Minstrel-class Space Yacht

Hyperspeed 2.0
Sublight Speed 50 MGLT
Max Speed 500 km/h
Maneuverability 3.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods 2
Docking Bay Yes
Hangar Bay n/a
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port n/a
Medical Room n/a
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling n/a
Weapons/Utilities Tractor Beams: 1
Heavy Laser: 2
Weight 47,200 T
Volume 4,100 m³
Weight Capacity 90 T
Volume Capacity 360 m³
Max Passengers 37
Party Slot Size 4.00
Length 160 m
Hull 1,000
Shield 500
Ionic Capacity 500
Raw Material Price 1,462,735
Quantum 288
Meleenium 2,767
Ardanium 451
Rudic 91
Rockivory 518
Tibannagas 11
Varmigio 1,017
Lommite 56
Durelium 339
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a

A piece of technological art, the Minstrel-class Space Yacht is a prime example of the artistic creativity that certain ship developers have put into their creations. A ship for the wealthy, the space yacht is far from defenseless; it is one of the few in its class that is capable of storing a small number of starfighters to increase its defensive capabilities. It was originally designed during the waning days of the Old Republic as a possible competitor to the Nubian ships. While it had only moderate success due to its design whereas the polished look attracted many wealthy senators, the Minstrel-class Space Yacht was more favored by those who saw the benefits of having a ship capable of surviving a collision with more than a fist-sized asteroid. The sleek design accompanied by the appealing standard colour has drawn in many customers who were seeking more than a sleek, fast, unarmed ship better suited for show than force. During the tumultuous times that were spawned with the conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance the sales increased because of the rising demand for combat worthy ships for those who wanted to be safe in a galaxy torn apart by Civil War.

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First Light

First Light

Dryden Vos travels the galaxy in a ship as refined as he is – an elegant Kalevalan yacht with a night-black finish known as the First Light. The yacht boasts elegant staterooms and six main viewing decks, with Vos’s private study at the apex. While moored on Vandor, the First Light is the site of lavish parties – and tense meetings with the Crimson Dawn kingpin.

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Dryden's Study - BeHan the Scenes

Uncover fascinating Easter eggs among the artifacts in Dryden's personal collection when you climb aboard the crime boss' yacht with Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidalgo.

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Modified Minstrel-class Space Yacht

The Modified Minstrel-class Space Yacht is a ship made by Ubrikkian Industries that is heavily armored.

Luxury 5000 Yacht

Manufacturer SoroSuub Corporation

Model Personal Luxury Yacht 5000

Class Yacht

Cost 750,000 credits

Max Space Speed 50 MGLT

Hyperdrive rating Class 2

Armament None

Minimum crew 1

Passengers 30

Cargo capacity 200 metric tons

Hangar capacity 6 (Max Ship Size: 2)

Role(s) Private shuttle Transport

Background and History

The Luxury 5000 was a yacht manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation. It was a large spacecraft, usually reserved for the extremely rich and wealthy. It could carry up to thirty passengers and was frequently used to host parties. It came standard with many luxury items, such as gourmet food processors, whirlpool tubs, dance rooms, and an extravagant dining hall. The cabins of the yacht were large and luxuriant, many times with expensive stonework refresher, genuine carpet, expensive lace and silk beds, and large, open closets. The yacht had every accommodation that the rich and wealthy would desire. In addition to this, the ship itself was fairly fast and highly maneuverable. In its forward struts, it had two hangar bays, one per strut. Each of these hangar bays could carry up to three fighters. They were also the access point for the cargo hold and were protected by ray shielding.

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H-Type Space Yacht

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Homebrew Reference Book: Clone Wars Saga Edition Fan Sourcebook - Vehicles and Vessels

H-Type Space Yacht

The sleek spaceframe and engine design of the H-Type Space Yacht found its way into an impressive number of markets, making it one of Nubia Star Drive’s most successful models. The chassis could easily accommodate a vast array of configurations and load-outs for small to medium numbers of passengers.

It was not uncommon to see this vessel in use by galactic celebrities, political figures, corporate officers and the like as both business and leisure vehicles. The H-Type chassis was most popular as a personal transport to the wealthy, or as a charter vessel used to ferry the privileged. One such vessel was spotted on New Plympto shortly after the Clone Wars had concluded.

  • 1 Capabilities
  • 2.1 Defenses
  • 2.2 Offense
  • 2.3 Abilities
  • 2.4 Ship Statistics

Capabilities [ ]

While Nubia Star Drives assembles all of their products to custom specifications, the statistics presented above represent a typical configuration. It is equipped with a Basic Luxury Upgrade for its crew and six passengers. The standard configuration includes basic shields, lightning-fast atmospheric and sublight engines, and a military-grade Hyperdrive with backup. Its remaining cargo space can be used to store massive amounts of luggage as well as small luxury Vehicles such as Speeder Bikes or Swoop Racers .

H-Type Star Yacht Statistics (CL 10) [ ]

Colossal* Space Transport

Initiative : +4; Senses: Perception +6

*This ship is treated as a Gargantuan Starfighter for the purposes of being targeted by Capital Ship weapons, Dogfighting , and using Starship Maneuvers .

Defenses [ ]

Reflex Defense : 22 ( Flat-Footed : 14), Fortitude Defense : 26; +12 Armor, Vehicular Combat

Hit Points: 120; Damage Reduction : 15; Shield Rating : 25; Damage Threshold : 76

Offense [ ]

Speed: Fly 16 Squares ( Character Scale ), Fly 5 Squares ( Starship Scale ); (Maximum Velocity 1,500 km/h)

Fighting Space : 12x12 Squares ( Character Scale ), 1 Square ( Starship Scale ); Total Cover

Base Attack Bonus : +2; Grapple : +38

Abilities [ ]

Strength : 42, Dexterity : 26, Constitution : -, Intelligence : 16

Skills : Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +4, Use Computer +6

Ship Statistics [ ]

Crew: 2 (Skilled Crew Quality ); Passengers: 6

Cargo: 5 Tons; Consumables: 2 Months; Carried Craft: None

Hyperdrive : Class 1 (Backup Class 8), Navicomputer

Availability: Restricted ; Cost: 875,000 (525,000 Used )

Emplacement Points : 5

The spaceships of the 'Star Wars' High Republic era

The Acolyte is the High Republic's live-action debut, but this new Star Wars era has been expanding for a while and contains some memorable ship designs.

Two spaceships, one larger with maroon colored wings in the foreground chasing down a smaller ship in the background.

We've been mixed on The Acolyte so far, but it's undeniably cool to finally experience another fresh Star Wars era with a distinct style and an entirely different set of heroes and villains. Of course, this also means plenty of new spaceships and vehicles are being introduced to the ever-growing Star Wars canon, and we've collected the most striking High Republic ships we've seen so far in this article. 

The High Republic era comes right after the time of the Old Republic in the current Star Wars canon, and lasted around four centuries, with its final moments happening around 100 years before the invasion of Naboo ( The Phantom Menace ). As a direct result, the ship and vehicle designs seen in this time period land closer to the prequels' aesthetics than anything else we've seen depicted in movies, TV shows, comic books, or video games that take place during the more traditional Imperial and New Republic eras. 

A multimedia initiative, mostly developed through books and comics in its beginnings, kickstarted the High Republic era, and now shows like Young Jedi Adventures and The Acolyte are making sure that mainstream audiences and more casual Star Wars fans are exposed to it. On top of those works, Lucasfilm Games and Quantic Dream are working on Star Wars Eclipse , a very ambitious video game that is still a ways off. 

Need more Star Wars? Then you'll enjoy our round-up of the best Star Wars movies and Star Wars TV shows . If you want to swing a lightsaber, the best Star Wars games will make a Jedi (or Sith ) out of you. Want a 'real' one? Whether you follow the path of Light or Dark, maybe it's time to get one of the best lightsabers out there.

Longbeam cruiser 

Artwork of the Longbeam ship from the High Republic era of Star Wars showcasing front-on and side-on views of the ship

The Longbeam cruiser was extensively used by the Galactic Republic during the High  Republic era, as it was a multi-purpose craft used for combat, rescue missions and transport. The armaments included two turrets and missile-based weaponry. Due to the presence of heavy weapons, civilian use was heavily restricted, so the Longbeams were mostly limited to official Republic matters.

These iconic spaceships played a pivotal role during the Great Hyperspace Disaster , serving the Jedi and the Republic's rescue forces as the backbone of the operation to rescue the inhabitants of the Hetzal system from the debris that threatened the planets. 

Keeping the tradition of recycling unused designs going, the Longbeam was born from rejected (but striking) designs for the MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 heavy bombers used by the Resistance fighters in The Last Jedi.

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Jedi Vector 

A still of the Vector spaceship from the High Republic Era of the Star Wars universe

Jedi Vectors might be the most iconic High Republic-era spaceship design we've had so far, at least according to fans who've been paying attention to the comics and books released. Unsurprisingly, this ship also made its live-action debut during The  Acolyte's first episode, when two Jedi come looking for Osha Aniseya.

Much like the Delta-7 light interceptor and other Jedi starfighters, these ships were built specifically for Force-sensitive individuals, as their extremely high speeds and notable maneuverability demanded extreme concentration from the pilots. Even more shocking is the Vectors' weapon systems had to be activated by using a lightsaber as a key, which encouraged deadly force to only be used when other options had been exhausted. 

The nimble Vectors were armed with two laser cannons and a tractor beam. Variations of the base ship and cockpit also allowed for two pilots; this version of the Vector was commonly used by Jedi Masters and their Padawans. The design came from an unused (but approved) mosquito-like starfighter design for Revenge of the Sith.

The Nihil fleet 

Artwork of a ship from the Nihil fleet showing mounted turrets at the front andpeople below the ship

The Nihil marauders are the High Republic era's main threat to Galactic stability. For the most part, they can be described as anarchistic pirate-like gangs that were grouped together by the Evereni Ro family and originated from the fragmented remnants of the Path of the Open Hand , a cult that hated the Jedi because it believed "no one should use the Force" at all.

The Nihil fleet consisted of various types of starships and included far larger battleships and warships. According to the size and main purpose of the spacecrafts, the ships were divided into three classes: Stormships, Cloudships, and Strikeships. The unrefined ships used by the Nihil, which in many cases were scavenged and then upgraded and changed to fit new purposes, had one main thing in common: the use of Path engines to gain access to 'Paths' that were believed to be inaccessible but provided faster hyperspace travels to those brave and smart enough to travel through them. These engines were installed alongside regular hyperdrives and allowed the raiders to constantly launch quick and unpredictable attacks. 

By and large, the main concept behind the Nihil marauders gave the artists a very large amount of freedom to explore different designs that looked 'messier' and more chaotic than usual, but also allowed unused designs from The Force Awakens to gain a second life as pirate and scavenger ships that belonged to an entirely different era of the galaxy far, far away.

The Gaze Electric

Animated artwork of the Gaze ship from the High Republic era of Star Wars, showing a light or tractor beam coming from the underneath the ship

The Gaze Electric was a flagship used by the aforementioned Ro family and was initially built to serve as a temple for the Path of the Open Hand. In fact, the original cult departed their homeworld of Dalna on it. Marda Ro later took over it and created the Nihil faction. 

Big High Republic-era baddie Marchion Ro saw it as a "palace and fortress" once he inherited it from Asgar Ro. For the most part, the massive ship was manned by droids and handpicked personnel, as Marchion didn't trust most of the Nihil after the Trymant IV disaster . This decision would be walked back at least one more time as the politics of the faction evolved. 

In many ways, the Gaze Electric will remind diehard Star Wars fans of some of the Mon Calamari frigates and cruisers, and you wouldn't be too far off if you assumed that. In fact, the ship's basic design borrows a lot from the MC30C frigate as seen in Return of the Jedi concept art. Meanwhile, the interiors were requested to be based on the interior of the U.S.S. Cygnus as seen in the 1979 sci-fi movie The Black Hole. 

Polan-717 Jedi transport 

A still of the Polan ship from the High Republic Era of the Star Wars Universe

We don't know much about the Polan-717 Jedi transport yet, as this new space shuttle has been introduced for the first time in The Acolyte, but its presence has been major so far. It's been used by Master Sol and the other Jedi during the mission to find both Osha and Mae Aniseya and to uncover the identity of the mysterious Sith master pulling the strings. 

As far as we can tell, it's a large transport ship used mainly by the Jedi to execute larger missions that require more than two people. Likewise, it's equipped to contain prisoners until they're safely transported back to Coruscant or another post. Perhaps more striking is its ability to detach from an external hyperdrive to gain more agility and reach higher sublight speeds, much like the late-Republic-era Jedi starfighters. 

Some previews of The Acolyte have shown Jedi Master Sol chasing another ship across what seems to be an asteroid or debris field of sorts, so it appears the Polan-717 shuttle might see some action in the show. 

Still of the Exile ship from the high republic era of Star Wars in a landing position on a beach with the sea in the background and some lights from buildings to the side.

Spoilers ahead for The Acolyte episode 5: 'Night' 

Much like Polan-717, the Exile II has barely been fleshed out by the official materials yet, but its presence in The Acolyte as Mae and Qimir's means of transport hasn't gone unnoticed. Its sleek, blade-ish design reminds us of other Sith-owned ships, like Darth Maul's iconic Scimitar as seen almost a century later in the Star Wars timeline. 

After Mae and Osha swap places and Qimir leaves Khofar with the latter, chances are good that Mae won't be piloting the Exile II again anytime soon, but we haven't seen the last of it. As The Acolyte approaches its season 1 conclusion, we're likely to learn and see more of this dark starship and its owners.

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Fran Ruiz is our resident Star Wars guy. His hunger for movies and TV series is only matched by his love for video games. He got a BA of English Studies, focusing on English Literature, from the University of Malaga, in Spain, as well as a Master's Degree in English Studies, Multilingual and Intercultural Communication. On top of writing features and other longform articles for Space.com since 2021, he is a frequent collaborator of VG247 and other gaming sites. He also serves as associate editor over at Star Wars News Net and its sister site, Movie News Net.

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space yacht star wars wiki


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Baudo -class star yacht

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This article details a subject that falls under the Legends brand.

  • 2 Behind the scenes
  • 3 Appearances
  • 5 Notes and references

History [ ]


Baudo-class star yacht schematic

As a sporting yacht , the ship was mostly used as a pleasure vehicle by affluent beings. Baudos were not beloved by most bulk freighter pilots, who disliked being passed on the spacelanes. The ship itself was described as having a resemblance to some sea creatures. Baudo -class yachts were equipped with a powerful sublight drive for good speed in normal space. The single laser cannon in the standard version of the yacht was not only installed for looks—several precise hits could make pirates change their minds. Mirax Terrik's Pulsar Skate was a highly modified Baudo -class star yacht, and certainly the most famous ship of this type.

The Baudo -class yacht was produced by the shipyards owned by Mendel Baudo , and each ship was custom-built to the specifications of its owner. This meant that each ship was unique in some way from all others, although the underlying drive systems remained common. Because these ships were not exceptionally fast or complicated, the Baudo -class yacht found a following among amateur and experienced pilots. However, purchasing one of these ships required that a customer be referred to Mendel Baudo by another being who had purchased one, since Baudo refused to take orders without a reference. Build time could take as much as a standard year, depending on the amount of customization, because Mendel Baudo personally ensured that each ship was perfect.

Behind the scenes [ ]


Pulsar Skate as seen in the X-Wing comics.

Two contrasting versions of the Baudo -class star yacht appear to exist in canon . Probably the better-known version is the design used for the Pulsar Skate in the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comics and Star Wars Customizable Card Game , appearing first in Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair in 1996. However, the earlier illustration in the Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (which was used as a silhouette in Pirates & Privateers ) show a flatter and smoother starship: this seems to have served as the basis for the descriptions of the vessel in the X-Wing novels , and recently in Legacy of the Force: Exile . No canonical explanation has been offered to resolve the discrepancy.

The Moldy Crow was originally going to be a Baudo -class star yacht.

Appearances [ ]

" " ) on ) " " ) on ) " " ) on ) " " ) on ) 6 7 8 35 unabridged audiobook unabridged audiobook unabridged audiobook unabridged audiobook

Sources [ ]

  • Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters
  • Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters , Second Edition


  • Pirates & Privateers
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 76 (ROG5-6, X-wing Rogue Squadron )
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 108 (PUL1-2, Pulsar Skate )
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 126 (TER1-2, Booster Terrik )
  • Starships of the Galaxy , Saga Edition
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Desperate Allies

Notes and references [ ]

  • ↑ Fly Casual
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Starships of the Galaxy , Saga Edition
  • 1 Darth Plagueis
  • 2 The Stranger
  • 3 Vernestra Rwoh


  1. Minstrel-class space yacht

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  2. Minstrel-class space yacht

    Star Wars. The Minstrel-class space yacht was a model of large luxury space yacht manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries. Every Minstrel-class vessel was built to the specifications of its buyer. Darth Maul (2017) 2 (First appearance) Bounty Hunters 11 Bounty Hunters 12 Crimson Reign 1 Allies and Adversaries...

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  6. First Light

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  9. Baudo-Class Star Yacht

    Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Starships of the Galaxy The Baudo-Class Star Yacht is a favorite vessel of the galaxy's wealthy. It is especially popular among the younger set of spoiled rich kids who fancy themselves as rakes and bravos. It is a good-looking ship, with smooth, organic lines that are more reminiscent of a deep sea creature than a high-tech pleasure craft. The ...

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    A Yacht,[1] or Star Yacht,[2] was a generalized term for any type of vessel whose primary purpose was that of recreation and leisure, as well for the personal vessels of certain individuals. The Luxury 3000 space yacht[1] and the Petite Opu-Yacht were examples of this type of vessel,[3] as was the Mellcrawler[4] and the Stinger Mantis.[5] Star Wars: Visions — "I Am Your Mother"

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    An Ubrikkian Industries design, the Minstrel-class space yacht was powered by a pair of Ubrikkian N2 ion engines, and supplemented by three smaller Kuat T-c40 ion engines, affording the vessel a sublight speed roughly equivalent to that of a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Two rear vanes acting as ailerons, and side-mounted maneuvering jets ...

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  14. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    The Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a ship made by SoroSuub Corporation. The Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a ship made by SoroSuub Corporation. Star Wars: Empires of the Galaxy Wiki. Explore. Main Page; ... Star Wars: Empires of the Galaxy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site

  15. Luxury 3000 yacht

    Background and History. The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travellers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious. The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod houses a sublight engine and a hyperdrive ...

  16. Minstrel-class space yacht

    Sci-fi. Star Wars. The Minstrel-class space yacht, also known as the Ubrikkian luxury space yacht, was a large yacht produced by Ubrikkian Industries. An Ubrikkian Industries design, [1] the Minstrel-class space yacht [2] was powered by a pair of Ubrikkian N2 ion engines, and supplemented by three smaller Kuat T-c40...

  17. Modified Minstrel-class Space Yacht

    The Modified Minstrel-class Space Yacht is a ship made by Ubrikkian Industries that is heavily armored. Star Wars: Empires of the Galaxy Wiki. Explore. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; ... Star Wars: Empires of the Galaxy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site

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  19. Luxury 5000 Yacht

    Background and History. The Luxury 5000 was a yacht manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation. It was a large spacecraft, usually reserved for the extremely rich and wealthy. It could carry up to thirty passengers and was frequently used to host parties. It came standard with many luxury items, such as gourmet food processors, whirlpool tubs, dance ...

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    The High Republic era comes right after the time of the Old Republic in the current Star Wars canon, and lasted around four centuries, with its final moments happening around 100 years before the ...

  24. Baudo-class star yacht

    The Baudo-class star yacht was a favorite ship of rich youngsters. It also had the ability to be easily modified, so the ship was sometimes used by smugglers. As a sporting yacht, the ship was mostly used as a pleasure vehicle by affluent beings. Baudos were not beloved by most bulk freighter pilots, who disliked being passed on the spacelanes. The ship itself was described as having a ...