Por cada título comprado contribui com 0,10€ para a preservação ambiental do Estuário do Sado

catamarans setubal


5 Viagens pelo preço de 4 em bilhetes pré comprados para veículos ligeiros

 (+351) 265 235 101

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catamarans setubal


Horário em vigor de 1 janeiro a 31 maio 2024 tempo médio de viagem 25 minutos.


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catamarans setubal

Tarifário em vigor desde 5 Janeiro 2024

Ligeiros de passageiros, mercadorias ou mistos até 3.500 kg (p.b) - Inclui condutor - 20,40€

2 Viagens ligeiros de passageiros, mercadorias ou mistos até 3.500 kg (p.b) - Inclui condutor - 36,70€

5 Viagens ligeiros de passageiros, mercadorias ou mistos até 3.500 kg (p.b) - Inclui condutor - 81,60€

Classe anterior com atrelado de campismo ou desporto, autocaravanas - Inclui condutor - 33,10€

Pesados de mercadorias ou passageiros - Inclui condutor - 33,10€

Pesados com tractor ou semi-reboque - Inclui condutor - 50,80€

Pesados com atrelado - Inclui condutor - 91,20€

Velocípedes com atrelado e ou com motor, motociclos, triciclos, motos 4 - Inclui condutor - 12,20€

Bicicletas 3 - 5,40€

Passageiro dentro do veículo - tarifa 1 viagem - 5,40€

Passageiros dos 0 aos 5 anos - Grátis


Tarifa 1 Viagem - 5,40€

Passe normal para passageiros ( não inclui veículo ) 1 - 96,50€

Passe estudante 2 - 50,10€


1 Válido por 30 dias 2 Exclusivo para estudantes até aos 23 anos, com residência permanente em Troia, freguesias do Carvalhal e Comporta. Válido por 30 dias 3 O ciclista está incluído

Cartão Atlantic Ferries têm um custo de 3,10€ – Para fazer o Cartão o Atlantic Ferries faça o download do Formulário AQUI . Após o preenchimento entregue nas bilheteiras ou no escritório na Doca do Comércio

Tarifas com IVA incluído à taxa legal em vigor.

catamarans setubal


Horário em vigor de 1 janeiro 5 julho 2024 tempo médio de viagem 15 minutos.



Tarifa 1 Viagem - 9,10€

Tarifa 5 Viagens - por passageiro - 41,00€

Tarifa 10 Viagens - por passageiro - 77,40€


Viagem - Grátis

Passe normal 1 - 96,50€

1  Válido por 30 dias 2 Exclusivo para estudantes até aos 23 anos, com residência permanente em Troia, freguesias do Carvalhal e Comporta. Válido por 30 dias



10% Desconto nos ferries em veículos ligeiros de passageiros, mercadorias ou mistos até 3.500 kg (p.b)

20% Desconto nos ferries em veículos ligeiros de passageiros, mercadorias ou mistos até 3.500 kg (p.b)

10% Desconto em 5 Viagens catamaran

15% Desconto em 10 Viagens catamaran


Ao utilizar os serviços da Atlantic Ferries respeite as regras que beneficiarão a qualidade do serviço, a sua segurança e o conforto de todos.

Utilização do Serviço da Atlantic Ferries ➜ A utilização do Serviço da Atlantic Ferries só pode ser feita por quem detém um título de transporte válido, o qual deve ser conservado durante todo o período de utilização. ➜ A Atlantic Ferries não é responsável por quaisquer danos, furtos ou roubos, incluindo nas viaturas transportadas.

Recomendações de Segurança e orientações para uma boa viagem ➜ Depois do embarque, desligue o motor das viaturas e accione o travão de mão; ➜ Respeite sempre as indicações do pessoal operacional da Atlantic Ferries, o qual se encontra devidamente treinado para o efeito.

Em caso de emergência, deve: No Navio ➜ Manter-se calmo e aguardar informações; ➜ Respeitar as indicações do pessoal operacional treinado para o efeito. No terminal ➜ Dirigir-se ao pessoal de serviço; ➜ Manter-se junto a outras pessoas, não se isole; ➜ Manter-se calmo e aguardar informações; ➜ Não gritar, nem correr; ➜ Seguir os caminhos de evacuação e saídas de emergência.

A Atlantic Ferries é uma empresa do grupo Sonae Capital e iniciou a sua atividade em Outubro de 2007, como concessionária do Serviço Público de Transporte Fluvial de Passageiros, Veículos Ligeiros e Pesados e de Mercadorias, entre Setúbal e a Península de Troia.

A Atlantic Ferries é o maior operador em Portugal de transporte de veículos em vias navegáveis interiores por carreira fluvial, transportando anualmente mais de 230 mil veículos.

Com uma frota composta por dois ferries e dois catamarans, realiza anualmente quase 16 mil carreiras num serviço que opera 24h por dia, com uma regularidade anual superior a 99%. Com mais de 14 anos de atividade a Atlantic Ferries já transportou mais de 15 milhões de passageiros e 3,5 milhões de veículos

Ao longo dos últimos dois anos, o nosso serviço de ferries tem um Índice Global de Satisfação 85% numa escala de 0 a 100% (dados recolhidos a bordo através de inquéritos de satisfação da aplicação Happy or Not).

No âmbito da Responsabilidade Social, a Atlantic Ferries orgulha-se de manter activo um programa de que disponibiliza anualmente cerca de mil viagens gratuitas a Instituições de Solidariedade Social dos Concelhos de Setúbal e Grândola, e para iniciativas ambientais.

Ainda em relação a iniciativas ambientais, no âmbito das medidas de compensação pelos impactes da sua actividade, a Atlantic Ferries contribui com 0,10€ por cada título adquirido para a realização de acções de preservação e monitorização no estuário do Sado , já tendo, neste âmbito, entregue mais de 1 milhão de euros de contrapartidas ambientais.

A Atlantic Ferries tem ainda um contributo muito relevante na redução de emissões de CO2 para atmosfera, com uma redução de cerca de 3kg CO2 por cada viatura transportada. O impacte positivo desta redução irá em breve atingir o equivalente ao “respirar” de 1 milhão árvores.

Em Julho de 2018, a Atlantic Ferries concluiu o processo de Certificação do Sistema de Gestão Integrado em Ambiente, Qualidade, Saúde e Segurança de acordo com as normas ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015 e OHSAS 18001:2007. Este foi um processo que envolveu e exigiu da organização o compromisso de todos aqueles que diariamente trabalham com o objectivo de servir os nossos Clientes e contribuirá para continuarmos a assegurar a prestação de um serviço de qualidade, em segurança e em respeito pelas condições naturais de uma envolvente única.

catamarans setubal

A nossa frota

Frota Ferries


  • Lotação por embarcação 500 passageiros + 50 viaturas ligeiras(varia consoante o tamanho e tipo de veículo)
  • Arqueação bruta 949 ton
  • Arqueação líquida 248 ton
  • Comprimento fora a fora 70 m
  • Pontal 4,5 m
  • Calado 2,8 m
  • Casco e superestrutura Aço
  • Motores Caterpillar 2 x 820 Kw (940 HP) @ 1800 rpm
  • Propulsores Schottel 2 hélices azimutais: um a vante e outro a ré
  • Velocidade de serviço 12 nós

Frota Catamarans


  • Lotação por embarcação 350 passageiros
  • Arqueação bruta 453 ton
  • Arqueação líquida 136 ton
  • Comprimento fora a fora 40,1 m
  • Boca 10,4 m
  • Pontal 3,1 m
  • Calado 1,74 m
  • Superestrutura Poliester reforçado com fibra de vidro
  • Motores Caterpillar 2 x 354 Kw (475 HP) @ 1800 rpm
  • Propulsores Schottel 2 hélices azimutais à ré

É possível alugar uma das embarcações da Atlantic Ferries em exclusivo. Para saber condições comerciais envie email para [email protected]


➜ 1.Qual o período de funcionamento da Atlantic Ferries? ➜ 2.Onde se localizam os terminais de embarque? ➜ 3.Qual a lotação das embarcações? ➜ 4.Onde devo validar o meu título? ➜ 5.Quais as formas de pagamento para adquirir um título de viagem? ➜ 6.Qual é o horário das bilheteiras? ➜ 7.Existe Via Verde na Atlantic Ferries? ➜ 8.Há condições preferenciais para clientes regulares? ➜ 9.O condutor do veículo precisa de adquirir título? ➜ 10.Onde é feito o acesso de passageiros apeados no ferry? ➜ 11.Existem condições especiais para grupos e escolas? ➜ 12.É possível a reserva prévia de lugares nas embarcações? ➜ 13.É possível o transporte de animais domésticos? ➜ 14.Qual o peso máximo permitido no ferry para veículos pesados? ➜ 15.Existe ligação entre a Atlantic Ferries e outros transportes públicos? ➜ 16.Posso utilizar o passe Navegante na Atlantic Ferries? ➜ 17.Posso viajar de Bicicleta na Atlantic Ferries?

➜ 18.É possível alugar uma das embarcações da Atlantic Ferries em exclusivo?

1.Qual o período de funcionamento da Atlantic Ferries? A Atlantic Ferries disponibiliza o serviço de travessia do rio Sado todos os dias, incluindo fins de semana, feriados e dias festivos como Natal e Ano Novo. Os catamarans funcionam 24/h dia e os ferries funcionam com horários ajustados à época do ano. Poderá consultar em permanência os horários em . O escritório da Atlantic Ferries funciona das 9:00 às 13:00 e das 15:00 às 18:00, de segunda a sexta-feira. Para qualquer informação poderá contactar-nos através do email [email protected]

2.Onde se localizam os terminais de embarque? Os terminais do Ferry localizam-se na Avenida Jaime Rebelo (Doca do Comércio), em Setúbal e no Cais Sul em Troia (junto à urbanização de Soltroia). Os terminais do Catamaran localizam-se na Rua Teotónio Banha em Setúbal e junto à Marina de Troia.

3.Qual a lotação das embarcações? Os ferries têm uma lotação máxima de segurança de 500 passageiros e aproximadamente 50 viaturas (dependente da dimensão) e os catamarans de 350 passageiros.

4.Onde devo validar o meu título? Nos catamarans a validação dos títulos é efetuada nos torniquetes instalados no terminal em Setúbal. O percurso Troia-Setúbal é gratuito, não sendo necessária qualquer validação (os torniquetes existentes neste terminal apenas registam a passagem de passageiros para garantir a lotação máxima de segurança). No ferry, os títulos de transporte em viaturas são validados pelos colaboradores da Atlantic Ferries no terminal ou à entrada da embarcação. Para os para passageiros apeados, a validação em Setúbal é efetuada nos torniquetes instalados na gare do terminal e em Troia à entrada da embarcação, por um colaborador. Todos os passageiros deverão conservar o título desde a entrada nos limites do terminal até ao momento em que ultrapassa os canais de saída do outro terminal.

5.Quais as formas de pagamento para adquirir um titulo de viagem? A venda de títulos é efetuada nas bilheteiras automáticas e manuais localizadas nos terminais de embarque da Atlantic Ferries. O pagamento poderá ser efetuado em dinheiro ou cartões bancários.

6.Qual é o horário das bilheteiras? As bilheteiras tem os seguintes horários: – Bilheteira Catamaran em Setúbal 24 horas todos os dias

– Bilheteira Ferry em Setúbal PASSAGEIROS 1 JAN – 2 JUN & 19 SET – 30 SET | 7:00 – 22:00 1 OUT – 31 DEZ | 7:00 – 14:30 com assistência de colaborador, restante horário disponível através das máquinas automáticas 3 JUN – 23 JUN | Segunda a Quinta-Feira – 7:00 – 22:00 // Sexta-Feira, Feriados e Fins de Semana – 7:00 – 00:20 24 JUN – 18 SET | Segunda a Quinta-Feira – 7:00 – 23:10 // Sexta-Feira, Feriados e Fins de Semana – 7:00 – 00:20

VIATURAS 1 JAN – 2 JUN & 19 SET – 31 DEZ | 7:00 – 22:00 3 JUN – 23 JUN | Segunda a Quinta-Feira – 7:00 – 22:00 // Sexta-Feira, Feriados e Fins de Semana – 7:00 – 00:20 24 JUN – 18 SET | Segunda a Quinta-Feira – 7:00 – 23:10 // Sexta-Feira, Feriados e Fins de Semana – 7:00 – 00:20

– Bilheteira Ferry em Troia 1 JAN – 2 JUN & 19 SET – 31 DEZ | 12:00 – 19:00 com assistência de colaborador, restante horário disponível através das máquinas automáticas 3 JUN – 23 JUN | Segunda a Quinta-Feira – 7:45 – 22:40 // Sexta-Feira, Feriados e Fins de Semana – 7:45 – 00:55 24 JUN – 18 SET | Segunda a Quinta-Feira – 7:45 – 23:45 // Sexta-Feira, Feriados e Fins de Semana – 7:45 – 00:55

7.Existe Via Verde na Atlantic Ferries? Sim, a Atlantic Ferries disponibiliza esse meio de pagamento aos seus utilizadores de viaturas. Basta que, na máquina de Venda Automática seleccione a classe da sua viatura, a quantidade de viagens e o número passageiros (exceto o condutor). No final, seleccione a opção de pagamento “ Via Verde”. Deverá conservar o bilhete gerado para posterior validação.

8.Há condições preferenciais para clientes regulares? Sim, a Atlantic Ferries tem previstas soluções com vantagens para passageiros frequentes, tanto apeados, como em veículos, nomeadamente passes mensais para passageiros e estudantes, títulos pré-pagos com 10 e 5 viagens para passageiros nos catamarans e títulos pré-pagos com 2 e 5 viagens para veículos.

9.O condutor do veículo precisa de adquirir título? Não, o título do veículo inclui o seu condutor. Os títulos para os restantes passageiros terão de ser adquiridos à parte.

10.Onde é feito o acesso de passageiros apeados no ferry? O acesso é feito pelo interior da gare, em Setúbal. Em Troia o acesso de veículos e passageiros é feito através da mesma via, devendo os passageiros circular nos passeios e locais indicados.

11.Existem condições especiais para grupos e escolas? Sim, para mais informações contacte-nos através do (+351) 265 235 101 ou para o email [email protected]

12.É possível a reserva prévia de lugares nas embarcações? Não. No entanto, a Atlantic Ferries disponibiliza as suas embarcações em regime de aluguer exclusivo. Para mais informações, por favor contactar-nos através do mail [email protected] ou do número (+351) 265 235 101.

13.É possível o transporte de animais domésticos? Sim, é permitido aos Passageiros transportar, gratuitamente, animais de companhia, que não ofereçam perigosidade, desde que o façam no interior de viaturas ou devidamente encerrados em contentor apropriado que possa ser transportado como bagagem de mão.

14.Qual o peso máximo permitido no ferry para veículos pesados? O peso máximo de um veículo pesado é de 26 toneladas e a altura máxima permitida é de 4,20 m.

15.Existe ligação entre a Atlantic Ferries e outros transportes públicos? Sim. Em Troia, existe uma paragem de autocarro que faz a ligação a Grândola, sede do concelho. Poderá consultar os horários em Rodoviária do Alentejo Em Setúbal, o cais da Atlantic Ferries encontra-se a uma distância de cerca de 10 minutos a pé do terminal rodoviária e a cerca de 15 minutos a pé da estação de comboios da Fertagus.

16.Posso utilizar o Passe Navegante na Atlantic Ferries? Não. O passe Navegante não é válido na Atlantic Ferries

17.Posso viajar de Bicicleta na Atlantic Ferries? Sim, na ATLANTIC FERRIES é permitida a viagem em bicicleta, mas somente no FERRIES

18.É possível alugar uma das embarcações da Atlantic Ferries em exclusivo? Sim. Para saber condições comerciais envie email para [email protected]

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Boat & Catamaran charter in Setúbal  - Yacht Rental

Boat & Catamaran charter in Setúbal - Yacht Rental

Setúbal yacht rental.

Setúbal, located in southern Portugal, is a captivating coastal city that stands as a gateway to some of Europe’s most enchanting sailing experiences. Yachting.Rent offers the opportunity to explore the beauty, culture, and excitement of Setúbal and the surrounding areas through bespoke yacht rental services tailored to the desires and expectations of each guest.

The natural splendor of Setúbal’s maritime landscapes is nothing short of breathtaking. From the tranquil waters of the Sado Estuary, home to a resident community of dolphins, to the rugged beauty of the Arrábida Natural Park, there’s an abundance of scenery to be explored. Setúbal’s location also makes it an ideal starting point for ventures into the open Atlantic or visits to nearby destinations like Troia Peninsula and Sesimbra.

Yachting.Rent’s fleet boasts an extensive range of yachts, each equipped with modern amenities, ensuring comfort and luxury. Whether seeking a romantic sunset cruise, an adventurous sailing expedition, or a relaxing family holiday, Yachting.Rent can provide the perfect vessel. The company’s experienced and knowledgeable crew is dedicated to creating an unforgettable sailing experience, paying attention to every detail, from safety measures to culinary delights.

Fishing enthusiasts will find Setúbal’s waters rich in marine life, providing exciting opportunities for deep-sea fishing. Guided by Yachting.Rent’s expert fishing crew, anglers can enjoy a thrilling hunt for species like tuna, swordfish, and sea bream. The culinary experiences don’t end with the catch, as the region is renowned for its seafood gastronomy, including dishes like cuttlefish and choco frito.

Setúbal’s nautical heritage and vibrant culture add another layer to the sailing experience. The city itself offers historical sites, museums, bustling markets, and lively festivals that paint a vivid picture of the region’s rich past and present. Those looking to combine sailing with onshore exploration will find Yachting.Rent’s customizable itineraries and shore excursions the perfect way to immerse themselves in local life.

Environmental responsibility is at the core of Yachting.Rent’s ethos. By adhering to eco-friendly practices, the company ensures that guests can enjoy the natural beauty of Setúbal without leaving a negative impact. This commitment to sustainability extends from onboard recycling and waste management to educating guests about the local ecosystems.

Yachting.Rent also offers tailored packages for corporate events, team-building activities, and special occasions like weddings and anniversaries. The flexibility and variety of options ensure that each experience is unique and memorable, aligning with the vision and preferences of the clients.

Setúbal’s allure as a sailing destination is undeniable, with its blend of natural wonders, cultural richness, and recreational opportunities. With Yachting.Rent’s unparalleled service, state-of-the-art vessels, and dedication to creating personalized experiences, the dream of sailing in Setúbal becomes a reality. Whether it’s a short pleasure cruise, a week-long exploration, or anything in between, Yachting.Rent stands ready to elevate the sailing experience in Setúbal to new heights of luxury, adventure, and enjoyment.

Daniel Goldman

CEO of Yachting.Rent

Boat & Catamaran charter in Setúbal

Bali 4.4 - 3 + 1 cab. - Apollo - 2022

Bali 4.5 – 4 + 2 cab. – Adria Chicha – 2017

Lagoon 450 F - 4 + 2 cab. - Shiva - 2018

Lagoon 450 F – 4 + 2 cab. – Shiva – 2018

Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. - Eleni - 2023.

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 2 cab. – Hanselli – 2024

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 1 cab. – pirelli – 2024.

Saxdor 320 GTO - Kali - 2022

Saxdor 320 GTC – Olivia – 2022

Saxdor 320 gto – kali – 2022.

catamarans setubal

Why Choose Us

Yacht charter in Setúbal

Venture into the alluring waters of Setúbal, Portugal, with Yachting.Rent and discover a world of thrilling adventures, picturesque views, and unforgettable moments. Offering an unrivaled yacht charter service in Setúbal, we’re committed to helping you curate the sailing expedition of a lifetime.

Unfurl the sails and navigate through the sparkling blue waters, where dolphins playfully swim in the waves, and breathtaking landscapes dot the shoreline. Our fleet of modern, high-quality yachts offers a variety of options to suit all needs. From sleek monohulls perfect for the classic sailing enthusiast, to spacious and stable catamarans that can host a family or group getaway, we’ve got the vessel for your dream voyage.

Our service goes beyond just providing a boat. From the moment you express interest in chartering a yacht with us, we work diligently to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience. Our team will guide you through selecting the ideal vessel for your needs, acquaint you with the yacht’s features and operations, and ensure you’re comfortable with safety protocols before you embark.

The marvels of Setúbal are plentiful. Anchor in the calm waters of Portinho da Arrábida, a sheltered bay with turquoise waters, perfect for swimming and snorkeling. Sail to the Sado Estuary Natural Reserve, home to one of the few resident dolphin populations in Europe, and observe these playful creatures in their natural habitat. Visit the numerous quaint seaside towns, brimming with culture, history, and delicious Portuguese cuisine, perfect for onshore exploration.

When you charter a yacht with Yachting.Rent, the freedom to explore these captivating locations and more is yours. We also offer customizable itineraries, allowing you to tailor your journey to your preferences, whether that involves a tranquil day of sailing and sunbathing, an adventurous exploration of hidden caves and coves, or a foodie tour of local seaside eateries.

At Yachting.Rent, we strive to provide an exemplary service that combines quality, safety, and a personal touch. We look forward to welcoming you aboard and guiding you on an unforgettable journey through the breathtaking waters of Setúbal. Start planning your dream sailing adventure with Yachting.Rent today.

Satisfield Clients

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Featured Boats & Catamarans in Setúbal

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Boat type Sailboat Catamaran Motorboat Power catamaran Gulet

About Setúbal

Why is Setúbal a good sailing destination?

Setúbal, renowned for its captivating coastal beauty, offers some of the most enchanting sailing experiences in southern Portugal, and Yachting.Rent is here to make your sailing dream come true. The city’s location by the Sado Estuary and the Arrábida Natural Park provides a stunning backdrop for any sailing adventure, with lush landscapes, calm waters, and hidden coves.

Yachting.Rent offers you a chance to sail through Setúbal’s rich marine life, including a resident community of dolphins often spotted playing in the estuary. Fishing enthusiasts can explore the deep-sea fishing opportunities, while food lovers can indulge in the region’s famous seafood gastronomy.

Setúbal’s climate adds to its appeal as a sailing destination, with pleasant temperatures and steady winds providing ideal conditions for both novice and experienced sailors. The vicinity to other attractive destinations like Troia Peninsula and Sesimbra adds to the charm, allowing for diverse itineraries and extended explorations.

With a strong commitment to environmental responsibility, Yachting.Rent ensures that your sailing experience aligns with sustainable practices. You can enjoy the breathtaking natural beauty of Setúbal without leaving a negative impact on the environment.

Cultural richness is another highlight of Setúbal, with historical sites, lively festivals, and bustling markets offering opportunities for onshore exploration. You can combine sailing with discovering the local life, tradition, and heritage.

Yachting.Rent’s fleet caters to all needs and preferences, from luxury yachts for a romantic sunset cruise to family-friendly vessels for a relaxing holiday. Expert crew members, customizable itineraries, and attention to every detail set Yachting.Rent apart, promising an unforgettable sailing experience.

Setúbal’s allure is undeniable, and Yachting.Rent is your gateway to explore all that this incredible sailing destination has to offer. From the natural wonders to the cultural richness, from adventurous expeditions to tranquil cruises, Setúbal awaits to captivate your senses and create memories that will last a lifetime with Yachting.Rent.

catamarans setubal


catamarans setubal

What Choose

Sailing boat or Catamaran, what to sail in Setúbal

In Setúbal, Portugal, a captivating maritime paradise awaits your discovery and Yachting.Rent provides you with the means to explore it – the choice between a sailing boat or a catamaran.

Sailing boats are known for their grace and agility on the water, offering a purist’s sailing experience. When chartering a sailing yacht with Yachting.Rent in Setúbal, you are embarking on a classic seafaring adventure. These boats are perfect for those who wish to engage with the sailing process, feeling the pull of the sails and relishing the thrill of tilting with the wind. The size and design of sailing yachts also make them ideal for accessing smaller, secluded coves or hidden beaches around the coast of Setúbal, adding an adventurous spirit to your voyage.

On the other hand, a catamaran offers unrivalled stability, space, and comfort. With their dual-hull construction, catamarans provide a smoother and more stable journey, reducing the risk of sea-sickness. They also offer spacious decks and interior living areas, perfect for larger groups or families who wish for more comfort and amenities onboard. If your voyage is set to be more about relaxation and leisure, a catamaran could be the perfect choice for you. They also offer excellent opportunities for onboard entertainment, sunbathing, and even onboard barbeques.

Both vessel types come fully equipped with safety and navigation equipment and can be chartered with or without a skipper, depending on your sailing expertise. Our professional team will always be on hand to provide pre-sailing briefings and local insights about the best sailing routes and destinations in Setúbal.

Whether you’re a thrill-seeker desiring a hands-on sailing experience with a sailing boat or a leisure lover seeking comfort and relaxation on a catamaran, Yachting.Rent can cater to your needs. Let us guide you in making the best choice for your unforgettable sailing adventure in Setúbal.

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Sailing the Algarve Coast: Exploring Portugal's Stunning Southern Shores


The Charm of Lisbon by Boat: Cruising the Tagus River and Beyond


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Ground Floor 8-9 Marino Mart Fairview Clontarf, D03 X589 Dublin, Ireland

(+1) 786 673 6820

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In addition to the best offers we have for boat and yacht charters in Setúbal Municipality, Portugal, see also options available for rent in these nearby locations:

  • 96 boat rentals in Setúbal, União das freguesias de Setúbal (São Julião, Nossa Senhora da Anunciada e Santa Maria da Graça), Portugal
  • 96 boat rentals in Carvalhal, Portugal
  • 96 boat rentals in Tróia Peninsula, Outão, Portugal
  • 96 boat rentals in Palmela, Portugal
  • 96 boat rentals in Outão, Setúbal, Portugal
  • 96 boat rentals in Portugal
  • 96 boat rentals in Sol Tróia, Grândola, Portugal
  • 96 boat rentals in Portinho da Arrábida, Portugal
  • 79 boat rentals in Comporta, Portugal
  • 96 boat rentals in Sesimbra, Portugal

Setúbal, Portugal - a boating playground for you to enjoy with Sailo

Setúbal, portugal is perfect for renting a catamaran, learn how to find the right boat for great yachting experiences, how much does it cost to rent a setúbal, portugal boat for a day, do i need a licence to rent a yacht on sailo, because we love the ocean.

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Catamaran Sailing & Relaxing in Setúbal

catamarans setubal

  • Coffee and/or Tea
  • A generous glass of wine & a delicious muscatel of the region Setúbal
  • Healthy & Salty snacks to accompany your drinks
  • Restroom on board
  • Palmayachts - Embarque Setúbal, Doca Pesca, Setúbal, Portugal In Setúbal you can park free at ´Rua do Clube Naval´ under the palm trees. Then walk to the waterfront, turn right to the pontoon and enter the white gate. There will find the Green Dolphin. Coordinates on Google Maps: 38.519940, - 8.896419 Please try to arrive 15 before departure.
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Near public transportation
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Most travellers can participate
  • If you have any disabilities please ask if sailing is suitable for you.
  • Green Dolphin has been certified as a “Clean & Safe” establishment. Turismo de Portugal has created the "Clean & Safe" certification to distinguish tourist activities which are compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of COVID-19 and other possible infections, thus reinforcing the tourist's confidence in the safety of the destination. ​ It requires the implementation of an internal protocol for companies that, according to the recommendations of the Department of Health, ensures the necessary hygiene measures are in place to avoid risks of contagion and a guarantee of safe procedures for the operation of tourist activities.
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s cancelled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund
  • This experience requires a minimum number of travellers. If it’s cancelled because the minimum isn’t met, you’ll be offered a different date/experience or a full refund
  • This tour/activity will have a maximum of 16 travellers
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.

Similar experiences

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  • bck123 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Fun sailing trip for the family We had a beautiful afternoon at sea, Carmo and Peter took very good care of us. This is the perfect afternoon excursion for families with children and friends. We were lucky and saw so many dolphins, it was incredible. Carmo spoilt us with drinks and snacks and took many pictures. We highly recommend booking the green dolphin for an anfternoon. Read more Written 2 November 2021
  • JMB265 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Amazing experience. One must go Dolphin watching when visiting Setúbal, on a good day it is an experience not to be missed. These beautiful creatures sometimes with babies swim alongside the catamaran making it such a joy to appreciate nature at its best. Read more Written 26 June 2020
  • Ben M 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Ben Mason What can I say apart from WOW !! What amazing day we all had . Carmo and Peter are the perfect hosts . Great fun had by all on the boat . The dolphins were an emotional event for me as I’ve waited 44 years to see some 💕. My son George is 21 and my daughter India is 11 and they both loved it . We also met new friends too 💕❤️ Thank you both for a great day Read more Written 28 August 2019

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Catamaran Sailing & Relaxing in Setúbal provided by Green Dolphin Sailing

Atlantic Ferries

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Amantha M

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catamarans setubal


Tour details.

Exclusive catamaran trip, a luxury boat just for you and your family and/or friends. Discover one of the most beautiful bays in the world, with a local guide, pass by Arrábida, Troia and Setubal. We stop so you can dive and use the stand up paddle boards.

Enjoy this spacious catamaran, with different seating areas. Sail with the wind and feel the nature!

You can perform various types of events: – Bachelorette parties – Birthday parties – Meals on board – Sunset parties – Surprise parties

Or just enjoy it and relax. All experiences are customizable, to make the moment unique and unforgettable.


Tour prices.

Catamaran Lux Tour


Pickup Date

Extras —Please choose an option— Meal on Board Wine tasting Stand up paddle Massage on board Fishing Dance workshop Photographer

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Logo Município de Setubal

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And dolphins make us happy. Find out more about our cookies policy here .

Awesome cruising catamaran rentals in Setubal, Portugal.

20 listings.

Foutaine Pajot Highland 35 for luxury charter in Lisboa, Portugal

Foutaine Pajot Highland 35 for luxury charter in Lisboa, Portugal

Venus Cruising Catamaran charter in Lisboa

Venus Cruising Catamaran charter in Lisboa

“Scarlett” Casamance 42 Fountaine Pajot Cruising Catamaran in Lisboa, Portugal

“Scarlett” Casamance 42 Fountaine Pajot Cruising Catamaran in Lisboa, Portugal

Lagoon Catamaran Attraversiamo in Lisbon, Portugal

Lagoon Catamaran Attraversiamo in Lisbon, Portugal

Luxury Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Isla 40

Luxury Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Isla 40

2 Foutaine Pajot Higland 35 Catamarans. Double the Party!

2 Foutaine Pajot Higland 35 Catamarans. Double the Party!

Fountaine Pajot Highland 35 Catamaran Wonderful Experience

Fountaine Pajot Highland 35 Catamaran Wonderful Experience

New Catamaran Lagoon 450F for rent in Lisboa, Portugal

New Catamaran Lagoon 450F for rent in Lisboa, Portugal

Sailing Catamaran in Private for 18 Guests in Lisbon

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Cruising Catamaran rental in Lisboa or Cascais

“Vertigo Blue” Catamaran Open - 50 Cruising Catamaran Rental in Lisboa, Portugal

“Vertigo Blue” Catamaran Open - 50 Cruising Catamaran Rental in Lisboa, Portugal

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Luxury 45' Lagoon Catamaran Rental in Lisbon, Portugal

2012 Lagoon 450 Luxury Catamaran rental in Lisboa

2012 Lagoon 450 Luxury Catamaran rental in Lisboa

Charter the 46' Leopard Sailing Catamaran in Lisbon or Cascais

Charter the 46' Leopard Sailing Catamaran in Lisbon or Cascais

Sailing Yacht Charter for up to 18 People in Setúbal

Sailing Yacht Charter for up to 18 People in Setúbal

Nautitech 40 Sailing Catamaran for Charter

Nautitech 40 Sailing Catamaran for Charter

Sail in Lisbon and See our Monuments! Book the Lagoon 380 S2 Cruising Catamaran

Sail in Lisbon and See our Monuments! Book the Lagoon 380 S2 Cruising Catamaran

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Setúbal Municipality

Cruising Catamaran Reviews in Setubal

We had the best day with Pedro! Was fortunate that he had an opening and could take us last minute with very short notice and still make the experience amazing. He was kind, great sailor and adjusted the trip for our likening. Recommend everyone who’s considering!!


We had such an amazing time with Pedro. The views were so beautiful and it’s a great experience with a small group. He took us to see the lighthouse and told us about parts of Lisbon as we sailed by. Water was amazing and we stopped for swimming. Pedro was a great host and a ton of fun. Bringing a beach blanket to lay on the net on the front of the boat made it more comfortable and that way nothing falls through the holes !

October, 2022

Our team really appreciated the boat ride. Not only was the staff very nice and communicative, they also selected a really good route. We were able to take a swim and later see Lisbon at night. We ordered the BBQ service and the food provided was more than we expected. Really recommend it!

August, 2022

we had a group of 11 and we LOVED THIS BOAT. the staff were all friendly and professional. there was a nice little cafe where we docked where we were able to enjoy a great cup of coffee before we boarded. upon boarding we found a nice, clean boat, with plenty of room to space out, chill, nap and do a little dancing! the bbq was awesome and the wine and beer and soda were great. i would 100% book this tour againand reccomend to anyone visiting the area. we passed some great sites and got to jump in the water for a swim. loved it! thank you!

Pedro was a wonderful captain, had Dramamine at the ready for passengers who needed it, very friendly and flexible to create the itinerary you wanted day of depending on winds and weather, and his boat was comfortable and perfect. Highly recommend!

We had a very nice half day cruise with Pedro along the coastline of Lisbon. The food was really nice and the swimming stop refreshing. I would cruise with Pedro again any time and felt save throughout the trip!

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Catamarans time change

From the 5th of September, the new timetable for Atlantic Ferries catamarans will come into effect.

This timetable will remain in effect until December 31, 2022.

Check the new hours IN THIS LINK

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Charter a boat in Setubal

  • Yacht charter
  • Rent a boat in Portugal

Charter Motorboat Sacs Marine S590 Setubal

Sacs  (2002)

From €345 per day.

Charter Motorboat Saver 580 Open Setubal

Rent a motorboat in Setúbal  (2004)

From €310 per day.

Charter Sailboat mallorquine mallorquine Setubal

Passeio em Mallorquin  (1982)

From €850 per day.

Charter Sailboat Dufour Dufour 360 GL Setubal

Sailboat Dufour Dufour 360 GL 10.00m  (2019)

From €580 per day.

Charter Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Tahiti 75 Setubal

Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Tahiti 75 22.80m  (2001)

From €4,200 per day.

Charter Catamaran Jeanneau Lagoon 44 Setubal

Lagoon 44 in Setubal, Arrabida, Troia  (2010)

From €1,977 per day.

Charter Motorboat KELT azura Setubal

Kelt Azura easy ride  (2004)

From €240 per day.

Charter Motorboat Selva Marine 570 Setubal

Selva marine 570  (2015)

From €320 per day.

Charter Sailboat Jeanneau Attalia Setubal

Passeio - Jeanneau Attalia em Setubal  (1984)

From €594 per day.

Charter Catamaran Fountaine Pajot 46 Setubal

Catamaran Fountaine Pajot 46 14.00m  (2017)

From €1,320 per day.

Charter Motorboat Beneteau Flyer 8.8 Spacedeck Setubal

Motorboat Beneteau Flyer 8.8 Spacedeck 350hp  (2019)

From €700 per day.

Charter Motorboat RAND PLAY 24 Setubal

RAND Play 24  (2021)

From €985 per day.

Charter Motorboat 2019 5.30 Open Setubal

Boat up to 8 people  (2019)

From €335 per day.

Charter Motorboat Bwa 6.5 Setubal

Rib Boat Up to 12  (2006)

From €380 per day.

Charter Motorboat Chaparral Mercruis Setubal

Motorboat Chaparral Mercruis 265hp  (2005)

From €900 per day.

Charter Motorboat Jeanneau Cap Camarat 5.15 Setubal

Motorboat Jeanneau Cap Camarat 5.15 75hp  (2001)

From €300 per day.

Charter Motorboat Chaparral 257 Ssx Setubal

Chaparral 257 SSX  (2013)

From €1,166 per day.

Charter Motorboat RAND Mana 23 Setubal

RAND Mana 23  (2022)

From €515 per day, setúbal: from sardine fishing to meeting dolphins..

For those looking for Portugal's historical tourism, getting to know the monuments, tram rides and other typical activities, Lisbon and Sintra probably cater well. But for those seeking more original, and surprising tourism, at a minimum distance from the capital, there is Setúbal, a paradise of beaches, nature and also, culture.

A picturesque and authentic town, located between the sea, the river and the mountains, Setúbal holds many corners of absolutely untouched nature and does not disappoint if your thing is to discover new places, relax by the beach, and of course, take a beautiful boat trip, from the Troia Peninsula to Sesimbra.

Setúbal is, in its origin, a fishing village and the third port of Portugal. Thus, the town is known for its marine fauna and sardine fishing: you can catch or try them in the harbour!

During your sailing, dolphins will accompany your boat: the bay is home to a large population of these animals.

On land, Setúbal is rich in cultural heritage. There you will find the Church of Jesus de Setúbal, one of the first in the Manueline style. Inside is the city museum.  Don't miss also the market on Avenida Luísa Todi to stock up on the region's delicious specialties.

Adventure to discover a place off the traditional tourist route, innovate on your holiday with a boat rental in Setúbal and create unforgettable memories!

Click&Boat's other favourite destinations for boat rental in Portugal:

  • Boat Rental Portugal
  • Boat Rental Faro
  • Boat Rental Lagos
  • Boat Rental Lisbon

So, what to know on your boat trip around Setúbal?

  • Figueirinha beach is one of those that makes you wonder why you've never heard of it. Crystal clear, clean blue waters, large strip of soft white sand and an endless view of the horizon. This beach is part of the Arrábida Natural Park, and is therefore a more secluded, quiet and protected place, ideal for families with children or those seeking quiet.
  • The Meco Beach, in the town of Sesimbra, is another one that deserves attention. Its large, soft strip of sand makes it ideal for families, but its rough sea and strong winds speak louder for lovers of surfing, windsurfing and other water sports. Remember to bring your board when you come aboard!
  • Pego Beach is a favourite of those passing through Portugal, with its wide sandy beach and calm sea, perfect for taking the kids and spending a day relaxing in the sun. Don't forget the sunscreen!
  • Also in the Arrábida Natural Park, Galapinhos Beach (and nearby Praia dos Coelhos) is probably the most famous in the region. A cove of crystal clear waters surrounded by the park's vegetation, this beach is usually quieter due to its difficult access, but for those who go by boat, this is not a problem. Enjoy your day at Galapinhos Beach in all the privacy that a private boat rental can bring you!
  • Troia Beach, located on the Troia Peninsula (from there we already see that it is best accessed by boat), is one of those idyllic places we usually imagine when we think of beach holidays. A secluded corner in the middle of Setúbal bay, isolated but close to everything, with calm waters and golden sand, calm and simple. No hustle and bustle or parties, this is the place to escape from the world without having to go too far. And to make the view even better, dolphins may appear to keep you company!
  • The Comporta Beach, south of the Troia Peninsula, is within the Sado Estuary Nature Reserve, and is also a place much sought after by locals, since the preservation of its natural resources and tranquility of the beach. Its intense blue sea has good waves and lots of wind, which makes it a favourite of those who want to practice surfing and other water sports, without giving up the day with the family!

The best part of a private boat hire is that you don't have to follow pre-arranged itineraries. With the help of our list above, choose some of the places that impress you most in Setubal, I make your itinerary and climb aboard!

What types of boat is it possible to hire in Setúbal?

At Click&Boat you can find all types of boat for an unforgettable tour with family or friends!

  • If you are looking for adventure and excitement, a motorboat or RIB rental may be the best option. These are small, compact and fast boats, perfect for touring the beaches of the bay, practicing water sports like wakeboarding, water-skiing, diving and much more! These smaller boats allow you to reach hard-to-reach places or shallow waters, and are especially ideal for quick trips, of just a day or two!
  • A sailboat is the right choice for those looking to sail in total freedom! Study the winds and the sea, feel the breeze on your face and the movement of the waves first hand! A sailboat rental is the most authentic way to sail, there's no way to regret it!
  • Reserve a catamaran if your plans are for a family holiday! A catamaran rental offers you all the comfort and space of home, fun and leisure for the whole family and much more! The catamaran is a multihull sailing boat, which means that its weight and space is distributed between the two hulls, which makes it even more spacious, light and stable!
  • Rental a yacht if your dream is a luxurious trip along the Portuguese coast! A yacht represents sailing in high luxury, entitled not only to space and comfort, but also a new kind of experience: absolutely worry-free holidays! Let the captain and crew take care of everything, and enjoy the trip!

How to rent a boat with Click&Boat?

Ready to get to know the Setubal bay in an unforgettable way? Click&Boat offers a huge variety of boats to fulfill all your travel dreams!

Use the filters in our search tool to find the ideal boat. Choose the boat type, size, capacity, price, arrival and departure dates and much more! Have you found the boat of your dreams? Book now!

Use our internal message box to contact the owner directly and get all your questions answered regarding the boat, the service or the destination. And also settle all the details of your booking before you climb on board.

Good to know

Frequently asked questions about setubal, how much does it cost to rent a boat in setubal for a day.

The average cost of renting a boat in Setubal is around €650 per day. Various factors can influence the cost of a boat charter, such as the season, the year the boat was built, and the equipment. The prices can vary between €195 and €6,300 per day.

How much does a skipper cost per day in Setubal?

The price of a skipper varies depending on the destination and the owner of the boat. In Setubal, you can expect to pay an average of €147 per day for a skipper.

What are the most popular boat manufacturers in Setubal?

The most popular boat manufacturers in Setubal are Bali and Jeanneau.

Can I add equipment like snorkel gear, SUP boards or a wakeboard to my boat rental in Setubal?

Many owners offer various extras that you can add to your booking in Setubal. This can be for example Bathing, Sounder or GPS.

Can you rent a boat in Setubal without a license?

In Setubal there are 2 boats that you can rent without a license. You can also rent many boats with a skipper.

Charter a boat near Setubal

In Setubal, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.

Dolphin Watching

By Marine Biologists

2x Underwater Chambers

+Ecological -Noise

95% Sucess Or A New Trip

Dolphin Watching in Setúbal Bay

Embark for the most complete sea experience to see the Dolphins in Setúbal.

ADULT: 35€ CHILD: 20€ (4 -12 years old) BABIES: Free (up to 3 years old)

Welcome Drink & Briefing

Reception with a "Welcome Drink" and a briefing about the tour, introducing the crew and safety rules on board.

Guided by Marine Biologists

The tour is guided by enthusiastic and expert marine biologists, who will help you to understand the dolphins' behaviors and identify them by their unique dorsal fin.

Responsible Dolphin Watching

Thanks to the resident bottlenose dolphins population and our experienced crew, dolphins are spotted on over 95% of tours! If you do not see dolphins, you can come again for free. Our team gives you a maximum level of assurance that your dolphin sighting has minimal impact on the animals. In the presence of dolphins it is essential to fully respect international recommendations and rules of the local code of conduct, in order to minimize disturbance. Silence on board is requested and the maximum duration of observations is 30 min.

Submarine Vision

Two underwater viewing rooms are accessible throughout the trip. After seeing the dolphins, we look for areas of adequate depth and visibility that allow us to see the seabed.

monuments and places

Passage by historic monuments and other points of interest, allowing visitors to experience spectacular panoramic views of the bay and the shoreline of Tróia and Arrábida, with a brief overview about the main points.

brief Anchorage break

Anchorage break where you can swim, jump from the boat, or take your underwater photos from our submarine vision (Activity subject to weather conditions).

Read more on FAQs

To Book by phone

or ask about other schedules

boarding location

Av. José Mourinho, Cais 1 – Setúbal

Public parking at 30 meters from the departure point


Set Sail: 10H or 14H30

and Do not Forget:

Daniel F

Frequently Asked Questions

Still Have Questions?

Read our Frequently Asked Questions or

let us know

Do we always see dolphins? What is tour success rate?

Our success rate is very high (about 95% of our tours) as the dolphin population lives in Setubal Bay permanently. Anyway, there are a few days when dolphins are not seen by any vessel.

What if I can't see dolphins on my tour?

If your tour is one of the rare days when dolphin spotting is not possible, you will receive a free voucher to reschedule a new date. Dolphin Bay guarantees in this way that by purchasing a ticket you will definitely see dolphins.

Is it possible to swim with dolphins?

Swimming with wild dolphins, in mainland Portugal, is not allowed by law. You can do it on the islands of the Azores and Madeira where it is permitted to swim with dolphins respecting some rules.

What is the price for children? Can babies also board?

Children between 4 and 12 years old benefit from a reduced price of 15 €.

We have all the conditions and security on board to receive babies, you can even get your baby stroller on board. Up to 3 years old the ticket is free.

How can I book my tour?

You can book online on our website; use the contact form; or by phone or email.

If you prefer to book with our assistance, call us (+351) 937 882 746 or send an email to [email protected] Mentioning the desired date and the number of participants (Adults and Children up to 12 years old). After contacting you will receive instructions to proceed with payment.


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  1. Atlantic Ferries

    The catamarans run 24 hours a day and the ferries operate at times adjusted to the time of year. You can check the timetables at permanently. The Atlantic Ferries office operates from 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM and from 3.00 PM to 6.00 PM, Monday through Friday.

  2. Atlantic Ferries

    Os catamarans funcionam 24/h dia e os ferries funcionam com horários ajustados à época do ano. Poderá consultar em permanência os horários em O escritório da Atlantic Ferries funciona das 9:00 às 13:00 e das 15:00 às 18:00, de segunda a sexta-feira.

  3. 2024 Catamaran Sailing & Relaxing in Setúbal

    In Setúbal you can park free at ´Rua do Clube Naval´ under the palm trees. Then walk to the waterfront, turn right to the pontoon and enter the white gate. There will find the Green Dolphin. Coordinates on Google Maps: 38.519940, - 8.896419 Please try to arrive 15 before departure.

  4. Private Catamaran in Setúbal

    18 max. €1.000. Book ahead to guarantee your seat. Private Catamaran in Setúbal. 4h. From. €1.500. Private catamaran in Setúbal: Book the best private catamaran in Setúbal now. Book online at the lowest price.

  5. Catamaran Cruise In Setubal Or Troia

    Catamaran cruise in Setubal or Troia. Book Now. [email protected] +351 937 065 280 +351 917 315 815 ... Catamaran Cruise in Setúbal or Tróia. How about spending some hours aboard a fantastic catamaran on one of the most beautiful coasts in Portugal- Troia, and Arrábida.

  6. Boat & Catamaran charter in Setúbal

    Sail the coast of Setúbal with our Boat & Catamaran Charter. Experience Yacht Rental at its finest amidst the natural beauty of this Portuguese region. Boat & Catamaran Charter; Charter by Country; Charter by Regions; Explore Cruise Deals; Find Inspiration; [email protected] (+1) 786 673 68 20. English.

  7. SeaBookings

    Welcome to an amazing adventure that is tailored just for you, your loved ones, and your closest friends on a Catamaran in Setúbal. Our local guide is a knowledgeable expert who will take you on a journey through some of the most dazzling bays in the world, such as Arrábida, Troia, and Setubal.As you embark on this remarkable journey, you'll have the opportunity to dive into the crystal ...

  8. Catamaran Charter Setúbal

    A total of 94 rentals are currently available with or without captain in Setúbal. Find the perfect catamaran for your adventure in Portugal on Sailo! When you want to rent a yacht for a day in Setúbal, Portugal, Sailo's advanced filters are exactly what you need to find the best charter for your family or friends.

  9. Catamaran Rentals Setubal

    Catamaran up to 18 People, Setubal, Troia, Comporta. Setúbal, Portugal. The best boat rentals in Setúbal, Portugal. Ready to get the best out of your Setúbal, Portugal vacation? Time to rent a boat and embark on an adventure! Whether you are a curious tourist, experienced sailor, fisherman, water sports junkie or you simply like to party and ...

  10. 2024 Catamaran Sailing & Relaxing in Setúbal

    per group (up to 2) Sailing Catamaran Sunset Group Cruise with Welcome Drink. 124. Private and Luxury. from. £34.83. per adult. Setúbal Private Tour - Including Dolphin Watching. 1.

  11. Atlantic Ferries

    Atlantic Ferries is a company of the Sonae Capital group and started its activity in October 2007, as a concessionaire of the Public Transport Service of Passengers, Light and Heavy Vehicles and freight, between Setúbal and the Peninsula of Troia. Suggest edits to improve what we show.

  12. Catamarans Troia

    Local name: Catamarans Troia. A transport company offering a water connection between Setubal and the Troia peninsula. The journey aboard a catamaran takes 15 minutes, and during the cruise you can enjoy, among others dolphins. Less.

  13. Setubal Small-Group Catamaran Tour with Dolphin Watching 2023

    Spend a day out on the Sado Estuary, observing local wildlife and soaking up the sun, on this catamaran tour from Setubal. Join a small group and board your vessel to sail past the Troia Peninsula to Arrabida Natural Park for stunning coastal views and the opportunity to see the playful dolphins. Enjoy time to relax on the boat and sip on local wines provided by your captain.

  14. Catamaran Private Tour

    Exclusive catamaran trip, a luxury boat just for you and your family and/or friends. Discover one of the most beautiful bays in the world, with a local guide, pass by Arrábida, Troia and Setubal. We stop so you can dive and use the stand up paddle boards. Enjoy this spacious catamaran, with different seating areas.

  15. Catamaran Tourist Office

    Catamaran Tourist Office Located in the Port of Setúbal, strategically framed with the catamaran terminal. It guides in the areas of nature tourism, river tourist circuits, the historic area of the city of Setúbal and the tourist complex of Troia. ... +351 917 430 310 Every day 09:00-13:00 / 14:00-17:00 [email protected] Share. 4 ...

  16. THE TOP Setubal Cruising Catamaran Rentals & Charters (w Photos)

    March 02, 2024 - Find the best cruising catamaran rentals and charters in Setubal, Portugal with prices by the hour and day. Book with confidence in Getmyboat and the thousands of unbiased reviews and great deals on cruising catamaran charters in Setubal.

  17. Catamaran Cruise In Setubal Or TroiaPasseio De Catamaran A Partir De

    Catamaran cruise in Setubal or Troia to enjoy the sun and swin along the coast. Spend a whole day ou half day aboard a Catamaran with skipper and see the dolphins Passeio de Catamaran a partir de Setúbal com paragem para mergulhos. Passe um dia inteiro ou meio dia a bordo de um catamaran e veja os golfinhos.Segeln Kreuzfahrt in Setúbal / Troia, um die Sonne zu genießen und entlang der ...

  18. Setubal & Tróia: Sado Estuary Dolphin Watching Boat Trip

    Full description. Depart from Setubal or Tróia onboard a 22-meter long catamaran and go in search of the community of dolphins that inhabit the Sado estuary. Be accompanied by a knowledgeable crew who will use their expertise to locate these playful dolphins in their natural habitat. Learn more about this unique dolphin community, the only one ...

  19. Catamarans timetable change

    From the 5th of September, the new timetable for Atlantic Ferries catamarans will come into effect. This timetable will remain in effect until December 31, 2022. Check the new hours IN THIS LINK. Share. 2. Related articles. March 18, 2024. Godard's iconic films on screen. Read more. March 8, 2024.

  20. Boat Rental and Yacht Charter Booking Platform

    Rent a boat, sailing yacht or catamaran for the best prices online. We have only verified boats with real pictures. Full customer service. No booking fees. Early bird Top sellers still available for summer 2024. My account.

  21. Yacht Charter Setubal & Boat Rental

    How much does it cost to rent a boat in Setubal for a day? The average cost of renting a boat in Setubal is around €650 per day. Various factors can influence the cost of a boat charter, such as the season, the year the boat was built, and the equipment. The prices can vary between €195 and €6,300 per day.

  22. Dolphin Watching Tour in Setúbal

    Come aboard our Eco-Catamaran for a Dolphin Watching trip to get to know the resident dolphins in Setúbal Bay. Sighting guarantee and guided by biologists. ... Our success rate is very high (about 95% of our tours) as the dolphin population lives in Setubal Bay permanently. Anyway, there are a few days when dolphins are not seen by any vessel. ...

  23. Setubal Boat Rental

    Catamaran up to 18 People, Setubal, Troia, Comporta. Setúbal, Portugal ... Small-sized boats are also appropriate for a romantic beach date or short fishing trips with friends and family. How to book a boat in Setúbal, Portugal with