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Italian's Excellence

I saloni di parrucchieri di lusso più famosi in Italia

I saloni di parrucchieri di lusso più famosi in Italia

Moon Star Shoes: le scarpe più costose al mondo sono italiane

Moon Star Shoes: le scarpe più costose al mondo sono italiane

Club esclusivi in Italia: ambienti di lusso per pochi eletti

Club esclusivi in Italia: ambienti di lusso per pochi eletti

Maserati, il tridente rosso del lusso su strada

Maserati, il tridente rosso del lusso su strada

Moschino, lo stilista pittore della moda pop e libera

Moschino, lo stilista pittore della moda pop e libera

Calze e calzini italiani: la Storia che fa la moda

Calze e calzini italiani: la Storia che fa la moda

Montegrappa, la stilografica Made in Italy per eccellenza

Montegrappa, la stilografica Made in Italy per eccellenza

Candele italiane: l’artistica lavorazione della cera

Candele italiane: l’artistica lavorazione della cera

Campi di zucche in Italia: dove raccogliere e intagliare le zucche per Halloween

Campi di zucche in Italia: dove raccogliere e intagliare le zucche per Halloween

Dove fare paracadutismo in Italia: i luoghi più spettacolari

Dove fare paracadutismo in Italia: i luoghi più spettacolari

Cosa vedere a Cagliari: monumenti e segreti del capoluogo sardo

Cosa vedere a Cagliari: monumenti e segreti del capoluogo sardo

I migliori panorami d’Italia con la neve: i paesaggi più belli

I migliori panorami d’Italia con la neve: i paesaggi più belli

Casatiello napoletano: ricetta originale, storia e rituale

Casatiello napoletano: ricetta originale, storia e rituale

Uova di Pasqua artigianali italiane: dove acquistarle

Uova di Pasqua artigianali italiane: dove acquistarle

Piadina romagnola: ricetta originale e diversi modi per gustarla

Piadina romagnola: ricetta originale e diversi modi per gustarla

Olio essenziale del Bergamotto di Calabria Dop: proprietà, usi e benefici

Olio essenziale del Bergamotto di Calabria Dop: proprietà, usi e benefici

La carta di Fabriano: l’intreccio pregiato della filigrana italiana

La carta di Fabriano: l’intreccio pregiato della filigrana italiana

Blu Savoia: storia e caratteristiche del colore che simboleggia l’Italia

Blu Savoia: storia e caratteristiche del colore che simboleggia l’Italia

Tradizioni natalizie italiane: simboli e riti del Natale in Italia

Tradizioni natalizie italiane: simboli e riti del Natale in Italia

Università Bocconi di Milano: storia, curiosità e alunni celebri

Università Bocconi di Milano: storia, curiosità e alunni celebri

Il Gambero Rosso ha deciso: è Franco Pepe il miglior pizzaiolo del mondo!

Il Gambero Rosso ha deciso: è Franco Pepe il miglior pizzaiolo del mondo!

Regenerative Plastic Surgery International Conference, Rome (Spanish Square), December 1-2, 2023

Regenerative Plastic Surgery International Conference, Rome (Spanish Square), December 1-2, 2023

Polo for the Cure: un torneo d’equitazione per lottare contro il tumore al seno con Komen Italia

Polo for the Cure: un torneo d’equitazione per lottare contro il tumore al seno con Komen Italia

Dieta Mediterranea: l’alimentazione sana contro i tumori

Dieta Mediterranea: l’alimentazione sana contro i tumori

Daverio33, da tre generazioni l’arte di creare gioielli unici

Daverio33, da tre generazioni l’arte di creare gioielli unici

Arte contemporanea e artisti italiani: intervista a Michi Grassi, il “Caravaggio dei cavalli”

Arte contemporanea e artisti italiani: intervista a Michi Grassi, il “Caravaggio dei cavalli”

Raffaella Carrà: vita, carriera e rivoluzioni della leggenda televisiva italiana

Raffaella Carrà: vita, carriera e rivoluzioni della leggenda televisiva italiana

Carla Fracci, l’iconica étoile italiana della danza mondiale

Carla Fracci, l’iconica étoile italiana della danza mondiale

Barche a vela italiane, protagoniste sul mare

Spiegare le vele per rincorrere il vento, e lasciarsi guidare sulle rotte fatte di onde e acque cristalline.

La barca a vela è passione: lo sanno bene gli appassionati che organizzano brevi weekend o lunghe trasferte in mare, scegliendo tra i tanti tipi di barca  creati su misura per le diverse esigenze all’interno dei cantieri navali più importanti del mondo. Molti degli yacht a vela  più belli e funzionali portano la firma italiana, scopriamo insieme le imbarcazioni a vela italiane più amate.

Tipi di barche a vela e caratteristiche

La barca a vela  è un tipo di imbarcazione che si muove grazie al vento, appunto, e in cui il motore riveste solo un’azione di supporto specialmente nelle manovre in porto. Le barche a vela italiane possono essere monoscafo o multiscafo.

Le tipologie di barche  a due scafi vengono definite catamarani, a tre scafi trimarani. 

Le derive piccole barche da diporto di una lunghezza variabile tra i 2 e i 6 metri. Posso essere da regata o più semplicemente da diporto o passeggiata nautica. Sono gli stessi nomi delle barche  che ci parlano della loro funzione: la caratteristica di questi scafi è quella di avere una bassissima zona immersa e l’azione della superficie mobile, la deriva appunto, è prevalente alle varie andature rispetto allo scafo.

I cabinati sono particolari tipi di barche a vela che, al posto della deriva, hanno il bulbo come struttura equilibrante che evita il rovesciamento della barca e controbilancia la spinta laterale del vento.

Ma non è tutto:  i tipi di barche monoscafo vengono distinti anche in base al cosiddetto “armo velico”, vale a dire il numero e tipo di vele e alberi. 

Barca con un solo albero con due vele, la randa e il fiocco (o genoa).

barca a vela sloop

Barche a Vela Sloop

Simile allo sloop, ma con due o più fiocchi. 

Barche a Vela Cutter

Barche a Vela Cutter

Simile allo sloop, ma privo di fiocco e con l’albero posizionato più avanti.

Ha due alberi, l’albero maestro più alto davanti e l’albero di mezzana arretrato. 

Barche a Vela Ketch

Barche a Vela Ketch

Iolla (Iole) o Yawl

Simile al ketch, ma con l’albero di mezzana più piccolo e con funzioni di bilanciamento più che di propulsione.

Barca a vela con due alberi e un bompresso. barca yacht

Ormeggiate nei porti delle principali città italiane brillano al sole le barche a vela di lusso Made in Italy. C’è chi decide di girare il mondo con una comoda barca a vela 10 metri , chi preferisce affidarsi alla solidità delle barche a vela 15 metri , chi osa ancora di più spostandosi sulle barche a vela 20 metri , e c’è chi sposta la sua attenzione sugli yacht italiani , giganti del mare che coniugano tecnologia e forza del vento. 

Barche a Vela Schooner

Barche a Vela Schooner

Potrebbe Interessarti: Yacht di Lusso Italiani

Barche a vela Made in Italy: i cantieri

Quali sono i marchi italiani di barche nuove che promettono grandi performance tra le onde?

Cantiere del Pardo

Parliamo di una delle più prestigiose e apprezzate aziende per la produzione di barche a vela nuove che coniuga stile, alte prestazioni, qualità e comfort. 45 anni di storia in cui ogni singolo elemento è al posto giusto, tenuto insieme da un gusto elegante che attraversa i secoli per puntare dritto all’eccellenza. I progetti dal design innovativo vedono la luce grazie all’abilità di esperti artigiani. 

Dal 1973 ad oggi il Cantiere del Pardo ha prodotto oltre 4.500 imbarcazioni, passate attraverso tre reparti, la laminazione, la falegnameria e l’assemblaggio. Scafo e coperta sono realizzati a sandwich con fibre di vetro biassiali e unidirezionali impregnate con resina Epoxy-vinilestere. Gli scafi sono rinforzati con una struttura in composito di carbonio e VTR.

Barche a Vela Cantiere del Pardo

Barche a Vela Cantiere del Pardo

Italia yachts

Questo cantiere italiano produce barche con una forte identità, progettate per lunghe navigazioni, alla ricerca del continuo equilibrio e del corretto bilanciamento dei volumi, per ottenere imbarcazioni facili da condurre anche con equipaggio ridotto. 

A dominare è sempre l’equilibrio: le sezioni di poppa vengono disegnate per limitare la superficie bagnata, contrastando la tendenza all’affondamento della prua e favorendo un andamento morbido.

Barche a Vela Italia Yachts

Barche a Vela Italia Yachts

Comar Yachts

La Comar nasce a Forlì nel 1961 con il nome di Sipla. Dopo dieci anni di esperienza, l’azienda cambiò il nome in Comar mettendo a punto la progettazione di barche comode e veloci, con linee più tradizionali ma sempre al passo coi tempi.

Gli anni più recenti hanno visto un crescente gradimento del pubblico nei riguardi della tipologia “deck saloon”, imbarcazioni con tughe panoramiche che coniugano design e passione per il mare alla perfezione.

Advanced Yachts

L’obiettivo di questa azienda italiana è la creazione di imbarcazioni di alto livello qualitativo e di affidabilità che siano sinonimo di design, funzionalità di utilizzo e performances. La produzione è orientata al cliente al quale vengono lasciate le scelte di customizzazione, realizzando così una barca unica, esclusiva e costruita sulle esigenze di tutti.

Gli scafi sono particolarmente performanti uniti a linee d’acqua di ultima generazione: ai garantiscono elevate velocità anche in condizioni di poco vento.

Barche a Vela Advanced Yachts

Barche a Vela Advanced Yachts

Sentire il mare, viverlo, percorrerlo davvero, contando solo sulla spinta del vento e sulle proprie abilità: eccole le barche a vela italiane, che brillano al sole, che sfidano le tempeste, che seguono la rotta per inseguire l’orizzonte e tornare sempre nel porto sicuro.

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Logo Escape Yachting


Barca a vela in alluminio Escape46




La prima barca a vela italiana ecosostenibile.

Barca a vela in alluminio Escape 46

Precedente Successivo

Il progetto della barca a vela ecosostenibile  ESCAPE 46  prende forma dalla passione di  Massimo Piacentini , comandante di Super Yacht e CEO di Escape Yachting SU LDA, in collaborazione con  Lostuzzi Design, studio italiano d’ingegneria per la progettazione di yacht a vela e motore.

Grazie all’esperienza di Piacentini, di Lostuzzi e di tutti gli altri professionisti  che hanno contribuito al progetto, è stata realizzata un’ imbarcazione a vela eco- sostenibile, dal design inconfondibile ad alto valore artigianale.

La  Barca a vela Escape46  è stata pensata e progettata per trasformare la vita ordinaria a bordo in un’esperienza di serenità e di libertà all’insegna dell’ecosostenibilità.



Il progetto della barca a vela ecosostenibile ESCAPE 46 prende forma dalla passione di Massimo Piacentini , comandante di Super Yacht e CEO di Escape Yachting SU LDA, in collaborazione con Lostuzzi Design, studio italiano d’ingegneria per la progettazione di yacht a vela e motore.

Grazie all’esperienza di Piacentini, di Lostuzzi e di tutti gli altri professionisti  che hanno contribuito al progetto, è stata realizzata un’ imbarcazione a vela eco- sostenibile e dal design inconfondibile ad alto valore artigianale.

La Barca a vela Escape46 è stata pensata e progettata per trasformare la vita ordinaria a bordo in un’esperienza di serenità e di libertà all’insegna dell’ecosostenibilità.

avanzamento del progetto

Il progetto escape 46.

Barca a vela in alluminio Escape 46

Il progetto della barca a vela ecosostenibile  ESCAPE 46  prende forma dalla passione di  Massimo Piacentini , comandante di Super Yacht e CEO di Escape Yachting SU LDA, in collaborazione con  Lostuzzi Design, studio italiano d’ingegneria per la progettazione di yacht a vela e motore .


Escape yachting s.u lda.


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Motopanfilo 37M

  • Azimut | Benetti Group


benetti superyacht engineering


A fascinating showcase selection of our superyachts from different families, representing our shipbuilding authority.


Sustainability starts with our cutting-edge hybrid technologies.



Oasis deck™: an innovative aft deck concept that places you at one with the sea.



Remember Me

Dehler   I migliori yacht ad alte prestazioni costruiti con la vela da regata in mente

Godetevi il performance cruiser originale: Dehler. Nessun altro yacht a vela unisce in modo così elegante l’entusiasmante vela sportiva a un comfort abitativo imbattibile per stile ed estetica. Dalla sua fondazione nel 1963, il cantiere sorprende per la sua ininterrotta capacità innovativa. La creatività degli sviluppatori è dimostrata dai numerosi riconoscimenti, dalle grandiose vittorie nelle regate – e da ogni dettaglio a bordo di un Dehler. I nostri yacht vengono costruiti da velisti appassionati per velisti appassionati. Con la massima maestria artigiana e con la tipica precisione “Made in Germany”. Uno yacht che, in fatto di intelligenza, non ha uguali.


Dehler è fonte di ispirazione – ancora una volta. La nuova ammiraglia innalza lo sviluppo dei performance cruiser a un livello superiore. Sotto ogni aspetto. Luminosità, prestazioni veliche, ergonomia, variabilità, comfort di bordo e design: il Dehler 46 SQ è un concentrato di idee che garantisce le più intense esperienze di navigazione.

Scopri il Dehler 46 SQ

Barche a vela   Le nostre migliori barche a vela per il 2022

Lo yacht dehler dei vostri sogni   in una presentazione esclusiva.

Siete invitati ad un esclusivo boatshow sullo yacht dei vostri sogni. Il vostro rivenditore Dehler di fiducia vi aspetta per una presentazione esclusiva del modello Dehler da voi scelto, di cui vi illustrerà ogni dettaglio, sul ponte e sotto coperta. Potrete visitare il vostro yacht da soli, senza fretta e senza affollamento e naturalmente nel rispetto di tutte le norme di sicurezza. Prenotate oggi stesso un appuntamento e lasciatevi stupire!

Prenota il tuo tour

Vela Dehler   Giocare più duro

Nuovo configuratore 3d   esclusivo per il dehler 46 sq.


Trova il   rivenditore di barche a vela più vicino

tutto il mondo

nelle tue vicinanze

Dehler   Filosofia della vela di performance

In dehler, le prestazioni veliche sono la caratteristica più importante per uno yacht..

Perché? Perché sentire la potenza dello scafo che taglia le onde con velocità e precisione ti emoziona sempre. E perchè è questo che è veramente la vela. Ecco perché i nostri yacht hanno sempre un gene dello sport.

Barche che sprizzano intelligenza.

Gli arredi interni non lasciano nulla a desiderare. Il design è una fusione di funzionalità ed estetica, con una lavorazione che è impeccabile anche nei dettagli. Costruiamo ogni barca con molte idee intelligenti che ti stupiscono. In Dehler ci sentiamo obbligati a soddisfare questi standard elevati ogni giorno.

Dehler rappresenta i valori del marchio di qualità "Made in Germany".

La completezza è ciò che conta per noi. La precisione in ogni dettaglio determina il modo in cui pensiamo e agiamo, così come la scelta dei collaboratori. Questo include i designer di fama internazionale Judel / Vrolijk & co. Puoi vederlo nelle forme eleganti e senza tempo di ogni Dehler.

Spettacoli in barca a vela   Tour delle nostre barche a vela ad alte prestazioni

2024-02-01 - 2024-04-15 reese marin boat show.

  • Dehler 38 SQ
  • Reese Marin

2024-03-20 - 2024-03-25 Les Nauticales La Ciotat

  • Solutions Yacht Services SARL

2024-03-29 - 2024-04-01 Les Nautiques de Port Camargue

  • Camargue & Yachting

2024-09-12 - 2024-09-15 Newport International Boat Show

  • Hanse Yachts US LLC

2024-10-10 - 2024-10-14 Annapolis Sailboat Show

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yacht a vela italiani

  • Oceanis 30.1
  • Oceanis 34.1
  • Oceanis 37.1
  • Oceanis 40.1
  • Oceanis 46.1
  • Oceanis 51.1
  • Oceanis Yacht 54
  • Oceanis Yacht 60
  • Vela Heritage
  • Flyer 6 SUNdeck
  • FLYER 6 SPACEdeck
  • Flyer 7 SUNdeck
  • Flyer 7 SPACEdeck
  • Flyer 8 SUNdeck
  • Flyer 8 SPACEdeck
  • Flyer 9 SUNdeck
  • Flyer 9 SPACEdeck
  • Antares 7 Fishing
  • Antares 8 Fishing
  • Gran Turismo 32
  • Gran Turismo 36
  • Gran Turismo 41
  • Gran Turismo 45
  • Swift Trawler 35
  • Swift trawler 41 Sedan
  • Swift trawler 41 Fly
  • Swift Trawler 48
  • Grand Trawler 62
  • Barche a motore heritage
  • I servizi BENETEAU
  • Architetti e Designers
  • Diventare un proprietario BENETEAU
  • Test e premi

yacht a vela italiani

Coniugare semplicità e prestazioni, con qualsiasi condizione meteo, su tutte le latitudini, per utilizzi sempre più personali e sogni sempre più accessibili. Un’infinita sensazione d’innovazione.

yacht a vela italiani

Gli Oceanis ti invitano a scivolare sull’acqua, spinti dal vento e dal desiderio di staccare la spina, garantendoti una navigazione accessibile e confortevole in qualsiasi circostanza. Dotate di una carena a tulipano e linee essenziali, queste eleganti barche a vela sono diventate dei veri e propri punti di riferimento per la navigazione da crociera. Equilibrate e spaziose al tempo stesso, sono state progettate per far sentire ogni passeggero a proprio agio e far sì che le uscite in mare siano sempre sinonimo di piacere condiviso e convivialità

yacht a vela italiani

Oceanis Yacht

Le linee slanciate degli Oceanis Yacht sono accattivanti. L’attenzione ai dettagli e il loro carattere straordinario ispirano sogni di lunghi viaggi in mare. Potenti e d’altura, queste barche a vela da grande crociera sono progettate per essere facilmente manovrabili con un equipaggio ridotto e per aprire l’orizzonte a lunghe navigazioni. All’interno e sul ponte, la qualità e il comfort degli allestimenti fanno sì che ogni momento trascorso in mare sia all’insegna dell’eleganza.

yacht a vela italiani

La storica gamma di BENETEAU è all’insegna della velocità e del design, per un piacere di navigazione identico in crociera o in regata. Grazie a tale versatilità di utilizzo che li contraddistingue, i First affermano forte e chiaro la loro vocazione a offrire elevate prestazioni sull’acqua, anche con venti leggeri. Progettate dai più grandi architetti navali, hanno lasciato il segno nel mondo dei racer-cruiser fino a diventare dei veri e propri punti di riferimento.

yacht a vela italiani

Leggeri, plananti, ad alte prestazioni, i First SE raccolgono la sfida di offrire agli appassionati di vela sensazioni che non hanno nulla da invidiare a quelle delle barche da regata, garantendo al contempo una navigazione in totale sicurezza. Facili da trasportare, da attrezzare e da varare, ti seguono con facilità nei percorsi di gara su qualsiasi superficie acquatica, oltre che appagare il tuo desiderio di scoprire nuovi orizzonti durante le escursioni costiere.

yacht a vela italiani

Leggendario. Il Figaro è un inno all’eccellenza della regata d’altura. Monotipo inizialmente progettato per l’eponima regata la Solitaire, ha deliziato i più grandi velisti permettendo loro di competere ad armi pari sull’acqua. A bordo di un Figaro, è il marinaio a fare la differenza. 

yacht a vela italiani

Gli antichi velieri BENETEAU

" La nostra storia è stata più volte raccontata nel corso di questi ultimi cinquant’anni ma per capirla, per cogliere i valori dell’azienda, bisogna risalire alle origini. In quanto tutto è continuità ed evoluzione. " - Annette Roux

yacht a vela italiani

Scopri tutte le nostre gamme di barche a vela e yacht a vela di lusso

Stai cercando un concessionario di barche a vela ? Navigazione da diporto, escursioni in mare, vela sportiva, regata… Qualunque sia il tuo progetto di navigazione, grazie alle ampie gamme di barche a vela e yacht a vela di lusso , da BENETEAU potrai trovare la barca dei tuoi sogni.

Yacht a vela di lusso per tutti i progetti di navigazione

Con oltre un secolo di grande esperienza nel settore della costruzione navale, specializzata in barche da diporto fin dagli anni '60, BENETEAU è oggi in grado di offrire imbarcazioni per soddisfare tutti i velisti.

OCEANIS: il bestseller nella vela

BENETEAU si distingue nel settore della crociera grazie alla sua gamma OCEANIS. Con i suoi yacht a vela dagli scafi sempre più stabili, con piani di coperta sempre più sgombri, manovre semplificate, equipaggiamento e interni personalizzabili, la gamma OCEANIS è diventata il punto di riferimento mondiale per la crociera. È proposta in otto modelli che variano nelle dimensioni da 31 a 60 piedi.

Gamma First: yacht a vela iconici

BENETEAU primeggia anche ormai da più di 40 anni grazie alla sua gamma First. Giunta alla settima generazione, propone barche a vela robuste e maneggevoli, perfette per gli appassionati della vela sportiva. First: imbarcazioni ideali per gite sottocosta, ma anche per la regata ed escursioni avventura.


First SE riunisce una community di armatori che condividono gli stessi valori e vogliono migliorare le proprie abilità nautiche. I proprietari di First SE vivono il mare nel modo più autentico, non importa se per gareggiare su percorsi brevi oppure con uno orizzonte più ampio; grazie all'equipaggiamento come l'albero in carbonio, le vele in laminato e un'attrezzatura di coperta di qualità, possono ottenere facilmente le migliori prestazioni.

Gli yacht BENETEAU: lussuose barche a vela

BENETEAU è anche a tua disposizione per assisterti nell'acquisto di una barca di fascia alta. Le lussuose barche a vela della gamma OCEANIS Yacht rispondono perfettamente a questa scelta. La gamma propone in effetti due lussuose imbarcazioni da oltre 50 piedi, disegnate da prestigiosi architetti e progettisti. Lo stesso vale per il First Yacht 53 della gamma First.

Figaro BENETEAU: barche a vela simbolo delle regate d'altura

Le barche a vela BENETEAU sono adatte anche per i concorrenti e gli amanti delle regate d'altura. Dagli anni '90, la classe di barche a vela Figaro fa eccellere la comunità della vela francese. Oggi è arrivata alla sua terza generazione con il Figaro 3, uno yacht a vela che offre un'esperienza di navigazione indimenticabile. Vero concentrato di tecnologia e innovazione, è il risultato della collaborazione tra i migliori esperti del gruppo Beneteau e lo studio di architettura Van Peteghem Lauriot-Prévost (VPLP), gli architetti delle ultime due barche vincitrici della Vendée Globe.

Barche a vela che navigano sui cinque oceani

Questa diversità consente al marchio BENETEAU di essere rappresentato su tutti i mari del globo. Ovunque si trovino, le barche BENETEAU sono sempre ben riconoscibili per le loro linee affusolate, il loro design innovativo, la loro robustezza e le loro prestazioni. Certo BENETEAU non ha intenzione di accontentarsi dei traguardi raggiunti, si reinventa infatti costantemente per offrirti una navigazione da diporto sempre più piacevole, efficiente, sicura e accessibile. E per questo BENETEAU può contare sulle sue innovazioni attuali e future: Ship Control, Dock & Go, foil, ecc.

Selezionare l'area e la lingua

  • Chinese, Simplified

yacht a vela italiani

I nostri valori

Italia Yachts: barche con una forte identità e riconoscibilità, progettate per lunghe navigazioni e con uno stile senza tempo, dal design non incline ad assecondare mode passeggere ma destinato a rimanere intramontabile. Ogni progetto parte dalla ricerca del perfetto equilibrio e del corretto bilanciamento, con l’obiettivo di ottenere imbarcazioni di facile conduzione e dal comportamento sicuro. Le linee d’acqua sono studiate per ottenere performance a vela esaltanti in ogni condizione meteorologica. Queste caratteristiche uniche hanno reso le nostre barche un punto di riferimento nel mondo della vela: la navigazione su un Italia Yachts fa sentire l’equipaggio sicuro e protetto in ogni condizione, regalandogli il piacere di performance indimenticabili.

La filosofia del cantiere

Il cantiere Italia Yachts è nato nel 2011 a Chioggia – Venezia, con la mission di progettare e costruire barche a vela di altissima qualità, veloci, eleganti e sicure, rivolte ad un pubblico esigente, alla ricerca di un prodotto unico ed esclusivo e dal design intramontabile. 

Alla fine del 2022 Italia Yachts porta a termine un importante step del proprio piano quinquennale, con l’apertura del cantiere destinato alla produzione. Qui il controllo è totale, dall’inizio alla fine dei processi. Il 2023 inizia con il lancio dell’IY 43 veloce: la prima della serie delle barche a motore con le stesse caratteristiche peculiari della vela.

L’eliminazione degli spigoli consente di migliorare l’ergonomia e la sicurezza in navigazione.



  • via delle marche, 2/4 61040 Monteporzio (PU) Italy

yacht a vela italiani

Noleggio Yacht a Vela per una vacanza unica

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da 824 EUR / settimana

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Solo con

Assicurazione cauzione barca GRATUITA

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Scopri la croazia a bordo di una barca.

Infinite coste frastagliate, baie azzurre, condizioni ideali e un ricco patrimonio culturale

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Assicurazione completa per il noleggio di barche

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Guida nautica alle Bahamas

Scoprite le informazioni essenziali sulle isole principali delle Bahamas, il clima ideale per la navigazione, i porti turistici migliori e gli itinerari di navigazione da non perdere. Salpiamo.

Il mare per te

Avventura, relax, divertimento e fuga dalla realtà. Da oltre 15 anni ci assicuriamo che possiate vivere la migliore esperienza di navigazione. Siamo in grado di trovare la barca più adatta a voi e di darvi consigli utili in ogni situazione. Voi siete il capitano e noi il pilota della vostra vacanza in barca.


Home Tours Italia

Quasi 7.500 chilometri di coste tutti da navigare e dobbiamo dirlo, noi di BeBlue giochiamo in casa! L’Italia è una terra meravigliosa ricca di storia, città d’arte e cultura ma è la sua vista dal mare che ti lascerà assolutamente senza fiato. Il Belpaese con le sue acque dalle mille sfumature di blue, concentra in sé una varietà di scenari e paesaggi da cartolina come in nessun’altra parte al mondo. Sali a bordo di splendide imbarcazioni in compagnia dei nostri skipper per esplorare l’Italia sulle rotte più suggestive. Ti attendono spiagge di sabbia finissima, borghi a picco sul mare, baie incantate, atolli di origine vulcanica e non mancheranno escursioni a terra perché tu possa passeggiare tra le vie di una cittadina e assaporare la gustosa cucina locale. Qualunque sia il tuo desiderio di vacanza, qui puoi realizzarlo.

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zefira valletta yacht proprietario

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ZEFIRA , IMO 1011094

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ZEFIRA, IMO 1011094

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  • Social Life
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  • A Gourmet Heart
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  • Fiji Islands
  • Panama Channel
  • San Blas Islands
  • Dominica – Leeward Islands
  • Loro Piana Superyacht Regatta 2013
  • Dubois Cup 2013
  • St Barths Bucket Regatta 2013
  • Loro Piana Caribbean Superyacht Regatta & Rendezvous 2013
  • Caribbean Superyacht Regatta & Rendezvous 2011
  • Loro Piana Superyacht Regatta 2011
  • Dubois Cup 2011

“Zefira, a magnificent, lean aluminium and carbon 50 metre yacht. A project in which, together with our designers, we put our heart”

Experienced european owners brought together a top team of Dubois, Fitzroy and Tessier to produce their dream yacht: sleek, sophisticated and impressive under sail.

The push for a single level between bridge, saloon and cockpit, combined with ultra-sleek aesthetics, nudged the Dubois design team into new territory. “To get good visibility from the helmstations we had to work hard to lower the accommodation as much as possible, while keeping an open feeling” adds McKeon.

The interior, styled and drawn by Remi Tessier , features a combination of bleached timbers and white leather which results in clean modern lines and provides bright comfortable living areas.

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  • St. Barths Bucket Regatta

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Fitzroy Yachts Zefira

The sea trial was pubblished on Superyacht 31 – spring 2012

Zefira S/Y is one of those few yachts that became an attraction for yacht enthusiasts and professionals  well before she hit the water.

This yacht was designed and built with the experience and passion for sailing boats her owners demonstrated from the start as well as a naval engineering and a project design team from  Ed Dubois studio for the exterior, while Remi Tessier was responsible for all the interiors. Zefira was built in a yard which enjoys a  worldwide  reputation for the construction of large sailing yachts.

fitzroy zefira

With such an opening introduction one can expect nothing less than something absolutely extraordinary, where the term used must be read in its best meaning to underscore something that has really nothing of the ordinary. We had the pleasure of talking with the owners who are currently sailing on their yacht after they had  carried out important work in the design phase with the project team to define specific guidelines and details.

Beyond the highly involving dialogue which ensued with flowing examples  of their own sailing experience and passion, we managed to grasp and better understand the idea behind the project which began with a seven metre sloop and  gradually developed in the course of the following 40 years  of which  many were spent at  sea. Putting words to emotion and feelings is never easy to do and  more so when they are other people’s. In this case however everything was a lot easier for us   thanks to our interviewee’s eloquent communicative capability.

The first point our attention was brought to was that Zefira is the largest sailing y

acht ever designed by Dubois with no fly bridge and built by Fitzroy Yachts in New Zealand.  This may strike our readers as a mere detail, but it is in fact one of the principal fundamentals outlining this project because it translates into flowing external lines and a unique profile when observed sideways on.

The choice  of doing without a fly bridge is somewhat unusual since up until  recently a “fly” had been widely accepted as  a run of the mill thing to have on a sailing yacht beyond a given size, but which nevertheless, Zefira is proud to do without giving cause for, among others ,  the following comment volunteered by some of the designers not involved in the project: “The world of sailing now stands  divided between before Zefira and after Zefira”.

Naturally enough this comment in particular is aimed at the yachts’ profile, which brings to a standstill what had become a consolidated practice on yachts this size. Aesthetics is principally  why the owners decided to do without the fly option as well as for practical reasons  they eloquently highlighted: without one  on a  50 metre sailing boat  there’s a complete total view of both what lies ahead up to the horizon and of the sail plan.

Moreover using a higher windswept and sun scorched horizontal plane rather than the main deck itself is by its very nature something destined to be exploited only sporadically and quite correctly in their opinion doesn’t justify having one.

The thought behind the whole project as the requests submitted to both designers and yard indicated,  were to enjoy a pure thorough bred for its performing lines and technical contents, capable of offering the sort of space and commodities expected when cruising extensively in all weather conditions. At a first glance the goal seems to have been easily achieved, but if  we then go into an in-depth analysis, the comments volunteered by project designers earlier seems surely appropriate. The husband and wife team (the owners) followed up on construction work from the initial stages to completion, working through the more important phases in close contact with the professional teams involved.

According to the owners the best part was witnessing the step by step progress of such an enterprise. We can understand the reasons why and genuinely  hope that in  the future such desire will generate the construction of other such extraordinary ships.

Several International prizes for design and technical contents have been awarded to Zefira. Dubois Naval Architects’ studio is proud of the recognitions bestowed since this is the largest sailing yacht project without a “fly” they’ve ever made so far and also for the passion and creativity expressed time and time again by the owners who incidentally had been the previous owners of another Dubois  project built by Alloy Yachts: Kokomo of London (now Nubero Blau). The challenge taken on by the studio was one that meant blending the huge experience acquired by the owners to innovative aesthetics, with a hull capable of delivering the sea-keeping qualities and performance requested.

The owners wished for a boat that could be another home from home: spacious, with a project design that looked ahead into the future. For this reason the design team was invited by the owners to pay them a visit and to take a look at their house to better understand what they wanted.

The choice of the yard was principally dictated by delivery times even if Fitzroy Yachts had been chosen also in function of preceding work carried out from Dubois projects.

Among some of the clever solutions highlighted by the owners in the course of our conversation we wish to mention the ease in steering they experienced and handling the yacht, of course aided by electronics and important data communication systems capable of monitoring and performing many of the required manoeuvres without hindering visibility.

The rig which is capable of carrying up to 3,000 square metres of canvass is per se a very interesting technical achievement inasmuch as it sports a 63.50 metre mast and can still be defined as being “light”. Obviously there’s a carbon fibre mast and boom, as well as fibre stays that have been purposely chosen to reduce weight high above the waterline which translates into less draught and better performance in breezes.

All of the choices adopted for Zefira mean she is very competitive on the race track even against racers and  in spite of the many commodities she carries with her.  As for the interiors and  much of the work put in by  Remi Tessier designer and the co-owner they enhanced an undoubted feeling of both tranquillity and elegance.

Gauged chromatic variety  meets the discerning eye as it takes in lighter and darker shades of handcrafted woodwork placed without ever causing excessive contrast, followed by polished steel elements and ad hoc lighting which enhances relaxation throughout every area. The space chosen to house each piece of furniture, is fruit of  careful study that has contributed into ensuring an uncompromised degree of comfort in the owners’ suite which is situated in the stern and in each of the three guest cabins as well.

One is a twin while the other two are double each one of them sports its own private bathroom. The crew quarters are situated in the bow area and with space for a lounge and crew mess room, which translates into staff’s quality living standards on board. The yacht’s convivial areas are also well distributed and large to ensure adequate privacy to guests and owners alike.

The electronics and navigation aids installed are the most modern on the market, with data and alarm control systems and displays in each of the two external command /control stations  as well as on the bridge deck as can be expected on a state of the art ship such as this. Dictated by reasons of space we have to limit our text to that which has so far been described even when the meeting with Zefira’s owners was so stimulating  we were prompted  to go further.

Since both of them  described Zefira as being a point of arrival but of departure too, we wish them to continue their research work in the yachting field and to offer us, who knows what other input and ideas in the future. For further information please contact: Angelo Colombo

For further information Ocean View Parade, Private Bag 2014; New Plymouth, New Zealand +647699380


Loa: 49.70 m – lwl: 44.56 m – beam: 9.95 m – draught: 4.90 m – light displacement: 322 t – engines: 1×1,400 hp caterpillar c32 acert – top speed under power: 16 knots – under sail: 18 knots – fuel tank capacity: 35,000 litres – range at cruising speed: 3,800 nm – consumption at cruise speed: 110 litres/hr – class: lloyds + 100 1 ssc yacht mono g6 mca london ly2 – yacht in line with the international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships (1973) and 1978 protocol including all subsequent amendments (marpol)., everywhere you are, read.


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Zefira is a custom sailing yacht launched in 2010 by Fitzroy Yachts.

Zefira measures 49.69 metres in length, with a max draft of 4.90 metres and a beam of 10.00 metres.

Zefira has an aluminium hull with an aluminium superstructure.

Sailing yachts have long combined nature with man-made beauty.

Her interior design is by Remi Tessier.

Zefira also features naval architecture by Dubois .

Performance and Capabilities

Zefira has a fuel capacity of 37,380 litres, and a water capacity of 10,440 litres.

She also has a range of 4,000 nautical miles.


Zefira accommodates up to 8 guests in 4 cabins. She also houses room for up to 7 crew members.

Other Specifications

Zefira is a Lloyds 100A1 SSC Yacht Mono G6 MCH class yacht.

  • Yacht Builder Fitzroy Yachts No profile available
  • Naval Architect Dubois No profile available
  • Exterior Designer Dubois No profile available
  • Interior Designer Remi Tessier No profile available

Yacht Specs

Other fitzroy yachts, related news.

zefira valletta yacht proprietario

  • Builder Fitzroy Yachts , New Zealand
  • Delivered 2010
  • Naval Architect Dubois Naval Architects
  • Exterior Stylist Dubois Naval Architects
  • Interior Designer Remi Tessier
  • LOA49.7m (163ft)
  • LWL44.6m (146ft)
  • Beam (max)10m (33ft)
  • Draft4.9m (16ft)
  • Fuel Capacity 37,380 litres
  • Water Capacity 10,440 litres
  • Range4,000 nm at cruise speed
  • Displacement 372 tonnes
  • Staterooms4
  • Crew4 cabins
  • Construction Aluminium
  • ClassificationLloyds 100A1 SSC Yacht Mono G6 MCH


zefira valletta yacht proprietario

Zefira is the largest vessel crafted by Fitzroy Yachts to date. The Dubois designed vessel was built to exceptional quality levels which continue the yards reputation for building award winning superyachts. Powered by a Caterpillar C32 1450 bhp main engine and a Hundested variable pitch propeller, the propulsion system provides long range motor sailing abilities. The 56 meter ‘light weight’ carbon fiber sailing rig was supplied by Southern Spars, and the sails inventory provided by North Sails.

The interior, styled and drawn by Remi Tessier , features a combination of bleached timbers and white leather which results in clean modern lines and provides bright comfortable living areas. Generous accommodation spaces are provided for the owners and guests all with private ensuite facilities and state of the art entertainment systems. The large main deck saloon opens to a covered cockpit area which features electrically retracting side windows. The very best in lighting and entertainment control systems was incorporated into the yacht by Liquid Automation, allowing the interior ambience to be seamlessly controlled at the touch of a button.

The stainless steel galley with black granite bench top is extremely spacious for a sailing yacht with its carefully planned layout and stylish Gaggenau and Sub Zero appliances. The forward crew area is built to match the guest cabins with similar styling and detail incorporated into the joinery. There are four crew cabins each with their own ensuite which can comfortably accommodate up to 8 crew.

Designed by Dubois Naval Architects Interior Designed by Remi Tessier Built by Fitzroy Yachts Limited

zefira valletta yacht proprietario


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If you have any questions about the Zefira information page below please contact us .

Superyacht Zefira is a luxury sailing yacht built by Fitzroy Yachts, designed by Dubois Naval Architects, with interior design by Remi Tessier. Measuring 49.7m, sailing yacht Zefira is the largest luxury yacht crafted by Fitzroy Yachts in New Zealand to date and is the largest sloop Dubois Naval Architects has designed without a fly bridge. Sailing yacht Zefira is the 7th Dubois designed sailing yacht to be built by Fitzroy Yachts.

The modern interior, of sail yacht Zefira was designed by Remi Tessier and features a combination of bleached timbers and white leather providing clean lines and bright comfortable living areas. S/Y Zefira’s large saloon on the main deck opens to a covered cockpit area which features electrically retracting side windows. Lighting and entertainment control systems by Liquid Automation, enable the interior ambience to be effortlessly controlled at the touch of a button.

Superyacht Zefira’s stainless steel galley features a black granite bench top and stylish Gaggenau and Sub Zero appliances. The carefully planned layout of the galley and is extremely spacious and functional for a sailing yacht. Forward, the forward crew area is built to match the guest cabins with similar styling and detail incorporated into the joinery. There are a total four crew cabins each with their own ensuite accommodating up to 8 crew.

Zefira Specifications

The Dubois designed fast cruising sloop Zefira, built under the project or model name x50 was crafted to exceptional standards which continue the yards reputation for building award winning superyachts.

Sailing Yacht Zefira boasts excellent technical performance and features beautiful lines. Her aluminium hull is painted a stylish light grey and she measures 49.7m with a beam of 9.95m. Zefira is powered by a Caterpillar C32 1450 bhp main engine and a Hundested variable pitch propeller, the propulsion system provides long range motor sailing abilities. The 56 meter ‘light weight’ carbon fiber sailing rig was supplied by Southern Spars, and the sails inventory provided by North Sails.

Yacht Accommodation

Guests are accommodated in generous 4 staterooms including the owner’s suite and 3 guest cabins all with ensuite facilities and state of the art entertainment systems.

Amenities and Extras

We do have available further amenity, owner and price information for the 49.69 yacht Zefira, so please enquire for more information.

Zefira Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht Zefira displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

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Fitzroy built some wonderful sailing yachts which showcased the result of New Zealand passion,quality and yacht building tradition.

Sailing yacht Zefira Looking In 2

PERSEUS | From EUR€ 165,000/wk

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ELEONORA | From EUR€ 70,000/wk

Anima Maris Yacht

ANIMA MARIS | From EUR€ 64,000/wk

Il Vibonese

Zefira, il “miglior yacht a vela del mondo” in sosta a Vibo Marina

L’imbarcazione di 50 metri, unanimemente considerata una barca da sogno, è rimasta attraccata per poche ore per attività di bunkeraggio

Zefira, il “miglior yacht a vela del mondo” in sosta a Vibo Marina

Per gli appassionati di barche , e non solo, si tratta di un’impagabile attrazione, qualcosa di assolutamente straordinario nel suo significato letterario, cioè qualcosa che non ha niente di ordinario. Ma solo in pochi sono riusciti ad accorgersi della sua presenza in porto, che è durata giusto una mattinata . “ Zefira ”, imbarcazione di 50 metri vincitrice dei prestigiosi riconoscimenti internazionali “Show boats Design Award 2011” e di “World Superyacht Awards 2011” come miglior yacht a vela del mondo per il 2011, è rimasta attraccata presso la banchina Bengasi del molo Cortese di Vibo Marina per poche ore, impegnata in attività di bunkeraggio. Costruita in Nuova Zelanda nei cantieri Fitzroy, ha uno scafo in alluminio e una trave con un raggio di quasi dieci metri. Gli interni sono stati disegnati da Remi Tessier e possono ospitare otto ospiti in quattro cabine. Battente bandiera maltese, è unanimemente considerata una barca da sogno : elegante, sofisticata, impressionante sotto vela con il suo albero in carbonio alto 63,5 metri . Un’estetica innovativa, che ha portato uno dei suoi progettisti ad affermare, non senza una punta di orgoglio: «Il mondo della vela si divide tra prima di Zefira e dopo di Zefira». Proveniente da Patmos(Grecia), dopo la sosta tecnica ha ripreso il mare facendo rotta verso Capri .

La nave yacht “Menorca” in rada a Vibo Marina

' src=

Giuseppe Addesi

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ZEFIRA is a 49.68 m Sail Yacht, built in New Zealand by Fitzroy Yachts and delivered in 2010.

Her top speed is 18.0 kn and she boasts a maximum range of 4000.0 nm when navigating at cruising speed, with power coming from a Caterpillar diesel engine. She can accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 staterooms, with 7 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 363.0 GT and a 9.95 m beam.

She was designed by Dubois Naval Architects , who also completed the naval architecture. Dubois Naval Architects has designed 77 yachts and created the naval architecture for 72 yachts for yachts above 24 metres.

Her interior was designed by Rémi Tessier , who has 26 other superyacht interiors designed in the BOAT Pro database - she is built with a Teak deck, a Aluminium hull, and Aluminium superstructure.

ZEFIRA is in the top 10% by LOA in the world. She is one of 83 sailing yachts in the 45-50m size range, and, compared to similarly sized sailing yachts, her cruising speed is 0.9 kn above the average, and her top speed 4.69 kn above the average.

ZEFIRA is currently sailing under the Malta flag, the 3rd most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 1057 yachts registered. She has recently entered the NCA refit yard, in Italy. For more information regarding ZEFIRA's movements, find out more about BOAT Pro AIS .


  • Name: ZEFIRA
  • Yacht Type: Sail Yacht
  • Builder: Fitzroy Yachts
  • Naval Architect: Dubois Naval Architects
  • Exterior Designer: Dubois Naval Architects
  • Interior Designer: Rémi Tessier

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Yacht, IMO 1011094

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La nave ZEFIRA (IMO 1011094, MMSI 248663000) è una nave Yacht costruita nel 2010 che naviga attualmente sotto bandiera della Malta.

ZEFIRA photo

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Posizione attuale e storico delle toccate sono ricevuti dall'AIS. I dettagli sulle specifiche tecniche, sul tonnellaggio e sulla gestione sono derivati dal database di VesselFinder. I dati sono solo per scopi informativi e VesselFinder non è responsabile per l'accuratezza e l'affidabilità dei dati di ZEFIRA.

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Salah time in Shchëlkovo, Moscow Oblast (Russia)

Get accurate prayer time for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers in Shchëlkovo, Moscow Oblast (Russia) for today, tomorrow and next 30 days.

Local time: 00:32 , Mar 6, 2024 .

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When are the prayer times today in Shchëlkovo?

Salah (or Salat), the second pillar of Islam, consists of five daily prayers. These prayers are Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. It is important to know the Islamic prayers times in Shchëlkovo because they must be done according to the exact position of the sun in the sky. As a result, these times will vary from day to day.

Today, islamic prayers in Shchëlkovo happen at the following times (according to Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia calculation method):

  • Fajr (dawn prayer): 05:17
  • Dhuhr (noon prayer): 12:39
  • Asr (afternoon prayer): 15:28
  • Maghrib (dusk prayer): 18:14
  • Isha (sunset prayer): 19:55

Salah is sometimes referred to as Namaz and the times of Namaz in Shchëlkovo are listed below. For times of prayer for tomorrow and next days please refer to the timetable below.

Azan prayers timing

The Azan is a signal inviting worshipers to attend the prayer. It is given five times per day prior to each prayer. The call is delivered by the Muezzin.

Listed below are the Shchëlkovo Salah times for the next 30 days. Please check these times daily for the most up-to-date time.

The times listed below have been determined by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia calculation method.

How are prayer times calculated for Shchëlkovo?

The prayer times of each of the five prayers are determined by the specific position of the sun in the sky. The Shchëlkovo Salah times typically change daily, the prayer times will be different on each day. Usually, the time only varies by a minute per day but some days will have the same time for multiple days consecutively. Because of the changing times, it is important to check the prayer schedule each day.

Why is it important to know exact prayer times in Shchëlkovo?

Since prayer times are dictated by the position of the sun, the precise times must be adhered to. A prayer must never be performed earlier than the set time. Each prayer is directed to be performed at a certain, specific, exact time.

Qibla finder

Qibla direction from Shchëlkovo is 177° degrees from True North clockwise.

Popular questions

What time is fajr prayer in shchëlkovo today.

The Fajr prayer, which is sometimes referred to as the dawn prayer, is the first prayer of the day. The prayer begins as the sky begins to turn light.

This prayer allows for remembering God before the day starts. It is one of the five mandatory prayers and begins at the moment of dawn.

Fajr in Shchëlkovo starts at 05:17.

When is Dhuhr prayer in Shchëlkovo today?

The Dhuhr (also known as Zuhr, Duhr or Thuhr) prayer times in Shchëlkovo are at noon. After the work day has begun, there is a break in the day to remember God and to give thanks.

The Dhuhr prayer beings as the sun begins to drop after reaching its highest point for the day.

Dhuhr in Shchëlkovo is at 12:39 today.

What time is Asr prayer?

The Asr prayer is also known as the afternoon prayer. It is considered the fifth prayer of the day and consists of four rakats.

Asr is at 15:28 in Shchëlkovo today.

What time is Maghrib prayer in Shchëlkovo today?

The time to pray Maghrib in Shchëlkovo is just after the sun goes down. This is the sunset prayer that allows Muslims to think of God as the day is over and occurs right after sunset. The day has been completed and the Maghrib prayer helps worshipers recall God.

This prayer is performed at dusk at 18:14.

What time is Isha today in Shchëlkovo?

The Isha time prayer in Shchëlkovo is the sunset prayer. It occurs when there is no more light but only total darkness. It is a time to reflect on all of the good things that God has bestowed.

Today, Isha starts at 19:55.

Cities near Shchëlkovo

  • Bolshevo Moscow Oblast
  • Korolev Moscow Oblast
  • Balashikha Moscow Oblast
  • Tayninka Moscow Oblast
  • Gol’yanovo Moscow
  • Mytishchi Moscow Oblast
  • Zheleznodorozhnyy Moscow Oblast
  • Bibirevo Moscow
  • Severnyy Moscow
  • Vykhino-Zhulebino Moscow
  • Lyubertsy Moscow Oblast
  • Moscow Moscow
  • Lyublino Moscow
  • Elektrostal’ Moscow Oblast
  • Khimki Moscow Oblast
  • Mar’ino Moscow
  • Khoroshëvo-Mnevniki Moscow Oblast
  • Strogino Moscow
  • Yasenevo Moscow
  • Zelenograd Moscow

Prayer times in other cities of Russia

  • Saint Petersburg St.-Petersburg
  • Novosibirsk Novosibirsk Oblast
  • Yekaterinburg Sverdlovsk
  • Nizhniy Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
  • Samara Samara Oblast
  • Kazan Tatarstan Republic
  • Rostov-na-Donu Rostov
  • Chelyabinsk Chelyabinsk
  • Ufa Bashkortostan Republic
  • Volgograd Volgograd Oblast
  • Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarskiy
  • Saratov Saratovskaya Oblast
  • Voronezh Voronezj
  • Tolyatti Samara Oblast
  • Krasnodar Krasnodarskiy
  • Ulyanovsk Ulyanovsk
  • Izhevsk Udmurtiya Republic

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Shchëlkovo in Moscow Oblast Destination Guide Russia

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zefira valletta yacht proprietario

Shchëlkovo in Moscow Oblast, Russia

Safety Score: 4,4 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Russia.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Russia . Last Update: 2024-03-05 08:22:39

Discover Shchëlkovo

Shchëlkovo in Moscow Oblast is a city in Russia about 39 mi (or 62 km) north-west of Moscow, the country's capital city.

Local time in Shchëlkovo is now 12:32 AM (Wednesday). The local timezone is named Europe / Moscow with an UTC offset of 3 hours. We know of 5 airports in the vicinity of Shchëlkovo, of which two are larger airports. The closest airport in Russia is Sheremetyevo International Airport in a distance of 21 mi (or 34 km), South-East. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in Russia is Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad in a distance of 37 mi (or 60 km), East.

When in this area, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Vostochnoe Degunino, Moscow, Cheremushki, Krasnaya Pahra and Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays local weather conditions & forecast: -1°c / 30 °f.

zefira valletta yacht proprietario

Wednesday, 6th of March 2024

zefira valletta yacht proprietario

-7°C (20 °F) -15°C (5 °F) Scattered clouds, light breeze.

Thursday, 7th of March 2024

zefira valletta yacht proprietario

-3°C (27 °F) -10°C (15 °F) Overcast clouds, light breeze.

Friday, 8th of March 2024

zefira valletta yacht proprietario

-1°C (30 °F) -2°C (28 °F) Light snow, gentle breeze, overcast clouds.

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First drive in Scania 4x4 P93 M SBAT

Published: February 28, 2010 Length: 15:44 min Rating: 4 of 5 Author: scaniaru

Scania 4x4 SBAT deep snow Best truck Russia.

preview picture of video 'Autumn #Drift_Family Run 2.0'

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ZEFIRA Interior & Exterior Photos

49.69m  /  163' | fitzroy | 2010.

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Zefira photo 1

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Zefira yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

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Lloyds Register 100 A1 SSC Yacht Mono G6 classification. Sleeps 10 overnight. The multi-award winning 49.69m/163' sail yacht 'Zefira' was built by Fitzroy in New Zealand at their New Plymouth shipyard. Her interior is styled by design house Remi Tessier and she was completed in 2010. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Dubois.

Zefira. Experienced european owners brought together a top team of Dubois, Fitzroy and Tessier to produce their dream yacht: sleek, sophisticated and impressive under sail. Exterior. This 49.7m fast cruising sloop is the largest sloop Dubois Naval Architects has designed without a flybridge. She is of aluminium construction with a bulb keel and ...

With four aft cabins for eight guests and accommodation for up to nine crew, Zefira is the quintessential sailing yacht with a low profile, plumb bow, flush deck, generous sail plan and the latest thinking in keel design. The biggest ever Dubois sloop built without a flybridge,_ Zefira_ has a chic, minimalist interior by Rémi Tessier.

VALLETTA: Owner : BOURBON OFFSHORE - MARSEILLE, FRANCE: Manager : BOURBON OFFSHORE - MARSEILLE, FRANCE: Description: ZEFIRA is a Yacht built in 2010 by FITZROY YACHTS - NEW PLYMOUTH, NEW ZEALAND. Currently sailing under the flag of Malta. Formerly also known as ZEFIRA, 9HA2459. It's gross tonnage is 363 tons.

"Zefira, a magnificent, lean aluminium and carbon 50 metre yacht. A project in which, together with our designers, we put our heart" Experienced european owners brought together a top team of Dubois, Fitzroy and Tessier to produce their dream yacht: sleek, sophisticated and impressive under sail. Zefira is the biggest Dubois sloop ever built without a flying bridge,

Zefira S/Y is one of those few yachts that became an attraction for yacht enthusiasts and professionals well before she hit the water. This yacht was designed and built with the experience and passion for sailing boats her owners demonstrated from the start as well as a naval engineering and a project design team from Ed Dubois studio for the ...

Zefira is a custom sailing yacht launched in 2010 by Fitzroy Yachts. Design. Zefira measures 49.69 metres in length, with a max draft of 4.90 metres and a beam of 10.00 metres. Zefira has an aluminium hull with an aluminium superstructure. Her exterior design is by Dubois. Sailing yachts have long combined nature with man-made beauty.

Zefira is the largest vessel crafted by Fitzroy Yachts to date. The Dubois designed vessel was built to exceptional quality levels which continue the yards reputation for building award winning superyachts. Powered by a Caterpillar C32 1450 bhp main engine and a Hundested variable pitch propeller, the propulsion system provides long range motor ...

Zefira is a 49.7 m / 163′1″ luxury sailing yacht. She was built by Fitzroy Yachts in 2010. With a beam of 9.95 m and a draft of 4.9 m, she has an aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure. She is powered by Caterpillar engines of 1450 hp each giving her a maximum speed of 19 knots and a cruising speed of 12 knots. Zefira's maximum range is estimated at 4000 nautical miles. The sailing ...

Sailing yacht Zefira is the 7th Dubois designed sailing yacht to be built by Fitzroy Yachts. The modern interior, of sail yacht Zefira was designed by Remi Tessier and features a combination of bleached timbers and white leather providing clean lines and bright comfortable living areas. S/Y Zefira's large saloon on the main deck opens to a ...

We combine thousands of yacht listings with local destination information, sample itineraries and experiences to deliver the world's most comprehensive yacht charter website. Interactive, detailed layout / general arrangement of ZEFIRA, the 50m Fitzroy Yachts super yacht with naval architecture by Dubois with an interior by Remi Tessier.

"Zefira", imbarcazione di 50 metri vincitrice dei prestigiosi riconoscimenti internazionali "Show boats Design Award 2011" e di "World Superyacht Awards 2011" come miglior yacht a vela del mondo per il 2011, è rimasta attraccata presso la banchina Bengasi del molo Cortese di Vibo Marina per poche ore, impegnata in attività di ...

Westport • $10,250,000 • 34.14 m • 8 guests. ZEFIRA is a 49.68m superyacht built by Fitzroy Yachts in New Zealand and delivered in 2010. Explore her photos and specifications here.

La nave ZEFIRA (IMO: 1011094, MMSI: 248663000) è una nave Yacht costruita nel 2010 che naviga attualmente sotto bandiera della Malta. Carta Navi FOTO Porti Notizie. SERVIZI. Paid. SERVIZI ONLINE DATI AIS IN TEMPO REALE Dati AIS storici. Free. ... Proprietario registrato: Manager: Avvertenza.

Zefira is a sailing yacht with an overall length of m. The yacht's builder is Fitzroy Yachts from New Zealand, who launched Zefira in 2010. The superyacht has a beam of m, a draught of m and a volume of . GT.. Zefira features exterior design by Dubois Naval Architects Ltd. and interior design by Rémi Tessier. Up to 10 guests can be accommodated on board the superyacht, Zefira, and she also ...

Zefiro is a 30.2 m / 99′1″ luxury sailing yacht. She was built by Southern Wind in 2009. With a beam of 6.7 m , she has a composite hull and composite superstructure. She is powered by Cummins engines giving her a maximum speed of 12 knots and a cruising speed of 10 knots. The sailing yacht can accommodate 8 guests in cabins and an exterior design by Farr Yacht Design.

Calculation method: Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia. Fajr 16°, Isha 15°. Latitude 54.734791, Longitude 55.9578555.

Shchëlkovo in Moscow Oblast is a city in Russia about 39 mi (or 62 km) north-west of Moscow, the country's capital city. Local time in Shchëlkovo is now 08:39 AM (Sunday). The local timezone is named Europe / Moscow with an UTC offset of 3 hours. We know of 5 airports in the vicinity of Shchëlkovo, of which two are larger airports.

The best { {searchresults_count}} campings in Shchëlkovo, Russia (2024)

Hotels near Moscow Yacht Port, Dolgoprudny on Tripadvisor: Find 9,693 traveler reviews, 2,314 candid photos, and prices for 1,220 hotels near Moscow Yacht Port in Dolgoprudny, Russia.

Interior & exterior photos of ZEFIRA, the 50m Fitzroy Yachts super yacht, designed by Dubois with an interior by Remi Tessier ... The yacht particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your yacht charter broker. ... Baracuda Valletta. 50m | Perini Navi

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Luxury rules at the moscow yacht show.

by Maria Sapozhnikova

yacht a vela italiani

The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn’t stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of September when the Moscow Yacht Show commences. The main Russian Yacht exhibition gathers professional and amateur yacht lovers together under the wing of The Royal Yacht Club.

This year it took place for a fourth time already. The exhibition is considered the principal event on the sporting and social calendar. The Moscow Yacht Show 2010 united in one area three of the largest Russian yachts distributors: Ultramarine, Nordmarine and Premium Yachts.

A wide range of yachts were on display for a week. An exhibition showcased yachts both from Russian manufacturers and world famous brands: Azimut, Princess, Ferretti, Pershing, Riviera, Doral, Linssen, etc.

It was a real feast for seafarers as visitors of the show had a unique chance not only to take a look at the newest superyachts before they hit the market, but also to evaluate their driving advantages during the test drive. The show provided an excellent opportunity for yacht enthusiasts to choose and buy a new boat for the next season.

The event started with the grandiose gala evening. It included grand dinner, the concert and professional awards ceremony for achievements in Russian yachting industry. The guests also enjoyed the annual regatta.

Special guest Paolo Vitelli, Azimut Benetti Group president, opened the evening.

Next year organizers assured guests they would bring more yachts, the scale of which will even make oligarch Roman Abramovich envious. Sounds very promising indeed.


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Moscow Boat Tour

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See all the gems of historical and cultural center of the capital in short time and without traffic jams or tiresome walking.

Depending on the itinerary and duration of the Moscow River boat trip, the tour can be 3 or 5 hours.

Highlights of the tour

  • St Basil’s Cathedral;
  • Stalin skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya (Tinkers) embankment;
  • The Kremlin;
  • “House on the Embankment” Stalin skyscraper;
  • Monument to Peter I;
  • The Central House of Artists;
  • Christ the Savior Cathedral;
  • Gorky Park;
  • Moscow State University;
  • Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Luzhniki stadium;
  • Novodevichy Monastery;
  • Kiev railway station;
  • Europe Square;
  • Moscow City Hall;
  • Government House;
  • Expocentre Exhibition Complex;
  • and other famous sights.

You will learn about the different epochs of the city from the foundation in 1147 till Soviet times of 20 th  century.

Moscow River

Moskva river has the form of a snake and is the main waterway of Moscow, consisting of a cascade of reservoirs. Within the city, Moskva river is 80 km long, 120 m - 200 m wide and up to 14 m deep. The narrowest part of the river is the Kremlin area in the city center, and the most extensive is around the Luzhniki Stadium in the south. 

Bridges in Moscow

Undoubtedly, bridges and embankments are among the most scenic spots and main attractions of Moscow. Plus, they are so romantic.

  • Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge –  Great Stone Bridge –  is the main bridge of Moscow . The first stone bridge was constructed here in the 17th century.
  • Patriarshy Bridge  is one of the youngest pedestrian bridges, built in 2004. The bridge connects the iconic Christ the Saviour Cathedral with funky Bersenevskaya embankment, extremely popular place among locals for its trendy art galleries, cafes and panoramic views. Patriarshy Bridge used to be a shooting location for ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's New Year speech to the nation.
  • Borodinsky Bridge,  erected in honor of the 100th anniversary of the glorious victory in the Battle of Borodino (which every Russian kid knows about), a fierce legendary battle during the Russo-French war of 1812.
  • Bagration Bridge  one of the  pedestrian bridges with most picturesque views of the Moskva River with its numerous upper-level observation platforms. The bridge was erected to celebrate the 850th anniversary of Moscow city in 1997.
  • Krymsky Bridge  used to be in Top 5 Europe’s longest bridges some 100 years ago. The bridge got its name after the ancient Krymsky ford which Crimean Tartars used to invade Moscow in the 16 th  century.

Embankments of Moscow

Moscow river boats 37 embankments, the most popular being Kremlevskaya, Sofiyskaya, Pushkinskaya, Vorobyovskaya and Kolomenskaya.

You can get the most spectacular views of the Kremlin from  Kremlevskaya and Sofiyskaya embankments.

  • Pushkinkaya embankment  is the most romantic in Moscow. It meanders along Gorky Park and Neskuchnyi garden and is rich for all kinds of entertainment as well as cozy nooks, including Olivkovy beach, the famous Zeleny theater as well as a pier for river cruisers.
  • Vorobyevskaya embankment  is part of Sparrow Hills nature reserve. This place opens a beautiful panorama of the river and city from the observation deck and is considered to be the place for taking serious decisions in life.
  • Embankment in Kolomenskoye  Museum-Reserve has a special charm due to its peculiar geographical relief. The boat trip around Kolomenskoye would be the most peaceful in your life.
  • Taras Shevchenko embankment  is popular among photographers for its modern Moscow City skyscrapers. Highly recommended for your night boat trip.
  • Embankments of Moscow are the pride of the capital. A distinctive feature of each of the promenades is its architecture and beautiful views. In addition, almost all the embankments of Moscow have a rich history and a lot of notable buildings.

Different epochs

Taking a walk along the Moskva River by boat, you will witness the architecture of Moscow from different eras and styles. Archaeological studies indicate that already in the XI century there stood a fortified settlement on Borovitsky hill, which is now called the Kremlin. Little fortress could not accommodate all the residents of the rapidly growing city, and the Grand Duke ordered the construction of a new Kremlin, larger than the former.

Boat trip around Kolomenskoe Park

Moscow river boat trip starts from the pier Klenovy (Maple) Boulevard and provides reat views of Nicholas Perervinsky monastery.

Nicholas Perervinsky monastery was founded at the time of the Battle of Kulikov (1380). The monastery, got its name from the surrounding area – “Pererva”, which can be translated like “tear off” and because of the location –  here it abruptly changed its course, turning to Kolomna, standing on the opposite bank.

Nowadays Kolomenskoye is State Art, Historical, Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve, which doors are open to everyone who wants to get in touch with the ancient history of Russia.

Take a break from the big city hustle in the shady parks and gardens of the Kolomenskoe Museum-Reserve. Don’t miss a wonderful Church of the Ascension and Tsar Alexey’s Palace in Kolomenskoye!

Monasteries and temples

  • Novospassky Monastery
  • Founded in the 13th century on the site where now is located the Danilovsky monastery. After a few decades, in 1330, Ivan Kalita moved the monastery onto the Borovitskii hill of the Kremlin. However, in the 15th century, Spassky Monastery again moved, this time to a more spacious place on Krasnoholmskaya waterfront.
  • Church of St. Nicholas in Zayaitskom
  • Erected in the middle of the XVIII century in baroque style. The building survived after the 1812 fire, but the utensils were destoyed. Parishioners collected donations and restored the temple on their own. In Soviet times, it was closed and re-opened only in 1992.
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • The church was originally erected in honor of the victory over Napoleon and was being under construction for long 44 years. Notoriously demolished in 1937 to be a giant swimming pool under open sky. The current building was constructed in 1990s. It is the tallest and one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world.
  • The temple was built in 1679-82, during the reign of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, in late Muscovite Baroque style and can be characterized as bonfire temple. Each gable is a symbol of a heavenly fire.
  • Novodevichy Convent
  • The most famous concent and monastery in Moscow, presumably founded in 1524. Novodevichy’s status has always been high among other monasteries, it was in this monastery where the women of the royal blood, the wives of Tsars and local rulers of Moscow were kept in prison as nuns.
  • St. Andrew’s church  (male acts as Compound Patriarch of Moscow)
  • St. Andrew’s church stands right on the slopes of the Sparrow Hills, on the way down to the Moskva River, on the territory of the Nature Reserve “Sparrow Hills”. The monastery is small in size but is very cozy. It’s situated in a quiet courtyard surrounded by temples, fruit trees and flowers.

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow river cruise.
  • + An exciting pastime, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

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