"Seven Seas": Steven Spielberg besucht Italien auf seiner Mega-Jacht

"seven seas" in italien einst hatte steven spielberg "schreckliche angst vor der globalen erwärmung" – nun besucht er italien auf seiner mega-jacht.

Jacht "Seven Seas" Steven Spielberg

2018 sagte Steven Spielberg in einem Interview mit der Journalistin Rosa Gamazo : "Ich habe schreckliche Angst vor der globalen Erwärmung. Sie ist eine wissenschaftliche Realität. Es handelt sich nicht um einen politischen Trick. Sie ist ein echtes Stück realer, messbarer, quantifizierbarer Wissenschaft. Und die Menschen müssen zu der Überzeugung gelangen, dass dies eine Konfrontation mit dem Schicksal ist. Es sei denn, wir tun etwas dagegen." Das Problem: Spielberg bezieht diese Aussage offenbar nicht auf sich.

Wie die " Daily Mail " berichtet, tummelt sich die Hollywood-Größe derzeit mit seiner Frau Kate Capshaw an der Küste Italiens. Wenn er nicht in den malerischen Städtchen entlang der Küste unterwegs ist, ist er auf der "Seven Seas", seiner gigantischen 109-Meter-Jacht anzutreffen.

Hunderte Liter Diesel pro Stunde – ohne mit der Jacht zu fahren

Bei dem Schiff handelt es sich um den Nachfolger seiner gleichnamigen 86-Meter-Ex-Jacht, die Spielberg vor zwei Jahren an den kanadischen Milliardär Barry Zekelman verkauft hat. Die neue "Seven Seas", 2022 von Oceanco geliefert, soll 250 Millionen US-Dollar gekostet haben und hat ein Gesamtvolumen von 4444 Tonnen. Es gibt an Bord mehrere Pools und einen Landeplatz für Helikopter. Insgesamt finden auf der Jacht 14 Gäste in sieben großen Kabinen Platz, betreut wird das Schiff von einer 30-köpfigen Mannschaft, die in 15 Kabinen wohnt.

Bis zu 135 km/h auf dem Wasser: Zehn der schnellsten Luxus-Jachten der Welt

Mit 55 Knoten (100 km/h) liegt die "Why Not U" nur noch ganz knapp über der 100-km/h-Grenze. Und trotzdem gehört sie zu den schnellsten Jachten der Welt. Ihre Kraft schöpft sie aus zwei Gasturbinen. Auch die "Why Not U" ist aber nicht nur ein Schnellboot – mit insgesamt vier Gästezimmern bietet sie obendrein genug Platz für einen langen Urlaub, den man auch langsam angehen kann.

Angetrieben wird die "Seven Seas" von zwei MTU Dieselaggregaten mit jeweils 4830 PS. Der Hersteller gibt den Verbrauch pro Maschine mit 920 Litern Diesel pro Stunde an. Fährt man damit von Hafen zu Hafen, wird es je nach Geschwindigkeit nochmal mehr. Was einmal volltanken bedeuten kann, zeigt ein Bericht über die Mega-Jacht "Blue" , deren Tankstopp rund eine halbe Million Euro verschlingt. Auch die "Blue" arbeitet mit Dieselmotoren von MTU.

Steven Spielberg ist nicht alleine unter den "Öko-Heuchlern"

Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass Steven Spielberg mit seiner merkwürdigen Haltung zum Thema Umweltschutz Schlagzeilen macht. Vergangenes Jahr ergab eine Auswertung der Flugdaten des Privatjets von Spielberg, dass der Flieger in nur zwei Monaten mehr als 17.000 Meilen geflogen ist und damit Kerosin um Wert von über 100.000 US-Dollar verbrannt hat.

Wie passt das zusammen mit jemandem, der zur Schuldfrage in puncto Klimawandel Sätze sagt wie "Ich denke, wir müssen alle beschuldigen, die nicht darauf achten, was eine Gefahr für seine Kinder und Enkel darstellen könnte"?

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UAE One Enzo Manca Jacht

Steven Spielberg ist nur einer von vielen Umwelt-Janusköpfen der Promi-Welt. Auch der selbsternannte Umweltaktivist Leonardo DiCaprio verbringt seine Urlaube gerne an Bord von Jachten, von denen er mit dem Helikopter zum Abendessen fliegt, wie unter anderem " Page Six " Anfang August berichtete. DiCaprio veröffentlichte in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder Dokumentationen über den Zustand der Welt und akute Umweltprobleme, etwa "Sea of Shadows" oder "Ice on Fire". Wenn es aber um die eigene Freizeit geht, heißt es wohl nicht nur bei ihm lieber "Don't look up".

Quellen: Youtube , Daily Mail , MTU , New York Post , Page Six

  • Steven Spielberg
  • Klimawandel
  • Herzogin Kate
  • Kate Capshaw
  • Leonardo DiCaprio

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Steven Spielberg Takes Delivery On His Cinematic $250 Million Superyacht

Steven Spielberg Takes Delivery On His Cinematic $250 Million Superyacht

Garry Lu

Considering he’s only ever agreed on a handful of occasions — and solely for two major franchises ( Indiana Jones , Jurassic Park ) — it takes a lot to convince that Steven Spielberg something needs a sequel, which should give you some idea about the significance of his brand new superyacht: Seven Seas 2.0.

For context, Seven Seas was also the name of his last Oceanco-built luxury vessel. Measuring 282 feet (86 metres) long, the Hollywood power player sold the previous iteration for around $150 million to make way for its eventual successor; Seven Seas 1.0 having also since been renamed Man of Steel (perhaps fellow director Zack Snyder was in the market).

Conceptualised by Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design , Seven Seas 2.0 is a considerably larger boat at 358 feet (109 metres) with a capacity for 14 guests across seven cabins as well as 30 staff across 15 cabins. Flaunting a gorgeously proportioned profile and sleek steel hull, this lightweight aluminium beauty imposes quite a presence.

Key features include the following:

  • 9 x staterooms
  • 1 x beach club
  • 1 x helipad
  • 1 x tender garage
  • and of course, a full-blown movie theatre

Seven Seas is powered by twin MTU 20V 4000 M73L diesel engines, each capable of generating 4,813 horsepower and achieving speeds of 20 knots. It weighs 4,444 tons.

All in all, it’s exactly what you’d expect from a four-time Academy Award winner with a reported net worth of almost $8 billion — check out Steven Spielberg’s superyacht Seven Seas 2.0 below.

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Steven Spielberg Just Sold His Prized 282-Foot Superyacht ‘Seven Seas’

The luxurious vessel was last listed for $160 million., rachel cormack.

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Seven Seas

It’s a wrap for Steven Spielberg’s superyacht Seven Seas .

The world-famous director finally sold his epic 282-footer last week to an unknown buyer, according to Merle Wood & Associates . Although the brokerage firm did not specificity the amount paid, the vessel, now known as Man of Steel , was listed earlier this year for $160 million . Thom Conboy of Denison Yachting represented the buyer, who is apparently a longtime repeat client.

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The blockbuster yacht, built by noted shipyard Oceanco to Spielberg’s exact specifications, first hit the seas back in 2010. The Academy Award winner, who has a net worth of $3.7 billion, spared no expense when designing his dream machine, and this is the first time it has been offered for sale.

Seven Seas

Of course, there is a cinema onboard.  Merle Wood & Associates

The glitzy interior, which was penned by Nuvolari & Lenard and Molly Isaksen, spans four decks and offers ample space for entertaining A-listers. The vessel can accommodate 20 guests across nine generous staterooms, as well as 28 crew. The scene-stealer is, of course, Spielberg’s owner’s suite, which features a full-beam stateroom with ensuite and dressing room, along with an office and a terrace with its own private jacuzzi.

Naturally, Seven Seas is brimming with amenities fit for film royalty, including supersized screens in every room and a full movie theater. Elsewhere, there is a sauna, steam room, gym, pool, huge beach club, helipad and countless lounge areas and bars. As expected, there’s also a fully-stocked garage packed with a tender, speedboat, water toys and diving gear.

Seven Seas

Seven Seas comes equipped with plenty of toys.  Merle Wood & Associates

Spielberg ensured Seven Seas lived up to her name, too. Over the past decade, the 74-year-old has taken the go-anywhere superyacht all across the seven seas. It’s been spotted sailing off the coast of France during the Cannes Film Festival, and, more recently, on the waters near Antigua and Barbuda. The yacht’s transatlantic capability comes courtesy of twin MTU engines packing 4,680 hp each. She can hit a top speed of 20 knots or cruise at a more leisurely 15 knots.

Now that Spielberg has called cut on Seven Seas , we are patiently awaiting his next marine masterpiece.

Check out more photos below:

Seven Seas

Merle Wood & Associates

Seven Seas

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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Does this 357-Foot New Yacht Belong to Steven Spielberg?

Oceanco is keeping details of the mammoth vessel’s owner under wraps.

By Irenie Forshaw

Steven Spielberg yacht

Oceanco is used to catering for the fabulously wealthy; earlier this year the Dutch shipbuilder delivered Jeff Bezos’s gleaming new ship , Koru. Now, the rumor mill is going into overdrive once again. This time, Steven Spielberg is reportedly the billionaire behind its newest yacht: Seven Seas.

Spanning 357 feet, the mammoth motoryacht isn’t as long as Koru – which scooped the title of the longest sailing yacht on the planet at 417 ft – but she does cut an impressive figure. This isn’t Spielberg’s first foray into the yachting world – the Hollywood director had his first ship (also called Seven Seas ) delivered by Oceanco back in 2010.

The original Seven Seas – whose name is inspired by Spielberg’s seven children – measured 282 feet and boasted an expansive spa , gym, beauty salon, and, of course, movie theatre. But the four-time Academy Award winner sold the ship to Canadian billionaire Barry Zekelman in 2021 for a cool $151m (the ship has since been renamed Man of Steel).

It seems Spielberg has caught the superyacht bug; the new Seven Seas is even bigger and more lavish than her predecessor. So, what do we know about the director’s latest ship? While Oceanco has remained relatively tight-lipped on the project, a few key details have emerged which we’ll dive into here.

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Who is building Steven Spielberg’s new yacht?

Spielberg yacht Seven Seas

The superyacht – previously known as project Y720 – was commissioned back in 2022 for a whopping $250m. She was built by Oceanco – the same shipyard that made Spielberg’s old boat in Alblasserdam, a town in the western Netherlands around 12 miles from Rotterdam. Omani billionaire businessman Mohammed al Barwani bought the luxury shipyard back in 2010 (he also owns Turquoise Yachts in Istanbul).

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Oceanco has an impressive track record when it comes to building jaw-dropping superyachts. As well as recently unveiling Bezos’s Koru, four years ago the shipbuilder delivered Black Pearl – a striking three-mast vessel which, at 350 ft, became the largest sailing yacht in the world at the time, and garnered attention for its cutting-edge eco-credentials.

What do we know about the design?

steven spielberg yacht

Oceanco collaborated with Dutch firm Sinot Yacht Architecture Design to build Spielberg’s new yacht. The project was overseen by Lateral Naval Architects, with the team carrying out an “extensive optimization process” to ensure Seven Seas met the highest performance standards (she is the first LY3-compliant yacht to feature a Marine Evacuation System).

Powered by twin MTU 20V 4000 M73L diesel engines, she is able to reach top speeds of up to 20 knots and weighs in at 4,444 GT. Her sleek steel hull, teak deck, and lightweight aluminum superstructure give her a graceful silhouette; this is certainly a yacht to turn heads.

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Considerably larger than Spielberg’s former yacht, Seven Seas 2.0 can host up to 14 guests across seven cabins (so there’s plenty of space for his entire family). There’s also room onboard for up to 30 crew, plus a gym, pool, spa, beach club, helipad and tender garage. Oh, and there’s a movie theatre too. Obviously.

The fourth largest project delivered by Oceanco to date, she was glimpsed for the first time in March 2022 being rolled out of the construction shed at the shipyard and was spotted in the Port of Gibraltar in early July.

How about the interiors?

Spielberg yacht exterior

It’s extremely unlikely we’ll get to see inside Spielberg’s new yacht anytime soon, but we do know the interiors onboard Seven Seas have been crafted by Beverly Hills-based designer Molly Isaksen (in a telling sign she was also brought in for the interiors onboard Man of Steel ).

While details remain sparse, Oceanco did reveal we can expect plenty of “natural materials and glass onboard, offering guests an unparalleled outward-looking experience”.


[See also: Twenty for 20: Innovative Yachts of the 21 st Century]

Photo of Irenie Forshaw

Irenie Forshaw

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Steven Spielberg Neue Yacht für 250 Mio Dollar

Star-Regisseur Steven Spielberg (68) verkauft seine 94 Meter lange Yacht «Seven Seas», weil sie ihm zu klein geworden ist. Die Yacht, die er für 184 Millionen Dollar erstand, tauscht Spielberg nun gegen ein grösseres Modell ein: Die neue 100-Meter-Yacht kostet ihn rund 250 Millionen Dollar. Bis die «Seven Seas» verkauft wird, kann die Yacht für 1.2 Millionen Dollar pro Woche gemietet werden.

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Spielberg’s Oceanco Yacht “7 Seas” returns to Fort Lauderdale

Oceanco has been known for producing some of the most stunning superyachts to ever hit the open seas. With sleek and aggressive lines they have eye-catching profiles. Combine that with the thought that goes into their design and layout, with features such as their spacious cockpit decks and amazing on board pools, and you have some of the most impressive yachts ever built. Steven Spielberg is a fan and in 2010 he took delivery of his 282′ Oceanco yacht, “7 Seas.”

The aft cockpit deck features a signature Oceanco infinity pool that continues through the transom which is one of the unique accomplishments of these yachts. 7 Seas is full loaded with state-of-the-art entertainment systems throughout along with a screening room and cinema seating in the main saloon. There is a private owner’s deck with a large separate master suite. Also on the owner’s deck is a study before the private deck area that also has a private hot tub. Aside from the other VIP stateroom, and four guest staterooms, this Oceanco yacht boasts a fully-equipped gymnasium, a spa, and massage room. She has an extensive list of amenities including a wide array of water sport toys and tenders including a custom enclosed 35′ tender and a custom 30′ open sport boat. With a bulbous bow and steel hull she is capable of world-wide cruising and is equipped with the most technologically advanced communications systems currently available.

For over 53 years Atlantic Yacht & Ship has been serving the yachting community. Our headquarter sales office is dockside at Harbour Towne Marina in the heart of the yachting capital of the world, Fort Lauderdale, FL. We are official distributors of Sunseeker yachts and our in house  waterside service department  provides official Sunseeker warranty work along with general yacht services. Whether purchasing or marketing a quality vessel, Atlantic Yacht and Ship, Inc. is your one stop resource for the highest quality service and sales in the yachting industry today.

If you are looking at  yachts for sale , or thinking about  selling your yacht , it is always wise to have an experienced broker representing your interests throughout the deal. Contact  Atlantic Yacht & Ship  at 954.921.1500 or  click here .

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    Discover the luxurious Seven Seas yacht, a $250 million superyacht built by Oceanco for Hollywood legend Steven Spielberg. Get an exclusive look at its specifications, interior, and history.

  2. SEVEN SEAS Yacht • Steven Spielberg $250M Superyacht

    Entdecken Sie die luxuriöse Seven Seas-Yacht, eine $250 Millionen teure Superyacht, die Oceanco für Hollywood-Legende Steven Spielberg gebaut hat. Erhalten Sie einen exklusiven Einblick in die Spezifikationen, das Interieur und die Geschichte.

  3. Inside Steven Spielberg's $153,000,000 Seven Seas Yacht

    In today's video we'll look Inside Steven Spielberg's $153,000,000 Seven Seas Yacht. You can charter the Seven Seas Yacht for $1.2 million per month until it...

  4. Oceanco's 111m/ 364ft Y722, Steven Spielberg's 109m/ 357 ...

    Project Y722, which left Rotterdam last Wednesday, entered Oceanco's drydock in Alblasserdam yesterday. The 111m/ 364ft yacht is seen here with Steven Spielberg's 109m/ 357'6" Seven Seas...

  5. "Seven Seas": Steven Spielberg besucht Italien auf seiner ...

    Obwohl Regisseur Steven Spielberg den Klimawandel für eine reale Bedrohung hält, verbringt er seinen Spätsommer an Bord seiner 109-Meter-Jacht.

  6. Oceancos Projekt Y720 über den Transport in Rotterdam

    Die als Projekt Y720 bekannte Oceanco-Yacht beim Transport in Rotterdam. Wir glauben, dass es die neue Yacht von Steven Spielberg ist.

  7. Oceanco's New 357-Foot Superyacht 'Seven Seas' May Belong to Spielberg

    Steven Spielberg's famous superyacht Seven Seas has been given a sequel. The world-famous director sold his decade-old, 282-foot Oceanco vessel back in 2021, but now there is another Seven...

  8. Seven Seas: A Look At Steven Spielberg's $250 Million Superyacht

    Conceptualised by Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design, Seven Seas 2.0 is a considerably larger boat at 358 feet (109 metres) with a capacity for 14 guests across seven cabins as well as 30 staff across 15 cabins.

  9. Steven Spielberg Goes Around The World on his Super-Mega-Yacht

    For this award-winning Hollywood A-lister the answer is Seven Seas, a 280′ Oceanco super-mega-yacht with a state-of-the-art stabilization system (which translates to "anti-seasickness system" for you, me, and Mr. Spielberg) aboard that allows it to cruise smoothly at 20 knots in a variety of seas.

  10. Steven Spielberg Just Sold His Prized 282-Foot Superyacht 'Seven Seas'

    It's a wrap for Steven Spielberg's superyacht Seven Seas. The world-famous director finally sold his epic 282-footer last week to an unknown buyer, according to Merle Wood & Associates.

  11. Outspoken climate activist Steven Spielberg has taken delivery of his

    Outspoken climate activist Steven Spielberg has taken delivery of his $250 million superyacht - Even longer than a football field, the diesel-powered 4,444 ton vessel has two swimming pools and, in all possibility, a plush movie theater and a helipad.

  12. Does this 357-Foot New Yacht Belong to Steven Spielberg?

    This time, Steven Spielberg is reportedly the billionaire behind its newest yacht: Seven Seas. Spanning 357 feet, the mammoth motoryacht isn't as long as Koru - which scooped the title of the longest sailing yacht on the planet at 417 ft - but she does cut an impressive figure.

  13. Outspoken climate activist Steven Spielberg sailed his mammoth

    Spielberg's 357-footer is an Oceanco superyacht built in the Netherlands with umpteen amenities and luxe features, all of which cost a bomb to maintain. Even when not moving, a yacht that spans 357 feet can easily burn 700- 800 liters of diesel per hour.

  14. Steven Spielberg's 86m Oceanco built Superyacht SEVEN SEAS ...

    Seven Seas departing Gibraltar 27/11/2020The yacht Seven Seas was built by Oceanco in 2010.Her owner is a famous movie director, who named the yacht after hi...

  15. Steven Spielberg Takes His New $250 Million Megayacht ...

    The news that Spielberg is out with his new megayacht on a late-summer vacation has again sparked the old debate on whether owning such a vessel discredits his work as an environmental activist.

  16. Oceanco's Project Y720 on transport in Rotterdam

    Oceanco's Project Y720 is reportedly Steven Spielberg's new yacht. The yacht will be named Seven Seas , the same as his previous Oceanco yacht now named Man of Steel. With a length of 109 meter (358 ft) the vessel is one of the largest yachts built in the Netherlands.

  17. Steven Spielberg: Neue Yacht für 250 Mio Dollar

    Star-Regisseur Steven Spielberg (68) verkauft seine 94 Meter lange Yacht «Seven Seas», weil sie ihm zu klein geworden ist. Die Yacht, die er für 184 Millionen Dollar erstand, tauscht...

  18. Steven Spielberg's $250m super yacht, Seven Seas, spotted ...

    The new $250 million super yacht, Seven Seas, owned by pioneer of the modern blockbuster, Steven Spielberg, was spotted passing the Isle of Wight today (Monday). It's a whopper. The vessel is huge! It's more than 100m in length and can accommodate 14 guests in seven cabins, as well as 30 staff in 15 cabins.

  19. Steven Spielberg Sells His 282-Foot Yacht, Most Recently Asking €131

    Seven Seas, a 282-foot yacht belonging to director Steven Spielberg, most recently asking €131 million (US$151 million), sold last week for an undisclosed price, according to the website of the...

  20. STEVEN SPIELBERG • Vermögen $4 Milliarden • Haus • Yacht

    Entdecken Sie das Leben und die Karriere von Steven Spielberg, dem renommierten Regisseur und Filmproduzenten. Sein Nettovermögen beträgt $4 Milliarden. Er ist Besitzer der Yacht Seven Seas, benannt nach seinen sieben Kindern.

  21. On vous explique pourquoi l'immense yacht de Steven Spielberg a été

    Les méga-yachts se succèdent cet automne à La Ciotat, synonyme de passage par les Chantiers navals. Le nouveau yacht de Steven Spielberg a signé une arrivée remarquée. Pierre Peyret Publié...

  22. Spielberg's Oceanco Yacht "7 Seas" returns to Fort Lauderdale

    Steven Spielberg is a fan and in 2010 he took delivery of his 282′ Oceanco yacht, "7 Seas." The aft cockpit deck features a signature Oceanco infinity pool that continues through the transom which is one of the unique accomplishments of these yachts. 7 Seas is full loaded with state-of-the-art entertainment systems throughout along with a ...