Adaptateurs JIC AISI 316L

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Pourquoi Hydrau Yacht Service ?

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Didier Thollon

Fondateur & dg,  " hydrau yacht service est une entreprise innovante spécialisée dans la vente en ligne de tuyaux et raccords hydrauliques pour les applications nautiques..

Après plus de 30 ans passés à étudier et à installer des systèmes hydrauliques pour les yachts, super yachts et la voile de compétition, Didier Thollon, fondateur d' Hydraunautic , a constaté la difficulté de s'approvisionner rapidement en composants de qualité dans le monde entier. C'est pourquoi il a créé en décembre 2020 la société Hydrau Yacht Service qui réunit sur un seul site plus de 1000 références disponibles dédiées aux applications nautiques. propose aux chantiers navals, centres de refit, ingénieurs nautiques, propriétaires... des matériaux de haute performance en livraison rapide partout dans le monde depuis la France.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si le produit ou la quantité que vous recherchez ne se trouve pas sur notre site. Nous mettrons tout en œuvre pour vous livrer ! "

JIC Adaptors AISI 316L

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Hydrau Yacht Service

1 impasse du Bois, 33370 Fargues Saint Hilaire (Bordeaux – France)

[email protected] / +33658629451

Immatriculé au RCS Bordeaux sous le numéro 891 645 194 

Numéro TVA intracommunautaire: FR59891645194

Capital social de 4000 euros.

Responsable de la publication : Didier Thollon

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Hydromar hull doors

Hydromar balcony doors, hydromar hatches, hydromar sliding hinge hull door system, door systems.

Product serie 800

Hydromar’s door systems are part of our special product range. We have the capacity to tailor all kinds of hydraulic superyacht door solutions to any project requirements and yacht design.

Hull doors, balcony doors, transom doors, pivoting bulwarks and deck hatches are examples of the door systems we deliver. We are able to design, engineer and produce total turnkey solutions, but in accordance with the yard we also supply only the mechanical parts

Hull doors with difficult shapes which cannot be equipped with C-hinges can often instead be designed with sliding hinge systems (SHS System), which have the doors slide out before setting into the hinges. The main advantages of this system are easy installation and a better clear opening of the hull door for launching the tender.

We deliver for example:

  • Hull doors (tender garages)
  • Balcony doors
  • Foldable bulwarks
  • Deck hatches (MOB)
  • Transom hatches and doors
  • Complete gangway hatches
  • Pantograph hinges for gangway hatches
  • C-hinges for hatches
  • Pantograph hatches
  • Hull door sliding hinge system

Please give us a call or send an e-mail to [email protected] when you need more information or a technical drawing. We are looking forward to answer your questions.

Modern Boat Sales & Service

HA5430H Seastar Hydraulic Steering Fluid, Quart / 435C

Regular price $38.49 Sale

HA5430H / 435C

  • SeaStar Hydraulic Steering Fluid is engineered with a proprietary additive package which contains anti-foaming and anti-rusting agents, anti-oxidants, viscosity stabilizers, corrosion inhibitors, wear additives and a water emulsification additive
  • SeaStar Hydraulic Steering Fluid is the ONLY steering fluid which is Validated and Performance Matched to ensure the optimum performance and safety of SeaStar Solutions Hydraulic Steering Systems

Bluewater Yacht Sales

2006 Pursuit OS 255

Vessel Image #1

Get More Info

27' pursuit 2006, youngstown, new york.

  • Length Overall: 27'
  • Beam: 8' 9"
  • Maximum Draft: —
  • Dry Weight: 6,100 lbs

Tank Capacities

  • Fuel: 130.00 gal
  • Water: 20.00 gal
  • Holding: 13.00 gal

Engine Information

General description.

This is a rare find and a very multi-functional boat for the Great Lakes!

Highlights: Load Rite Tandem Axle Aluminum Trailer. Twin Yamaha 4 Stroke 150HP Outboards with 201 hours. Beautiful Fighting Lady Yellow Hull with no bottom paint. Hardtop with outriggers and canvas enclosure. Electric Head. Full sunbrella cover.

2006 Pursuit OS 255 also known as 2570 Offshore. 29th hull of 80 2570 Offshores built. 2570 Offshore built in 2005 & 2006, then renamed OS 255 later in 2006 and built the same hull until 2015. Same hull as cc2570 and C250 CC.

Twin 150 HP Yamaha 4 strokes, 201 hours on original engines

27’3” LOA w/ pulpit

6100 lbs. dry weight

130 gals fuel

20 gals fresh water

13 gals holding tank

32 gals livewell

21 degree deadrise

Factory Options:

Fighting Lady Yellow hull

Electric head

Hard top with telescoping rod holders (outriggers)

Hardtop canvas enclosure

3 piece drop curtain storage and sun shade

Steering station cover

Bennett trim tabs

Ritchie Compass

Owners Manual

2006 Load Rite tandem axle aluminum

8000 lb capacity

SS disk brakes on both axles with hydraulic actuator

Torsion suspension

4 new tires with 2022 date codes

Trailer used only for off-season storage, never immersed in water, boat is launched with travel lift

Birdsall Marine Design full boat cover, toast sunbrella custom made 

No damage history

No holes have been drilled in this boat after it left the factory. No aftermarket electronics installed, but large console allows for plotter.

Bottom, topsides and non-skid deck gelcoat waxed each season before launch, gelcoat has never been compounded and shines like new

Head, holding tank and freshwater system new, never used

All upholstery in like new condition

Factory supplied binder with owners manual and instructions for equipment and accessories

All maintenance and service records since new

Owner's Note: This boat was built by Pursuit in its Fort Pierce, Florida factory. At that time, Pursuit was a division of Tiara Yachts, and still owned by the founding Slikkers family. Leon Slikkers, who retired from Tiara Yachts in 2021 at age 93, founded Tiara Yachts, and before that both Slickcraft and S2 Yachts. He is a legend in the boatbuilding industry. In 2018, Tiara sold the Pursuit name to Malibu Boats. Current Pursuits are no longer made by a company controlled by the Slikkers family.

Leon Slikkers, Chairman of Pursuit Boats, wrote me a letter in February, 2011 asking me to comment on the performance of the boat, motors and dealer experience. I have a copy of that letter in my files with all the original owners manuals and other literature supplied with the boat from the factory.

I am the original owner. I purchased the boat in 2010 from a Pursuit dealer located inland in North Carolina (Roxboro). The dealer ordered the boat for its new boat inventory from the Pursuit factory, but was unable to sell the boat until I bought it. The boat was stored by the dealer in a warehouse prior to my purchase with zero hours on the motors. Upon my purchase, I imported the boat into Canada for seasonal (freshwater) use at my

summer cabin on Georgian Bay.

In 2013 I purchased a winter vacation home in SW Florida and a few years later later decided to move the boat from Ontario to Florida. I use that Florida property only during January to March, and during that period the boat is kept on a lift and has received little use (note the low hours). During the offseason (9.5-10 months per year) the boat is stored on its trailer in an inland covered RV storage facility.

In the 17 years since the boat was built, for 6 of those years the boat was never launched (2006-2010, 2016 (due to other commitments) and 2021 (pandemic). During these periods of storage the boat was either in a warehouse or in a covered dry storage facility. In the 11 seasons the boat was launched, it has never been used for more than 3 months of each of those years, then stored in the off-season in a covered dry storage facility. When in the water boat has been in fresh water or stored on a lift and not left overnight in water. 

Hull never bottom painted.

Outboards fully maintained per Yamaha factory recommended service procedures – annual oil and filter changes using Yamaha 4 stroke oil (10W30 grade) and Yamaha oil filters, gearcase lube drained and replaced annually, typically after only 10 hours of use or less. Thermostats and water pump impellers changed bi-annually. Complete service records maintained, zero issues with either outboard since new.

Boating's Best Brands

Viking Yachts

Waterfront Office Locations

  • Baltimore 410.342.6600
  • Annapolis 443.716.7965
  • Ocean City 410.390.3043
  • Hampton 757.723.0793
  • Virginia Beach 757.937.2570

North Carolina

  • Beaufort 252.728.2645
  • Morehead City 252.728.2645
  • Wilmington 910.256.6643
  • South FL 561.845.0606

50th Anniversary Logo

Okhotny Ryad station in Soviet times and today.

The Moscow metro system has 275 stations, and 28 of them have been renamed at some point or other—and several times in some cases. Most of these are the oldest stations, which opened in 1935.

The politics of place names

The first station to change its name was Ulitsa Kominterna (Comintern Street). The Comintern was an international communist organization that ceased to exist in 1943, and after the war Moscow authorities decided to call the street named after it something else. In 1946, the station was renamed Kalininskaya. Then for several days in 1990, the station was called Vozdvizhenka, before eventually settling on Aleksandrovsky Sad, which is what it is called today.

The banner on the entraince reads:

The banner on the entraince reads: "Kalininskaya station." Now it's Alexandrovsky Sad.

Until 1957, Kropotkinskaya station was called Dvorets Sovetov ( Palace of Soviets ). There were plans to build a monumental Stalinist high-rise on the site of the nearby Cathedral of Christ the Saviour , which had been demolished. However, the project never got off the ground, and after Stalin's death the station was named after Kropotkinskaya Street, which passes above it.

Dvorets Sovetov station, 1935. Letters on the entrance:

Dvorets Sovetov station, 1935. Letters on the entrance: "Metro after Kaganovich."

Of course, politics was the main reason for changing station names. Initially, the Moscow Metro itself was named after Lazar Kaganovich, Joseph Stalin’s right-hand man. Kaganovich supervised the construction of the first metro line and was in charge of drawing up a master plan for reconstructing Moscow as the "capital of the proletariat."

In 1955, under Nikita Khrushchev's rule and during the denunciation of Stalin's personality cult, the Moscow Metro was named in honor of Vladimir Lenin.

Kropotkinskaya station, our days. Letters on the entrance:

Kropotkinskaya station, our days. Letters on the entrance: "Metropolitan after Lenin."

New Metro stations that have been opened since the collapse of the Soviet Union simply say "Moscow Metro," although the metro's affiliation with Vladimir Lenin has never officially been dropped.

Zyablikovo station. On the entrance, there are no more signs that the metro is named after Lenin.

Zyablikovo station. On the entrance, there are no more signs that the metro is named after Lenin.

Stations that bore the names of Stalin's associates were also renamed under Khrushchev. Additionally, some stations were named after a neighborhood or street and if these underwent name changes, the stations themselves had to be renamed as well.

Until 1961 the Moscow Metro had a Stalinskaya station that was adorned by a five-meter statue of the supreme leader. It is now called Semyonovskaya station.

Left: Stalinskaya station. Right: Now it's Semyonovskaya.

Left: Stalinskaya station. Right: Now it's Semyonovskaya.

The biggest wholesale renaming of stations took place in 1990, when Moscow’s government decided to get rid of Soviet names. Overnight, 11 metro stations named after revolutionaries were given new names. Shcherbakovskaya became Alekseyevskaya, Gorkovskaya became Tverskaya, Ploshchad Nogina became Kitay-Gorod and Kirovskaya turned into Chistye Prudy. This seriously confused passengers, to put it mildly, and some older Muscovites still call Lubyanka station Dzerzhinskaya for old times' sake.

At the same time, certain stations have held onto their Soviet names. Marksistskaya and Kropotkinskaya, for instance, although there were plans to rename them too at one point.

"I still sometimes mix up Teatralnaya and Tverskaya stations,” one Moscow resident recalls .

 “Both have been renamed and both start with a ‘T.’ Vykhino still grates on the ear and, when in 1991 on the last day of my final year at school, we went to Kitay-Gorod to go on the river cruise boats, my classmates couldn’t believe that a station with that name existed."

The city government submitted a station name change for public discussion for the first time in 2015. The station in question was Voykovskaya, whose name derives from the revolutionary figure Pyotr Voykov. In the end, city residents voted against the name change, evidently not out of any affection for Voykov personally, but mainly because that was the name they were used to.

What stations changed their name most frequently?

Some stations have changed names three times. Apart from the above-mentioned Aleksandrovsky Sad (Ulitsa Kominterna->Kalininskaya->Vozdvizhenka->Aleksandrovsky Sad), a similar fate befell Partizanskaya station in the east of Moscow. Opened in 1944, it initially bore the ridiculously long name Izmaylovsky PKiO im. Stalina (Izmaylovsky Park of Culture and Rest Named After Stalin). In 1947, the station was renamed and simplified for convenience to Izmaylovskaya. Then in 1963 it was renamed yet again—this time to Izmaylovsky Park, having "donated" its previous name to the next station on the line. And in 2005 it was rechristened Partizanskaya to mark the 60th anniversary of victory in World War II. 

Partizanskaya metro station, nowadays.

Partizanskaya metro station, nowadays.

Another interesting story involves Alekseyevskaya metro station. This name was originally proposed for the station, which opened in 1958, since a village with this name had been located here. It was then decided to call the station Shcherbakovskaya in honor of Aleksandr Shcherbakov, a politician who had been an associate of Stalin. Nikita Khrushchev had strained relations with Shcherbakov, however, and when he got word of it literally a few days before the station opening the builders had to hastily change all the signs. It ended up with the concise and politically correct name of Mir (Peace).

The name Shcherbakovskaya was restored in 1966 after Khrushchev's fall from power. It then became Alekseyevskaya in 1990.

Alekseyevskaya metro station.

Alekseyevskaya metro station.

But the station that holds the record for the most name changes is Okhotny Ryad, which opened in 1935 on the site of a cluster of market shops. When the metro system was renamed in honor of Lenin in 1955, this station was renamed after Kaganovich by way of compensation. The name lasted just two years though because in 1957 Kaganovich fell out of favor with Khrushchev, and the previous name was returned. But in 1961 it was rechristened yet again, this time in honor of Prospekt Marksa, which had just been built nearby.

Okhotny Ryad station in 1954 and Prospekt Marksa in 1986.

Okhotny Ryad station in 1954 and Prospekt Marksa in 1986.

In 1990, two historical street names—Teatralny Proyezd and Mokhovaya Street—were revived to replace Prospekt Marksa, and the station once again became Okhotny Ryad.

Okhotny Ryad in 2020.

Okhotny Ryad in 2020.

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2007 Sea Ray 60 Sundancer

$689,000, specifications, additional info, basic boat info, engines / speed.

  • Model: MAN 1100 CRM
  • Fuel: Diesel
  • Engine Power: 1,100hp
  • Type: Inboard
  • Drive Type: V
  • Engine Hours: 987
  • Request Info
  • Loan Calculator

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  1. Hydraulic


  1. Hydrau Yacht Service

    Thank you! Hydrau Yacht Service, Hydraulic hoses and fittings for nautical applications. Over 500 references ex Stock! Shop Online. Worldwide Shipping. AISI 316L.Aluminium.high pressure SAE 1000R8.Low Pressure.Adaptors.JIC.DIN.BSP NPT.Quick Couplings.Pressure Gauge.Ball Valves.Clamps.BS Rings.O Rings.Crimper.

  2. Hydrau Yacht Service

    Hydrau Yacht Service is an innovative company specialized in the online sale of hydraulic fittings and hoses for nautical applications. After more than 30 years spent studying and installing ...

  3. Hydrau Yacht Service

    Bienvenue sur la chaine officielle d'Hydrau Yacht Service, société innovante de vente en ligne de tuyaux et raccords hydrauliques pour les applications nauti...

  4. Hydrau Yacht Service

    Hydrau Yacht Service, Fargues-Saint-Hilaire, Aquitaine, France. 19 likes. Tuyaux et Raccords hydrauliques pour application nautique réunis sur un seul site ! Plus de 500 ré

  5. Hydrau Yacht Service

    Hydrau Yacht Service, Tuyaux et raccords hydrauliques pour applications nautiques. Plus de 500 références en stock ! Boutique en ligne. Expédition dans le monde entier. Inox.Alu.Haute/Basse pression.SAE 1000R8..Adapteurs.JIC.DIN.BSP NPT.Coupleurs Rapides.Mesure pression.Vannes 1/4 tour.Colson

  6. Hydrau Yacht Service

    Fondateur & DG. "Hydrau Yacht Service est une entreprise innovante spécialisée dans la vente en ligne de tuyaux et raccords hydrauliques pour les applications nautiques. Après plus de 30 ans passés à étudier et à installer des systèmes hydrauliques pour les yachts, super yachts et la voile de compétition, Didier Thollon, fondateur d ...

  7. UNF Male x JIC Male

    HYDRAULIC VALVES AISI 316L; CABLE TIES / CLAMPS; HOSE GUARD; O RING KITS; BS RINGS; PORTABLE CRIMPER; Technicals Infos. Contact. ... €18.85 Price. Size UNF x JIC. Select. Quantity. Add to Cart _ REQUEST or COMMENTS? Feel free to contact Hydrau Yacht Service! * Mandatory. Thank you for your message! SEND. 33370 Fargues-Saint-Hilaire. BORDEAUX ...

  8. Conditions Générales de Vente

    CHAMP D'APPLICATION. Les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente (dites « CGV ») s'appliquent, sans restriction ni réserve à l'ensemble des ventes conclues par Hydrau Yacht Service auprès d'acheteurs professionnels ou non-professionnels, désirant acquérir les produits (tuyaux et raccords hydrauliques pour applications nautiques) proposés à la vente sur

  9. Superyacht door solutions to any project requirements and yacht design

    Product serie 800. Hydromar's door systems are part of our special product range. We have the capacity to tailor all kinds of hydraulic superyacht door solutions to any project requirements and yacht design. Hull doors, balcony doors, transom doors, pivoting bulwarks and deck hatches are examples of the door systems we deliver.

  10. BETA GIDA, OOO Company Profile

    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for BETA GIDA, OOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

  11. 35" Hydraulic Steering Bleed Kit Compatible with Sea Star Hydraulic

    The hydraulic steering filler kit fits for changing the fluid in the boat, and keeping hull clean.Work well on most outboard, inboard/outboard, and inboard hydraulic steering system, such as compatible with Sea star. The hydraulic steering bleed kit improves the efficiency of filling, bleeding, or purging the steering system.

  12. BROWNELL BOAT STANDS Hydraulic Boat Lift

    The BL8 is Brownell's strongest boat lift system. Each jack has a maximum capacity of 8,000lbs. Jacks a re sold individually and a complete system comprises four jacks. Powered by a hydraulic jack. Graduated safety pins assure safe operation. No flat tires. The best way to lift a boat weighing up to 32,000 pounds from a truck or trailer. Features:

  13. HA5430H Seastar Hydraulic Steering Fluid, Quart / 435C

    HA5430H / 435C SeaStar Hydraulic Steering Fluid is engineered with a proprietary additive package which contains anti-foaming and anti-rusting agents, anti-oxidants, viscosity stabilizers, corrosion inhibitors, wear additives and a water emulsification additive SeaStar Hydraulic Steering Fluid is the ONLY steering flui

  14. Gregory Landry on LinkedIn: #boat #dredge #workboat

    A good #boat builder knows removing contamination from pipe is crucial for long lasting equipment and calls Coastal Technology Inc for this service. This new…

  15. 2006 Pursuit 27' OS 255, For Sale in Youngstown, New York

    This is a rare find and a very multi-functional boat for the Great Lakes!Highlights:Load Rite Tandem Axle Aluminum Trailer. Twin Yamaha 4 Stroke 150HP Outboards with 201 hours. Beautiful Fighting Lady Yellow Hull with no bottom paint. Hardtop with outriggers and canvas enclosure. Electric Head. Full sunbrella cover.2006 Pursuit OS 255 also known as 2570 Offshore. 29th hull of 80 2570 Offshores ...

  16. Why were so many metro stations in Moscow renamed?

    The Moscow metro system has 275 stations, and 28 of them have been renamed at some point or other—and several times in some cases. Most of these are the oldest stations, which opened in 1935.

  17. 2007 Sea Ray 60 Sundancer Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin

    Preliminary Listing! More to come!!! New to the market is this perfect example of the wildly popular 60 Sea Ray Sundancer. Affinity will stand tall at any marina and pride in ownership is evident in all aspects.The 60 Sundancer is known for having the wow factor, beginning with an upper-deck sunroom with two retractable sun roofs, teak flooring and a 360-degree panoramic view.

  18. pershing 115 yacht

    The 35.37m/116'1" open yacht 'Pershing 115/11' was built by Pershing in Italy. Her interior is styled by Italian designer design house Fulvio de Simoni and she was completed in 2016. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Fulvio de Simoni. Range & Performance.

  19. Air/Hydraulic Boat Lift

    Description. BROWNELL BOAT STANDS Air/Hydraulic Boat Lift. The BL8AIR is Brownell's strongest boat lift system. The AIR has all of the features of the BL8 but adds that ability to connect all four jacks to a shop air supply which allows for one person to operate the system safely, thereby saving labor. Each jack has a maximum capacity of 8,000lbs.

  20. Rosatom Starts Life Tests of Third-Generation VVER-440 Nuclear Fuel

    The life tests started after successful completion of hydraulic tests (hydraulic filling) of the mock-up with the aim to determine RK3+ hydraulic resistance. Life tests are carried out on a full-scale research hot run-in test bench V-440 and will last for full 1500 hours. The aim of tests is to study mechanical stability of RK3+ components ...