Solar-Boote Silent Yachts

Großkonkurs mit 46 millionen euro schulden in klagenfurt.

45,8 Millionen Euro – das ist die Schuldensumme, die die Asap Trading mit Sitz am Klagenfurter Schleppe-Platz angehäuft hat. Am Montag wurde der Großkonkurs am Landesgericht Klagenfurt eröffnet. Betroffen sind laut KSV1870 und AKV 55 Gläubiger und 36 Dienstnehmer, von denen 13 in Österreich beschäftigt sind. An Aktiva dürften fünf Millionen Euro vorhanden sein.

Hintergrund zum Thema

Die Asap Trading, gegründet 2017, fungiert als Holding von insgesamt sieben Tochtergesellschaften. Ihr Markenprodukt nennt sich Silent Yachts , es sind solarbetriebene Katamarane, die geräuschlos fahren und die energiemäßig autark sind. „Ohne den Lärm, die Abgase und die Vibrationen entsteht eine tiefe Verbundenheit mit dem Meer“, wirbt das Unternehmen für sich auf seiner Homepage. Und: „Die Möglichkeit, die eigenen Batterien mit der Sonne aufzuladen, stellt eine neue Ära der Freiheit dar.“ 2019 stach ein Redakteur der „Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung“ mit einer Silent Yacht in See. Daraus entstand der schwärmerische Artikel „Nur die Ruhe“. Sein Resümee: „Nirgendwo ist Luxus so elektrisch.“

Asap bzw. Silent Yachts sind in kurzer Zeit stark gewachsen, auch und gerade während der Coronapandemie. Die zahlungskräftige Kundschaft: international. 2021 eröffnete Silent Yachts ein Büro auf Mallorca. 2022 entschied sich das Gründerehepaar Heike und Michael Köhler, einen Produktionsstandort in der italienischen Küstenstadt Fano dazuzukaufen. Und weiters eine Partnerschaft mit einer Werft in der Türkei einzugehen. In gefährliche Schieflage geriet das Unternehmen spätestens im vergangenen Herbst, als der holländisch-türkische Partner die Produktion aller georderten Boote einstellte. Laut Asap „unberechtigt“. In aller Stille türmten sich Kunden-Anzahlungen von 25 Millionen Euro, für die Silent Yachts keine Gegenleistung bieten konnte bzw. kann. 9,3 Millionen Euro entfallen auf Gesellschafterdarlehen.

Zur Schadensbegrenzung sind aktuell zwei Lösungsansätze in Diskussion: Eine Möglichkeit liegt in der Bereitschaft einzelner Kunden, zur Schadensbegrenzung halbfertige Boote in der Türkei zu übernehmen und in Eigenregie fertig zu bauen. Ein anderer Weg läge darin, das Prozessführungsrisiko auf Rückzahlung von Überzahlungen und Einforderung von Schadenersatz einem Prozessfinanzierer zu übertragen. Zum Insolvenzverwalter wurde Rechtsanwalt Gernot Murko aus Klagenfurt bestellt. Die Fortführungsprognose ist laut den Gläubigerschutzverbänden negativ. Laut Michael Köhler werde jedoch „beabsichtigt, das Unternehmen aus der Masse aufzukaufen“.

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Silent Yachts emerges stronger under new ownership with solid growth strategy

Silent Yachts emerges stronger under new ownership with solid growth strategy

  • Yacht industry

Leading electric catamaran builder Silent-Yachts has shaken off a period of financial difficulties to emerge stronger under new ownership. With a new management team in place and access to fresh funding, there is a robust and solid growth strategy in place that covers the next five years. New majority owner Michael Said is an American-German investor who is also a client of Silent-Yachts, with a Silent 62 3-Deck in build now. Through his acquisition vehicle Helios Yacht Investments GmbH, he has taken control of all the assets formerly belonging to Silent-Yachts, including the intellectual property behind the yachts' innovative design, and the shipyard Silent Italia in Fano. Said ensured that funding didn't dry up last year, safeguarding 140 jobs when the previous business fell into administration. By keeping the Italian yacht building operation in Fano running, he allowed Silent-Yachts to make progress on its existing orders for the Silent 62. The first of these yachts, an outstanding three-deck version, has just been launched, with a further seven due later this year. In addition, Silent-Yachts will launch its first 80-footer in 2025, with another one due before the end of the same year. It constitutes an exceptionally strong pipeline of orders, reflecting widespread enthusiasm for the brand and the innovative technology it has developed. New CEO Fabrizio Iarrera, a veteran of the Italian yachting sector, has already restructured the business and helped to set it on a strong footing for the future. "Silent-Yachts is known and recognised throughout the yachting world for developing the technology to make electric catamarans a reality," he said. "There are costs associated with creating an entirely new market, and the original business fell prey to these, at a time when price inflation everywhere was spiralling out of control." "Our yacht owners are passionate about the brand and the yacht itself, as our very strong pipeline of orders shows. For Michael Said, it was an easy decision to invest in a restructured Silent-Yachts, and many of our other owners are just as keen. We know we have a job to do to rebuild the brand's reputation, but we've been thrilled by the positive reception we've had from those who have already put in orders." Iarrera will run day-to-day operations with support from Michael Said and a board of shareholders. Steve Bell has agreed to serve as vice chairman of this board and together, they will oversee the new business and assist the new management team to achieve growth. Bell is a veteran manager from manufacturing businesses across Britain and Germany, as well as a qualified trainer for sailing and motor yachts up to 24m. The priority is to finish the yachts under construction and to deliver them to Silent-Yachts’ clients. Then the team will reshuffle its future production schedule to offer additional build slots for 2025 and 2026. All owners of a Silent Yacht will enjoy the same service and warranty, continuing to enjoy full support from the brand’s worldwide network. Iarrera finished: “At our yard in Fano, we are fully focused on streamlining our operations. The team that we have built is committed to showing the world that we are delivering yachts and that our excellent R&D team can stay ahead of our competitors. We are certain that there is a bright future for Silent-Yachts."

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Silent-Yachts, the shipyard is ready for rebirth under new ownership

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Silent-Yachts, a shipyard specializing in building electric catamarans, has overcome a period of financial difficulties by emerging under new ownership . With a renewed management team and access to new financing, a solid growth strategy covering the next five years has been put in place.

New major shareholder Michael Said is a German-American investor and customer of Silent-Yachts , with a Silent 62 3-Deck currently under construction. Through his acquisition company Helios Yacht Investments GmbH, he has taken control of all assets previously belonging to Silent-Yachts, including the intellectual property behind the innovative catamaran design and the Silent Italia shipyard in Fano.

Michael Said - Majority Owner

Said ensured that funding did not dry up last year, safeguarding 140 jobs when the former company went into receivership. By keeping the yacht-building business in Fano operational, he allowed Silent-Yachts to move forward on its existing orders for the Silent 62. The first of these yachts, a three-deck version, has just been launched, with seven more expected by the end of the year .

Prospects for growth

Silent-Yachts will unveil its first 80-footer in 2025 , with another expected by the end of the same year. This is an exceptionally strong order book, reflecting the widespread enthusiasm for the brand and the innovative technology it has developed.

New CEO Fabrizio Iarrera , a veteran of the Italian marine industry, has already restructured the company and helped solidify its foundation for the future. “Silent-Yachts is known and recognized throughout the nautical world for developing the technology that makes electric catamarans a reality,” he said. “There are costs associated with creating a whole new market, and the original company fell victim to these at a time when price inflation everywhere was getting out of control,” he said.


Toward the future

As stated by the shipyard, the priority goal is to finish the yachts under construction and deliver them to customers . Thereafter, the team will re-orchestrate its future production schedule to offer additional building slots for 2025 and 2026. In the meantime, as stressed by the brand, all owners of a Silent yacht will enjoy the same service and warranty while continuing to receive full support from the brand’s worldwide network .

Steve Bell

Iarrera concluded, “ At our yard in Fano, we are completely focused on streamlining our operations . The team we have built is committed to proving to the world that we are delivering yachts and that our excellent R&D team can stay one step ahead of our competitors. We are confident that there is a bright future for Silent-Yachts.”

(Silent-Yachts, the shipyard ready for rebirth under new ownership – – April 2024)

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Silent-Yachts completes restructuring under new ownership

Electric catamaran builder Silent-Yachts has been sold to American-German investor Michael Said, who now controls a majority share of the company through Helios Yacht Investments GmbH.

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Silent-Yachts emerges stronger under new ownership

Michael Said - Majority Owner - photo © Silent-Yachts

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Silent-Yachts presents the first and only oceangoing production yachts in the world that are fully solar sustainable and powered by solar energy. Pure solar-powered luxury.

Based upon our extraordinary accomplishments to date, it is clear that Silent-Yachts represents the future of luxury yachting. We have developed a modular and scalable system that reduces the operation-hours of diesel-engines and thus the fuel-consumption to close to zero. The SILENT System is simpler, needs less maintenance and costs less than any conventional fuel-depending propulsion and energy-supply. At the same time it grants more luxury, comfort, independence, reliability and safety.

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Silent Yachts insolvency : Major bankruptcy of ASAP Trading GmbH with debts of 45.8 million euros

Leonie Meyer

 ·  02.02.2024

ASAP Trading GmbH, a holding company for companies such as Silent Yachts, announces insolvency

The Regional Court of Klagenfurt has opened a major bankruptcy for ASAP Trading GmbH, which acts as a holding company for a total of seven subsidiaries, including Silent Yachts Explorer 100/1 GmbH and Silent Italia S.r.l. The company's liabilities amount to around 45.8 million euros, of which 9.3 million euros are subordinated claims. A total of 55 creditors and 36 employees are affected.

The cause of the insolvency lies in the challenges posed in autumn 2023 by a Dutch/Turkish contractual partner who - according to Silent Yachts without justification - stopped production of all the boats ordered. This led to a standstill in production in Turkey. "Despite these challenges, the shipyard in the Italian city of Fano is operating normally and is in a restructuring phase," reads an official statement from Silent Yachts. The aim is to transition from a founder-financed company to an investor-financed company managed by experienced industry experts.

What the future holds for Silent Yachts

The changes are intended to increase the company's growth potential and promote an efficient organisational structure that focuses on the production of solar electric boats under the Silent Yachts brand in Italy. The company plans to switch to modular series production in March 2024, with all yacht components arranged next to each other in one hall so that they can be built simultaneously instead of one after the other. This method of repeatable processes will significantly reduce lead times and minimise costs, the press statement continues.

Media from Austria, such as and The media also report that two approaches to damage limitation are being discussed: Customers could take over semi-finished boats in Turkey and finish them themselves, or the litigation risk could be transferred to a litigation financier.

ASAP Trading, which was founded in 2017, initially experienced a strong growth phase. However, the takeover of the production site in Italy and the cooperation with a shipyard in Turkey resulted in high investment costs. The insolvency administrator will initiate appropriate steps. The first creditors' meeting is scheduled for 19 March 2024. The continuation forecast is negative according to creditor protection associations.

According to Silent Yachts, founders Michael and Heike Köhler are handing over the management of the company to COO Fabrizio Iarrera. They will continue to be available to the company in the areas of sales and development and will act as brand ambassadors.

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  1. ® OFFICIAL Silent Yachts

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  7. Pressmare

    Leading electric catamaran builder Silent-Yachts has shaken off a period of financial difficulties to emerge stronger under new ownership. With a new management team in place and access to fresh funding, there is a robust and solid growth strategy in place that covers the next five years. New majority owner Michael Said is an American-German ...

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    New majority owner Michael Said is an American-German investor who is also a client of Silent-Yachts, with a Silent 62 3-Deck in build now. Through his acquisition vehicle Helios Yacht Investments GmbH, he has taken control of all the assets formerly belonging to Silent-Yachts, including the intellectual property behind the yachts' innovative ...

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  20. Silent Yachts Contact

    Sales Telephone: +39 0721 1631220 After Sales Telephone: + 39 0721 1631230 Our Shipyard and Offices are open Monday to Friday 0800 - 1700 European Time. Outside of these hours you can contact us via email [email protected]

  21. Silentyachts Handels Gmbh

    Industry: boat Products: multi-hull yachts (sail);multi-hull yachts (engine);megayachts (engine);electric boats/solar boats;inboards electric;renewable energy/solar power technology;boat and yacht interior design;boat sharing/ timesharing for boats Phone: +43-664-3570570 Address: pirk 22,9064,magdalensberg,austria Website: Email: o***e(at)