carbon fiber for strength without added weight. Coring is Airex and Corecell foam.

Boarding Falcon via the teak swim platform, the cockpit is accessed through a transom door to starboard. The first things I noticed were the teak sole, fixed Bimini and al fresco space to entertain family and friends. Guests can relax on an L-shaped settee with a custom hi-low teak table or the aft-facing L-shaped settee with table to starboard. Grill a few burgers for lunch on the Kenyon electric BBQ before grabbing a few water toys out of the garage. Falcon ’s tender garage is currently used for stowage with the tender stowed on the hardtop. Rinse off using the cockpit shower with fresh hot/cold water and dry off in the sun on a couple sun pads or an inset settee for two on the foredeck. Some other amenities include:

  • Remote docking station
  • Underwater lights
  • Cockpit courtesy lights
  • Cockpit cover
  • Cockpit wet bar with Silestone “Eternal Calacatta Gold” countertop with AC/DC refrigerator, freezer, sink, storage
  • Designated glassware cabinet
  • Teak cockpit sole with day hatch to the tender garage
  • Garage w/built-in with electric door, ladder, custom paddle board holders, custom bike holders, custom storage box for snorkeling gear & Seabob
  • Opacmare Transformer hydraulic swim platform (900-pound capacity) with stainless-steel staple rail and removable tender chocks

Palm Beach PB70 Falcon

A set of double teak doors from the cockpit lead to the salon. A Burmese teak interior is illuminated by natural light flowing in through the windows that surround the salon. Relax on the portside sofa with a hi-low teak table that converts to an additional berth, settee with table to starboard, barrel chair and custom ottoman with flip fabric/teak lid. Solid teak cabinetry and lockers provide stowage space for salon accessories. Catch a game on the retractable flat- screen TV or nose into a book using the custom reading lights. 

Forward, and open to the salon, is Falcon’ s helm station. The helm has a custom Sisal “Samarra” carpeted sole on the raised portion of the helm, matching the salon, a teak sole through the helm companionway and a teak helm console. Optional. leather Stidd helm chairs were added along with a custom portside companion helm seat with a fixed armrest. Falcon has the following electronics and navigation tech:

  • 2/Garmin 8617 displays
  • Volvo autopilot
  • GMR Fantom 24″ dome radar
  • Garmin 315 VHF
  • Engine room camera
  • Cockpit aft-facing camera, starboard bulkhead
  • Garmin WiFi
  • WiFi booster, WL-510 with Asus RT-AC1200G+ router
  • Volvo 7″ display with new sonar function
  • Starlink SAT communication system

Palm Beach PB70 Falcon

Falcon has a one-of-a-kind tender, a Palm Beach PB14, that is mounted on the hardtop and can be easily launched using a custom transformer davit with powered hoist and rotatable base built into the mast. The carbon fiber tender with a Honda 30 hp outboard includes one Garmin GPSMAP 753XSV, Fusion Marine black box MS-BB1100 entertainment system with bluetooth wired remote and NMEA 2000, Fusion 4″ speakers and custom upholstery.

Down a few steps and forward the helm station is Falcon ’s galley. It has a teak sole and teak cabinetry, large countertops and a stainless-steel sink. appliances include a Miele KM6320 3-burner induction cooktop, Miele DA 1260 with optional odor-free charcoal filter, DKF 18-900 range hood and Miele H6200 BM speed microwave/convection oven. Other galley amenities include the following:

  • Sub-Zero ID-24R refrigerator/freezer
  • Water purification system
  • Hideaway pull-out disposal bin at inboard end of galley
  • Overhead locker above cooktop on forward bulkhead of galley
  • Plate rack with cup holders
  • Drawer stowage

Palm Beach PB70 Falcon

After a long day on the water, retire to one of three staterooms. The amidships master stateroom has a king-sized island berth with under-berth stowage and an en suite head. The sole is covered with a custom Sisal “Samarra” carpet with acoustic underlay and the teak cabinetry has a satin finish. Owners will find plenty of stowage for their personal belongings in a hanging locker with mirror, stowage lockers with positive locking hardware as well as a Diplomat hotel P25EN safe. Catch the rest of the game on the flatscreen smart TV or turn on one of the six custom reading lights to finish the chapter before falling off to sleep. The VIP has a queen-sized island berth with en suite head. Personal belongings can be stowed in a dresser and stowage lockers with teak cabinetry. The guest stateroom has two single berths with teak cabinetry and custom portholes. Stowage lockers, dressing cabinet with mirror and custom teak shelves provide stowage for personal belongings. The guest stateroom could also be used as crew quarters. 

Where is Falcon located? The yacht is currently lying in Stuart, Florida.

Take the next step: call the listing agent, Carvey Iannuzzi , (616) 889-7766, Grand Banks

Quick Specifications

  • Length Overall: 70′
  • Maximum Beam: 19.17′
  • Max Draft: 4.25′
  • Cruising Speed: 25 knots
  • Max Speed: 33 knots
  • Hull Material: Fiberglass
  • Engine Make: Volvo
  • Engine Model: IPS1350
  • Fuel Type: Diesel
  • Combined Horsepower: 2,000 hp 
  • Fuel Capacity: 1,575 Gal.
  • Range:   732 nm
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cost of a 70 foot yacht

How Much Does A 70 Foot Viking Cost?

viking 70 price

Like all Viking sportfish, the 70 Convertible was built to run fast, fish hard, and deliver winning results in competitive tournaments. Viking is known for outdoing itself and, at the time, the 70C was no exception. Today, the 70 Convertible has been retired and replaced with the 72 Convertible , but pre-owned vessels can still be found on the brokerage market. After the incredible yacht sales boom over the last few years, much of the available used Viking inventory has been depleted, but patient buyers that work with a professional Viking broker can find often find one just before it hits the market.

When it first came out, the Viking 70 Convertible had a base price of $3.7 million, but could easily reach over $5 million once options and equipment were added on. According to the yachting industry MLS database, most 70-foot Vikings that were built in 2013 through 2015, sold between $3.5 million and $4.8 million. With limited inventory available today, the 70 Convertibles that are available for sale have an asking price over $4.5 million, unless you get a 2011 or older which then drops it below the $4 million threshold.

"The 70 Convertible is unmistakable on the water," said Rich Lucas, Viking Brand Manager for SI Yachts. "It has sleek, aggressively flowing lines, powerful engines, and a roomy interior for those longer fishing trips." 

If you have interest in finding a pre-owned Viking 70C, or other Vikings of similar size, please contact the main office at SI Yachts by calling 1-718-984-7676 or emailing us at [email protected]

Much has been said about the 70 Convertible's power and it has been clocked at excellent speeds. To put it bluntly, the 70C is fast! So just how fast does a 70 foot Viking go? "The Viking 70 has top speeds over 43 knots," continued Rich. "The optional twin MTU 2600HP diesel engines provide a substantial boost in speed over the standard MAN 1550HP's. That upgrade alone is nearly a million dollars added to the price of the boat."

engine room of 70 foot viking

The complex construction of the hull of the Viking 70 is a major contributor to its speed, and its price tag. The core is a high quality end-grain balsa wood that is resin infused, making the boat lighter, faster, and stronger. Foam-cored stringers that have been encapsulated in fiberglass add the strength and backbone to the hull. Combined with almost 100 inches of forward freeboard and a strongly raked stem, and this sportfishing boat will handle oncoming seas like a champ.

According to an official test by the group at Power and Motor Yacht Magazine, the 70C is burning 96 gallons per hour when running at a 25.8 knot cruising speed and 1,500 rpm's.

(Below: Viking also produced a 70 Enclosed Bridge.)

70 foot enclosed bridge

Owners of the Viking 70 will also appreciate the spacious, roomy cabins in the four-stateroom, four-head layout. The master suite (seen below) is found midship with an en suite bathroom. There is a king-sized, walk-around berth in the venter along with a love seat in the corner. As with all Vikings, the interior woodwork is phenomenal and creates a wonderful ambiance. The VIP suite is found forward in the layout and offers nearly as much space and storage as the master cabin. Two additional cabins have bunk beds and share a bathroom, while the fourth head is found in the main salon.

master cabin on viking 70

As one of the oldest Viking dealers in the world, SI Yachts is uniquely situated close to the Viking shipyard in New Gretna, New Jersey, which allows our team to offer unparalleled customer service. Since 1964, we have prided ourselves on always putting the customer first and earning your repeat business through your entire boating life. Whether you are interested in custom building a Viking, purchasing one out of inventory, locating the perfect vessel on the brokerage market, or selling your current Viking, SI Yachts is here to help. Our team of Viking factory trained sales professionals can walk your through the best options that fit your needs. We look forward to working with you on the purchase of your next boat!

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  • Luxury Riverboats Are Giving Superyacht Charters a Run for Your Money

Once the ugly-duckling cousin to oceangoing superyachts, many riverboats now offer similar levels of luxury, comfort, and service. They can also access historic cities or remote deltas where no superyacht can venture.

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Riverboats become the next superyachts.

With the rise of expedition yachting in remote destinations such as Antarctica , Greenland, and Indonesia’s Raja Ampat, there’s a general belief that all corners of the globe are now accessible by private yacht charter.

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Budapest on the Danube River.

“River cruising is the beneficiary of a larger travel trend in which luxury travelers are looking to do nothing,” Daniel Levine, director of New York consultancy Avant-Guide Institute , tells Robb Report . “By that, I mean they can visit multiple ports and soak up plenty of culture and history, all without changing hotels.”

This new fleet of river cruisers can access inland cities and remote stretches of countryside that are inaccessible to large oceangoing vessels. Plus, Levine says, there’s an added advantage to river travel: no seasickness.

One leader of the new set of purpose-built riverboats is Aqua Expeditions , the luxury river cruise operator whose first vessel, Aria Amazon , set sail on the Peruvian Amazon in 2011. Over a decade later, the fleet has grown to three river ships, none with more than 20 suites, cruising both the Amazon and the Mekong River in Vietnam and Cambodia, along with two oceangoing yachts in the Galapagos and Eastern Indonesia. 

Aria Amazon on the Peruvian Amazon.

“On my river ships, 30 percent of departures are now private buyouts, similar to traditional charters,” says founder Francesco Galli Zugaro. These clients, mainly multigenerational family groups or large gatherings of friends, are people who tend to vacation on yachts rather than the typical cruise ship crowd. Most of them have come to the riverboats, says Galli Zugaro, after chartering one of Aqua Expeditions’ two yachts.

On board the Aria Amazon.

The desire for off-the-beaten-track travel is fueling this new interest in riverboat charters, says Frédéric Crétin, a Monaco-based charter broker at superyacht brokerage Camper & Nicholsons . “We’ve had a surge in enquiries for the Peruvian Amazon, especially with Americans since it’s not too far from home,” says Crétin, who manages whole-boat bookings for the Aqua Expeditions fleet.

Heritage Line operates five traditionally styled ships along the upper and lower Mekong River and in Vietnam’s Halong Bay and Lan Ha Bay. “Our vessels, particularly our small-ship sailing charters on Halong Bay and Lan Ha Bay, have seen an increase in private stays,” says CEO John Tue Nguyen. “We now average 12 to 15 charters annually, including families, multi-generational bookings and VIP travelers.”

Side canoe trip in Laos.

In Egypt, a gap in the market to showcase the country’s temples in a private, exclusive way, was behind the launch of the Nile River’s first luxury charter yacht in 2022, Berge . “Our clients are mostly royal families, politicians, celebrities, and athletes,” says Armen Kazazian of Kazazian Cruises , the yacht’s owner. “They don’t want to share the Egypt experience with hundreds of other people.”

The 180-foot, nine-cabin vessel has recently been joined by a sistership, the 196-foot, nine-cabin Arax . True to superyacht protocol, charters are secured with an official MYBA The Worldwide Yachting Association contract, and in the lead-up to the charter, a preference form is sent out to gather information on dietary preferences and daily routines to ensure everything is ready for your arrival. 

Luxor by boat.

The differences also include having no water toys as one would on a conventional yacht charter. “But we overcome that with the destination and experiences, such as candlelit dinners on private islands,” says Kazazian. Maybe. But being restricted to a single route on a river is also fundamentally different than port-hopping along the Med or Caribbean.

443-foot Transcend Riverboat

Inland cruising has multiple benefits, insists Matthew Shollar of Transcend Cruises , Europe’s first charter-only, river-cruise company. “You’re not just in coastal locations and you can take your whole group off the boat to a spa, or go biking, or shopping,” Shollar says. “And a riverboat always docks close to your destination.”

In September 2025, the company’s first ship, the 443-foot Transcend , will launch, with a second identical vessel following in early 2026. Penned by Tillberg Design of Sweden, both are built to European riverboat specs but draw inspiration from superyachts for style and amenities, including a 2,600-square-foot indoor/outdoor fitness area that includes a gym, spa, and guest wellness facility. 

Ascend Cruises Meeting Room

“The single most expensive piece of equipment on board is a hot tip from superyachts, a 144-inch C Seed unfolding television,” continues Shollar. “It’s a worthwhile investment for guests to enjoy everything from silent discos to movie nights on the sun deck.”

Belmond’s Coquelicot river boat.

The company soft-launched Transcend Advance this summer to better examine the private market’s potential. It took over a five-star vessel from Riverside Luxury Cruises. One client, celebrating his 60th birthday party, had never considered a riverboat charter, but was lured by being able to host many more guests. “We designed a six-day itinerary that was flexible and unique,” says Kimberly Daley, Transcend’s chief revenue officer. “It enabled him and his friends to see chartering in a whole new way.”

Transcend will sail “the highest-demand European waterways,” including the Rhine, Danube, and Moselle, offering waterside access to historic cities like Trier, Budapest, and Belgrade.

River Barge Kir Royale in France's Champagne region.

But a second collection of smaller luxury barges is carrying charter to canals and smaller waterways. Both Belmond’s 128-foot Coquelicot and European Waterways’ Kir Royale launched in France’s Champagne region this year, with a max capacity of six and eight guests, respectively, and the possibility of whole-boat bookings. This combination of space, intimacy, pastoral views and access to exceptional vineyards can’t be replicated on oceangoing yachts.

While luxury riverboats are still a small niche compared to the larger world of superyacht charters, they offer another kind of cruising experience, one that combines slow-moving water with a relaxed lifestyle in some of the most scenic destinations on the planet.

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  1. Used 70 Foot Yachts & Boats For Sale

    Explore used yachts and boats for sale worldwide between 70-79 feet. Luxury 70 ft yachts are great for lengthy travels abroad, anglers looking for a worthy tournament contender, and everything in between. Most yachts 70-79 feet feature 3-5 staterooms below deck, spacious cockpits, well-appointed galleys, and roomy salons for ultimate relaxation.

  2. Used Yachts For Sale From 61 To 70 Feet

    Listed below are used yachts for sale worldwide from 61 to 70 feet. Use the search tools to narrow your exploration. SYS Yacht Sales offers a wide range of used yachts for sale, including long range cruisers, motor yachts, trawlers, sportfish yachts, flybridge yachts, sailboats and everything in between. Search top brands like Azimut, Ferretti ...

  3. Superyacht Cost Calculator

    Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel ...

  4. How Much Does it (Really) Cost to Own a Yacht?

    Between 70-100ft (20-30m): between 6 millions and 20 millions € / USD; ... A 180-foot superyacht and/or mega yacht costs a minimum of $4.75 million per year to operate and maintain. Kitty McGowan of the US Superyacht Association estimates an annual budget of $1 million for maintenance and repairs, $350,000 for dockage, $240,000 for insurance ...

  5. Average Yacht Prices: 18 Helpful Examples (Size 40'-130')

    A 40-foot yacht can be found used for around $200,000 and new models can cost as much as a million dollars. There are always lots of used yachts for sale around 40 feet in length, which makes them more attractive to first-time buyers. Technically, a yacht begins at 23 feet. However, yachts that size will more often be referred to as boats.

  6. Used Yachts For Sale From 71 To 80 Feet

    Search used yachts for sale worldwide from 71 to 80 feet. We offer a wide range of used yachts, including long range cruisers, motor yachts, trawlers, sailing yachts and more. Contact our yacht brokers for assistance.

  7. The Real Cost of Owning a Yacht

    Many owners of 70' and larger yachts prefer to have full-time crew aboard to help them run the vessel. Naturally, this can cost quite a bit. Even if you can run your own yacht, however, you may want to consider bringing in a crewmember or two simply to take care of the many daily maintenance chores required for large, expensive yachts.

  8. The New Prestige X70 Is A 70-Foot-Long Superyacht

    The Prestige X70's main saloon is huge for a 70-foot long yacht. Prestige Yachts. First off, it's obvious that the designers of the X70— Garroni Design and Militerno De Romedis —have ...

  9. 70' Sailing Yachts for Sale

    70 FEET SailingYACHTS FOR SALE. Step into the world of luxury sailing with our carefully selected collection of 70 feet sailing yachts for sale. These extraordinary vessels have been crafted to the highest standards of performance, comfort, and innovation, offering an exceptional cruising experience. With spacious and elegantly designed ...

  10. 70 Foot Yacht Guide: Finding Your Perfect Yacht

    June 18, 2019. The 70 foot yacht range often represents a demarcation in yachting. Vessels below this size range are often owner-operated whereas once yacht owners get into the 70 foot range, owners typically do not operate the yacht themselves. The 70 foot yacht is also just shy of what most consider to be the superyacht category.

  11. Oyster 675

    The Oyster 675 is a versatile sub 70 foot sailboat. The perfect combination of space and sailing capability, this 70 foot yacht for sale features space for ten guests and can be sailed shorthanded or with crew.

  12. How Much Does a Yacht Cost: A Comprehensive Breakdown for Buyers

    Yacht insurance is a significant cost that should be factored into your decision to buy a yacht. The cost of insurance can vary based on the size, type, and value of the yacht. For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have insurance costs upwards of $240,000 per year. Obtaining quotes from various providers is essential.

  13. Used Motor Yachts for Sale from 60 to 70 feet

    Listed below are used motor yachts for sale from 60 to 70 feet in length. Motor yachts vary greatly in their hull design, interior accommodations, engine packages, and performance capabilities. They often feature multiple staterooms for owners and guests as well as bathrooms, showers, full galleys and a wide range of other amenities to make ...

  14. How Much Does a Yacht Cost?

    When referring to larger sailing yachts—and by larger we are talking about 100-foot yacht prices—there is a "rule of thumb" estimate of $1 million per 3 feet in length. So a 100-foot yacht may cost in the region of $30 million. But sliding back down the length ladder, it's possible to pick up a small, used sailing yacht for a fraction ...

  15. 70 feet Sportfish for Sale

    70 feet Sportfish for Sale. Unleash your passion for sportfishing with our extraordinary selection of 70-foot sportfish yachts available for sale. These impressive vessels combine powerful performance, luxurious comfort, and advanced fishing features, creating the ultimate fishing experience. Step aboard and be greeted by expansive fishing ...

  16. Azimut S7 yacht

    10. Shaped by an ambitious technological calling to be the most forward-facing sport yacht in her category, the S7 is a paradigm of peak performance and luxurious leisure. A marvel of razor agility and precision, she guarantees the lowest fuel consumption possible and a uniquely quiet allure. The main deck offers a fluid continuum between ...

  17. How Much Does a Yacht Cost?

    The Cost of Small Yachts. At the lower end of the spectrum, you'll find pocket yachts, also known as small yachts, or for the sake of this article anything below 50 feet. Often times small yachts are referred to as "day boats" or "weekenders" and typically have a starting cost of anywhere from $500,000 to $2,500,000.

  18. 70 feet Sailing Catamarans for Sale

    TWW Yachts is thrilled to present an unparalleled selection of 70 feet sailing catamarans, each an epitome of nautical grandeur and sophistication. Crafted for the true maritime aficionado, these vessels stand as the pinnacle of luxury sailing, offering expansive spaces, innovative design, and unrivaled performance. The 70 feet catamarans in ...

  19. How much does it cost to own a yacht?

    The yacht's purchase cost isn't the only expense though and other factors need to be considered. What does it cost to own a yacht? "The cost of ownership for a 60-foot, $1 million yacht is going to be about 10% of its value, or $100,000 per year if it's over ten years old," said Peter Schmidt, Founder of United Yacht Sales.

  20. 70 feet Trawlers for Sale

    70 feet Trawlers for Sale. Step into a world of unparalleled luxury and exploration with our curated collection of 70-foot trawler yachts for sale. These remarkable vessels provide an extraordinary level of opulence and comfort, coupled with state-of-the-art technology and design, to satisfy the most discerning mariner's desires.

  21. Next-Level Cruising: 2022 Palm Beach PB70 For Sale

    The 2022 Palm Beach PB70 Falcon boasts sleek lines with a raked windshield and curved sheerline. Powered by twin Volvo Penta IPS1350 engines, Falcon delivers a top speed of 33 knots and a range of 732 nautical miles. Courtesy Grand Banks. Looking for a stout, finely finished, high-performing Downeast-style yacht with a thoroughly modern build?

  22. How Much Does A 70 Foot Viking Cost?

    When it first came out, the Viking 70 Convertible had a base price of $3.7 million, but could easily reach over $5 million once options and equipment were added on. According to the yachting industry MLS database, most 70-foot Vikings that were built in 2013 through 2015, sold between $3.5 million and $4.8 million.

  23. 70' Catamarans for Sale

    70′ CatamaransYachts for Sale. Embark on a world of luxury and adventure with our exclusive range of 70-foot catamarans for sale. These majestic vessels offer unparalleled comfort and performance, promising an extraordinary yachting experience. Step into a world of opulence as you explore the spacious interiors adorned with lavish cabins, a ...

  24. How Much Does a Superyacht Cost?

    While the largest superyachts hit headlines with their jaw-dropping sizes and build prices, the term "superyacht" covers a broad spectrum of sizes, from the smallest 80- to 100-foot (30-meter) yachts straight up to 230-foot yachts (70 meters) and on to those in the 330-foot (100 meter) range. According to Triton Charters, a good rough ...

  25. Luxury Riverboats Are Giving Superyacht Charters a Run for Your Money

    Tiara's Newest 56-Foot, 2400 HP Boat Is a Speed Demon in a Full-Feature Package. This Speedy 70-Foot Power Catamaran Is Designed to Cut Through Rough Waters. 672 Wine Club