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Can Yacht Travel Around the World? All You Need To Know

yacht to travel around the world

Have you ever dreamed of setting sail on a yacht and traveling around the world? It may seem like a far-fetched dream, but it can actually be done! In this article, we will be covering all you need to know to set off on a voyage around the world on a yacht.

We will discuss the preparation and permits necessary to embark, navigating foreign ports, equipping the yacht for the voyage, planning the voyage, and dealing with unexpected events.

Finally, we will look at the benefits of yacht travel around the world.

So, if youre ready to set sail, lets get started!.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Yes, yachts can travel around the world.

Many people choose to sail around the world in their own yachts or in chartered yachts.

The journey is often long, taking several months and even up to years, depending on the route and the pace at which the journey is taken.

It is an experience that many people find to be both thrilling and rewarding.

Preparing for Yacht Travel Around the World

Preparing for a voyage around the world in your own yacht requires careful planning and preparation.

Before setting sail, you should ensure that your yacht is in good shape and properly equipped for the voyage.

This includes making sure all of your onboard systems are functioning properly, that all necessary safety equipment is on board and in good condition, and that you have enough supplies for the entire journey.

Additionally, you should make sure that your vessel is properly registered and insured, and that all necessary permits and visas are obtained prior to entering foreign ports.

It is also important to plan your route in advance, as youll need to decide which ports to stop in and where to refuel or restock supplies.

While some ports may offer more services than others, you should research each one in advance to determine its amenities and what you may need to bring with you.

Additionally, you should plan for any potential delays or emergencies and make sure you have a back-up plan in case something goes wrong.

Finally, youll need to make sure that your crew is properly trained and experienced in sailing.

Depending on the length of the voyage, you may need to bring additional crew members onboard, so make sure to check the legal requirements for each country youll be sailing in.

With the right preparation and planning, youll be ready to set sail on an unforgettable voyage around the world.

Obtaining Necessary Permits and Visas

yacht to travel around the world

When planning a journey around the world in a yacht, it is important to obtain the necessary permits and visas for each country you will be visiting.

Most countries require that the yacht be registered, and the captain and crew must be in possession of valid visas and other documentation.

Additionally, you may need to obtain permission from each country to enter their waters, and you may be subject to inspections and fines if you do not comply with their laws.

In some cases, you may need to arrange for a special permit or exemption in order to be allowed entry.

Furthermore, depending on the country you are entering, you may be required to pay taxes and fees related to the voyage.

It is important to research the requirements for each country you will be visiting in order to ensure that you are able to travel legally.

Navigating Foreign Ports

Navigating foreign ports is a crucial part of yacht travel around the world.

Before setting off on a voyage, it is important to obtain the necessary permits and visas for each port along the route.

In addition to this, it is also important to ensure that the yacht is properly equipped for the voyage.

This means having the correct navigational charts, an up-to-date GPS, and other items that may be required for the voyage.

Once the yacht is prepared, it is important to research each port in advance.

It is important to know the local regulations, the navigation rules and regulations, and the necessary paperwork required for entry.

It is also important to familiarize oneself with the local customs and culture in each port.

When navigating a foreign port, it is important to use caution and be aware of any local hazards.

This includes checking the tide and current levels, as well as any underwater obstacles that could cause damage to the yacht.

It is also important to be aware of the local weather conditions, as this can affect the voyage.

Once the yacht arrives in a foreign port, it is important to ensure that the dock is secure and there is no risk of theft or damage.

The crew should also take the necessary security precautions to ensure the safety of the yacht and its crew.

In addition, the crew should be aware of any local laws and regulations that may affect the voyage.

Navigating foreign ports can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and preparation, it is possible to make a successful voyage around the world.

With the right mindset and proper research, a yacht can safely and successfully navigate any foreign port.

Equipping the Yacht for a Voyage Around the World

yacht to travel around the world

When it comes to equipping a yacht for a voyage around the world, there is a lot to consider.

A yacht must be properly outfitted to ensure the safety and comfort of the crew, as well as the ability to navigate the open seas.

First and foremost, the yacht must be in good condition, both structurally and mechanically.

The hull and engine should be inspected regularly to ensure they are in top form and able to withstand the rigors of the voyage.

Additionally, the yacht should be equipped with the necessary safety gear, such as life jackets, flares, and a first-aid kit.

A well-stocked toolkit is also essential, as is a reliable watermaker, generator, and navigation equipment.

The yacht should also be stocked with enough food and supplies to last the entire voyage.

This means stocking up on canned goods and other non-perishables, as well as plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is also a good idea to have a backup supply of fuel and water, as well as additional spare parts in case of emergency.

Finally, the yacht should be equipped with the necessary navigation and communication equipment.

This includes a good quality navigation chart, a reliable GPS, a reliable VHF radio, and a satellite phone.

Additionally, a good quality weather station is essential for monitoring weather conditions and potential storms.

Equipping a yacht for a voyage around the world is a big undertaking, but is necessary for a successful and safe voyage.

Careful planning and preparation are key to ensuring the yacht is ready for whatever the voyage has in store.

With the right equipment, crew, and preparation, a voyage around the world in a yacht can be an unforgettable experience.

Planning the Voyage

Planning a voyage around the world in a yacht can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it will require careful preparation.

Before embarking on such a journey, it is important to make sure the yacht is properly equipped and the necessary permits and visas have been obtained.

Additionally, it is important to consider how the voyage will be broken up.

Depending on the size and type of yacht, the voyage could take anywhere from a few months to a year, so it is important to plan for stops in various ports along the way.

When planning the voyage, it is important to consider what route to take and the type of weather conditions the yacht will encounter on its journey.

Researching the prevailing weather patterns and wind conditions in the areas to be sailed can help ensure a safe and enjoyable voyage.

Additionally, sailing only in daylight and avoiding sailing in areas prone to piracy can help reduce the risk of danger.

Another important consideration when planning a voyage around the world in a yacht is safety.

It is important to make sure the yacht is equipped with the necessary safety gear, such as life jackets, flares, and a first aid kit.

Additionally, it is important to make sure the yacht is equipped with a reliable communication system, such as a satellite phone or a VHF radio.

It is also important to make sure the crew is properly trained in basic sailing skills and safety procedures.

Once the voyage is planned and the yacht is properly equipped, it is important to make sure the crew is prepared for the voyage.

The crew should be familiar with the route, the weather conditions, and the safety procedures.

Additionally, the crew should be familiar with the necessary permits and visas required to enter ports along the way.

Finally, it is important to make sure the crew is properly provisioned with food, water, and medical supplies for the voyage.

Planning a voyage around the world in a yacht can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it will require careful preparation and planning.

Making sure the yacht is properly equipped and the crew is prepared can help ensure a safe and successful voyage.

Additionally, researching the weather and wind conditions, obtaining the necessary permits and visas, and planning for unexpected events can help make the voyage around the world an unforgettable experience.

Dealing with Unexpected Events

yacht to travel around the world

When it comes to yacht travel around the world, it is essential to plan for the unexpected.

Weather, engine trouble, or other unexpected events can delay or even derail a voyage around the world, so it is important to be prepared for anything that may come your way.

When planning for a voyage around the world, it is important to research the best routes and prepare for any potential storms or other adverse weather conditions.

Make sure to have a comprehensive plan in place that includes contingencies for potential delays or detours due to weather.

Additionally, it is important to have an emergency plan in place in the event of engine trouble.

Make sure to have the necessary tools and spare parts on board in case of any mechanical issues.

It is also important to plan for other unexpected events that could occur during a voyage around the world.

These could include medical emergencies, maritime security threats, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Make sure to have an emergency contact list with contact information for local authorities, medical professionals, and other relevant personnel that could help in an emergency.

Additionally, make sure to research the local laws and regulations of the ports you will be visiting, and have the necessary visas and permits in place before you embark on your voyage.

By being prepared for the unexpected, you can ensure that your yacht travel around the world is an unforgettable experience.

With the right preparation, you can make sure that your voyage is as safe, smooth, and enjoyable as possible.

The Benefits of Yacht Travel Around the World

Yacht travel around the world is a great adventure for those who are passionate about sailing and exploring.

Whether you are looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience or a way to escape the everyday grind, travelling the world aboard a yacht can be an incredible experience.

Not only does yacht travel provide an opportunity to explore new places and cultures, but it also offers a unique way of enjoying the scenery, as you get to experience places from the perspective of the sea.

Additionally, travelling around the world in a yacht allows for a much more intimate experience than traditional travel.

As the yacht is your home, you are able to get to know the places you visit much more closely and intimately.

This means that you can enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the places you visit in a much more personal way.

Finally, yacht travel around the world provides the opportunity to explore new cultures and meet people from all walks of life.

As you sail from port to port, you will be able to interact with people from different countries and backgrounds, giving you a unique and invaluable perspective on the world.

All in all, yacht travel around the world can be an unforgettable experience.

With careful planning and preparation, you can ensure that your voyage is safe and enjoyable, providing you with memories that will last a lifetime.

Final Thoughts

Yacht travel around the world is an incredible adventure that requires careful planning and preparation.

From obtaining necessary permits and visas to equipping the yacht for a voyage around the world and planning for unexpected events, the journey is sure to be unforgettable.

However, with the right amount of preparation and planning, it can be a rewarding and incredible experience.

If you’re up for the challenge, why not start planning your very own voyage around the world in a yacht today?.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Zach Johnston

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Perhaps it’s best to start out with a little sport and utility before we get into the big hauls. A solid, well-equipped fishing boat is the first step in anyone’s sea-adventuring life. You go out, find some fish, fish those fish, and bring home dinner — all with the added benefit of knowing exactly what that dinner is . It can be a solo journey or a family affair. Either way a fishing boat is where most of us will start our water journeys.

There are so many fishing boat companies to chose from out there. Boston Whalers are always sturdy and reliable. They come completely customizable and tend to last in rough seas or calm.


View this post on Instagram A post shared by Van Dam Custom Boats (@vandamcustomboats)

A classic runabout or tender can get you from Point A to Point B in sleek style. Or they can help you get away from the Holy Grail henchmen along the canals of Venice . It’s a throwback to the days when people summered on bays and lakes and needed a water-savvy form of transportation to skim speedily across the water. Although these boats aren’t equipped to land a marlin or pull crab pots, they’re going to get you around while looking fly. And that’s worthwhile.

Van Dam is your best bet of getting behind the wheel of one of these throwback beauties — unless you’re a Kennedy or Bush and summer in New England .


View this post on Instagram A post shared by Paula Fuga (@pfunklove)

Long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Polynesians were bobbing around the Pacific on massive outrigger canoes. These canoes got the Polynesians from deep in the South Pacific all the way to the North American coast with nothing more than a couple hauls, sails, and the starry night to guide them.

Although this may be a more advanced form of sailing (outrigger canoes take some serious skills), it’d still be a blast retracing the steps of ancient Hawaiians or Polynesians across the Pacific or around the world in your very own voyaging canoe. After all, an entire culture of people spent millennia perfecting their boats to do exactly that.

Alternately, you can spend a few years, and less dollars, custom building one yourself — there’s space in your garage, right?

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View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hallberg-Rassy (@hallbergrassy)

Full disclosure, I sailed one of these boats across an ocean. So my including it on the list isn’t negating the abundance of other great makes of sailboats on the market. I just like this one. I know it. I sailed her blind in the pitch black nights. I slept, cooked, ate, and bathed with this boat for months. And that’s the rub. You can live in this boat and make the world your oyster (also, you’ll be on the sea, so oysters can be your oyster).

For about the same price as a small house ($250,000), you can call this boat your home. Hallberg -Rassey make seriously well constructed and spacious sailing vessels that can handle any of the seven seas. A family of four to six can easily live in the 64-foot sloop. Maybe you’re making the wrong mortgage payment and it’s time to live life at sea? Well, then this is a solid investment in your future and well-being. Adventure literally awaits.


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Now we’re getting into speed, class, and design brilliance. A streamlined main hull has two outer floats attached to bring the speed. Overall, this class of sailboat is for someone seeking a side of adventure with their main course of easy cruising.

Dragonfly’s Trimarans are consistently considered some of the best boats in their class for sailing competitively or leisurely . Their compact and sleek design is award-winning . If you’re thinking of getting into racing, this may be your gateway boat.


View this post on Instagram A post shared by Italia Yachts (@italiayachts)

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Italia Yachts combine the same devotion to hydrodynamics as they do to classic Italian style. Their boats are sleek. Their decks are clean and designed photo ready. The boats are big enough — and well laid out enough — for your racing team to live comfortably while you cross the sea. And they are fast .


View this post on Instagram A post shared by Julia Skop (@julia_smartyachts)

There’s another class of sailing boat that tops all of these. They’re the luxury yachts. And when you win the lottery or invent whatever it is that replaces Facebook this will be your boat. These are for the dreamers whose dreams come true. Lucky bastards.

Sanlorenzo’s yachts are nicer than most 5-star hotels, and they cost about as much as a castle . But you can probably afford that with your lottery winnings too. These boats are for the 1 percent of the 1 percent, and their luxury knows no bounds. Now, where’d I put that lottery ticket…?

View this post on Instagram A post shared by MRSUPERYACHTS (@mrsuperyachts)


View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ania (@annowaa)

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There is no better way than chartering a superyacht to open up limitless possibilities to go anywhere in the world that you desire. whether it's breath-taking natural beauty, intriguing historical heritage or adrenaline pumped adventure that you're searching for, we have compiled a destination guide spanning the globe to start turning your fantasy vacation into a reality., explore popular regions.

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136m | Lurssen

from $4,267,000 p/week ♦︎

Ahpo yacht charter

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O'Ptasia yacht charter

85m | Golden Yachts

from $958,000 p/week ♦︎

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88m | Golden Yachts

from $1,171,000 p/week ♦︎

Savannah yacht charter

84m | Feadship

from $1,067,000 p/week ♦︎

Lady S yacht charter

93m | Feadship

from $1,490,000 p/week ♦︎

Maltese Falcon yacht charter

Maltese Falcon

88m | Perini Navi

from $490,000 p/week

Kismet yacht charter

122m | Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/week

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10 Around-the-world Cruises for the Trip of a Lifetime

These world cruises offer the ultimate itineraries.

Elizabeth Rhodes is a special projects editor at Travel + Leisure , covering everything from luxury hotels to theme parks to must-pack travel products. Originally from South Carolina, Elizabeth moved to New York City from London, where she started her career as a travel blogger and writer.

yacht to travel around the world

Want to island hop around French Polynesia, visit Africa's incredible cities, and cruise through Asia without ever switching hotels or repacking your bags? An around-the-world cruise provides the ultimate itinerary, packed with exciting international destinations (some even visit hard-to-reach destinations like Easter Island and Antarctica), and luxury cruise lines provide comfortable accommodations, specialty restaurants, and plenty to do on and off the ship.

There are two main things you need before booking a world cruise: plenty of time and some spare cash. Prices range from around $20,000 to upwards of $100,000 per person, and all our top picks are more than 100 days (one is even a whopping 275 days), so they're ideal for retired travelers looking for their next big adventure. Pack wisely for a range of destinations and climates, and get ready for the journey of a lifetime, filled with postcard-perfect destinations and new friends (because you're bound to meet a travel buddy or two after 100-plus days on a ship). If an around-the-world cruise is at the top of your travel list, you'll want to book sooner rather than later — these journeys frequently sell out because many cruise lines only offer a limited number of sailings.

Here are ten of the best around-the-world cruises you can take in 2023 and 2024.

Viking Ocean Cruises

Viking world cruise.

See 28 countries on the 138-day Viking World Cruise from Fort Lauderdale to London. After departing from Florida, the Viking Sky will sail the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, stopping in sunny destinations before crossing the Panama Canal to reach the Pacific. From there, the ship will visit destinations in Mexico and the continental United States, continuing on to Hawaii, French Polynesia, New Zealand, and Australia. Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, and India are among the ports in Asia, then it's on to the Middle East before traveling to Europe, where final destinations include Italy, Spain, and Portugal en route to London. Fares start at $59,995.

Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Moments in time: world cruise 2024.

Sail around the world in 132 nights aboard the Seven Seas Mariner on a round-trip journey from Miami. You'll spend the days at sea enjoying the luxury ship's amenities, including the spa and several restaurants and lounges, between stops in destinations like Costa Rica, Mexico, Hawaii, Tahiti, Bora Bora, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, India, UAE, Israel, and Italy, among others. This 2024 world cruise , with fares starting at $73,499, is officially sold out , but you can join a waitlist to be notified of cancellations.

Royal Caribbean

The ultimate world cruise.

Royal Caribbean pulls out all the stops — and there are more than 150 of them — on this 274-night cruise to all seven continents. The itinerary aboard the Serenade of the Seas begins in Miami on December 10, 2023, and visits more than 60 countries, including Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua, French Polynesia, the Philippines, South Korea, India, Romania, and Greenland, before ending in Miami on September 10, 2024. Travelers who don't want to commit to the entire cruise can book shorter segments. Fares start at $59,999 for this cruise that gives travelers the opportunity to visit 11 of the great wonders of the world, including the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, and Chichen Itza.

World Cruise 2024

Enjoy 133 days on Silversea's Silver Shadow with this round-trip sailing from San Francisco. During that time, the ship will visit 65 ports in 14 countries, including Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, Japan, and Canada. Fares start at $66,000 for this 2024 sailing, which currently has waitlist availability.

2024 World Cruise: Extraordinary Horizons

Climb aboard the Seabourn Sojourn for a 145-day world cruise from Los Angeles to Athens, visiting 72 ports in 28 countries. The cruise departs Los Angeles and goes to Hawaii, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Australia, Vietnam, Japan, and China — just to name a few places — before ending in Greece. Visit the website for booking details and shorter segments.

Oceania Cruises

Around the world in 180 days.

Travelers on Oceania's 180-day round-trip cruise from Los Angeles to New York aboard the Insignia will see some of the world's most impressive sights. Highlights include stops in stunning French Polynesia, Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt, Spain, France, and Iceland. Fares start at $48,499 for the 2024 sailing .

MSC Cruises

Msc world cruise 2024.

The MSC Poesia will take guests to 56 destinations on this 120-day cruise starting in Rome. Countries visited during this journey include Argentina, Chile, Peru, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, and Jordan. When you're not exploring each port, you can relax in the swimming pools and hot tubs, visit the many restaurants, bars, and lounges, or go to the spa. Fares start at $17,199 per person; find booking details on the MSC website.

Princess Cruises

111-day world cruise.

This round-trip cruise from Los Angeles on the Island Princess will visit 47 ports in beautiful places like New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Sri Lanka, UAE, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Bermuda, Mexico, and more. Fares for this 2024 sailing start at $19,497.

Holland America Line

128-day grand world voyage.

Explore the world on this 128-day round-trip journey from Fort Lauderdale on the Zuiderdam . This cruise's itinerary includes a trip down the Amazon River, stops in the Caribbean, a Panama Canal crossing, and stops in cities like Honolulu, Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Istanbul, and more. Fares start at $23,599 for this 2024 cruise .

Azamara World Cruise

This 155-night itinerary to more than 40 countries kicks off in Fort Lauderdale and finishes in Barcelona. The itinerary features ports for experiencing some of the great wonders of the world, including the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, as well as Petra in Jordan and the Colosseum in Rome. Travelers can also choose to join segments of the cruise aboard the Azamara Onward for as few as 10 nights. Fares for this 2024 sailing start at $36,379.

We were heaved to in the middle of the Atlantic, the sails of the 40-foot sloop set in such a way that the boat drifted slowly through the water, riding gently upon the heaving ocean swell that rose and fell with cosmic regularity. The puffy trade wind clouds marched across the sky in the perpetual easterly breeze. The sea itself was an indescribable shade of deep blue that exists only in deep waters far offshore, a color for which we have no word.

I was on the lee deck, wedged between the coach roof and the lifelines, bracing myself against the swell, gripping an old plastic sextant and practicing my sun sights. Engaging in a method of navigation used for centuries is to truly become one with the universe, a sensation long lost among the lives of those on shore. After plotting my line of position that I obtained by calculating the angle of the sun on the horizon, I figured we were around 26 degrees North latitude, 65 degrees West longitude, just about halfway between Charleston, SC, and our landfall in the Virgin Islands. We were seven days off the East Coast, another seven or so more to sail. We had finally adjusted to life at sea, the simple life of living in tune with the universe.

Traveling and Working as a Volunteer Crew Member

Amazingly, I was along for this trip of a lifetime as a volunteer crew member. The owner had paid my way, provided the food onboard, and would pay for a return ticket from Tortola upon our successful delivery of his yacht to the islands, where he planned to use it over the winter months. The 40-foot, French-built sloop boat was incredibly comfortable for the four of us onboard — my father, another 20-something young woman, and the volunteer French captain. We had a nicely-sized galley with working refrigeration, ample sleeping space, and plenty of food (and coffee) for two weeks at sea.

Traveling the world by sailboat is a dream shared by many but experienced by few — more often than not, thrown to the wind and destroyed by careers, commitments, and shore side attachments. But life is gratifying for those who commit to the sea — simple in its routines yet profoundly natural.

As a lifelong sailor and professional captain, I have traveled the world by every means imaginable, yet I have found that the best way to travel is under sail. For those looking for a unique way to see the world and experience life, becoming volunteer crew doing yacht deliveries is an exciting, unique, and reasonably affordable way to get around.

How to Find the Right Boat to Work On

Yacht deliveries can range from taking a neglected 32-footer built in the 1960s from Bermuda to Nova Scotia in the dead of winter (which I have unfortunately experienced) to sailing a sparkling new 70-footer in the warm Trade Winds of the Caribbean, island hopping your way around some of the most beautiful sailing grounds in the world. So it pays to do some research before signing up for any trip that is out there.

Walk to Docks to Find a Boat: Ironically, the best way to get a job as a delivery crew member is to arrive in a new port on a sailboat and walk the docks looking for work. Unfortunately, the age-old catch-22 situation rears its ugly head — you need experience to be crew, yet need to crew to gain experience. Suppose you are lucky enough to live in a sailing city — such as Annapolis, MD, Ft Lauderdale, FL, or any coastal town in the Caribbean or Mediterranean. In that case, walking the docks and talking to people is your best bet for finding a boat. The girl on my last trip found our boat precisely that way. She was a local from Charleston, SC, simply looking for sailing experience and a ride to the islands where she wanted to pursue her kite surfing passion. Since we were only three then, we welcomed her extra help, even though she had never been on a sailboat before.

Use the Internet: If you are like me, come from a rural inland town, or are otherwise far removed from the ocean, the Internet is helpful and provides another way to find a boat. Several websites are dedicated to finding crew, particularly for deliveries, and they often allow you free access. Professional delivery skippers often post ads looking for volunteer crew people, and it is usually just a matter of sending your resume, a photo, and a short email about why you want to crew that will get you on a boat. Frequently these skippers are willing to take inexperienced crew as a third or fourth member and are usually very amenable to teaching.

Take Part in “Cruising Rallies”: Increasing numbers of retired businessmen and women are buying boats with big dreams of crossing big oceans without the knowledge, skill, or confidence to do so alone. Several career sailors have recognized this problem, and "Cruising Rallies" are becoming increasingly popular in all the world's oceans. They are organized by experienced sailors with thousands of ocean miles, and together with up to 50 other boats, inexperienced sailors (primarily retirees) can cross the ocean of their dreams in the relative safety of the group with experienced leadership. Once in port, these newfound ocean sailors have the added benefit of organized parties and events to share the joys of their first ocean passage with others.

You can be a part of the increasing popularity of cruising rallies, and many of the organizations behind the logistics maintain websites and crew registers. The Carib 1500, for example, is perhaps the most popular cruising rally on this side of the Atlantic, with nearly 50 boats, all over 40 feet (and many much bigger), sailing non-stop from Norfolk, VA, to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. The rally occurs after hurricane season and before the onset of winter, in early November. They also organize a return rally in May from Tortola to Bermuda. From there, the boats split up and headed east to Europe or back to the U.S.

What About Experience?

Many captains, including myself, require at least one if not two, professional or very seasoned sailors to join them on a major ocean crossing. However, like me, many are more than willing to take a few extra inexperienced sailors or intrepid adventurers along for the ride and are often willing to instruct them along the way.

The key to finding a boat to sail on is to present yourself as a trustworthy person eager to join the trip. Ulterior motives are often very apparent, and no captain is willing to take along someone just looking for a free ride.

Working Aboard the Sailing Boat

The work aboard an ocean sailing boat is difficult, tiring, and unending. A passage of even ten days sounds short, yet when you're on a watch schedule of four hours on and eight hours off, one day seems like two, and you must adapt to an utterly different way of life than the one you are accustomed to ashore. Everyone shares in all the duties involved in running the boat, from standing watch in the rain at 2 a.m. to cooking breakfast and making coffee. Then you must clean up upon arrival when the boat is in shambles, and you have not had a freshwater shower in two weeks.

Life at sea is incredibly raw and incredibly basic. Your world shrinks to the three miles or so you can see in every direction before the horizon curves out of view. A passing freighter is often the most exciting thing on a given day. The intense discomfort of being salty and sticky for two weeks is offset by the rewards of a cloudless night watch under a new moon. The sky is so dark you can scarcely see your hand in front of your face, yet the stars fill the night sky like an enormous diamond exploding in the center of the universe, sending fragments to every corner of space. You will see more shooting stars on one night watch than you would in a lifetime ashore; at sea, the lights of civilization do not pollute the sky.

Ocean Sailing Makes the World Feel Big Again

In our age of instant communication and light-speed travel, crossing even a short distance in a sailboat reminds us that despite our attempts to shrink the world with technology, our planet remains one enormous place. After two weeks at sea, watching a distant island grow on the horizon provides an indescribable feeling of accomplishment. The first beer ashore never tasted better, and a freshwater shower after weeks of bathing in the salty ocean is a blessing from Heaven.

If you plan accordingly and have ample time, traveling the globe by "hitchhiking" on sailing yachts is a unique and rewarding way to see the world. After the first trip, you still gain experience, and finding and sailing on additional boats becomes progressively easier. You will save thousands on airfare and gain a greater appreciation for the distances we travel so quickly through the sky. But most importantly, you will return to nature, experience life with a stronger sense of connection to the universe, and return with unforgettable stories. You will change.

Andy Schell is a professional captain and freelance writer who lives aboard his sailboat Arcturus in Annapolis, MD, and travels extensively.

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Yacht Charter Locations

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For your reference, CharterWorld provides a  charter and superyacht news section as well as a  superyacht directory for easy access to the complete world of interesting yachts , not just luxury charter yachts. This comprehensive list is organised by the yachts naval architect designer , by year and by the country the builder launched them in.

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Latest Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

The 30m luxury motor yacht ANNABEL II offering special rates in Croatia this summer

The 30m luxury motor yacht ANNABEL II ...

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Your source for the latest news on yachts, boats and more. Read through our articles to find out how to compare boats and find the right fit for you!

Best boats to sail around the world

Oct 20, 2020

less than a min

Best boats to sail around the world

Sailing around the world is regarded as one of the safest ways to travel, according to recent statistics. The only way for it to become a little bit worrisome is if you are not careful. That said, having a good boat to sail worldwide will also increase your chance of being safer and enjoying your trip better.

Therefore, sailing around the world boats do possess some optimal characteristics and features that make them better suited for such long voyages. These features would be durable hulls, lightweight structures, cutting edge technology as well as large volume and length to ensure comfort. Some of the most popular world cruising boat brands include:

  • Hallberg-Rassy

The World Cruising Club has been featuring boats and comparing them throughout their rallies. Based on their choices, here is a list of the 8 most popular cruising boats to sail around the world:

  • The Hylas 54 is commonly seen in the Caribbean. This is one of the most popular world cruisers due to its strong hull and ergonomic deck layout. In addition, it includes a raised saloon, a wide interior, and elegant finishes. Hylas 54 achieves a good balance between a chic design and good engineering.
  • Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 54DS is an interesting and eye-catching boat. It was introduced to the marine world in 2003 and has been a sight for sore eyes ever since. This is a powerful and strong structure including a deep-draft keel and an in-mast furling mainsail. ts exterior seems quite futuristic and cannot go unnoticed.
  • The Amel Super Maramu is a boat intended to be sailed by a couple. It features electric furling gears and high-tech sail handling systems. There are only 500 of this model made.
  • Oyster 56 is a very popular boat for Britain. It is quite interesting as this boat is so small it can be  operated by just two people, but it is durable and strong enough to cross oceans. In addition, despite its size, it is regarded as a very comfortable vessel. Most importantly, the Oyster 56 is quite fast and has won several rallies and done very well in regattas.
  • The Hallberg-Rassy 42 is a Swedish boat designed by German naval architects. It features tough center-cockpits, an ingenious interior layout, great materials, impeccable building quality, and last but not least, luxurious finishes.
  • Bavaria 42 is a mass-production boat that can easily be compared to luxurious yachts when it comes to crossing oceans. This is an affordable boat with a long waterline length and a couple of sleeping cabins. What distinguishes it from the rest is its straightforward interior and its high quality.
  • The Amel 54 was introduced to the naval world in 2006. It is an utterly comfortable boat featuring a contemporary design, durable materials, and luxurious amenities.
  • Beneteau 57 is an ingenious masterpiece that features a very fast hull with an interesting and attractive shape. The finishes inside the boat scream luxury, while the center-cockpit is quite flexible and practical.

The most common routes for the best boats to sail around the world include the Canary Islands to St Lucia, Virginia to Tortola, and Tortola to Portugal. You can catch a glimpse of these boats in those routes as part of the WCC rallies. Explore more boats and other interesting facts in TheBoatAPP blog.

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Inside 196m The World: How does the planet’s largest private residential yacht design its global itinerary?

Ownership of a luxury home on The World offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the globe from the comfort of your own home at sea. Since being delivered in 2002, the 196-metre private residential yacht has visited more than 1,000 ports of call on all seven continents. But with owners representing 165 residences on board, how is the sailing itinerary decided? And what are the highlights for 2022 and beyond?

Shared ambition

The World works on a collective ownership basis and is home to a community of residents from more than 20 countries. Despite the diversity of the residents, they are united by a common thirst for knowledge and the desire to explore the planet. As a result, The World’s sailing itinerary blends a unique travel lifestyle of total luxury with expeditions, adventure, education, fitness and gastronomy.

Plan and prepare

An important factor in owning one of the 165 exquisite private residences on board The World is the ability to influence the sailing itinerary. By working together with the yacht’s captains, an itinerary planning department in its Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based management office and a resident itinerary committee, the community can have a say in where in the world they will go as the ship circumnavigates the globe every two to three years. The current ambitious 2022 journey was agreed upon by a resident vote held three years ago to allow sufficient planning time. The route will bring the mega yacht to five continents with three expeditions organised along the way.

Learn from the experts

These expeditions are specially planned, deep explorations of a region, often to more remote areas that would be challenging for one to visit on their own. To enhance the experience, residents are accompanied by a selected team of experts such as anthropologists, naturalists, historians, marine biologists and archaeologists who provide a deep understanding of the chosen destination’s history, culture, landscape, flora and fauna and more. Their breadth of knowledge is unparalleled and is shared through activities such as lectures, onshore outings and informative treks. This year’s expeditions include journeys to discover the Tuamotus and Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia, Polynesia’s Austral Islands, and Iceland.

Among some of the ship’s incredible expedition experiences are exploring the exotic inner Seychelles, jungle trekking in Borneo and wildlife watching in the Svalbard Archipelago. Residents have been known to swim across the equator off the western coast of Africa joined unexpectedly by a pod of pilot whales nearby, kayak alongside penguins, whales and seals in Antarctica, and take a helicopter over Greenland’s majestic glaciers and fjords.

Indulge in the itinerary

Thanks to the vessel’s expert planning team, informative booklets are created for residents to learn about each destination visited. The detailed guide and map outline the destination and timings for each day’s activities such as diving and golfing adventures, fitness activities, dining recommendations and galleries. Once fully clued up, all that is left is for residents to indulge in some of Earth’s most incredible natural wonders.

Unlike most passenger vessels, The World spends nearly twice as many days in port than at sea, so the residents have time to explore every area in depth. Experiences have included exploring the World Heritage Sites of Cusco and Sacred Valley of the Incas via the storied Belmond Hiram Bingham train, venturing to the highlands of Jamaica to drive through the Blue Mountain National Park, a private visit to the Trebotti Organic Winery in Tuscany and a unique “meet and greet” with a herd of elephants at Samui Elephant Sanctuary, Thailand.

A warm and inviting community

There is a close-knit community bond on The World that has nurtured good friendships between residents. Some of the 150 families who call The World “home” choose to take part in expeditions together and these shared experiences enhance life on board. Together, residents have had once-in-a-lifetime encounters such as watching an indigenous Papua New Guinea tribe conduct a fire dance ceremony and playing golf in the Antarctic snow after retracing Sir Ernest Shackleton’s historic steps – all of which has created a warm and welcoming sense of community.

While there is plenty of team spirit on board The World , residents also enjoy time alone, particularly once inside their own luxury apartment. After walking through their front door after a day of experiencing the likes of a hike in the Corsican Mountains or a sunset camel safari in Australia, residents often relax on their balconies while a meal is being prepared in their kitchen by a private chef. The residences are sanctuaries at sea, where personal belongings such as books, family photographs and art collections help to make it a home.

Join the voyage

So far, residents have already experienced many global adventures and ‘firsts.’ The mega yacht broke the record for the furthest south sailed, reaching 78°43•997´S and 163°41•421´W at the Bay of Whales on a 22-day expedition of the Ross Sea, including 12 days in Antarctica. The World was also the largest passenger vessel to undertake a 24-day transit of Canada’s Northwest Passage from west to east during its record-breaking 2012 voyage and return in 2019 to accomplish 24-day, double transit sailing from east to west. The World’s incredible expeditions are set to continue with 2023 highlights including two unforgettable back-to-back journeys to Antarctica.

To learn more about ownership opportunities and the unique residential lifestyle of this one-of-a-kind yacht, contact The World’s Residential Advisor by calling +1 954 538 8449 / +44 20 7 572 1231 or clicking here .

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The Ultimate Guide to Travel by Boat: Explore the World by Sea in 2023

Hayden McKenzie

As I set sail on the vast blue expanse of the ocean, I can’t help but feel a sense of liberation and adventure. Traveling by boat is unlike any other form of transportation; it offers a freedom that cannot be found on land or in the air.

In this ultimate guide to travel by boat, I will take you through the enchanting world of sea travel.

From luxurious cruise ships to humble cargo vessels, we will explore the different options available for boat travel. Discover the joy of cruising as we unveil the wonders of life onboard these floating cities. Venture off the beaten path and explore unique ports on thrilling boat tours .

But it’s not just about the destinations; it’s about the experiences along the way. Learn what to expect during your boat travel adventure and how to plan and book your trip effectively. Safety and regulations are also crucial for a smooth and secure journey.

So join me as we navigate this ultimate guide, uncovering must-see destinations, tips, and everything you need to know for an unforgettable voyage at sea. Get ready to set sail toward freedom!

Page Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Boat travel offers a sense of liberation, adventure, and freedom on the open sea.
  • There are different options for boat travel, including luxurious cruise ships and humble cargo vessels.
  • Boat tours allow travelers to explore unique ports off the beaten path and immerse themselves in local culture.
  • Planning and booking a boat trip effectively is important for a smooth and secure journey.

Why Choose Boat Travel? Discover the Allure of Traveling by Sea

Experience the exhilarating freedom of sailing across vast oceans, feeling the gentle sway of the boat beneath you as you embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Boat travel offers a unique and enchanting way to explore the world.

Whether you choose a cruise ship, ferry, or sailboat, there’s something magical about being out on the open sea.

Unlike other forms of transportation, traveling by boat allows you to escape the confines of land and immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of the ocean.

As a passenger on a boat, you can witness breathtaking sunsets, spot dolphins playing in the waves, and feel an unparalleled sense of freedom as you journey toward your destination.

With boats catering to travelers and cargo alike, endless sea exploration possibilities exist. So why not embrace this extraordinary mode of travel and set sail for your next adventure?

Cruise Ships vs. Cargo Ships: Exploring Different Boat Travel Options

Comparing cruise ships and cargo ships brings to light the differences in amenities and experiences available on each type of vessel.

Cruise ships are known for their luxurious accommodations, entertainment, and dining choices. Passengers can enjoy spa treatments and live shows or relax by the pool while experiencing breathtaking ocean views.

On the other hand, cargo ships offer a more authentic and intimate travel experience. These working vessels allow passengers to witness the daily operations of shipping companies firsthand.

While they may lack some extravagant features of cruise ships, cargo ships provide a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in commercial shipping.

From transatlantic crossings to freighter travel adventures, boat travel options exist for those seeking a different journey on the open sea.

Embark on a Memorable Cruise: Unveiling the Joys of Cruise Ship Travel

Immerse yourself in a world of luxury and excitement as you embark on a memorable cruise, where endless possibilities for relaxation and adventure await.

Cruise ship travel offers a unique experience like no other. With numerous cruise lines, you can find the perfect luxury cruise that suits your preferences.

Once onboard, indulge in exquisite dining options, luxurious accommodations, and top-notch entertainment. The joys of cruise ship travel extend beyond the amenities and into the captivating itineraries that take you on unforgettable voyages to breathtaking destinations.

As you sail through crystal-clear waters, imagine yourself exploring vibrant Caribbean islands or discovering hidden gems in exotic locations. With each stop along your journey, you’ll have the opportunity to disembark and explore fascinating ports of call.

Onboard activities cater to every taste – whether lounging by the pool with a refreshing cocktail or participating in thrilling excursions like snorkeling or zip-lining.

So why wait? Embark on an extraordinary adventure and let the joys of cruise ship travel create memories that will last a lifetime.

Off the Beaten Path: Exploring Unique Ports on Boat Tours

Venture off the traditional route and uncover hidden treasures as you explore one-of-a-kind ports on captivating boat tours. Off the beaten path, these unique ports offer a glimpse into lesser-known destinations filled with charm and authenticity.

Imagine docking at remote islands, picturesque coastal towns, or even historic fishing villages that retained their old-world charm.

On these boat tours, you can immerse yourself in the local culture, sample delicious regional cuisine, and discover hidden gems that can’t be found in travel guidebooks. Whether wandering through vibrant markets or exploring ancient ruins, there’s something for every adventurous traveler.

Booking a boat tour allows you to escape the crowds and experience true freedom as you travel by sea. From luxurious cruise ships to cargo ship travel options, there’re various ways to embark on these unforgettable journeys.

So pack your bags and prepare for an extraordinary adventure as you sail to explore these unique ports on boat tours.

Onboard Experiences: What to Expect During Your Boat Travel Adventure

Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey as you step aboard and discover a world of exciting experiences awaiting you during your boat travel adventure.

Whether you travel the world on luxury cruise ships or opt for more unique options like cargo ship voyages or freighter travel offers, onboard experiences will captivate your senses.

As you set sail on the high seas, prepare yourself for the thrill of sea travel and the freedom it brings.

Feel the wind in your hair as you lounge on deck chairs, soaking up the sun and taking in breathtaking ocean views.

Explore different ports of call, immersing yourself in local cultures and traditions. Don’t forget to familiarize yourself with safety procedures and always wear life jackets when necessary, respecting local laws.

Get ready for an adventure like no other!

Freighter Travel: Unconventional Journeys on Cargo Ships

Embarking on a freighter travel adventure allows me to experience unconventional journeys on cargo ships, offering a unique and off-the-beaten-path way to explore the world.

Unlike traditional boat trips, freighter travel offers an intimate and authentic experience as I sail through the vast oceans aboard a working cargo ship.

As I arrive at the bustling port, I’m immediately immersed in the vibrant atmosphere of international trade. The sight of massive containers being loaded and unloaded fills me with awe.

Onboard, I find comfort in my cozy cabin, equipped with all the essentials for a comfortable journey. The slow pace of life on a cargo ship gives me ample time to relax and enjoy breathtaking coastal views.

From sailing through crystal-clear waters in the Bahamas to witnessing stunning sunsets from the deck, every moment kindles my sense of freedom and adventure.

To embark on this extraordinary voyage, various freighter companies offer unforgettable experiences on these floating engineering marvels.

The USA to Europe: Epic Transatlantic Voyages

As I traverse the vast Atlantic Ocean, a sense of awe washes over me as I witness the magnificent spectacle of cargo ships connecting the USA to Europe.

The journey from the USA to Europe is an epic transatlantic voyage that offers a unique and unforgettable experience. Here are four reasons why traveling by boat on this route is the ultimate way to explore:

  • Freedom: Sailing across the ocean provides a sense of liberation and escape from everyday life.
  • Unparalleled Views: From the deck of a ship, you’ll be treated to breathtaking vistas of endless horizons and stunning sunsets.
  • Slow Travel: Embrace a slower pace of travel, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the journey and appreciate each passing wave.
  • Cultural Connections: Onboard, you’ll have opportunities to interact with fellow travelers from different backgrounds, fostering cultural exchanges that enrich your experience.

Embarking on a transatlantic voyage from the USA to Europe is an adventure that combines exploration, relaxation, and cultural discovery into one unforgettable boat trip.

Planning and Booking: Essential Steps for a Successful Boat Trip

Navigating the planning and booking process is essential to ensure a successful and fulfilling voyage across the Atlantic. Regarding traveling by boat, taking a boat from the USA to Europe is an incredible way to explore the world without flying. Several steps need to be taken for a smooth journey.

First, decide on your desired route and destination. Next, research different boat options and compare prices, amenities, and reviews.

Once you’ve decided, book your ticket in advance to secure your spot. Finally, pack wisely and prepare for any potential challenges or delays.

To make things easier, here’s a helpful table outlining some important considerations when planning and booking your trip:

Following these steps and being organized in your planning process will prepare you for an unforgettable adventure across the Atlantic.

It’s truly a unique way to travel – hopping oneway between two continents while experiencing the freedom of life at sea. So don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity; start planning today!

Safety and Regulations: Ensuring a Smooth and Secure Journey

Ensure a smooth and secure journey across the Atlantic by familiarizing yourself with safety regulations and taking necessary precautions. When embarking on a boat travel adventure, it’s crucial to prioritize safety.

Start by researching reputable boat companies like Crewseekers that prioritize the well-being of their passengers. Ensure your chosen boat has the right safety equipment, such as life jackets, fire extinguishers, and emergency flares.

Familiarize yourself with maritime regulations to ensure compliance throughout your journey. Communicating with the crew about safety procedures and emergency protocols is also essential.

Remember, a secure journey starts with proper planning and preparation. By adhering to safety regulations and equipping yourself with knowledge, you can experience the ultimate guide to travel by boat while enjoying a smooth and secure journey across the open seas.

Creating Your Boat Travel Itinerary: Must-See Destinations and Tips

Embarking on a boat adventure allows me to sail on a captivating voyage, exploring breathtaking destinations and uncovering hidden gems.

One must-see destination is the Caribbean, with its crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life. As I plan my itinerary, I am considering taking an airplane to Panama, where I can board a freighter for an extraordinary experience. This unique journey offers stunning coastline views and allows me to witness dolphins playing in their natural habitat.

Another exciting stop is Thailand, where I can immerse myself in the rich culture and explore pristine beaches. Before setting sail, it’s essential to check visa requirements for each destination and budget accordingly, considering that some freighters charge around $100 per person daily.

With Singapore as my final stop, my boat travel adventure promises ultimate freedom and endless discoveries.

After diving deep into the world of boat travel, it’s clear that setting sail is truly the ultimate way to explore the wonders of our vast oceans.

From luxurious cruises to off-the-beaten-path adventures, there’s something for everyone on these remarkable journeys.

And who wouldn’t want to experience the thrill of a transatlantic voyage?

So grab your life jacket and embark on an unforgettable adventure.

Remember, while safety regulations are in place, sometimes irony can bring unexpected twists to our travels.

Happy sailing!

FAQs | Travel by Boat

What is boat travel.

Boat travel refers to traveling by boat or ship, whether it’s for leisure, transportation, or exploration purposes.

What are the benefits of traveling by boat?

Traveling by boat allows you to experience the serenity of the sea, enjoy breathtaking views, explore unique destinations, and avoid the hustle and bustle of airports and crowded cities.

How can I book a boat trip?

You can book a boat trip by contacting a travel agency, searching online booking platforms, or contacting boat tour operators. Check availability, prices, and reviews before making your reservation.

Are there different types of boat tours available?

Yes, there are various types of boat tours available. Some options include cruise ship tours, ferry trips, yacht charters, cargo ship experiences, and sailing adventures.

Can I travel by boat from the USA to Europe?

Yes, traveling by boat from the USA to Europe is possible. Several cruise lines offer transatlantic cruises that provide a unique way to cross the ocean and explore different countries.

Are boat trips safe?

Boat trips can be safe if proper safety measures are followed. It’s essential to choose reputable boat tour operators, wear life jackets when required, and listen to the instructions provided by the crew.

Can I travel by freighter and cargo ships?

Yes, it is possible to travel on freighter and cargo ships. This type of travel offers a unique experience, allowing you to see the world differently. However, it’s important to note that freighter travel may have limited passenger amenities compared to cruise ships.

What are some popular destinations for boat travel?

There are numerous popular destinations for boat travel, including the Caribbean islands, the Mediterranean coast, Greek islands, Alaskan fjords, Norwegian fjords, and the French Riviera, among others.

Is it possible to travel by boat with a bicycle?

Some boat tour operators allow passengers to bring bicycles on board. Still, it’s essential to check with the specific company beforehand and inquire about any restrictions or additional fees that may apply.

What should I pack for a boat trip?

When packing for a boat trip, it’s crucial to include essentials such as appropriate clothing for different weather conditions, sunscreen, a hat, comfortable shoes, a swimsuit, toiletries, any necessary medications, and a valid passport if traveling internationally.


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Home » Blog » Buy a boat » 5 best small sailboats for sailing around the world

5 best small sailboats for sailing around the world

By Author Fiona McGlynn

Posted on Last updated: April 19, 2023

sailing around the world

A small sailboat can take you big places

Small sailboats are the ticket to going cruising NOW — not when you retire, save up enough money, or find the “perfect” bluewater cruising boat. In fact, it’s the first principle in Lin and Larry Pardey’s cruising philosophy: “Go small, go simple, go now.”

Small yachts can be affordable, simple, and seaworthy . However, you won’t see many of them in today’s cruising grounds. In three years and 13,000 nautical miles of bluewater cruising, I could count the number of under 30-foot sailboats I’ve seen on one hand (all of them were skippered by people in their 20s and 30s).

Today’s anchorages are full of 40, 50, and 60-foot-plus ocean sailboats, but that’s not to say you can’t sail the world in a small sailboat. Just look at Alessandro di Benedetto who in 2010 broke the record for the smallest boat to sail around the world non-stop in his 21-foot Mini 6.5 .

So long as you don’t mind forgoing a few comforts, you can sail around the world on a small budget .

dinghy boat

What makes a good blue water sailboat

While you might not think a small sailboat is up to the task of going long distances, some of the best bluewater sailboats are under 40 feet.

However, if you’re thinking about buying a boat for offshore cruising, there are a few things to know about what makes a small boat offshore capable .

Smaller equals slower

Don’t expect to be sailing at high speeds in a pocket cruiser. Smaller displacement monohulls are always going to be slower than larger displacement monohulls (see the video below to learn why smaller boats are slower). Therefore a smaller cruiser is going to take longer on a given passage, making them more vulnerable to changes in weather.

A few feet can make a big difference over a week-long passage. On the last leg of our Pacific Ocean crossing, our 35-foot sailboat narrowly avoid a storm that our buddy boat, a 28-foot sailboat, couldn’t. Our friend was only a knot slower but it meant he had to heave to for a miserable three days.

pocket cruiser

Small but sturdy

If a pocket cruiser encounters bad weather, they will be less able to outrun or avoid it. For this reason, many of the blue water sailboats in this list are heavily built and designed to take a beating.

Yacht design has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Today, new boats are designed to be light and fast. The small sailboats in our list are 30-plus year-old designs and were built in a time when weather forecasts were less accurate and harder to come by.

Back in the day, boat were constructed with thicker fiberglass hulls than you see in modern builds. Rigs, keels, rudders, hulls and decks – everything about these small cruising sailboats was designed to stand up to strong winds and big waves. Some of the boats in this post have skeg-hung rudders and most of them are full keel boats.

The pros and cons of pocket cruiser sailboats

Pocket cruiser sailboats present certain advantages and disadvantages.

More affordable

Their smaller size makes them affordable bluewater sailboats. You can often find great deals on pocket cruisers and sometimes you can even get them for free.

You’ll also save money on retrofits and repairs because small cruising sailboats need smaller boat parts (which cost a lot less) . For example, you can get away with smaller sails, ground tackle, winches, and lighter lines than on a bigger boat.

Moorage, haul-outs, and marine services are often billed by foot of boat length . A small sailboat makes traveling the world , far more affordable!

When something major breaks (like an engine) it will be less costly to repair or replace than it would be on a bigger boat.

how to remove rusted screw

Less time consuming

Smaller boats tend to have simpler systems which means you’ll spend less time fixing and paying to maintain those systems. For example, most small yachts don’t have showers, watermakers , hot water, and electric anchor windlasses.

On the flip side, you’ll spend more time collecting water (the low-tech way) . On a small sailboat, this means bucket baths, catching fresh water in your sails, and hand-bombing your anchor. Though less convenient, this simplicity can save you years of preparation and saving to go sailing.

Oh, and did I mention that you’ll become a complete water meiser? Conserving water aboard becomes pretty important when you have to blue-jug every drop of it from town back to your boat.

Easier to sail

Lastly, smaller boats can be physically easier to sail , just think of the difference between raising a sail on a 25-foot boat versus a 50-foot boat! You can more easily single-hand or short-hand a small sailboat. For that reason, some of the best solo blue water sailboats are quite petite.

As mentioned above small boats are slow boats and will arrive in port, sometimes days (and even weeks) behind their faster counterparts on long offshore crossings.

Consider this scenario: two boats crossed the Atlantic on a 4,000 nautical mile route. The small boat averaged four miles an hour, while the big boat averaged seven miles an hour. If both started at the same time, the small boat will have completed the crossing two weeks after the larger sailboat!

Less spacious

Living on a boat can be challenging — living on a small sailboat, even more so! Small cruising boats don’t provide much in the way of living space and creature comforts.

Not only will you have to downsize when you move onto a boat  you’ll also have to get pretty creative when it comes to boat storage.

It also makes it more difficult to accommodate crew for long periods which means there are fewer people to share work and night shifts.

If you plan on sailing with your dog , it might put a small boat right out of the question (depending on the size of your four-legged crew member).

boat galley storage ideas

Less comfortable

It’s not just the living situation that is less comfortable, the sailing can be pretty uncomfortable too! Pocket cruisers tend to be a far less comfortable ride than larger boats as they are more easily tossed about in big ocean swell.

Here are our 5 favorite small blue water sailboats for sailing around the world

When we sailed across the Pacific these were some of the best small sailboats that we saw. Their owners loved them and we hope you will too!

The boats in this list are under 30 feet. If you’re looking for something slightly larger, you might want to check out our post on the best bluewater sailboats under 40 feet .

Note: Price ranges are based on and listings for Aug. 2018

Albin Vega 27($7-22K USD)

small sailboats

The Albin Vega has earned a reputation as a bluewater cruiser through adventurous sailors like Matt Rutherford, who in 2012 completed a 309-day solo nonstop circumnavigation of the Americas via Cape Horn and the Northwest Passage (see his story in the documentary Red Dot on the Ocean ). 

  • Hull Type: Long fin keel
  • Hull Material: GRP (fibreglass)
  • Length Overall:27′ 1″ / 8.25m
  • Waterline Length:23′ 0″ / 7.01m
  • Beam:8′ 1″ / 2.46m
  • Draft:3′ 8″ / 1.12m
  • Rig Type: Masthead sloop rig
  • Displacement:5,070lb / 2,300kg
  • Designer:Per Brohall
  • Builder:Albin Marine AB (Swed.)
  • Year First Built:1965
  • Year Last Built:1979
  • Number Built:3,450

Cape Dory 28 ($10-32K USD) 

small sailboat

This small cruising sailboat is cute and classic as she is rugged and roomy. With at least one known circumnavigation and plenty of shorter bluewater voyages, the Cape Dory 28 has proven herself offshore capable.

  • Hull Type: Full Keel
  • Length Overall:28′ 09″ / 8.56m
  • Waterline Length:22′ 50″ / 6.86m
  • Beam:8’ 11” / 2.72m
  • Draft:4’ 3” / 1.32m
  • Rig Type:Masthead Sloop
  • Displacement:9,300lb / 4,218kg
  • Sail Area/Displacement Ratio:52
  • Displacement/Length Ratio:49
  • Designer: Carl Alberg
  • Builder: Cape Dory Yachts (USA)
  • Year First Built:1974
  • Year Last Built:1988
  • Number Built: 388

Dufour 29 ($7-23K)

small sailboat

As small bluewater sailboats go, the Dufour 29 is a lot of boat for your buck. We know of at least one that sailed across the Pacific last year. Designed as a cruiser racer she’s both fun to sail and adventure-ready. Like many Dufour sailboats from this era, she comes equipped with fiberglass molded wine bottle holders. Leave it to the French to think of everything!

  • Hull Type: Fin with skeg-hung rudder
  • Length Overall:29′ 4″ / 8.94m
  • Waterline Length:25′ 1″ / 7.64m
  • Beam:9′ 8″ / 2.95m
  • Draft:5′ 3″ / 1.60m
  • Displacement:7,250lb / 3,289kg
  • Designer:Michael Dufour
  • Builder:Dufour (France)
  • Year First Built:1975
  • Year Last Built:1984

Vancouver 28 ($15-34K)

most seaworthy small boat

A sensible small boat with a “go-anywhere” attitude, this pocket cruiser was designed with ocean sailors in mind. One of the best cruising sailboats under 40 feet, the Vancouver 28 is great sailing in a small package.

  • Hull Type:Full keel with transom hung rudder
  • Length Overall: 28′ 0″ / 8.53m
  • Waterline Length:22’ 11” / 6.99m
  • Beam:8’ 8” / 2.64m
  • Draft:4’ 4” / 1.32m
  • Rig Type: Cutter rig
  • Displacement:8,960lb / 4,064 kg
  • Designer: Robert B Harris
  • Builder: Pheon Yachts Ltd. /Northshore Yachts Ltd.
  • Year First Built:1986
  • Last Year Built: 2007
  • Number Built: 67

Westsail 28 ($30-35K)

small sailboat

Described in the 1975 marketing as “a hearty little cruiser”, the Westsail 28 was designed for those who were ready to embrace the cruising life. Perfect for a solo sailor or a cozy cruising couple!

  • Hull Type: Full keel with transom hung rudder
  • Hull Material:GRP (fibreglass)
  • Length Overall:28′ 3” / 8.61m
  • Waterline Length:23’ 6” / 7.16m
  • Beam:9’ 7” / 2.92m
  • Displacement:13,500lb / 6,124kg
  • Designer: Herb David
  • Builder: Westsail Corp. (USA)
  • Number Built:78

Feeling inspired? Check out the “go small” philosophy of this 21-year-old who set sail in a CS 27.

Fiona McGlynn

Fiona McGlynn is an award-winning boating writer who created Waterborne as a place to learn about living aboard and traveling the world by sailboat. She has written for boating magazines including BoatUS, SAIL, Cruising World, and Good Old Boat. She’s also a contributing editor at Good Old Boat and BoatUS Magazine. In 2017, Fiona and her husband completed a 3-year, 13,000-mile voyage from Vancouver to Mexico to Australia on their 35-foot sailboat.

Saturday 1st of September 2018

Very useful list, but incomplete - as it would necessarily be, considering the number of seaworthy smaller boats that are around.

In particular, you missed/omitted the Westerly "Centaur" and its follow-on model, the "Griffon". 26 feet LOA, bilge-keelers, weighing something over 6000 pounds, usually fitted with a diesel inboard.

OK, these are British designs, and not that common in the US, but still they do exist, they're built like tanks, and it's rumored that at least one Centaur has circumnavigated.

Friday 31st of August 2018

This is a helpful list, thank you. I don't think most people would consider a 28' boat a pocket cruiser, though!

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6 ways of preparation to sail around the world, from the planner to the opportunist

Yachting World

  • June 15, 2015

There are many different ways to sail around the world. Toby Hodges talks to World ARC crews in Colombia to find out how they prepared for the adventure

yacht to travel around the world

Photo: Tor Johnson

The World ARC is a 25,000nm whistlestop tour of the globe, equivalent to cramming a lifetime of cruising into a year, and the organisers smooth the way with paperwork and guidelines and a planned itinerary. But it’s still a circumnavigation and each boat is on its own out at sea.

It was an ideal opportunity to find out how skippers prepare for such intense liveaboard cruising on a sail around the world. What extra equipment did they need? What spares did they carry? And what made them decide to go in the first place?

Here are six very different case studies, from the thoroughly prepared to the last-minute entry. Skippers offer their advice to those who might aspire to do the same.

1. 25 years in the planning

Oyster 575, juno.

In the chart table of the Oyster 575 Juno there is a faded brochure of a 1986 Holman & Pye Oyster 55. Since Paul Frew picked it at the Southampton Boat Show he has dreamt of sailing an Oyster round the world. “So you could say I was planning this for 25 years,” he declares.

“It helps to have a boat in mind as it becomes something you imagine and focus on,” Paul’s wife, Caroline, adds. “It makes it more tangible.”

The Frews have owned a series of cruising yachts, from a 22ft monohull to a 52ft Catana catamaran, but Paul Frew insists these were just a “dress rehearsal” for his Oyster. They purchased Juno a year after her launch in 2011.

Frew is one of the most meticulous and well-prepared owners you could hope to meet. He has a spare for almost everything on board, “to the Dyson and Nespresso machine,” he says. He mentions an entire auxiliary autopilot, for example, including course computer and pilot drive, ready to “bring on at the flick of a switch”.

Paul Frew with his 1986 brochure for the Oyster 55

Paul Frew with his 1986 brochure for the Oyster 55

His advice for those preparing to go long-distance cruising is to spend as much prep time as possible. “I wrote everything down: lists and lists, so that I knew I had done as much as I could,” he explains.

Frew’s meticulous preparation of Juno can be linked to his career; he was a venture capitalist and ran a software business. “I have applied myself to this as I have to my job in the past,” he says. “I do all the jobs I can on board myself so I know if something goes wrong I can fix it.” I heard similar advice from several owners. “I worked my way through all the main systems and carry spares for everything – really because I’m not an engineer so I want to be prepared.”

These words will resonate with many. As yachts and their systems get larger and more complex they may actually put people off going long-distance sailing. But Frew gets a kick out of fixing things, proudly explaining how he changed the top swivel and bearings on his inmast furling.

He cites crew as the most complicated logistic to arrange. Juno will be crewed by five most of the time, all good friends. “We know them and know we won’t fall out,” says Frew. “It’s not all about sailing experience, you must be able to get on with your crew.”

Frew says he wouldn’t have done anything differently. “ Juno is the right size and I know her inside-out. There is masses of space, but we can handle her with two. I worked my way through all the systems so I’m as prepared as I can be without being complacent.”

2. Loaded with technology

Metz has an impressive array of equipment in his navstation

Metz has an impressive array of equipment in his navstation

Amel 54, A Plus 2

A Plus 2 had to be one of the most lavishly equipped of the World ARC yachts I saw. Owner Jean Metz had loaded his Amel 54 with equipment. His navstation is like a meteorology centre; there are eight different independent chart systems, with eight GPS receivers, plus paper charts and a sextant. “I think I have every one on the market,” laughs Metz. He carries three computers, two spare laptops, three iPads, three routers, a wi-fi booster, and three different satphones including Fleet Broadband and an Iridium handheld.

His reasoning is intriguing. “I don’t want to be bored by electronics,” he says. “When something goes wrong I get out another one and come back to fix the broken one another time.” Fair enough!

Jean and Christiane Metz are French nationals who live in the Swiss mountains. Semi-retired from the pharmaceutical industry, they are keen skiers. Jean also races prototype cars in endurance events around Europe. They are sailing the World ARC by themselves. “Endurance car racing and off-piste skiing helped me prepare for it,” says Metz. “I like so-called risky things, but if you are really prepared for that then you know more or less where the main risks are.”

Christiane and Jean Metz aboard A Plus 2

Christiane and Jean Metz aboard A Plus 2

“We worked on safety a lot,” he adds, showing me how he made up a series of short inboard jackstays for safety on deck. “I’m critical of normal-length jackstays, because they extend enough to allow you to hang overboard. So like in the mountains we use two lines on short inboard wires, so that you are always clipped on by one.”

Before the ARC in Las Palmas, Metz was surprised how unprepared some yacht crews were. “You don’t take your car and go and do Le Mans straight away.” For his preparation, Metz spent six hours a day for a year.

The principal things he added were twin poles and a hydrogenerator. “Now we can pole out the genoa and gennaker and do up to 15 knots downwind – and comfortably go 15° each side of 180°.” As well as the Watt & Sea generator Metz also added six 100W solar panels which, when combined, supplies half the energy they need.

“But with three computers and three satphones, the genset still runs six hours a day!”

3. The traditional ocean cruiser

Julia Horner and Eric Faber aboard Luna Quest

Julia Horner and Eric Faber aboard Luna Quest

Rival 38, Luna Quest

It was the eve of Eric Faber’s 72nd birthday when I spoke to him and he told me he had always dreamt of doing a circumnavigation. When his wife died two years ago he decided it was time to set sail.

He planned to sail across the Atlantic and back solo, but on meeting Yorkshire-born Julia Horner in the Caribbean, Faber found a partner who wanted to continue west with him.

“I wanted an ocean-going boat that was not too large to prevent me from doing it alone,” he says. An encapsulated keel and tiller steering topped his list and he found Luna Quest in Turkey ten years ago. The running rigging was replaced, new sails added, the engine fully serviced and the boat rewired, so she now looks in mint condition.

Faber carries a Hydrovane, a wind generator, solar panels and two towed generators so he need never run the engine for power.

  • 1. 1. 25 years in the planning
  • 2. 4. DIY on a budget

What To Know About Traveling By Superyacht

Superyachts are the toys of the wealthy and this is what it's like to buy one.

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How big is a superyacht, where to find the world's superyachts, the global range of superyachts, buying your own superyacht.

Who would like to travel the seven seas in a superyacht (otherwise called megayachts)? Superyachts are large, luxurious pleasure vessels, although there is no exact definition of how big a yacht needs to be before being considered a "superyacht". Superyachts are typically absurdly expensive .

Superyachts are not always owned by the mega-wealthy. Many superyachts are also available for charter with a full staff - predictably they still cost a pretty penny. Many are available for charter at prices exceeding $100,000 or $1 million for a week. The yachts can be designed with an emphasis on comfort, speed, or expedition capability. There are also plenty of superyachts for sale if one can cough up a few 10s of millions of dollars and pay for the upkeep.

Superyachts come in different sizes. The smaller ones (40 meters or 130 feet) typically have cabins for 10-12 guests and accommodation for a similar-sized crew. They normally have a lower deck (with guest cabins and an exterior swimming platform), the main deck (which has the saloon and dining room), the upper deck (which has outdoor dining and the bridge), and the sun deck (which often has a hot tub).

  • Smallest Superyachts: Generally Considered From 40 Meters or 130 Feet
  • Largest Superyacht: The Azzam At 180 Meters or 590 Feet

Yachts built over 60 meters or 200 feet in length are typically built to individual specifications and are very expensive. They often have a total of five or six decks (with one or two below the waterline). At this size, they also typically have a helicopter landing platform.

The superyachts often have luxury amenities like indoor hot tubs, a beauty salon, a massage room, a medical center, a disco, a plunge pool, bars, private sitting rooms, a sauna, and more.

Related: 25 Things That Show That Yachts Are Completely Overrated

The two main locations most superyachts are found are in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. As a rule of thumb, the superyachts are in the Mediterranean Sea in the summer and the Caribbean in the winter (the Mediterranean and the Caribbean are the most popular boating destinations in the world ). The larger ones have a swimming pool and the really big ones may even come with a helicopter.

Typical Locations Of Superyachts:

  • Summer: Mediterranean Sea
  • Winter: Caribbean Sea

Some of the most popular places for superyachts are Cannes, Antibes, St. Tropez, Monte Carlo, Portofino, Porto Cervo, Cascais, Puerto Banus, and other places.

The range of superyachts can be very far and is only limited by the capacity of fuel on board. Superyachts can often travel thousands of miles - 5,000 miles or more. A superyacht should have no problem reaching Hawaii from the mainland (they are designed to travel from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean across the Atlantic after all).

  • Can Superyachts Travel Around The World?: Yes
  • How Far Can A Superyacht Travel : Thousands Of Miles (Over 5,000) Limited Only By Fuel Capacity

Related: Check Out This Luxury Yacht That Turns Into A Submarine

There are plenty of superyachts for sale and many of them are listed on Burgess . The cheapest superyachts start at around $10 million and climb right up into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

IJE - 108 Meter (354 foot) Superyacht

One of the most expensive superyachts listed is the IJE Superyacht built in 2019 in Italy. She was built by Benetti and is the ultimately world-cruising family yacht and the longest yacht ever delivered by Benetti. She is the flagship of their custom-built fleet.

  • Length: 108 Meters or 354 feet
  • Features: Main Saloon, Vast Lower Deck Gym, Foredeck Stowage For Two Tenders
  • Guest Capacity: 22 Guests
  • Suites: 11 Suites
  • Rooms: Cinema, Dedicated Nightclub, Elevator, Sun Lounge
  • Range: 6,500 Nautical Miles
  • Asking Price: $185 Million

Sea Walk - 62.3 Meter (205 foot) Superyacht

In case one doesn't just have $185 million sitting around in the bank, there's the Sea Walk with an asking price of $37 million. She was built by Dutch megayacht specialist Oceanco in 2005 and is 62.3 meters in length.

She has accommodation for up to 12 guests and has several luxurious relaxation and dining areas.

  • Length: 62.3 Meters or 205 feet
  • Guest Capacity: 12 Guests
  • Suites: 4 Suites
  • Asking Price: $37 Million

Browse Burgess's website to see many more listings of superyachts for sale.

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The 25 Largest Yachts in the World

The list runs from lürssen's 592-foot 'azzam' to fincantieri 439-foot 'serene,' with a fascinating group of bespoke vessels in between..

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Top 25 Superyachts Now

The new arrivals in 2024 knock the mighty 436.4-foot  Al Mirqab   and  Koru , Jeff Bezos’s sailing yacht, off the list. The “smallest” yacht— Serene —measures a whopping 439.3 feet. A raft of behemoths didn’t make it, including Feadship’s 290-foot Project 821 that is launching this year, the largest build from the Dutch shipyard to date.

Two of Lürssen’s 2024 deliveries also fell short, including Project Deep Blue and Project JassJ. That said, the German yard remains top of the leader board with the immoveable 592.6-foot  Azzam . It also claims 13 of the 25 world’s largest yachts, two of which are new entries.

The list is interesting because most were built in the last 15 years, but there are several historical yachts, including  Savarona , launched in 1931, and  El Mahrousa , launched in 1865, that withstand the test of time. Others like  Yas  and  OK are conversions from other types of vessels. The inimitable  A  is a one-of-a-kind, never-to-be-repeated sailing superyacht.

Here are the world’s top 25 yachts by length.

Azzam | 592 feet, 6 inches

Lürssen Azzam

Lürssen could never really boast about Azzam after its launch in 2013 because of the owner’s penchant for privacy, though it did describe the interior by Christophe Leoni, which features a 95-foot-long main salon, as “inspired by the Empire style of the early 19th century.” Owner Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi directed a team of designers and engineers who started with the bare concept, worked through the technical challenges of what might be the most complex superyacht ever, and finished with an unusually large vessel that can top the 30-knot mark when operating in “sprint mode”. Its gas turbines, connected to water jets, also give it the ability to operate at high speed in shallow waters. Nauta Yacht’s exterior features a long, sleek forward area, with well-proportioned tiers moving up to the skydeck. It took an impressive six million man-hours—or four years including engineering—to build.  Azzam  accommodates up to 36 guests, and a crew of 80.

Fulk Al Salamah | 538 feet, 1 inch

"Fulk Al Salamah," Mariotti Yachts

Little information has been released about the world’s second-longest superyacht, the custom-built Fulk Al Salamah , and it has been shrouded in mystery since it was first announced in 2014. Even the overall length of 538.1 feet has been estimated from AIS data. However, the imposing vessel, built and delivered by Italian builder Mariotti Yachts in their Genoa shipyard in 2016, is believed to be owned by Sultan Haitham bin Tariq of Oman. Last refit in 2021, the yacht has an exterior design by Studio de Jorio, and it is considered by some to resemble more of a support vessel than a superyacht. Nonetheless, aerial photography shows an impressively large helideck, raked masts, and a bathing platform.

Eclipse | 533 feet, 1 inch

Superyacht Eclipse

The 533.1-foot stately  Eclipse , one of two yachts on this list owned by sanctioned billionaire Roman Abramovich, took five years to design and build. When it left the Blohm+Voss shipyard in Hamburg in 2010, it was the world’s largest yacht. The interior has 17 staterooms and a palatial primary suite, with the capacity to carry 85 crew. Both the interior and exterior are designed by Terence Disdale. A proportional profile is defined by tiered decks that sweep upward and bend ever so slightly at the aft ends. Eclipse  has a 185-foot-long owner’s deck, the capacity to hold three helicopters, a sophisticated stabilization system, six tenders, and an enormous spa, gym and beach club, not to mention one of the largest swimming pools on any superyacht. Hybrid diesel-electric engines are connected to Azipod drives that give Eclipse a top-end speed of 21 knots, with a range of 6,000 nautical miles.

Dubai | 531 feet, 5 inches

DUBAI UAE - DEC 16: Dubai - yacht of the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum the ruler of the Emirate of Dubai. December 16 2014 in Dubai UAE

Even at 531.5 feet, Dubai ’s all-white Winch-designed exterior belies the dramatic and vibrant interior within. Colorful mosaic floors, a spiraling glass staircase, 70-foot-wide atrium, and bursts of red, blue, and green create a carnival of scene. Originally commissioned for Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei as a joint project between Blohm+Voss and Lürssen . Known as “Panhandle,” the project was halted in 1998 with just a bare hull and skeletal superstructure. The hull was sold to the government of Dubai, and, under the direction of the country’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, work on the 531.5-footer began again, though this time by Platinum Yachts. Dubai delivered in 2006 and is now the sheikh’s royal yacht, with accommodations for 24 guests and quarters for 88 crew. The SOLAS-certified seven-decked yacht has a landing pad for a Black Hawk helicopter, submarine garage, disco and cinema, and can reach a top speed of 26 knots. There’s also a waterfall that cascades from the yacht’s pool, located aft of the main deck. The yacht’s range of 8,500 nm at 25 knots gives it the potential to cruise around the world in record time.

Blue | 518 feet, 3 inches

Lürssen Superyacht Blue

Lürssen’s newest entry on the list, Blue , which delivered to its Middle Eastern owner in July 2022, may rank at number five out of the world’s largest yachts, but its diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system goes a long way to minimize emissions. The yacht also features an electric Azimuth pod drive that can be used independently or in conjunction with the twin propeller shafts. There is a waste-water treatment system and an advanced exhaust treatment system to help reduce NOx levels, as well as cut down on vibration and noise pollution. Interior and exterior design is by Terence Disdale, Blue is defined in profile by a raked bow with a helipad, an aft deck pool, and twin balconies forward either side of the owner’s full-beam suite. There is a second, smaller helipad aft. The British designer has reportedly penned a feminine and elegant interior, though no images have yet been released.

Dilbar | 511 feet, 8 inches

Espen Øino Dilbar yacht

The 2016 launch of Dilbar gave Lürssen the distinction of not only building the longest yacht ever ( Azzam ), but also the largest in terms of volume. Espen Øino designed the exterior, creating a full-bodied superstructure of long, flowing decks, along with two helicopter pads,two helicopter pads, one of which has a hangar with an H175 helicopter always on standby.  Dilbar  also has an oversized garden and an 82-foot swimming pool that can hold an incredible 6,357-cubic-feet of water and according to Lürssen, is the world’s longest on a yacht. The interior by  Winch Design  is defined by its “rare and exclusive luxury materials,” says the builder, declining to go into detail. Despite  Dilbar ’s volume, the designers did a masterful job making the yacht look relatively svelte. In June 2020, Dilbar returned to Lürssen for a significant refit, where the yacht remains following U.S. sanctions placed on the owner, Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov, in 2022. The yacht’s value is estimated to be $600 million.

Al Saïd | 508 feet, 5 inches

Al Said measures 508'5" and was built by Lurssen Yachts

Another 500-plus-foot yacht from Lürssen, the original Project Sunflower gained its official name of Al Saïd following its launch in 2016. Espen Øino’s exterior is akin to a classic cruise liner, complete with the twin-exhaust stacks in the center of the superstructure. Owned by the Sultan of Oman, the yacht was listed for the sale for the first time in April 2022 for an undisclosed sum, but a buyer has yet to be confirmed. The six-decked  Al Saïd  can carry 154 crew and an estimated 70 guests across 26 suites. Lürssen reports a top speed of 22 knots. The London-based Redman Whiteley Dixon studio designed the interior, which includes a concert hall that can hold a 50-piece orchestra, a private cinema for 50 people; you’ll also find a medical room and dental care on board.

A+ | 483 feet, 1 inch

Lürssen Topaz largest yachts in the world

Very little is known about A+ (formerly Topaz) , which was launched by Lürssen in 2012. Tim Heywood Designs did the exterior, which features helipads on the foredeck and amidships on an upper deck. A lower aft deck includes a swimming pool. The German yard has not released any images of the Terence Disdale interior. Reported to be owned by Manchester City Football Club owner Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan—Emirati royalty and deputy prime minister of the UAE— A+  is equipped with a 40-foot Vikal catamaran beachlander and is powered by six Wärtsilä engines to reach a top speed of 22 knots. It can carry 62 guests and up to 79 crew and was last refit in 2022.

Prince Abdulaziz | 482 feet, 3 inches

Prince Abdulaziz

The 5,200-tonne Prince Abdulaziz is one of the Saudi Royal family’s yachts, its first owner being King Fahd. Designed by Maierform, the yacht was the longest and tallest in the world at the time of its launch, a title the 482.3-foot  Prince Abdulaziz  held for 22 years until  Dubai  launched in 2006. The late David Nightingale Hicks, known for his use of bright colors, was the interior designer. The lobby is said to be a replica of the Titanic . The yacht is also rumored to be carrying surface-to-air missiles, though that may be an urban legend. Launched by Helsingør Værft in Denmark in 1984, it was last refit in 2023.

OK | 479 feet

Ohima Shipbuilding's OK

Originally built by Japan’s Oshima Shipbuilding in 1982, the semisubmersible heavy lift ship was used for decades by DYT Yacht Transport as float-on yacht carrier. In 2022, the vessel underwent a private conversion at Karmarine shipyard in Turkey, turning it into a luxury, though highly unusual, yacht named OK . Modifications include a matte-black paint job, gold-tinted glazing, and teak decking. The vessel’s 328-foot submersible aft deck—a feature that first attracted her new owner, who uses OK to transport their 150-foot ketch—is now covered in a carpet of artificial grass. A 40-tonne crane allows for the safe and easy launch and retrieval of a vast range of toys, including a seaplane. The interior by Bozca Design is reported to include accommodation for 20 guests, a botanical garden, and a crazy Willy Wonka–inspired glass elevator that operates outside of the yacht’s superstructure.

Opera | 479 feet

Lürssen Yacht Opera

Very little is known about Lürssen’s mysterious superyacht Opera , though it’s thought to be a rebuild of Project Sassi, which was destroyed in a fire in 2018 at the German shipyard. Now four feet longer than the first iteration, the superyacht became the 11th largest yacht in the world when it delivered to its patient owner in 2023. Exterior and interior designed by Terence Disdale, Opera has a whopping 66-foot beam and an interior volume exceeding 10,000GT. No interior images have been released yet, though judging by its two swimming pools, one with a lifting floor, and two helipads—one on the bow and one on the upper aft deck—it seems no expense has been spared.

El Mahrousa | 478 feet, 1 inch

"El Mahrousa" Yacht, Samuda Brothers

El Mahrousa , which means “The Protected” in Arabic, is currently Egypt’s presidential yacht, though the 478.1-footer has a separate history as that country’s royal yacht. The London-based Samuda Brothers began the build in 1863, and it was launched in 1865. The world’s oldest superyacht—and formerly the world’s biggest—was originally built for the Ottoman governor of Egypt, Khedive Ismail, and later carried three Egyptian kings into exile. The yacht was also at the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. It features external design by the British naval architect Sir Oliver Lang and has had multiple modifications over the years, including a lengthening by 40 feet in 1872 and another 17 feet in 1905. During the second refit, the owners replaced its paddle-wheel engines with turbine-driven propellers. The yacht, in care of the Egyptian Navy, occasionally goes to sea for a day or two. In 2015, it was used to inaugurate the new Suez Canal.

Project Luminance | 475 feet, 7 inches

Superyacht Lumaniance

Delivered in 2024, Project Luminance (the real name is yet to be confirmed) is Lürssen’s newest entry on the list. Exterior designed by Espen Øino, the yacht has a raked bow, a contrasting paint job in a dark blue hull and silver superstructure and a whopping 8,999 gross tons of interior volume. Few details are yet known about the gigayacht owned by Ukrainian mining and financial services mogul Rinat Akhmetov, including the interior by Francois Zuretti, but aerial shots reveal twin helicopter pads—one on the foredeck and another high up aft—a large beach club, and an infinity pool, with a private spa pool area on the foredeck.

A | 468 feet, 5 inches

Nobiskrug sailing yacht A.

Undoubtedly one of the most visionary projects ever delivered by German shipyard Nobiskrug, the Philippe Starck-designed A is a wild fantasy of the future. Delivered in 2017, the futuristic look of  sailing yacht  A includes smooth, silver-metallic surfaces and windows that look nearly invisible, a 26-foot draft, three composite masts that bend slightly, and a deck hidden by high bulwarks. The Philippe Starck–design is a wild fantasy yacht of the future. The 468-foot sailing yacht is a technical victory for Nobiskrug , which developed composite fashion plates to create the unusual shapes without compromising any strength or fluidity. It has the tallest freestanding composite masts on any sailing vessel, a diesel-electric propulsion system, and state-of-the-art navigation systems. The boat also reportedly has an underwater viewing platform in the keel. Starck’s traditional interior features dark wood, copper accents, and cozy patterned carpets. The split-deck main salon is divided into zoned seating areas with integrated bookshelves. A remains today the world’s largest sailing yacht six years after its launch, though many argue it is better defined as a sail-assisted yacht.

Nord | 466 feet

Lürssen OPUS Launch

Nord was announced in 2015 but didn’t hit the water until its 2020 sea trials in the Baltic Sea. The 466-foot yacht features interior design by Italian studio Nuvolari Lenard and was Lürssen’s first yacht launched from its floating shed at its facility in Vegasack. Boasting top-tier amenities, the yacht includes a sports and diving center on the lower deck, multiple tenders ranging in size up to 50 feet and a large swimming pool. The two helipads support the yacht’s long-range cruising capabilities for autonomous exploration, and a retractable hangar means a helicopter can slide neatly into the superstructure for storage when not in use. A generous 20 staterooms accommodate 36 guests across six decks, while a sleek aft-sloping superstructure gives Nord an individual profile on the water.

Yas | 462 feet, 6 inches

Superyacht Yas in Barcelona

As a converted yacht, Yas is one of the most interesting vessels on this list. The dolphin-like exterior was originally a former Dutch Navy frigate that launched in 1978 and eventually sold to the navy of the United Arab Emirates, where it was renamed Al Emirat . The yacht underwent its dramatic conversion in a facility in Abu Dhabi’s main port, emerging as a gleaming superyacht in 2011, with one of the most interesting profiles on the water. It was eventually delivered four years later. Reportedly owned by Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed al Nahyan, half-brother of the president of the UAE, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the design by Paris-based Pierrejean Vision is defined by massive glass surfaces. Yas can accommodate 60 guests and 58 crew members. Mated to a steel hull, the superstructure is the largest composite edifice ever built.

Solaris | 459 feet, 3 inches

Russian oligarchs yachts continued to be seized

Owned by Russian businessman Roman Abramovich, the 476-foot  Solaris  was one of the largest yachts to deliver in 2021. Last refit in 2022 at MB92 in Barcelona, the vast, highly private explorer is built by German shipyard Lloyd Werft and features a displacement steel hull with bulbous bow and steel superstructure with teak decks. The eight-deck exterior by Australian designer Marc Newson houses a large helipad, sundeck, spacious beach club aft and 21,527 square feet of glass, the largest panes to ever be built into a yacht. Lloyd Werft also built the Russian billionaire’s previous explorer yacht Luna , which he reportedly sold for $360 million to his close friend Farkhad Akhmedov in 2014.

Ocean Victory | 459 feet, 3 inches

Fincantieri Yachts’ 459-foot Ocean Victory Photo by Trevor Coppock /

The largest motoryacht ever built in Italy, Fincantieri’s Ocean Victory is owned by Russian billionaire Viktor Rashnikov, who was sanctioned in 2022. The seven-deck exterior by Espen Øino includes two helideck platforms and a hangar belowdecks, as well as exceptional outdoor social areas and a floodable tender dock. Ocean Victory has accommodations for 28 guests as well as quarters for 56 crew. The interior by Alberto Pinto remains a secret, aside from the yacht’s six pools, a 3,300-square-foot spa, and an underwater observation room.

Scheherazade | 459 feet, 3 inches

Russian oligarchs yachts continued to be seized

The 459.3-foot, Lürssen-built Scheherazade (formerly known as Project Lightning) was delivered in June 2020, with exterior design by Espen Øino and interior design by Francois Zuretti. Two helipads, forward and aft, and a large beach club aft are visible from aerial photographs, but aside from the yacht’s reported seven-foot beam, 40 crew and unique drone-crashing system for privacy, further details have not yet been released. The reason may lie with the yacht’s unofficial owner, believed to be Russian president Vladimir Putin. In May 2022, Italian authorities froze Scheherazade in the port of Marina di Carrara following an investigation conducted by Italian financial police who found the ship’s beneficial owner had “significant economic and business ties” to high-ranking Russian government officials, though the results of the investigation to date remain inconclusive.

Al Salamah | 456 feet

Lürssen Al Salamah gigayacht

When Lürssen launched Al Salamah in 1999, it was the third-largest yacht in the world. Its number 20 ranking shows how much has changed in the last 20 years. Code-named MIPOS, or Mission Possible, the yacht was designed by Terence Disdale . Originally owned by Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz, the yacht was put up for sale for $280 million in in 2013 before it was reportedly given to Bahraini Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa as a gift. The large imposing exterior is primarily protected space, with an upper deck exposed to the elements. Al Salamah has staterooms for 40 guests, including two owner suites, 11 VIP staterooms, and eight twin cabins. The yacht can carry up to 96 crew and has a top speed of 22 knots. Al Salamah was last refitted in 2009.

Rising Sun | 454 feet, 1 inch

Lürssen Rising Sun superyacht

Designed by the original guru of yacht designers, Jon Bannenberg, Rising Sun was built by Lürssen for Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and is currently owned by billionaire David Geffen, who reportedly paid $590 million for the yacht. The yacht comes with a gym, a grand piano, multiple swimming pools, a beauty salon, and a spa with a sauna. Delivered in 2004 and last refit in 2022, the yacht’s exterior is defined by banks of windows across the superstructure. Rising Sun has 86,000 square feet of living space in 82 rooms. It can accommodate 18 guests in nine cabins, with the capacity to carry up to 46 crew. The interior by Seccombe Design includes a gym, cinema, and wine cellar, and the rear cockpit deck was designed as a basketball court. Geffen received global media backlash in 2020 for his “tone deaf” social-media posts that pictured himself on board his yacht during Covid-19 lockdown.

Flying Fox | 446 feet, 2 inches

Lürssen's Flying Fox superyacht.

The 446.2-foot  Flying Fox is arguably the most high-profile yacht on this list, primarily for being the largest yacht available on the charter market. In 2022, it was also singled out as “blocked property” by U.S. authorities in 2022 due to its previous management Imperials Yachts, which was on the US sanctions list. The yacht’s owner, however, Russian billionaire Dmitry Kamenshchik, is not sanctioned, so the yacht was turned over to him and returned to charter in 2024. Key features of the Espen Øino-designed exterior are a curvaceous dove-gray hull and a 3.7-foot swimming pool that runs athwartship on the main aft deck, the largest ever found on board a yacht. A two-decked spa also gives guests access to a cryosauna, hammam, and relaxation room with a fold-down balcony at sea level. Packed to the rafters with the latest amenities, the yacht holds a diving center, a decompression chamber, and two helipads. Flying Fox is PYC compliant and can accommodate 25 guests.

Savarona | 446 feet, 2 inches

Savarona superyacht 25 top yachgts

Launched in 1931, and by far the largest and fastest private yacht of her day, Savarona was built for American heiress Emily Roebling Cadwalader and is easily identified by its two mustard-colored funnels. The yacht was eventually acquired by Turkey to be the presidential yacht of Kemal Atatürk, founder of modern Turkey. Jane’s Fighting Ships described the yacht in 1949 as “probably the most sumptuously fitted yacht afloat.”  Savarona was later converted to a training ship for the Turkish Navy and, in 1978, destroyed by fire. The yacht laid in tatters for 10 years. A Turkish businessman spent around $45 million refurbishing Savarona , commissioning Donald Starkey for the interior and replacing the original steam-turbine engines with modern Caterpillar diesels. Savarona became Turkey’s official presidential yacht again in 2014, accommodating up to 34 guests in 17 suites and carrying up to 48 crew. Amenities include a swimming pool, a Turkish bath, a 280-foot grand staircase, a movie theater and a library dedicated to Atatürk.

Crescent | 443 feet

Lürssen Crescent superyacht Larry Ellison

Last refit in 2021, Espen Øino’s dark hull and tiered superstructure was one of the most exciting launches of 2018. Called Project Thunder internally at Lürssen, the custom-built yacht features cutouts along the hull sides that allow full ocean views from the saloon on the primary deck, as part of Crescent ’s distinctive curved superstructure. Its most noteworthy feature is the jaw-dropping bank of three-deck-high windows in the center of the yacht. This architectural feature serves as the centerpiece of a very compelling design. The yacht has accommodations for 18 guests in nine staterooms. Little is known about the François Zuretti-designed interior, other than Lürssen describing it as being “traditionally styled.” If it lives up to Crescent ’s brash exterior, the complete yacht promises to be an entirely groundbreaking design. In March 2022, Crescent was detained by Spain as property of Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, who is sanctioned in connection with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Serene | 439 feet, 3 inches

Fincantieri Serene superyacht

Serene  is the yacht that launched Fincantieri into the superyacht segment, and what a debut it was. The largest yacht ever launched in Italy when it was delivered in 2011 (surpassed three years later by Ocean Victory ), the Espen Øino seven-deck design features a long, sleek blue hull crowned by a white superstructure. Pascale Reymond of Reymond Langton Design created the 43,056-square-foot interior for a Russian owner, which includes a double height atrium with a piano lounge at the top and a vast open-plan main salon below. Sunken LEDs and bright pink and purple neon lights create a modern party vibe in the social areas, which contrast with the elaborate yet more traditional guest suites. A spiral staircase with intricate metal banisters soars through the heart of the yacht. The open stern area has a winter garden (enclosed glasshouse) that allows dining in all seasons. Serene also has two helipads and a hangar, a big swimming pool, and a tender garage large enough for a submarine.

Read More On:

  • Blohm + Voss
  • Dream Machines 2020

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'Access to hidden-gem ports': Why this luxury yacht is the best option for beach lovers

“This is your yacht, to do with as you please,” Captain Rob O’Leary said to guests of the Emerald Sakara , the second luxury superyacht from Emerald Cruises. “We have an international crew from 21 different nations, and we are all here for you.”

I was on the maiden voyage of the 360-foot Sakara, a December 2023 sailing with the added glamor of a Champagne christening in San Juan, Puerto Rico, led by the ship’s godmother Kelly Craighead. She is president of Cruise Lines International Association, the industry’s leading trade organization.

“Sakara” is a Sanskrit word meaning “thoughts become things” – a fitting name, given the thought that went into the ship’s chic design.  And our itinerary for the week couldn’t be more yacht-like – an island-hopping experience in the West Indies, stopping in out-of-the-way ports that larger cruise ships can’t manage. And while some smaller boats can feel rocky, the Sakara’s stabilizers keep the ship on an even keel.

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With just 100 guests and 76 crew, the Sakara is part of the larger trend in cruising: smaller ships that cater to vacationers who want the style and feel of a yacht, and the intimate service that accompanies that, with the amenities of a larger ship. Craighead said that small-ship cruises offer “luxury at a great value, access to hidden-gem ports and unique features like marinas for water activities directly off the ship,” she says. “These small ships can even be chartered, for your own amazing, private yacht experience.”

After departing from San Juan, the Sakara reached the Puerto Rican island of Culebra in a few hours, just 20 miles off the coast. We hopped in a taxi van at the port to reach the pristine waters of Flamenco Beach, which consistently makes the world’s top 10 lists. It was a fall-asleep-on-the-sand kind of day, under brightly colored umbrellas, with multiple trips to the canteen for French fries.

“I hope you enjoyed Culebra today because it’s quite hard to get in, through a very narrow channel,” O’Leary said at a supper-hour briefing. 

The next day, we stopped at the nearby island of Vieques, which is filled with wild horses – about 2,000 of them – most of whom are fully accustomed to the photo op. We docked at Esperanza Bay and wandered the waterfront. There were jeeps or ATVs available to rent for those who wanted to beach-hop, but we settled into the sand at Sun Bay. And when we sailed into Cruz Bay on the U.S. Virgin Island of St. John the following day, there were yachts and catamarans everywhere – and the Sakara fit right in.

The crew outdid itself the next day at White Bay Beach on Jost Van Dyke, the smallest of the British Virgin Islands. A barbecue feast awaited us, along with beach loungers, steel-drum entertainment, and all the paddles and water toys from the ship. Later, we wandered down the beach to find a young yacht crowd, groups of friends who have rented their boats, all knee-deep in their mojitos.

“I get a real kick out of driving the Emerald Sakara into St. Barths, muscling in and anchoring next to all the other superyachts,” O’Leary said. “It looks good in the pictures.” A stop there brought a snorkeling excursion, a bit of high-end shopping and a few rosé-soaked hours on Plage de Saline.

Back on board, the creature comforts of the Sakara included plenty of outdoor space to connect with the ocean, a small infinity pool, a full-service spa and a large, elegant dining room and terrace. It’s all part of the cushy yacht lifestyle. 

The ship will spend the summer and fall cruising the Mediterranean Sea – heading for the French and Italian rivieras, Croatia and Greece – with eight-day itineraries from $5,100. The Emerald Sakara will be back in the Caribbean next December, with eight-day cruises starting at $4,100. 

Editor’s note: The contributor of this story received access to this cruise from Emerald Cruises. USA TODAY maintains editorial control of reviews.

yacht to travel around the world

How Far Can Yachts Travel? Helpful Examples (With Numbers)

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There are several things to consider when asking the question: “How far can a yacht journey?”

There are many different variables, including the type of yacht, the size of the fuel tank(s), the weather, and the amount of crew/gear aboard.

Not to mention the skill and experience of the captain.

How Far Can A Yacht Travel?

Generally, a motorized yacht about 35 feet in length can travel around 200 miles at approximately 25 knots in an 8 hour day.  At 35 knots, they can travel close to 300 miles in a day.  With enough fuel or fill-ups, you can go on for thousands of miles.

With the addition of sails, a yacht can travel even further, but it takes longer.

Here’s everything you need to know!

Table of Contents

yacht to travel around the world

How Far Does the Average Yacht Travel?

This question is difficult to answer on its own.

However, on average, a 75-foot motorized yacht with a tank that can carry 11,000 liters of fuel can travel up to 1500 nautical miles.

If you are comparing your yacht to this average, make sure also to compare your tank size.

For example:

  • A 95-foot yacht with a 9000-liter fuel tank can travel up to 1,200 nautical miles.
  • A 40-foot yacht with a 5,000-liter fuel tank can travel up to 3,000 nautical miles.

Think of it this way: the bigger the boat, the bigger the fuel compartment.

The bigger the fuel tank (for the size of the boat,) the farther it can travel.

Other variables can affect those numbers, but these are the main factors you need to consider.

We have an article here with much more statistics and numbers on boating .

How Big is the Fuel Tank on a Yacht?

Different yachts have different-sized gas tanks on board.

The size of the fuel tank has a lot to do with how far it can travel.

After all, no fuel = no travel, right?

Not necessarily.

For a motorized yacht, there are really only two things to consider when trying to determine the distance it can travel:

  • The amount of fuel you have (or how big the tank is)
  • How much of it is burned by the engines (which is affected by different factors)

Side note: generally speaking, it is a good idea to have about one and a half times the amount of fuel you will need for the trip you want to make.

Different weather conditions can affect how slow your trip is, as well. Yachts are slower in rough weather. If there are bad weather conditions, yachts won’t be able to travel as far. On the opposite side, a yacht can travel much further in optimum weather conditions, when the engines don’t have to fight against the wind and choppy waters.

On the other hand, sailing boats are powered by the winds on the sea.

Weather can be finicky, and, because of that, most sailing yachts have an alternative form of power.

Some of those include:

  • Auxiliary engines, usually diesel-powered
  • Wind generators or solar panels
  • Diesel generators

Remember to read up on international flag rules for boats before leaving.

How Far Can a Yacht Journey with a Full Fuel Tank?

Even superyachts come in different sizes and with different sized fuel tanks.

However, let’s say that you’re on a 130-foot yacht with a fuel tank of 22,420 liters.

If the yacht is cruising at around 20 knots, it can travel about 1500 nautical miles on that fuel tank.

To find how far you can go on one tank of fuel, you will have to:

  • Clean your boat and ensure that everything is working properly (an unmaintained yacht uses more fuel per nautical mile)
  • Refuel your boat and log your engine hours and start/stop times to find your fuel burn rate.
  • Remember, it is important to measure your liters or gallons per hour of use instead of only using your fuel gauge (which might not be accurate over the full scale).
The fuel burn rate calculation is = fuel used / hours, resulting in liters or gallons per hour. The calculation for fuel efficiency is distance/fuel used, resulting in miles per gallon or liters.

The fuel burn rate and fuel efficiency (fuel mileage) are different at different speeds.  If both are calculated at the vessel’s standard cruising speed, the fuel efficiency is the cruising speed divided by the fuel burn rate.

For example, a yacht cruising at 10 knots burning 2.5 gallons per hour has a fuel efficiency of 4 nautical miles per gallon (10 / 2.5).

How Many Days Can you Sail For?

Depending on the vessel, you can sail anywhere from one day (on a small sailing yacht ) to a month, and some boats have sailed around the world without stopping.

You must account for:

  • The number of people on your crew,
  • what supplies you have on board,
  • if you count for the times you dock for supplies or not, and
  • the seaworthiness of your yacht

A 30-foot sailing yacht can carry enough supplies for someone to stay aboard for 90 days (or even longer).

There is a nonstop ocean sailing yacht race where some of the participants stay on their yachts from 110 to 160 days! Some even sail for 200 days!

You can also apply for jobs on boats to travel that far.

Can a Yacht Cross the Pacific Ocean?

Cruising around the world is a big dream for several yacht enthusiasts.

Being able to leave their day-to-day lives and do an amazing adventure like “boating around the world” is a legacy you can leave with your family.

Generally speaking, it takes about 10 – 12 days to cross the Pacific Ocean on a large yacht.

However, not all yachts are capable of making the trip.

The following summary describes the capabilities of the four yacht design categories used in the EU and UK:

Category D Yachts:

Category D yachts are rated for sheltered coasts and inland boating.

This means you can use them in lakes, protected harbors, and rivers. They would be fine as long as the waves don’t reach 4 feet in height as a rule.

However, these boats wouldn’t be able to make the cross-ocean trip.

Category C Yachts:

Category C yachts are used inshore.

Inshore means that you can go away from the protected harbors for some distance, but these boats still can’t handle waves that reach up to 8 feet in height.

So, while they can move safely around large lakes and bays, they still wouldn’t be able to make the cross-ocean trip.

Category B Yachts:

Category B yachts are used offshore and can handle waves that reach up to 13 feet in height and strong winds.

However, you still wouldn’t want to take a category B yacht on the cross-ocean trip because it isn’t self-sustaining.

At least, not for the time it takes to cross the Pacific Ocean. Besides, it wouldn’t do well in rough weather.

Category A Yachts:

Category A yachts can handle waves up to 23 feet in height and wind over 47 knots.

They are also designed to be self-sustainable for long voyages.

In other words, they are explorer’s vessels.

Can a Yacht Cross the Atlantic Ocean?

yacht to travel around the world

To cross the Atlantic, an average motorized yacht would need a tank with a capacity of about 5000 liters of fuel at a fuel efficiency of 2.5 nautical miles per gallon.

This would be for a fuel use rate of 4 gallons per hour at 10 knots cruising speed.  This is at cruising speed, of course. hey can’t be traveling at maximum speed for long periods of time (which would burn through the fuel faster). 

At 10 knots, the trip (about 3,000 miles) would take 300 hours or 12.5 days.

Sailing yachts travel the Atlantic every year since the only fuel they need is for generators that power onboard appliances.

Though, some fuel may be used to power the boat when the weather isn’t cooperating.

It takes about 4 – 5 days to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a fast yacht going 25 knots .  However, it would take longer in a sailing yacht (which also depends on the winds).

We have much more info on what you need to know about which yacht types can cross oceans. It’s a must-read if you are considering a trip over the bigger oceans on a yacht.

What is a Long-Range Expedition Yacht?

Long-range expedition yachts are yachts that are self-sustaining.

They are also built with long voyages in mind.

They normally feature:

  • Adequate crew capacities, amenities, and storage
  • Have a long cruising range, meaning large capacity fuel and water tanks
  • Have a robust hull for the long trip

They have to withstand extreme weather conditions since they have to travel across large water bodies. They should be able to withstand the effects of sailing thousands of miles of traveling a year.

They must be easy to maintain and operate. This is due to the distance they must travel. After all, these yachts are often operated by a few laymen boaters (in addition to having a few experienced sailors with them).

Fishing trawlers (designed for many days at sea with cabins) are hearty and can travel the same distance (within range of their fuel tanks) as an expedition yacht but are typically not finished as a yacht.

They also have the appearance of a hearty, military-style craft with tall bows, broken sheers, and vertical or forward raking windshields.

If painted naval gray, they definitely fit the aesthetic of a military-grade vessel. But the reason for all of those features is because both expedition yachts and military vessels move long distances for extended periods of time.

Final Thoughts:

The distance that a yacht can travel depends on the size of the fuel tank(s) and the fuel use rate.

A yacht with a large fuel tank or a sailing yacht (which only requires the wind and carries fuel for onboard generators) can travel much further than a small day cruiser yacht.

If you want to take a long voyage, make sure to take the right precautions first. When crossing either the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean , you must make sure your boat is a category A yacht (or an expedition yacht). You must also ensure that your crew is experienced in crossing the ocean.

If you are on a yacht, it is never recommended to cross the ocean by yourself. While you may handle a smaller boat in waters closer to the shore, there is quite a bit of difference in a large yacht—especially when you are far from land.

You’ll also have to make sure you upgrade some amenities. Your water maker, power generation system, autopilot, and your freezer, just to name a few, are some of the systems which need to be in peak condition when making that long voyage.

In the end, the differences between having a boat that travels a short distance and a long one are:

  • Made for Distance, and
  • Well-Maintained

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The most expensive travel experiences in the world

Posted: December 20, 2023 | Last updated: December 20, 2023

<p>Most of us are trying to get the best deals on hotels, flights, and even restaurants so as not to overspend on our travel <a href="" rel="noopener">budget</a>. But when you're wealthy, vacationing is a whole other experience. One of the perks that comes with wealth is vacationing in some of the most exclusive destinations on the planet. Indeed, having tons of money means you can escape to unusual destinations and experience out-of-this-world activities and places. But it can come at a big price.</p> <p>From super yacht soirées to submersible excursions to the Titanic, these are some of the most expensive travel experiences in the world. Click on to discover them.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> The weirdest items confiscated at the Australian border</a></p>

Most of us are trying to get the best deals on hotels, flights, and even restaurants so as not to overspend on our travel budget . But when you're wealthy, vacationing is a whole other experience. One of the perks that comes with wealth is vacationing in some of the most exclusive destinations on the planet. Indeed, having tons of money means you can escape to unusual destinations and experience out-of-this-world activities and places. But it can come at a big price.

From super yacht soirées to submersible excursions to the Titanic, these are some of the most expensive travel experiences in the world. Click on to discover them.

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<p>The pictured sub belonged to OceanGate Expeditions, a private company that provides crewed submersible services for exploration, industry, and research purposes. But on June 18, 2023, one of their <span><span>submersibles went missing after two hours of getting into the North Atlantic to explore the Titanic wreck—a trip that cost US$250,000 a head. Tragically, the five individuals aboard were all declared dead on</span></span><span><span> June 22.</span></span></p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

The submersible expedition to the Titanic

The pictured sub belonged to OceanGate Expeditions, a private company that provides crewed submersible services for exploration, industry, and research purposes. But on June 18, 2023, one of their submersibles went missing after two hours of getting into the North Atlantic to explore the Titanic wreck—a trip that cost US$250,000 a head. Tragically, the five individuals aboard were all declared dead on June 22.

<p>Etihad’s Residence is practically an apartment in an Airbus A380. Accommodating two, you can get from New York to Abu Dhabi for US$72,000. Oh, and that's one-way fare!</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Off the spotlight: the unknown children of celebrity dads </a></p>

Fly around the world with Etihad in first class

Etihad’s Residence is practically an apartment in an Airbus A380. Accommodating two, you can get from New York to Abu Dhabi for US$72,000. Oh, and that's one-way fare!

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<p>For US$111,000, you could embark on an exclusive journey with Captain’s Choice that explores the world’s greatest animal migration in Africa. Plus, you'll enjoy fine dining beneath the Great Pyramid of Giza.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Private jet tour from Cairo to Cape Town

For US$111,000, you could embark on an exclusive journey with Captain’s Choice that explores the world’s greatest animal migration in Africa. Plus, you'll enjoy fine dining beneath the Great Pyramid of Giza.

<p>When money is no object, why not rent an entire town? Dunton Hot Springs in Colorado is a former mining spot, which was once left to rot but has been restored to luxury status.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Life in all its glory, hilarity, and oddities</a></p>

Rent a whole town in Colorado

When money is no object, why not rent an entire town? Dunton Hot Springs in Colorado is a former mining spot, which was once left to rot but has been restored to luxury status.

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<p>Thanks to TCS World Travel, you can go on a 24-day tour around the world. Flying on a Boeing 757 jet, stops include Rio de Janeiro, the Galápagos Islands, and Rwanda. Couples pay US$194,000 per person.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

The world's most expensive guided tour

Thanks to TCS World Travel, you can go on a 24-day tour around the world. Flying on a Boeing 757 jet, stops include Rio de Janeiro, the Galápagos Islands, and Rwanda. Couples pay US$194,000 per person.

<p>Richard Branson’s renowned Necker Island offers the epitome of luxury from US$134,500 per night for up to 48 guests. You can also just book an individual room for $5,400.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> The coolest and craziest cable car rides in the world</a></p>

Stay at Richard Branson's private island

Richard Branson’s renowned Necker Island offers the epitome of luxury from US$134,500 per night for up to 48 guests. You can also just book an individual room for $5,400.

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<p>At around US$4,500 per night for the Presidential Suite, India’s Maharaja’s Express is definitely on the right side of the tracks! Taking you to some of India's most emblematic sights, this train has all the amenities needed for a luxurious ride.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

The world's most expensive train ride

At around US$4,500 per night for the Presidential Suite, India’s Maharaja’s Express is definitely on the right side of the tracks! Taking you to some of India's most emblematic sights, this train has all the amenities needed for a luxurious ride.

<p>Live like royalty at one of the few seven-star hotels in the world, Burj-Al-Arab in Dubai. The spacious Royal Suite is on the 25th floor and is dripping in 22-karat gold. Pure luxury.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Lauryn Hill hosts surprise Fugees reunion before Pras Michel's prison sentencing </a></p>

A seven-star hotel

Live like royalty at one of the few seven-star hotels in the world, Burj-Al-Arab in Dubai. The spacious Royal Suite is on the 25th floor and is dripping in 22-karat gold. Pure luxury.

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<p>Queen Mary 2 is the only transatlantic ocean liner in regular service between Southampton, in England, and New York City. Providing a luxurious experience, the liner also offers route options across the world for US$340,000 per person.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Sailing with the Queen Mary 2

Queen Mary 2 is the only transatlantic ocean liner in regular service between Southampton, in England, and New York City. Providing a luxurious experience, the liner also offers route options across the world for US$340,000 per person.

<p>Hidden away at Heathrow Airport, the Windsor Suites is the world’s most secretive and expensive airport lounge. Starting at US$5,055 for just three hours, elite flyers have booked out the entire lounge for 100 people for $166,000.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Who is the best Batman of them all?</a></p>

The secret suites at Heathrow Airport

Hidden away at Heathrow Airport, the Windsor Suites is the world’s most secretive and expensive airport lounge. Starting at US$5,055 for just three hours, elite flyers have booked out the entire lounge for 100 people for $166,000.

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<p>Big Seven is an exclusive luxury tour that takes visitors to seven unique destinations around the world, including Paris, London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Dubai, and Hong Kong. For US$71,494, travelers will enjoy luxurious accommodations, private transportation, and VIP access to popular attractions.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

The Big Seven

Big Seven is an exclusive luxury tour that takes visitors to seven unique destinations around the world, including Paris, London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Dubai, and Hong Kong. For US$71,494, travelers will enjoy luxurious accommodations, private transportation, and VIP access to popular attractions.

<p>This tour, titled the King of the Castle, takes you on a visit to the most lavish Indian palaces, including Lake, Umaid Bhawan (pictured), and Rambagh. Visitors enjoy a three-night stay at each of the palaces for US$1.67 million per person!</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Motherly love: adorable animal moms and their babies</a></p>

India's lavish royal palaces

This tour, titled the King of the Castle, takes you on a visit to the most lavish Indian palaces, including Lake, Umaid Bhawan (pictured), and Rambagh. Visitors enjoy a three-night stay at each of the palaces for US$1.67 million per person!

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<p>Starting with a flight from the UK to Cape Town, and then a ship to <a href="" rel="noopener">Antarctica</a>, the expedition is supported by leading polar guides. The cost for the nine-day trip is US$71,000.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Explore Antarctica

Starting with a flight from the UK to Cape Town, and then a ship to Antarctica, the expedition is supported by leading polar guides. The cost for the nine-day trip is US$71,000.

<p>For US$6.8 million, guests can turn the W Maldives resort into their own private sanctuary, with exclusive use of all 78 overwater and beach suites, gourmet dining venues, and an underground nightclub. Not bad, huh?</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Celebrities who follow their faith religiously</a></p>

Maldives island takeover package

For US$6.8 million, guests can turn the W Maldives resort into their own private sanctuary, with exclusive use of all 78 overwater and beach suites, gourmet dining venues, and an underground nightclub. Not bad, huh?

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<p>The legendary crystal factory of Baccarat was established in France in 1764. Today, you can find their decorations around the world, and this tour aims to show you them. For US$300,000, the 12-day tour will take you to cities of great significance in the company's history, such as New York, Paris, Istanbul, and Seoul. </p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

The Baccarat heritage trip

The legendary crystal factory of Baccarat was established in France in 1764. Today, you can find their decorations around the world, and this tour aims to show you them. For US$300,000, the 12-day tour will take you to cities of great significance in the company's history, such as New York, Paris, Istanbul, and Seoul. 

<p>The Journey to Nature's Edge expedition is a once-in-a-lifetime trip for anyone with a spare US$1.4 million. Taking place across 111 days and 12 countries, you will view some of the world’s most vulnerable species, including the Galápagos' marine iguana.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Which countries have the best English language skills?</a></p>

An epic wildlife safari

The Journey to Nature's Edge expedition is a once-in-a-lifetime trip for anyone with a spare US$1.4 million. Taking place across 111 days and 12 countries, you will view some of the world’s most vulnerable species, including the Galápagos' marine iguana.

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<p>The Michelin Star Hotel Tour is a luxury world tour that takes you to some of the best hotels in the world, including the Ritz-Carlton in London and the Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong. Including luxurious accommodations and world-class cuisine, the tour will cost you US$276,470.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

A Michelin tour

The Michelin Star Hotel Tour is a luxury world tour that takes you to some of the best hotels in the world, including the Ritz-Carlton in London and the Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong. Including luxurious accommodations and world-class cuisine, the tour will cost you US$276,470.

<p>For US$244,000 you can holiday like a glamorous 007 agent with Como Hotels and Resorts. Arrive at Parrot Cay by private jet and super yacht, before sipping some expensive champagne on the paradise island.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Lost cities found: unearthing the civilizations of old</a></p>

A James Bond experience at Turks and Caicos

For US$244,000 you can holiday like a glamorous 007 agent with Como Hotels and Resorts. Arrive at Parrot Cay by private jet and super yacht, before sipping some expensive champagne on the paradise island.

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<p>The royal penthouse suite at the President Wilson Hotel in Geneva takes up the entire top floor, making it one of the largest and most luxurious suites in Europe. For US$112,000 a night, it features a wraparound terrace with magnificent views of the Alps.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

A penthouse suite made for royalty

The royal penthouse suite at the President Wilson Hotel in Geneva takes up the entire top floor, making it one of the largest and most luxurious suites in Europe. For US$112,000 a night, it features a wraparound terrace with magnificent views of the Alps.

<p>Villa North Island in Seychelles boasts former guests like George and Amal Clooney and Prince William and Kate, who were rumored to have honeymooned here.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> Celebrities with surprising hidden talents</a></p>

A place for A-listers

Villa North Island in Seychelles boasts former guests like George and Amal Clooney and Prince William and Kate, who were rumored to have honeymooned here.

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<p>Located at the Hard Rock Hotel in Ibiza, indulge in a 20-couse dinner at one of the world’s most expensive restaurants, SubliMotion. For US$2,379, Michelin-starred chef Paco Roncero will entertain you with virtual reality features, laser light shows, and edible entry tickets.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

One of the most expensive restaurants

Located at the Hard Rock Hotel in Ibiza, indulge in a 20-couse dinner at one of the world’s most expensive restaurants, SubliMotion. For US$2,379, Michelin-starred chef Paco Roncero will entertain you with virtual reality features, laser light shows, and edible entry tickets.

<p>Organized by the DreamMaker company for up to 50 people, this trip visits 20 cities, and goes to sites such as the Angkor ruins in Cambodia. Travel is on a private plane, and the trip costs a whopping US$18 million!</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> The most iconic tattoos in sports history</a></p>

The trip of a lifetime

Organized by the DreamMaker company for up to 50 people, this trip visits 20 cities, and goes to sites such as the Angkor ruins in Cambodia. Travel is on a private plane, and the trip costs a whopping US$18 million!

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<p>The epitome of global luxury travel, this US$47,990 trip takes you to the world's most expensive and luxurious hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants, all while traveling on private jets.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

The private charter tour

The epitome of global luxury travel, this US$47,990 trip takes you to the world's most expensive and luxurious hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants, all while traveling on private jets.

<p>This luxurious tour takes you to some of the most beautiful locations in Japan. From Tokyo to Kyoto, you'll experience majestic Japanese mountains and the gorgeous cherry blossoms.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> The most shocking lies ever told by celebrities</a></p>

The Japanese bonanza

This luxurious tour takes you to some of the most beautiful locations in Japan. From Tokyo to Kyoto, you'll experience majestic Japanese mountains and the gorgeous cherry blossoms.

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<p>For US$50,000 per night, guests are greeted with panoramic ocean views thanks to floor-to-ceiling windows at the Faena Hotel Penthouse on Miami Beach.</p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

An elegant overnight stay in Miami

For US$50,000 per night, guests are greeted with panoramic ocean views thanks to floor-to-ceiling windows at the Faena Hotel Penthouse on Miami Beach.

<p>Surrounded by rain forests and offering incredible views of the Fijian archipelago, the secluded Laucala Island Resort can be rented for US$210,000 over five nights.</p><p>You may also like:<a href=""> The Queen Mother, the most graceful of royals</a></p>

Paradise in Fiji

Surrounded by rain forests and offering incredible views of the Fijian archipelago, the secluded Laucala Island Resort can be rented for US$210,000 over five nights.

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<p>Decorated with custom furniture by Jacques Grange, the Grand Penthouse Suite at The Mark costs US$106,000 a night. At least you'll get a rooftop terrace that boasts incredible views of Manhattan!</p><p>Sources: (Fox Business) (Knowinsiders) (Delicious) </p><p>See also: <a href="">Discover 60 extreme points of Earth</a></p><p><a href="">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

A luxurious spot in the middle of Manhattan

Decorated with custom furniture by Jacques Grange, the Grand Penthouse Suite at The Mark costs US$106,000 a night. At least you'll get a rooftop terrace that boasts incredible views of Manhattan!

Sources: (Fox Business) (Knowinsiders) (Delicious) 

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Saturday 20 April 2024 18:22, UK

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By Alex Rossi , international correspondent in Tel Aviv

On Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, people took to the beach in Tel Aviv. Under the hot spring sunshine, the tensions between Iran and Israel seemed a world away.

Most of the people there are hoping that the worst of this phase of the crisis has passed.

As he rested on the sand between surfs, Jonathan Weiss told me: "I definitely hope this direct bit is over. We have enough things to worry about - internally and with our direct borders.

"Lebanon, Hamas, Gaza…we don't want to add anything to that."

Lior Shalev agreed: "I hope everything will be over soon. It's just unnecessary for both sides to get people hurt."

Israel's government has remained officially silent on the attack on a base near the Iranian city of Isfahan. It is another indication that the situation is de-escalating.

The strike appears to have been limited; symbolic in nature to send a warning rather than ignite a bigger confrontation.

But whilst the latest flare-up in the wider Middle East appears to have died down for now, Israel is still locked in conflict closer to home.

The indication is that Israel's long-anticipated incursion into the southern city of Rafah - which Israel sees as the last stronghold for Hamas - may not be far away.

US officials met their Israeli counterparts virtually this week to discuss the imminent incursion.

The White House has consistently warned the Israelis against a wholesale ground offensive of the city, fearing that an indiscriminate approach could lead to yet more huge civilian casualties.

But as we saw this week, Israel will make its own decisions on matters of war.

After Israel repelled a mass Iranian drone and missile attack, President Biden initially advised Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "take the win" and not strike back.

Within days, the US realised Mr Netanyahu was going to strike anyway - albeit in a limited fashion.

Further to reports we brought you earlier on the meeting between Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh (see post at 3.08pm) we can bring you more on this.

It was the first meeting between the two since Israel began its operation in Gaza. 

The Turkish presidency said in a statement: "Issues related to Israel's attacks on lands of Palestine, particularly Gaza, efforts for adequate and uninterrupted delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and a fair and lasting peace process in the region were discussed."

Mr Erdogan also "stressed that Israel should not benefit from the developments (between Iran and Israel) and that it is important to make efforts that will draw attention to Gaza again", the statement added.

NATO member Turkey has denounced Israel's offensive in Gaza following Hamas' attack on Israel and called for an immediate ceasefire.

Mr Erdogan has called Hamas a "liberation movement" while slamming the West for what he calls its unconditional support of Israel. 

The Republican-controlled US House of Representatives is set to vote on, and expected to pass, a $95bn package providing security assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan today.

Before the voting, the House began a sombre but serious debate with an unusual sense of purpose as Republican committee chairs and top Democrats on the panels united to urge swift passage that would ensure the US supports its allies and remains a leader on the world stage.

"The eyes of the world are upon us, and history will judge what we do here and now," said Michael McCaul, chairman of the House foreign affairs committee.

The weekend scene presented a striking display of congressional action after months of stalemate fuelled by Republicans, who hold the majority but are deeply split over foreign aid, particularly for Ukraine.

Speaker Mike Johnson is relying on Democratic support to ensure the military and humanitarian package is approved, and help flows to the US allies.

There will be a series of votes on three aid bills, for Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific, as well as a fourth that contains several other foreign policy proposals, including a clampdown on the social media platform TikTok.

If the votes are successful, the package will go to the Senate, where passage in the coming days is nearly assured. 

President Joe Biden has promised to sign it immediately.

Passage through the House would clear away the biggest hurdle to Mr Biden's funding request, first made in October as Ukraine's military supplies began to run low. 

By military analyst Sean Bell

The dust appears to be settling on the latest round of tit for tat exchanges in the Iran-Israel conflict with the risk of a regional escalation abating. 

However, with both sides apparently reluctant to discuss what actually happened in the early hours of Friday morning, what impact did the Israeli military action have, and was it decisive?

Iran takes every opportunity to showcase its broad array of military equipment - whether it be tanks, missiles or fighter jets.  

One of Iran's strategic priorities is to protect its nuclear programme which most military analysts believe is only a matter of weeks away from being able to develop a nuclear weapon.  

Iran's military bases and specifically its nuclear development sites are protected by a complex array of layered military capability, with the outer layer including surface-to-air missile systems capable of striking targets out to 200km.  

At face value these defensive capabilities appear very robust, and form the basis or Iranian military deterrence capability.

However, long-range missiles are not the only component of a credible military capability. 

The first priority is to detect a target, and that requires a long-range radar.  

The F-35 joint strike fighter - a central pillar of Israel's air power capability - is not invisible to radar, but does present a much smaller profile than a conventional aircraft.  That means that the F-35 can get much closer to the Iranian radar before being detected which reduces the time available for the missile operators to enable a targeting solution.

Once the Iranian air defence missile has been locked onto the F-35, the Iranian radar continuously tracks the fighter to enable the missile to be launched en-route to its target.  

However, at this point the F-35 uses its electronic warfare capability to confuse the radar.  

Building on decades of hi-tech radar techniques developed during the Cold War and since, modern electronic warfare techniques can deceive enemy radars to create a false target - some way away from the F-35.  

As the Iranian anti-aircraft missile is racing towards this "shadow", the Iranian radar is providing continuous guidance and updates to the missile system.  This makes the radar vulnerable to Israeli anti-radiation missiles, which can target the radar in a passive detection mode.

The West has developed a raft of hi-tech electronic capabilities to "roll back" enemy air defence systems to enable fighter jets or missiles to target high-value targets.  

Although Israel will not have had access to the very latest iteration of this decisive military capability, they will have been able to punch large holes in Iran's comprehensive but aging air defence systems.

In short, Israel would have demonstrated that despite Iran's layered military capability, all Iran's key military targets are vulnerable and within Israel's reach.

Israel has no need to advertise that message to the international community - the target audience was Iran's political leaders who were delivered a clear demonstration of Israel's military dominance.  

It was little surprise therefore that Iran has sought to downplay Israel's most recent strikes, as behind the bluster of public statements Iran had been reminded of the potential repercussions should it ever consider repeating its unprecedented attack on Israel.

Satellite images following Iran's drone attack on Israel last week show repairs on a damaged Israeli desert air base.

The overall damage done to Nevatim air base in southern Israel was minor despite Iran launching hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.

Israeli air defences and fighter jets, backed by the US, the UK and neighbouring Jordan, shot down the vast majority of the incoming fire.

The satellite images were analysed by The Associated Press.

Mourners in Poland have gathered for the funeral of Damian Sobol, one of the seven aid workers for the World Central Kitchen killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza earlier this month.

Dariusz Dudek, an adviser for Polish President Andrzej Duda, attended to pay his respects for the aid worker described as "pure joy" by the WCK.

"We're saying farewell to a wonderful young man, courageous and generous activist, who followed the idea of solidarity," he said, reading a letter written by the president.

"A man who couldn't ignore the fate of those who suffer, those in need… I'd like to honour the sacrifice he made to help civilians affected by the war in Gaza."

Mr Sobol, 35, had previously worked in Greece following wildfires and in Turkey after the earthquakes there.

On "day one" of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the WCK says he volunteered to help refugees arriving in his native country.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has met Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh for talks in Istanbul today. 

During the meeting, the pair discussed efforts to reach a ceasefire and deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, state broadcaster TRT says.

The meeting took place at the Dolmabahce Palace.

The Palestinian health ministry reported earlier on an Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank (see post at 12.10pm).

The raid, which began on Friday, took place in the Nur Shams area of Tulkarm

Now, the IDF has said its forces killed 10 militants in the camp and the surrounding areas since it began its raid.

In a statement, it said the Israel army and the country's border police arrested eight Palestinian suspects from the area.

Nine of its officers and soldiers have been injured during the ongoing raid, it said.

According to the Palestinian health ministry, only four Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire in camp since Friday.

The two day raid appears to be one of the largest that has taken place at Tulkarem's refugee camp since the Israel-Hamas war began.

The Palestinian Authority will reconsider bilateral relations with the US after Washington vetoed a motion to make Palestine a full UN member, President Mahmoud Abbas has told WAFA news agency.

The move by the US yesterday essentially denied Palestine's recognition as a state in the eyes of the UN. 

A spokesman for the US state department had described the motion as "premature".

"Specifically, there are unresolved questions as to whether the applicant can meet criteria to be considered as a state," he added. 

Earlier today, China's foreign minister Wang Yi said efforts to admit a Palestinian state into the UN were a move to "rectify a prolonged injustice", according to state media Xinhua.

Over in the US, one of California's most prestigious universities has announced it will have no outside speakers after cancelling a traditional student's farewell speech over security concerns.

The University of Southern California is due to hold its annual commencement ceremony - which honours outgoing students - next month.

Controversy has surrounded the event since the university moved to cancel a valedictory speech from a Muslim student, Asna Tabassum, earlier this week.

USC head Andrew Guzman said that decision was made to protect campus security, but Ms Tabassum says the university is "caving to fear and rewarding hatred", which she says is directed by "anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian voices".

The valedictorian - the student chosen to give the speech - is typically the highest-achieving student from those set to graduate from the university.

The Council on American Islamic Relations advocacy group and anti-war group Jewish Voice for Peace supported Ms Tabassum.

On Thursday, about 500 demonstrators marched at the USC campus in her support.

USC's ceremony, scheduled for 10 May, will honour a class of 19,000 graduates and is expected to draw 65,000 people to the downtown Los Angeles campus.

Tensions have risen at universities across the US since the war in Gaza began.

Two days ago, more than 100 pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested at Columbia University in New York after its president authorised police to clear an encampment set up by students demonstrating against Israel's actions in Gaza.

Those protests continued for a third successive day yesterday.

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    IJE - 108 Meter (354 foot) Superyacht. One of the most expensive superyachts listed is the IJE Superyacht built in 2019 in Italy. She was built by Benetti and is the ultimately world-cruising family yacht and the longest yacht ever delivered by Benetti. She is the flagship of their custom-built fleet. Length: 108 Meters or 354 feet.

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    The new arrivals in 2024 knock the mighty 436.4-foot Al Mirqab and Koru, Jeff Bezos's sailing yacht, off the list. The "smallest" yacht—Serene—measures a whopping 439.3 feet. A raft of ...

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    Special to USA TODAY. 0:04. 0:55. "This is your yacht, to do with as you please," Captain Rob O'Leary said to guests of the Emerald Sakara, the second luxury superyacht from Emerald Cruises ...

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    Generally, a motorized yacht about 35 feet in length can travel around 200 miles at approximately 25 knots in an 8 hour day. At 35 knots, they can travel close to 300 miles in a day. With enough fuel or fill-ups, you can go on for thousands of miles. With the addition of sails, a yacht can travel even further, but it takes longer.

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    Thanks to TCS World Travel, you can go on a 24-day tour around the world. Flying on a Boeing 757 jet, stops include Rio de Janeiro, the Galápagos Islands, and Rwanda. Couples pay US$194,000 per ...

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    Further to reports we brought you earlier on the meeting between Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh (see post at 3.08pm) we can bring you more on this.