Guide part 9

<tbody> </tbody>

When you return to the ship there will be a group of thugs waiting for you known as the Red Eclipse. The entire walkway to your craft is lined with these enemies so prepare yourself for a long battle. Boarding the Ebon Hawk is the only way to advance the story line. Many more members of the Red Eclipse are on the ship waiting to do battle. Many of them carry sonic rifles. Slash through the ranks until you encounter the leader of the group who will speak to you. Tell him that you could kill the Red Eclipse easily and then take control of their slave trade. This is not only a choice dark side move, but it will net you profits in the future. You can control the slave trade from the cantina on Nar Shaddaa in the future. After dealing with the Red Eclipse you will be approached by a woman member of the Sith who will attack you. Switch to the Contention battle stance which works well against Jedi. In order to win this battle you only need to bring her down to half health, so use lightning attacks to finish the fight quickly. Afterwards she will appear in the medical where you can speak to her. Atton's Past Catches Up Leave the Ebon Hawk again and Atton will stop you and tell you that he has just received a transmission that the group should hear. Return to the ship to receive an invitation to a private room in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr Bar You have to travel alone so walk towards the entrance to the docks and Atton will see you off and give you some medical supplies. <tbody> </tbody>

The game's perspective will switch to Atton who has decided to cool off in the bar. Here you will be attacked by the Twin Suns, the Twi'lek bounty hunters. This battle can be won easily with a couple of cheap methods. First off, you can cover the floor of the cantina with mines earlier in the game. Or, you can hide behind objects like the doorway to force the Twin Suns to fight from a distance. Their blaster shots are not nearly as powerful as their melee attacks so you can damage them from afar with grenades. Mira Next, you will take control of Mira and walk into the private lounge of the Jekk'Jekk bar. Watch the cut scenes that follow and you will again take control of the main character in a hideout in the flop house. Return to the Jekk'Jekk bar. <tbody> </tbody>


This will permit you access into a room where a droid will provide T3 with Vogga's launch codes. Take this info and wheel towards the exit of the warehouse. You are stopped short by HK assassin droids. Fry these enemies with regular laser blasts and the shock arm if needed. Don't forget to search the remains of the droids to find another piece that is necessary to activate the HK-47 droid on the Ebon Hawk. Goto's Ship You enter Goto's ship with two characters from your team. The room you start in contains a utility droid. Download the program "shutdown" from this droid and move into the next room which is filled with mines droids. There are many consoles throughout Goto's ship. In order to access many consoles you will either need numerous computer spikes or enter the "count". This number corresponds to the transmission broadcasts from destroyed droids. These broadcasts appear on the screen before the droids explode. The count table is as follows: Zero Zero Zero: 0 Zero Zero One: 1 Zero One Zero: 2 Zero One One: 3 One Zero Zero: 4 One Zero One: 5 One One Zero: 6 One One One: 7 There are also programs that can be downloaded from maintenance droids scattered throughout the ship. Once you find a program, be sure to upload it to a console and run it through "system control" on any unlocked console. This will take down Goto's defense systems completely. In between the two sets of cells on the eastern section of the ship there is an audience chamber where you can release the main character to form a full party. Both cell blocks contain maintenance droids with helpful codes. The console in the audience chamber also has a code to access power distribution. When you enter the area of the ship near the torture chamber there is a work bench and a lab table to make use of. There is also a scene showing Goto activating the mine fields on the ship. <tbody> </tbody>

While traveling through the ship be sure to:

  • Shut down the power distribution
  • Reset the turrets to cancel their advanced targeting systems
  • Shut down the mine fields

When you reach the bridge, check the small plasteel container on the right side to find the Droid controller codes. Enter these into the main console and shut down the droids on the ship. After you have disabled the secondary power, the cloaking system on Goto's craft will be shut down and bounty hunters will board. Check the map and head back towards the Ebon Hawk to. There are groups of bounty hunters on the way including a second battle with the Twin Suns. Back on Nar Shadaa You appear back in the Flop House district in Zez-Kai Ell's chambers. Light side followers will have the chance to recruit this Jedi. Darker players can either battle him, or learn from him and send him away. Next you should return to Vogga the Hut's chambers to complete his quest to destroy Goto. Collect your reward and return to the Ebon hawk.

On to Walkthrough Part 6 ...

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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords/Goto's Yacht

Table of Contents

  • Difficulty Classes
  • Force powers
  • Prestige classes
  • Achievements
  • Autobalance
  • Military Base Sub-Level
  • HK Manufacturing Plant
  • Administration Level
  • Mining Tunnels
  • Rescue T3-M4
  • Asteroid Exterior
  • Dormitories
  • Command Deck
  • Crew Quarters
  • Engine Deck
  • Residential 082 East
  • Entertainment
  • Czerka Offices
  • Residential 082 West
  • Dock Module
  • Bumani Exchange Corp.
  • Restoration Zone
  • Czerka Site
  • Underground Base
  • Polar Plateau
  • Secret Academy
  • Turret encounters
  • Swoop racing
  • Refugee Landing Pad
  • Entertainment Promenade
  • Refugee Quad
  • Landing Rights
  • Jekk'Jekk Tarr
  • Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels
  • Droid Warehouse
  • Goto's Yacht
  • Jungle Landing
  • Mandalorian Ruins
  • Battle Circle
  • Iziz Spaceport
  • Merchant Quarter
  • Western Square
  • Iziz Cantina
  • Khoonda Plains
  • Enclave Courtyard
  • Enclave Sublevel
  • Crystal Cave
  • Defense of Khoonda
  • Jungle Tomb
  • Royal Palace
  • Valley of Dark Lords
  • Sith Academy
  • Shyrack Cave
  • Secret Tomb
  • Rebuilt Jedi Enclave
  • Suburban (082 West)
  • Suburban (082 East)
  • Entertainment Module 081
  • Ravager - Command Deck
  • Trayus Academy
  • Trayus Crescent
  • Trayus Proving Grounds
  • Trayus Academy (Top)
  • Trayus Core
  • Light armor
  • Medium armor
  • Heavy armor
  • Blaster pistols
  • Blaster rifles
  • Lightsabers
  • Special weapons
  • Upgrade items, armor
  • Upgrade items, ranged
  • Upgrade items, melee
  • Upgrade items, lightsaber

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords logo

  • 1 Ebon Hawk
  • 3 Audience Chamber
  • 4 Torture Room & Lab Station
  • 6 Maintenance Room & Workbench
  • 7 Exterior Defense
  • 8 Central Command
  • 9 Interior Defense
  • 11 Ebon Hawk
  • 12.1 Lost Jedi
  • 12.2 Seeking Passage
  • 12.3 Will Work for Fuel
  • 12.4 New Fuel Source

Sure enough, after T3-M4 escapes the Droid Warehouse and Tienn Tubb changes the Ebon Hawk's ID signature, Goto's yacht intercepts it after take off. Meanwhile, on the yacht you are in the Audience Chamber with a hologram:

In every case:

Ebon Hawk [ edit ]

The Ebon Hawk has docked with Goto's yacht on its starboard side: the Map screen shows that this is the top left side of the map, and that the Audience Chamber , where your main character is under guard, is on the center right side, at the stern of the yacht.

If your party tries to go back through the docking hatch behind them in the left wall:

There's a plasteel cylinder by the bottom wall, to the right of a utility droid:

There's a security console by the top wall:

If you enter the incorrect count then you have to log out before attempting to unlock the console, using a Computer Spike each time, to enter the count again. You can brute force the correct count in this way (there's no way of knowing that it starts at two) or you can destroy Goto guard droids, which can communicate the current count upon their destruction as a binary number:

They may not communicate this if debilitated by a Stun Droid power, but the count still increases with each kill.

Otherwise, you can bypass security to get limited access with some Computer Use , letting you view defense summaries and cameras:

Interrogation Chamber defenses have been reassigned and, sure enough, if you check its camera you'll see it's empty, so you shouldn't bother overloading the power conduit... yet:

Limited access also lets you download a program:

Full access is only granted after entering the correct count, slicing the computer after bypassing security for limited access, or a highly-skilled security bypass:

Other than experience received, the only reason to upgrade from limited to full access is if your party has a droid or two ( T3-M4 or HK-47 , or both):

If you have a Stealth character and want to sneak past as many droids (and defense turrets) as possible on your way to getting the Droid Controller access code from the Bridge , then you may want to enter Stealth mode now, and ensure your other character is out of sight, before opening the door in the bottom wall of the right corner. Beyond this door is a corridor containing five floating mines (you can never control them, but they can be useful later):

Once a floating mine detects you, it approaches and explodes, inflicting variable piercing damage which can be halved if a successful Reflex save is made against DC 15.

Cells [ edit ]

Beyond the door at the bottom end of the mined corridor is the Goto starboard commander:

There's a decorative diamond in the middle of the floor indicating the position of a hidden Average Gas Mine , and a command console by the bottom wall:

If you select Systems Control first then access is restricted, only allowing you to run the Basic Diagnostic program on each system:

Selecting Program Library allows you to upload any other programs you acquire:

Once uploaded, you can check what each program does.

However, you cannot run any uploaded programs on restricted systems. You can unlock a restricted system once you have its access code:

To escape from Goto's yacht you only really need the Shut Down program and Power Distribution access code to use on the Bridge Command Console, but acquiring other programs and access codes can be useful, and grant experience when run on unlocked systems:

For example, if you acquired the Containment Cells access code from the Goto starboard commander:

If you return to main menu and select Systems Control:

There are other command consoles throughout the yacht, any of which can be used to upload programs, unlock systems using access codes, and run programs on those systems. However, running programs on the Power Distribution system is restricted to the Bridge Command Console.

Beyond the door in the left wall at the bottom end of the commander's room is another room, containing a maintenance droid, a Goto guard droid, and a plasteel cylinder by its left wall, at the back. The maintenance droid repairs any damage inflicted on the guard droid, so destroy it first:

Once destroyed it explodes, inflicting variable piercing damage which can be halved if a successful Reflex save is made against DC 15.

Droid Molten Cannon

Beyond the door in the right wall at the top end of the commander's room is another room, containing another maintenance droid and two Goto guard droid, one of which is shielded:

Droid Neural Pacifier

There's a security door in each wall of the bottom right corner of the room:

Beyond the right door is a long corridor with three containment cells in its top wall, sealed with force fields:

If Bao-Dur isn't in your party and you haven't used the command console to unlock and shut down the Containment Cells system, you can blast them instead. The left and right cells are empty, but the center cell contains a damaged utility droid:

Audience Chamber [ edit ]

Returning to the entrance of the starboard wing of the containment cells , beyond the security door in the bottom wall is another room, containing two Goto guard droids (one shielded), with a plasteel cylinder in its bottom right corner:

There's a door in each wall of the bottom left corner of the room. The bottom door leads to a corridor containing a maintenance droid and two Goto guard droids (one shielded).

There's another door at its bottom end, and another Command Console by the middle of its left wall. If you have the Turret Defense access code from the damaged utility droid in the starboard Containment Cells , then you can unlock the turret system and run programs:

If you run the Overload program:

This doesn't seem to have any actual effect on turret damage. However, if you run the Shut Down program:

If you return with the Reset program from the damaged utility droid in the port Containment Cells :

Running the Shut Down program causes any defense turrets to malfunction and target both hostile and friendly units, while running the Reset program affects their accuracy, adding Effect Bonus -50 to Attack Breakdowns, reducing them to minimum 5% chance to hit and 0% critical conversion. If both programs are run then turrets become much less of a threat to your party, but also to any other hostile or friendly units, which respond in kind when attacked.

There's a security door in the middle of the right wall:

The corridor beyond contains three Goto droid heavy guardians and six defense turrets: if you used the command console to unlock the turret system and then tried to shut it down, then they'll be attacking each other. If you get to the audience room door at the other end of this corridor before all turrets are killed:

Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol

Once all turrets are killed, you can open the audience room door and your main character joins the rest of your party here. There are two sentry droids at the back of the chamber, which had been flanking your main character:

If you get the Droid Controller access code from the Bridge then use any Command Console to unlock that system and run either the Overload or Shut Down programs, you can scavenge any remaining droids for components as well (maximum 450 (15 * 30) more). You can also do the following:

However, you only receive experience for the first droid. These sentry droids don't follow you out of the audience chamber, so this is of limited immediate use. There's an auxiliary console by the wall in the bottom right quadrant of the chamber:

After acquiring the Power Distribution access code and logging out, the following (optional) options won't be available until you get to the bridge:

If you return to use the command console at the other end of the corridor to the audience chamber, then you can now use this access code to unlock this system:

So you cannot run programs on the Power Distribution system until you get to the bridge: if you also have the Shut Down program from the utility droid in the Ebon Hawk 's docking bay then you have everything you need to go there directly via Exterior Defense , but you might as well explore the port side of the yacht (which isn't necessary, but can make breaching the defenses easier).

Torture Room & Lab Station [ edit ]

Beyond the door below the command console outside the Audience Chamber is a room containing three Goto guard droids: one is shielded, but only one of the remaining has a Molten Cannon .

The room beyond the door in the bottom wall is clearly an interrogation chamber or torture room due to the presence of a force cage and various other restraints, with a Lab Station by the top wall. There's also a plasteel cylinder in the top left corner, by this lab station.

Beyond the door in the right wall of the interrogation chamber is a long corridor with three containment cells in its bottom wall, sealed with force fields:

If Bao-Dur isn't in your party and you haven't used a Command Console to unlock and shut down the Containment Cells system, you can blast them instead. The left and center cells are empty, but the right cell contains a damaged utility droid:

Maintenance Room & Workbench [ edit ]

Beyond the door in the left wall of the interrogation chamber is a room with a decorative diamond in the middle of the floor indicating the position of a hidden Average Gas Mine , and a Command Console by its top wall. If you have the Reset program from the damaged utility droid in the port Containment Cells , then you can upload this to the Program Library and run it on any unlocked systems.

Beyond the door in the top left corner of the console room, there's a storage room with three plasteel cylinders at the back, by the left wall.

Beyond the high security door in the bottom wall of the console room is another high security door in the right wall, beyond which there's a maintenance room with a Workbench by its bottom wall and three plasteel cylinders in the back right corner.

Beyond the door in the bottom wall opposite the first high security door is the port docking bay, with a Security Console by its bottom wall, a plasteel cylinder by its top wall and a docking hatch in its left wall.

Exterior Defense [ edit ]

Go through the door above or below the command console outside the Audience Chamber and then through the door in the left wall, and either way you'll be in a room with a Security Console by its left wall and a hidden Average Gas Mine in the middle of its floor. Through the door in the top or bottom wall is the right side of Exterior Defense: on the left side there are eight defense turrets, like those guarding the Audience Chamber , and all but the two leftmost use their shields.

If you've used a command console to unlock the turret system and then run the Reset program after getting what's needed from the damaged utility droids in the starboard and port Containment Cells, then Effect Bonus -50 is added to the Attack Breakdowns of these turrets, reducing them to minimum 5% chance to hit and 0% critical conversion. Otherwise, use shields of your own, Damage Immunity or Damage Resistance vs Energy to withstand their focused fire, or position yourself carefully to limit the number firing on you while attacking with ranged weapons, grenades or Force powers.

You could also simply run or sneak past and go through the door in the top or bottom wall on the right side. Either way, there's a Goto droid heavy guardian just inside the door, a Command Console by the right wall and a fire suppression unit in the opposite corner on the left side of each room:

Fire Suppression System

Central Command [ edit ]

As you approach the sealed hatch at the left end of either room beyond the Exterior Defense turrets:

If you're in Stealth mode then this cancels it. The semi-circular corridor linking the two sealed hatches is mined, five to either side of a junction guarded by the Goto central commander and two more Goto droid heavy guardians:

These mines are not part of the Minefield system.

There's another sealed hatch down the corridor left of this junction, beyond which is central command, a console hub with a circular corridor around its perimeter. If you enter the hub with your party, one of them can comment on it:

If you haven't used a Command Console to unlock and shut down the Containment Cells system, then there's a force field in the back wall of the hub:

If Bao-Dur isn't in your party then you can blast it instead. The hub's perimeter corridor also allows you to go around to the other side of the force field. However, if you take it down then what you see of Interior Defense may prompt you to use the command console in the middle of the hub's top wall to reset it, or use the Minefield access code from the Goto central commander to unlock that system and run programs:

If you run the Shut Down program:

If you run the Reset program:

Interior Defense [ edit ]

The corridor exiting the right side of Central Command is heavily mined:

If you used a Command Console to unlock and shut down the Minefield system then neither they nor the mines outside the high security doors to the Bridge can be triggered, but they can still be disabled or recovered for experience. However, the junction beyond the minefield is guarded by seven Goto droid heavy guardians. If you used a command console to overload the Minefield system then both you and the droids can now trigger them: since they're melee attackers, once they become aware of you they can run over the mines, triggering them and heavily damaging or killing themselves.

Bridge [ edit ]

The junction beyond the minefield is in the middle of a corridor between two high security doors in the left wall at its top and bottom end, which are mined (five a side):

If you used a Command Console to unlock and shut down the Minefield system then the mines cannot be triggered, but they can still be disabled or recovered for experience. There are also windows at the top and bottom of this corridor, and the back of the Ebon Hawk can be seen through the top window, to the right.

Beyond the doors is the bridge, a semi-circular room with a plasteel cylinder in its top right corner, by the door:

There are two consoles in the middle of the bridge. The Bridge Command Console is the top one, on your left. Like any command console it can be used to unlock and access the Droid Controller system to run programs although, in the likely event that you've already killed every droid on the yacht, this may only be good for experience:

If you run the Overload program after disabling the yacht's cloaking device:

However, if you ran or sneaked past droids then you can get them to defend you against any remaining turrets, and the bounty hunters that board once the yacht's cloaking device is disabled. You need to run the Overload program before you disable the cloaking device, otherwise any remaining droids will ignore turrets and bounty hunters, but still attack you: if you run it afterward by mistake then you can still run the Shut Down program to prevent droids attacking you, and scavenge them for components like the Sentry Droids back in the audience chamber, as well as examine each unit's behavior core to switch its defense protocol to include you and your companions. Afterward, you can run the Reset program to allow you to kill any surviving droids.

The primary power system console is the bottom console in the middle of the bridge, on your right, which can be used to switch the docking hatch seal (and containment cells) from the primary power system to the secondary:

Only the Bridge Command Console can be used to both access the Power Distribution system and run programs on it, to shut down the (secondary) power system:

Once you've switched the docking hatch seal to the secondary power system and shut it down, or vice versa:

After disabling the cloaking device using the Bridge Command Console, when you return through Central Command to the junction in the middle of the mined corridor, there's a pair of Duros bounty hunters to either side, and another pair in the rooms at each end of the corridor:

Blaster Rifle

When you return to the Exterior Defense turrets, the Twi'lek Twin Suns await you. If Atton is in your party as you enter:

If any of the turrets remain then you can use the command console by the right wall of the room above or below to access the turret system, causing them to malfunction after trying to shut them down so that they can target the Twin Suns as well (although they'll be much less effective if you reset them as well). This isn't necessary, but it can be satisfying: since the Twin Suns' cantina encounter with Atton, each has lost a sword, but Atton can gain up to eight guns (and two party members).

Twi'lek Spinning Blade

All that remain of the boarders are four trios of Gand, each consisting of two Gand and a Gand Findsman. One trio is in the Interrogation Chamber , and you can now use one of the Security Consoles in either of the rooms at the right end of Exterior Defense to overload the power conduit there, killing them: the rest of the port wing remains unpopulated, so there's no need to go there unless you want to see if the Gand left any remains.

The remaining Gand are between you and the Ebon Hawk docking hatch: there's a trio in the room to the right of the top security console room, another in the room above (at the left end of the starboard Containment Cells corridor), and the last trio is in the corridor up to the docking hatch (if any floating mines remain, they can damage Gand when triggered or killed).

Breath Mask

The off hand Ion Blaster adds no Ion vs. Droid .

Save game before going through the unsealed docking hatch to enter the Ebon Hawk. As you escape, Goto's yacht is attacked and destroyed. Aboard the Ebon Hawk, if Hanharr joined your party:

Otherwise, if Mira joined your party:

In either case:

Nar Shaddaa [ edit ]

Back on Nar Shaddaa, you return alone to the flophouse on the docks to meet Zez-Kai Ell...

Lost Jedi [ edit ]

If Alignment < 40:

Otherwise, if Alignment 40 or more:

Before Zez-Kai Ell leaves you, if you are a Jedi Consular , Jedi Master or Sith Lord then he teaches you a Force form , otherwise he teaches you a lightsaber form :

Otherwise, you engage in combat. The door in the left wall at the bottom end of the room remains locked until Zez-Kai Ell is defeated:

Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Once Zez-Kai Ell has been reduced to less than 50% Vitality, if you are a Jedi Consular , Jedi Master or Sith Lord then you learn the Force form he's using (despite him not having any Force powers to use), otherwise you learn the lightsaber form he's using:

Once Zez-Kai Ell is defeated (for which you receive no experience), you subconsciously drain Force power from him:

Now if you speak to a commoner on the refugee landing pad, or a Duros in the entertainment promenade's Cantina :

Seeking Passage [ edit ]

If you spoke to a woman named Kahranna in the refugee quad who told you her family are Seeking Passage off Nar Shaddaa, and you told her you'd help, then if you speak to the dockmaster Fassa at the Pylon 2 junction on the docks:

If you return to the refugee quad, then Kahranna is gone.

Will Work for Fuel [ edit ]

If you spoke to a man named Odis in the refugee quad who told you he's looking for work and Will Work for Fuel , and you've spoken to the Lunar Shadow crew in the flophouse on the docks about their Wayward Captain but not reunited them or told them about Odis, then if you speak to the dockmaster Fassa at the Pylon 2 junction on the docks:

If you return to the refugee quad, then Odis is gone.

New Fuel Source [ edit ]

If you return to Vogga's Enclave in the top left corner of the docks and speak to Vogga the Hutt again after saying you'll help deal with Goto in exchange for a New Fuel Source for Telos' Citadel Station:

Hutt Oil

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Goto Ship Party?

Star wars: knights of the old republic ii - the sith lords, xbox android ios (iphone/ipad) linux macintosh nintendo switch pc, star wars: knights of the old republic ii - the sith lords (xbox).

  • Who are the best 2 people to take onto goto ship? KingKaineng - 14 years ago - report

Accepted Answer

  • Any Jedi that has Destroy Droid (preferably Kreia, as her force power DCs will be higher) and T3, as he can get a free +1 bonus to his Dex by accessing the first panel on the yacht and selecting the "Download Droid Defense Algorithims" option. Someone with the Demolitions skill (T3 usually has it for me) will also be helpful, as the mines can be harvested for thousands of exp. dronemc ( Expert ) - 14 years ago - report 4   0

Other Answers

  • The characters you pick are your choice but I recommend (not going to say any characters just class type) taking either a Jedi or a Tank (a tank is someone who has a lot of health so he/she can take lots of damage), a Jedi and a Jedi, a Jedi and a Ranger or a Jedi and human or anyone that can be healed with force moves. You want a Jedi cause they can heal your party and can use force moves Dronemc has a good idea for harvesting mines for the exp. but there is also that glitch with that creature (forget the name) and they give a lot of exp. You can kill them nonstop to get to the max level. I think the name is Hississ or something like that GnR546 - 14 years ago - report 1   3

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Kotor 2: G0T0's ship best characters

By K_Noby , February 5, 2011 in General Discussion

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K_noby    16.

Whats in your opinion the best character choice for the rescue mission on G0T0's ship?

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Guest bendarby24

hk 47 because you can give him the upgrade

and the second character?

If you choose HK 47 and you play TSLRCM, there are not the 3 HK 50 who welcome you in the first room.

Hassat Hunter    571

Hassat Hunter

And with the infinite shield, he's badass.

MrPhil    58


Infinite shield? You do mean T3, now, don't you?

He pawns abort the ship.

Atton is nice too for some restored content.

Guest Lex   

Guest Lex

I like to send Mira so she can recover the 42,000 mines that are on Goto's ship. =P

That when neither T3-M4 or HK-47 have sufficiently high demolition skills. Come to think of it, I've never really sent T3. Hmm.

So I guess my rescue team would be T3 and Atton. T3 for the computer + demolition skills, and Atton for those line he has with the Twin Sisters, which I find a nice addition to the story.

Onboard, not abort.

Mandalore    61


I generally take Atton+HK. Atton for the Twin Suns dialogue, HK because then you don't have the HK-50s to deal with. I do sometimes take Bao-Dur for the force fields though...

And my exile can usually deal with the 42,000 mines .

Pazaak    12


I've experimented a lot through playthroughs, but it always seems to come down to four characters for me.

1. Atton. Not really because he's useful here, because honestly? Atton is a pretty poor choice for this bit, but the extra dialogue he has and his "rematch" with the Twin Suns is worth it. Combat wise, I've never really liked Atton. He's an everyman, being okay with guns, swords, force powers, whatever. He doesn't really excel in any area, or, not the way I use him.

2. Brianna (Handmaiden). This is more of a personal choice, because she's my favorite character. I also like the fact that she's a tank, though. Brianna can be beastly when equipped with a Dual-saber, a nice robe, and whatnot. Her extreme vitality ratings and high strength make her an excellent asset to any mission. Plus, I always treat her like a Paladin. Giving her the best buffs/heals, yet she's also able to dish out some fair damage. And has EXCELLENT defense/vitality.

3. Mira. Honestly, this is more of a poetic choice for me (Story). Mira is the one who informs the Exile's companions that he/she is in danger, so I always sort of thought it would make sense that she would be the one to lead the rescue mission, and therefore be involved in the actual rescue ITSELF. Besides that? Not much. Mira's gunslinger skills are definitely top-notch and unrivaled, but her low vitality and whatnot makes her a less than reliable choice here.

4. T3-M4. Hey, let's face it. The little guy is overshadowed a LOT, and sad to say, during many points in the game there are more "useful" characters to have around in your party. This bit of the game though is where T3 really shines. He destroys anything on G0-T0's yacht, seeing as most of them are droid enemies until the end, and he really proves what a useful member of the party he can be.

Anyone else? I don't recommend. Honestly, Atton and Mira could probably be taken off that list for combat purposes. And I suppose Brianna could be replaced with Mandalore if you're shaping him into a melee user. Bao-Dur? Why use him when Brianna, the other guardian is better? Although, Bao-Dur does have some nice skills that come in handy on the Yacht that Bri doesn't. Visas? I suppose she could replace Atton, but once again, Atton's rematch with the suns is pretty neat. HK-47? Eh, not really. Not to knock his stuff, but I think of that one more as a story choice. HK doesn't really seem the type to mount a rescue mission, even if it is for one of his "companions", or in this case, his new master. I suppose HK-47 could replace T3. Kreia? Hmmm, maybe. Honestly Kreia is exceedingly useful in any situation, she's a pretty powerful force user. Disciple? Eh, can't comment. I play a male Exile, but I know he's a guardian, so I'm assuming if you play as a female you can substitute Brianna for him. Hanharr? I play a light-side character pretty much all the time, so I wouldn't know. I know Hanharr is definitely the most powerful physical attacker in the game, so, he could definitely replace Brianna/Disciple/Atton and go with T3 instead.

ancient46    12


I always take Visas to lead the mission to retrieve her Man. By this time she has Destroy Droid and Force Storm. I use all the characters at random, except Handmaiden and Kriea who never get upgraded and always stay on the Hawk when I am given the choice not to take them.

lumber    3

Mira for her skillz, particularly demolitions so I can collect all those beautiful deadly mines. I use her as a dual pistol ranger.

Handmaiden as the tank and melee attacker.

I do Nar Shadda first, and at that time Visas is too weak. So as much as I'd love to bring her for her force powers, she falls like a leaf early in game.

T3 for his skillz instead of Mira.

Hanharr/Mandalore instead of Handmaiden.

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An Insider’s Guide to Yacht Party Rentals

Yacht party rentals are fun territory to charter. Whether you’re looking to plan an epic corporate yacht party , host a birthday party on a yacht , rent a boat for a wedding , or throw a retirement party on a yacht , yachts are unique and exciting event venues. 

With more than 43 years in the yacht party business, our experienced team of event professionals is ready to walk you through the process every step of the way.

Party planning has never been so easy – especially with our insider tips and an expert team to help ensure yacht party success. 

Set your budget (and stick to it)

Whether a grand soiree or an intimate celebration, your budget is at the core of your master plan. Establishing a budget early on will help you decide what you want to prioritize – and that will help guide your decision-making. Need help planning? Contact our team . 

Budgeting is not a sexy topic, but evaluating what matters most to you can be fun. Are you more focused on food? Music? Decor? An exclusive guest experience?

set a budget for a yacht rental to stay on track.

Budgeting helps you stay on track. For example, when tempted to splurge for a ten-piece band or a five-tiered cake, you can always reference your budget and see if that’s in the cards. If it falls outside your allocated costs, there’s your answer (and scapegoat!). 

Evaluate entertainment

One of the best parts of hosting an event is delighting your guests. Thanks to Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok and a plethora of event publications, the possibilities to entertain your guests are endless.

–  A DJ or band will keep your guests moving. – A magician or comedian will offer laughter. – Signature tastings create an exclusive experience – Games like cornhole and life-size Jenga keep the mood light and fun.  – Photo booths with props act as social stations. 

Whatever you decide, consider the demographic of your guests and the vibe you want to evoke. You’ll want to be sure it hits all the right notes. 

Theme, decor, and rentals

Consider whether you want a theme for your event. It’s not necessary but can be a fun attribute. And when it comes to choosing a theme , there are so many to choose from!

If not opting for a theme, decide on the tone of your event. Formal? Casual? Cocktail? Your dress code will set the tone and help temper your guests’ expectations. Theme or no theme, you’ll need to decide on event decor (e.g., centerpieces, balloons, floral arrangements, color scheme) and determine what rentals you might need to fill your needs. Consider this a reminder that your yacht rental might not come equipped with furniture, linens, dinnerware, and other necessities. To make it easy, we have a list of trusted vendors and partners that we’ve worked with over the years for no-muss no-fuss logistical (and creative) planning.

Show your guests how much you appreciate them with creative party favors! 

From yummy treats to personalized elements, the possibilities are endless – why not explore Pinterest for inspirational ideas and make sure all of your special touches reflect the colors, theme and atmosphere of your celebration.

Hosting a company party? Favors in the form of corporate swag are an opportunity to make a lasting impression with guests.

It’s no secret that food plays a crucial role in any event and can greatly impact your guests’ overall experience. 

At FantaSea Yachts, we understand the importance of a well-crafted menu that caters to a variety of preferences and dietary restrictions. Our in-house culinary team is famous for creating delicious and visually appealing dishes for all types of events, from intimate gatherings to grand celebrations.

We offer a wide range of menu options, including buffet, sit-down, brunch, appetizers, desserts, and late-night fare. Additionally, we can accommodate dietary restrictions such as kosher, gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian.

plan a menu before your yacht party

Our team works closely with clients to create a custom menu that fits within your budget while satisfying the diverse palates of your guests. 

We take pride in delivering exceptional customer service and creating one-of-a-kind dining experiences. Trust us to elevate your event with delicious and memorable food.

Know your fleet

We take great pride in showcasing our luxury yacht fleet to prospective clients. Touring the fleet gives you a true sense of a yacht’s look and feel and seeing it first-hand. It’s also a terrific way to envision how the space can accommodate your needs.

tour a luxury yacht fleet before you rent

During your tour, consider what you need for your event and how that stacks up to what each yacht offers. Not all yachts are built the same, so it’s important to step aboard and explore. A few of our popular features include…

– A dedicated bar – A designated lounge area

– Rooftop decks

– Multi-level footprint and expansive square footage

– Illuminating chandeliers

– ADA accessible

– Large windows

– Dining space

– Dance floor

When we invite you aboard, take us up on our offer! We really do love sharing the beauty of our Marina del Rey yachts and showing you how these spaces can be transformed into the event of your dreams. 

Ready to plan your ultimate yacht party? Give us a call at (310) 827-2220 or submit an event query form to discuss your options. Our event team is standing by and ready to welcome you aboard.

help plan a boat wedding

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How to Host a Yacht Party.

How to Host a Yacht Party

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A yacht party is a fantastic change of pace from dinner at a restaurant or a backyard cookout. Yachting isn’t a common thing for a lot of people, so there’s a natural excitement built into the event, even if the boat never leaves the dock. All you have to do as the host is play into that vibe, and you’ve got yourself a successful event.

Discover yacht rentals near you— Only at Boatsetter

One of the best things you can do when inviting guests to a yacht party is to inform them in advance about general etiquette aboard a boat. Friends who are landlubbers will not know, for instance, that it’s customary to leave your shoes in a dock box before boarding a boat.

Tell them ahead of time that their feet will be on display so they can get a pedicure, buy a cool pair of socks or invest in a little toe jewelry to feel comfortable throughout the party. They’ll also appreciate the pro tip of wearing shoes that are easy to slide on and off without having to sit down and deal with laces or straps.

A group of friends on a yacht at sunset.

And, for yacht parties during the day, encourage your guests to dress for the sun. Have sunscreen on board to use, and offer helpful suggestions like bringing a hat, a light shirt to cover easy-burn spots like shoulders and the back of the neck, and perhaps linen pants or a sarong for legs that don’t see the sun too often. Polarized sunglasses also help stay comfortable throughout the day on board.

Think bigger-picture about how people should dress: if your yacht party is during the day, then your guests might bring a small bag of clothes for later; you’ll need a place on the yacht to put those bags. Your yacht party may extend into the night, which means there could be a big swing in the temperature, so encourage guests to bring clothing that can be layered on and off.

READ MORE: 5 Secrets Boat Clubs Don’t Want You to Know

If the party will include the boat leaving the dock, then advise your guests about the golden rule of remaining upright: one hand for you, one hand for the boat. Yes, you can carry a plate of hors d’oeuvres or a cocktail in one hand, but whenever the boat moves, you always want one hand free to grab a rail, a handhold, or anything else you might need to steady yourself. Helping new boaters stay safe underway should be priority one!

A group of friends on a yacht.

In terms of hosting, think about serving a steady array of finger foods instead of a big, sit-down meal. The little stuff is easier to store and cook quickly, and it’s a better option to offer people a variety of foods if the boat is moving since some people may be a bit more sensitive than others.

Skip the things that come on skewers (those little sticks never end up in the trash, and they can poke bare feet if they end up on deck ). Instead, think about crudites, bruschetta bites, and boneless wings that leave no refuse behind.

Also, have soft drinks such as ginger ale and lemon-lime soda on hand to help soothe any bouts of seasickness . Ginger is another well-regarded remedy and can be served as a chewable or in a cup of iced tea.

Sometimes, yacht parties are themed, with everything from steel-drum players to belly dancers aboard for entertainment. Swim parties are, of course, a go-to favorite, as are “Under the Sea” parties with a seafood spread. You can go with a color, or a lack thereof, such as an all-white party, or encourage people to wear Hawaiian shirts for a Polynesian night .

A group of friends swimming off a yacht.

Music is a must. So don’t forget to create a playlist to go with your theme. It’s hard to go wrong with boating standbys such as Jimmy Buffett, Bob Marley, and the Beach Boys. More than a few great singalongs have started with “Rock the Boat” by the Hues Corporation or “Banana Boat (Day-O)” by Harry Belafonte.

Yes, that last suggestion is about as polar opposite as you can get from “Under the Sea,” but that’s the beauty of a yacht party. It can be anything you want it to be.

Best of all: you don’t need to own a yacht to throw a party on one. You can rent a yacht for a half-day or full-day and host your party on the rental instead! If you happen to be one of the lucky few who own a yacht, you can list it and rent it out to the large market made up of people daydreaming about their day out on a yacht or hosting their own yacht party.

Boatsetter is a unique boat-sharing platform that gives everyone— whether you own a boat or you’re just renting — the chance to experience life on the water. You can list a boat , book a boat , or make money as a captain .

List your yacht & start earning an extra income renting it out

Kim kavin

Kim Kavin has been on boats in more than 50 countries and islands, including in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, South Pacific, Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. She grew up learning to steer a ski boat and Hobie Holder at her grandfather’s lake house in New Jersey, and went on to spend time aboard everything from America’s Cup racing sailboats to submarines. 

Kim is a PADI-certified scuba diver and animal lover who always enjoys a good, long look around a coral reef. Her award-winning writing and editing regularly appears in national marine magazines and on leading websites. In her early years, she was a Dow Jones editing intern and a graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism. When she’s not writing, Kim can usually be found hiking northwest New Jersey’s beautiful park trails with her adopted shelter mutt, Ginger.

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9 Best Party Boats to Buy

7th sep 2023 by samantha wilson.

Rightboat logo

One of the greatest joys of boat ownership is to gather together your close friends and family and head out to sea to party the night away on the waves.  What could be better than sitting drinking ice cold G&Ts under the light of some moody LEDs while the sun sets, and the soundtrack plays? As veteran crooner Dean Martin once sang, “Memories are made of this.”

Any boat with a large deck and reasonable carrying capacity can be pimped out for partying, but in reality it takes more than just a sun lounger and a disco ball to really make a true party boat (View our wide range of new and used boats for sale ). When you’re considering what is the best party boat to buy there are several factors to think about.

First, a true party boat needs to have copious seating and deck space, a decent swim platform, a fridge, a head compartment, and a serious sound system. Extras such as LED deck lights and a degree of weather protection such as Bimini tops and extending sun shades all add to the party vibe. The best party boats to buy also offer a degree of layout versatility enabling you to customize and configure the craft to your specific party requirements. There are plenty of great party boats available and in this guide, we’ll look at a few of the very best on the market.

Explosion X44

Sacs strider 18, bayliner element xr7, mastercraft x55, fjord 48 open, riva 100 corsaro, interboat neo 7.0.

The best party boats to buy have lots of deck space and one of the best ways to free up space aft is to choose a craft that uses outboards and eliminates the need for a space-hogging engine box. The Explosion X44 utilizes this layout with a triple rig of 350 hp outboards, delivering an impressive top end of 43 knots. While the market may be saturated with RIB boats , the Italian-built Explosion X44 achieves maximum quality and innovation in a crowded market place. The customization options are phenomenal and even in standard form, the inboard space is pretty impressive. The cockpit features two independently movable, convertible, retractable tables that deliver enough space to sunbathe, dine with friends, watch TV, or even play table tennis. But it’s when you expand the aft deck by means of fold-out gunwale sections that the Explosion X44 really becomes a party boat. This increases the beam by several feet and provides a superyacht-style “beach club” environment, thus transforming the X44 into a bathing and lounging platform. This also increases the craft’s stability at anchor. The owner’s stateroom is beautifully fitted out with a berth, wardrobes and drawers, a dressing table, and TV. There’s also a two bed/double guest cabin and head and shower. To get the party really rolling, the X44 has an external hifi system and electric barbeque. With a maximum capacity of 20, the Explosion X44 is a great choice of party boat for those who seek both style and practicability. 

Explosion X44 Party Boat

Photo credit: Explosion Marine

Another Italian-built RIB, the SACS Strider 18 is the flagship model from the Milan boatyard and is a cut above the average boat next door. Coming in at 56 feet in length with a 17 foot beam, the Strider 18 offers a vast platform area with seating for up to 22 people. The Strider 18 doesn’t fall short in the performance department, either, with the option of 2,400 hp of diesel power and Arneson surface drives, powering the craft to 50-plus knots. However, the main focus is to maximize the usability of its deck space. The lavish and leather-trimmed helm station is protected from the elements by a rigid hard top with two exits which lead to the side decks. These feature three generously proportioned primary living areas; one in the cockpit, one at the stern, and one in the bow. The stern section has a two-part sunpad above the engine bay. This leads to the swim platform via a teak-lined walkway. The deep cockpit has a large, twin-table dining area framed by lavish wraparound seating on all sides, delivering a safe and well-appointed gathering area for 10 people. The bow deck has seating for a further eight with a combination of forward and inward facing benches. Below deck there are three key areas—a master cabin in the V of the bow, a head compartment, and a three-person guest cabin. While all this doesn’t come cheap, the Strider 18 is well worth considering when looking at the best party boats to buy.

Sacs Boats for Sale

SACS Strider RIB Party Boat

Photo credit: Sacs Marine

When it comes to ingenuity, the Wider 42 is pretty hard to top.  By utilizing Wider’s trademark expanding cockpit, the 42 offers far more surface area than a conventional 42-foot craft. With a combination of performance and economy, the Wider 42 is capable of over 50 knots with its twin 480 hp Cummins engines. Much of this performance is due to the stepped hull designed by offshore racer Mark Wilson. However, the Wider’s true party trick comes at the push of a “magic” button. Once at anchor, the craft’s gunwales can be opened up and the deck expanded by simply pressing the button, and 12 seconds later the deck space is transformed into 60 square feet of party playground. This transformed area can fulfill a variety of functions. The carbon-fiber dinette can be swiftly turned into a comfortable sundeck or stylish chaise lounge, and benefits from a fitted outdoor galley with a teppanyaki griddle and an icebox for chilling drinks and snacks. The versatile stern can be configured as a sunpad or stowage area, or even fitted with a fighting chair for big game fishing. A lightweight central carbon-fiber stairway leads to the bow and additional large sunpads. With a galley consisting of a sink, a single ceramic burner, and a countertop, plus a head featuring a crystal shower unit, glass sink, and carbon toilet, the Wider is fully equipped for most essential party ingredients. If you’re after a craft that can be fully customized to your needs, then the Wider 42 is well worth your consideration. 

Wider Boats for Sale

Wider 42 Performance and Economy Boat

Photo credit: Wider Yachts

Proving the old adage that size isn’t everything, the Bayliner XR7 Boat is a modest, user-friendly deck boat that is deceptively spacious with a rated capacity of 16 people despite being just 25 feet long. This is achieved by Bayliner’s utilization of an expanded version of the cathedral-like “M-hull” hull design featured across the Element range. It uses a virtually taper-free beam of eight and a half feet which generates a remarkable amount of deck space. The spacious deck layout consists of plush upholstered lounges forward and aft, and deep freeboard to ensure partying guests’ safety and security. The XR7, which is no longer in production (but can be found on the used boat market) was offered with a choice of power options from the standard 150 hp Mercury FourStroke to the 200 hp Verado. 

The XR7 offers the inboard space and versatility of a pontoon but with the performance and style of a deck boat . (To examine the differences between the two, see Deck Boat Vs. Pontoon Boat: Which is Better? ) Fully specced up with the Bimini top, portside entertainment system including a waterproof 120-watt AM/FM stereo, ski-tow pole, onboard MSD, fridge, and wet bar, the XR7 is a great choice of party boat for both the novice and the more experienced boater.

Bayliner Boats for Sale

Bayliner XR7 Party Boat

Photo credit: Baylliner

The Alen 55 Boat is a real head-turner. Conceived to be sociable, safe and stylish with a capacity of 16 people, the Alen 55 is a traditional design with built-in practicality and stunning lines. The elevated flare enables the inclusion of a deepset 360-degree walkway wrapped in powerful bulwarks which surround the central deck furniture, creating the feel of being “in” rather than being “on” the boat. Whether your guests are at the helm, cooking or simply relaxing, the layout ensures that everyone can be together. Up to eight can be seated at the extending table which is situated near the open designed galley. The ethos of “intelligent inspiration” is continued by the design of the boat’s interior space, which can be fully customized to the owner’s requirements. These can include a crew cabin or extra stateroom, plus the settee converts into a double berth. This is complemented by a teak sole, leather wall panels, and lacquered surfaces. The Alen 55 has a variety of engine options with either twin 800 hp D13 Volvo or twin 800 Volvo IPS drives powering the boat to a cruising speed of 30 knots and topping out at 35 knots. All in all, the Alen 55 offers the demanding customer a degree of upmarket exclusivity and a high degree of customization potential.

Alen Boats for Sale

Alen 55 Party Power Boat

Photo credit: Alen Yacht

The Mastercraft X55 was the most luxurious and largest wakeboard boat in this company’s fleet prior to its replacement in the lineup by the X26, and if you’re looking at the best party boats to buy, is well worth consideration. Complete with a wet bar and a pumping sound system and with a class-leading capacity of 18 people, it’s one of the most comfortable wakeboard boats ever to hit the market. Coming in at 25 feet in length, the X55 is an instant status symbol. Powered by a single inboard the X55 delivers pillow-soft landings and gradual ramps as you power into the wake. The main cockpit area is a more than generous 73 square feet while the swim platform is 14 square feet of partying bliss. The X55 features contoured rear seat backs, and the starboard seat bench converts from forward to rear facing. There’s a wet bar and a top-quality sound system to ensure the party will go with a blast. To add to the party vibe, the X55 comes with an array of glittering LED lights guaranteed to keep the party swinging into the small hours.

Mastercraft Boats for Sale

Mastercraft X55 Luxury Wakeboard Boat

Photo credit: Mastercraft

The Fjord 48 Open Boat is all about open deck entertainment and alfresco partying. Fitted out with the standard twin Volvo IPS 600 powerplants, the 48 has a maximum speed of 30 knots. This can be boosted to 40 knots if you choose the triple Volvo IPS option. Three words sum up the Fjord 48 Open—seductive, glamorous and extravagant. Designed by Patrick Banfield and featuring Fjord’s trademark characteristics such as the plumb bow, angular lines, clean surfaces, and T-shaped roof, the 48 boasts a frameless windshield which offers unobstructed panoramic views and leads to an unlimited and open feeling. The lavish and large stern sundeck has more than ample room for relaxing and simply chilling while the fully fitted galley includes a barbeque, wet bar, and fridge. The dining area has room for 10 and can be converted into a single, unbroken sunbathing platform via the adjusting of the tables and the flipping of the backrests. Below decks the craft boasts two elegant double cabins with maximum headroom. When the sun sets, switch on the LED mood lighting and the party will go on long into the night. Finished in high-end materials such as teak, leather, and stainless steel, the Fjord 48 Open is the epitome of style and practicality. If you want to stand out from the crowd, then the Fjord 48 Open may well be the boat for you.

Fjord Boats for Sale

Fjord 48 Open Party Power Boat

Photo credit: Fjord

When it comes to picking the best party boats to buy, few can match a superyacht—and few of the superyachts in the world can match the Riva 100 Corsaro as a party platform. The Riva Corsaro comes in at 98 feet in length and essentially boasts two layouts in one, with a full-length open deck placed directly on top of a full-length covered deck. The design features five staterooms, all en-suite, ensuring there’s plenty of space for partygoers to stay the night. In addition to the guest cabins, the Corsaro also has three crew’s quarters. The sheltered aft dining space on the main deck is superbly integrated with the multi-tiered area of the bow and the magnificent dining spaces, lounging areas, and ranks of sunbeds. The Corsaro is rated for up to 20 on board and has a cruising speed of 23 knots. If you want to make a statement then the Corsaro is definitely one to look out for.

Riva Boats for Sale

Riva 100 Corsaro Luxury Party PowerBoat

Photo credit: Riva

Originally available in three basic configurations, the Neo 7.0 utilizes a broad, weighty monohull with a generous bow flare and deep freeboard. With a philosophy of keeping things simple and a serious range of power options, it’s easy to make the case for the Neo 7.0, or the closest new Interboat model, the Intender 700, as a contender for one the best party boats to buy. 

The modular deck layout options help with customizing the base platform to your party needs, and every inch of the eight foot, six inch beam is optimized. Option 1 is the Lounge Line which is designed for sociability and comes with the steering position right in the center of the aft space, meaning the helmsman can be seated on the stern bench and maintain conversation with all their guests at all times. Option 2 is the Comfort Line, with the steering position located to the starboard side amidships. Option 3, the Sports Line, is designed with a central steering position and an open transom for easy-access watersports. All three options allow massive bow space with a full complement of wraparound seating and elevated stainless-steel rails. There are plenty of further options to enable the owner to tweak the boat for their requirements. The Neo 7.0 has a huge variety of power options from a modest 27 hp inboard engine rising up to 200 hp. The standard 16 gallon fuel tank can be upgraded to a larger tank if more capacity is required. The Neo 7.0 is a great party boat for those on a budget who wish for a highly customizable platform and affordable running costs.

Interboat Boats for Sale

Interboat Monohull Party Boat

Photo credit: Interboat

Pontoon Boats for Party Boats

How could we have chosen nine of the best party boats to buy, without picking a single pontoon boat? Because when it comes to pontoons, they’re all among the best party boats. Even the models designed for family fishing   have party boat DNA from stem to stern, and no matter what pontoon you look at you’ll find features like comfy couches,  integrated coolers, and big swim platforms. Hey, that’s why they call them “party barges” in the first place. If they sound like a winning combination to you, check out the pontoon boats for sale on Rightboat.


Photo credit: Avalon

This article was most recently updated in September 2023 by Lenny Rudow  

Written By: Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson has spent her entire life on and around boats, from tiny sailing dinghies all the way up to superyachts. She writes for many boating and yachting publications, top charter agencies, and some of the largest travel businesses in the industry, combining her knowledge and passion of boating, travel and writing to create topical, useful and engaging content.


More from: Samantha Wilson

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The Best Party Superyachts for Charter

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The Best Party Superyachts for Charter

best party for goto's yacht

By Editorial Team |   Last Updated 13 January 2023

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There can be no better setting for a party than aboard a superyacht and, luckily, today’s charter fleet is well-primed for providing unsurpassed entertainment in the most exclusive of surrounds. Whatever the occasion, our pick of 10 top luxury yachts will be the life and soul of the party. 

Whether celebrating a special occasion, hosting a VIP guest list at the Monaco Yacht Show or entertaining clients and business contacts, a luxury yacht charter promises a unique, impressive and memorable party experience, with superior service and five-star catering.

Docked in a glittering harbor, a charter yacht can welcome aboard scores of revelers as the sundeck transforms into a waterside nightclub, DJs take to the decks and champagne overflows at the bar. Take a look at our selection of some the best party yachts on the charter market.

Motor yacht DREAM

Accommodates: 36 guests across 22 cabins 

huge 106m superyacht charter DREAM

A yacht of truly epic proportions, DREAM is the ultimate charter yacht for large parties

best party for goto's yacht

A truly special charter yacht, the 106m (249ft) super yacht DREAM  was actually once a former passenger vessel before being transformed into a luxury private yacht charter after nearly 10 years of refit works. 

Boasting an array of lavish and sophisticated areas onboard where guests can relax and socialize in style, this yacht is definitely one to remember. From her opulent Japanese-style dining room to her private cinema and premium beauty and wellness amenities, guests will find an abundance of space and superlative amenities that will take their yacht charter vacation to the next level. 

Elsewhere, guests can sip champagne at the swim-up bar by the two-level pool or take a trip from the sundeck touch-and-go helipad. With a great array of options no matter your party theme or occasion, this large and luxurious superyacht will be able to cater to everyone's individual wants and needs. 

Dream Yacht

Superyacht ALFA NERO

Accommodates: 12 guests across 6 cabins 

best party for goto's yacht

Charter yacht ALFA NERO has won numerous design awards for her innovative approach to superyacht living, making her one of the leading luxury charter yachts on the market

Transforming from a daytime Lido to a European nightclub, the main deck aboard the  81m (266ft) superyacht ALFA NERO  is unquestionably a superb party venue. Her open aft deck is flanked by an eye-catching infinity pool with a cascading waterfall that lights up after dark, and forward is a bar and buffet, horseshoe-shaped sofa and two dining tables. The Oceanco-build’s already superb sound system can be augmented by plugging in large disco speakers and the Alberto Pinto-designed interior with Pop Art influences provides the perfect setting for a nightcap

Alfa Nero Yacht

Superyacht CHRISTINA O

Accommodates: 34 guests across 17 cabins

Iconic superyacht CHRISTINA O

One of the most iconic motor yachts ever launched, best known for her grand interiors and unrivaled level of luxurious amenities.

A true veteran of the superyacht scene, the iconic  superyacht CHRISTINA O played host to many celebrated figures throughout the 1950s and 1960s. And now, restored to her former glory, party guests can follow in the footsteps of Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Winston Churchill and JF Kennedy to name a few, and soak up the yacht’s glamorous surrounds. The famous Minotaur mosaic swimming pool rises to create a dance floor, the legendary Ari’s Bar is clad in Orca fangs and the concert room comes complete with an authentic Steinway piano. 

Christina O Yacht

Superyacht KISMET

Accommodates: 12 guests across 7 cabins

super yacht Kismet

One of the most desirable yachts on the charter market, motor yacht KISMET certainly knows how to throw a party.

Delivered by Lurssen in 2014, the  95m (312ft) superyacht KISMET is unquestionably the combination of both luxury and uncompromised perfection. As one of the largest and most sophisticated superyachts available for charter, KISMET is the ideal choice for those looking to experience a premier luxury vacation whilst enjoying the very best in design and amenities.

A beach club-esque lounge on her bridge deck can transform into a disco nightclub with overhead strobe lighting, a helipad-come-dance floor and a glittering bar. A two-story atrium resplendent in glamorous Art Deco décor, meanwhile, presents a more formal space in which to enjoy drinks at a cocktail bar while jazz tunes emanate from an electric piano. What’s more, this majestic vessel is able to host an incredible 270 guests quay-side.

Whisper Yacht

Superyacht SOLANDGE

Accommodates: 12 guests across 8 cabins

superyacht Solandge cruising through blue waters

The very pinnacle of luxury, she partners opulent design with modern amenities in a truly unique manner.

The queen of karaoke, 85m (279ft) superyacht SOLANDGE  boasts numerous spots wired for the popular pastime by high-end supplier Studio Evolution. These include a sumptuous salon forward of the main deck’s luxe interior dining option and an amethyst-topped bar. Before the party migrates down here, however, her sundeck is sure to wow as her spa pool transforms into a dance floor, the DJ spins tracks on the built-in console and a large screen lights up with music videos.

Additional onboard highlights include her two hot tubs, her large and fully-stocked wine cellar and her chromotherapy spa with hammam & massage room which will most definitely come in handy the morning after.

Solandge Yacht

Superyacht TITANIA

Accommodating 12 guests across 7 cabins

best party for goto's yacht

Conceived by industry-leading designers, superyacht TITANIA is a firm favorite among her guests and an enduring charter icon.

best party for goto's yacht

Another fantastic superyacht delivered by Lurssen, the 73m (239ft) superyacht TITANIA  is packed bow to stern with excellent facilities, making her a discerning choice for event yacht charters.

An enduring charter icon, this motor yacht is the very pinnacle of luxury, combining opulent design with a wealth of modern amenities, she has everything a charter party could ask for during their luxury yacht rental vacation. Onboard highlights include her stunning sundeck Jacuzzi, a pool deck with a swim-up bar, an impressive beach club, a winter garden, a water sports center and outstanding premium wellness facilities.

Putting the priority on indoor-outdoor living, the lavish superyacht offers alfresco dining for up to 14 guests, allowing them to dine under the stars before moving inside to the lavish main salon where the drinks can continue beside the showstopping grand piano, elegant lounge and the exquisite marble-topped bar.

Titania Yacht

Superyacht LAUREN L

Accommodates: 36 guests across 20 cabins

huge superyacht charter LAUREN L

With a sprawling guest area of 1,800 sq meters, this large charter yacht will dazzle guests onboard with her extensive features.

best party for goto's yacht

For veritable party thrills, opt for the graceful 90m (295ft)  superyacht LAUREN L . Sleeping 36 guests across 20 cabins, with additional room for up to 40 crew, guests can sit back and unwind knowing that every possible desire will be catered to.

Boasting capacious exterior decks and a comprehensive health and beauty center in its own right, the yacht has plenty to keep you busy, relaxed and entertained. The wellness center includes an opulent beauty and hair salon, a massage room, and an aromatherapy treatment room so whenever you feel as though you need pampering, this vessel will take care of it. But that's not all: she also features a touch-and-go helipad, and even an aquarium onboard.

Lauren L Yacht

Booking a party yacht charter

Night view to large illuminated white boat located over horizon, colorful lights coming from yacht reflect on the surface of the the Gulf sea.

Interested in booking an event yacht charter? To charter one of the vessels featured in this article, or to discuss alternative vessels, please consult the advice of your chosen yacht charter broker . They will be able to best advise you according to your needs and preferences.

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Christina O yacht charter

99m Canadian Vickers 1943 / 2020

Whisper yacht charter

95m Lurssen 2014

Lauren L yacht charter

90m Cassens-Werft 2002 / 2008

Solandge yacht charter

85m Lurssen 2013 / 2022

Emir yacht charter

83m Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 2004 / 2022

Alfa Nero yacht charter

81m Oceanco 2007 / 2021

Titania yacht charter

73m Lurssen 2006 / 2020

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This is a small selection of the global luxury yacht charter fleet, with 3570 motor yachts, sail yachts, explorer yachts and catamarans to choose from including superyachts and megayachts, the world is your oyster. Why search for your ideal yacht charter vacation anywhere else?

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How To Host The Most Memorable Yacht Party Ever

A yacht party is one of the most fun and extravagant ways to celebrate an occasion. Not only are they unique, but they can also be far more versatile than you might think. It's the ultimate venue for a glamorous party; think top-notch DJs, magically mixed drinks, and your favorite vape juice  here are a few tips for planning and throwing the ultimate yacht party.

best party for goto's yacht

Pick the Right Yacht

Firstly, you need to pick the right yacht. They come in all shapes and sizes, and some are better for parties than others. You need to pick one that is the right size but in terms of space for guests, not a boat that is big because it has an onboard gym, helipad, etc. You need one that can hold dozens of guests comfortably. 

One-Day vs. Multi-Day

The need for beds and extra facilities will also come into play if this is a multi-day event. If you are planning on guests staying on the yacht, you need one big enough to house them, not just one with enough space for a party.

Bedding Options

Many yachts will have multiple sleeping options, which would include couches that can be turned into beds. It is important to remember that there are limitations; therefore, you need to have a set guest list for those who will sleep on the yacht well before the party date. 

Considering this is a party, you need a yacht that is fitted with extra facilities, such as a kitchen, bathroom, possibly showers, etc. It would be difficult to have an easy-flowing party if guests had to constantly leave the boat to go to the bathroom, get food, etc. 

Docked vs. At Sea

Another decision you need to make is whether the yacht will be docked or if you will go out to sea. Docked is typically easier as you can have all your food and drinks on land, and there are more options for guests to move around, sit somewhere else, etc. 

Going out to sea is far more fun and exciting, but it does require more planning. You need to ensure that the yacht is fully stocked with everything you may need, from bottle openers to toilet paper, as well as all the food and drinks for all your guests.

When it comes to weather, it isn’t about safety at sea, as your captain will make that decision, but it is more about guest comfort and available undercover space. If you are out at sea and it begins to rain, and you all have to get below deck or under cover, it can be a very tight squeeze. 

Instead, choose a yacht that has ample cover or below-deck space, or ensure you have large umbrellas that can be set up in the event of a downpour. 

Pick a Theme

Once you have chosen your yacht, a theme is a great way to add a layer of fun to the entire event. When it comes to themes, the sky is the limit, as you can choose almost anything, and it can easily work in a yacht setting. 

A few themes that always work well are black-tie, James Bond, etc. The goal is to make the theme memorable, as an average theme can quickly turn the party into a forgettable event. 

Food & Drink

Food and drinks are two of the most important things for any party. The first decision you need to make is whether you will have buffet-style food  or canapes that can be handed out throughout the night. Depending on your budget and the amount of guests you have, you can hire a chef to cook lunch or dinner onboard, too. 

For drinks, many high-end yachts will have a bar; this means you can hire a bartended for the day/night that can serve drinks and also mix up a few cocktails for your guests. All of these things will cost more money, but it does add an extravagant touch that is hard to beat.

best party for goto's yacht

Music & Entertainment 

Another essential for any great party is music and entertainment. Once again, you have multiple options for both, depending on your budget. If you want it to be more budget-friendly, a laptop or phone with a few playlists  plugged into the sound system will do the job. 

If you want to go the extra mile, you can hire a DJ to come play at the party. There will be ample space for them to set up, and not only will it keep the party going all night long, but being able to do requests, sing-alongs, etc, make the event that much more fun. 

best party for goto's yacht

Finally, it is always important for you and your guests to understand the safety aspect of being on a yacht, especially if you go out to sea. Consulting with the captain beforehand will allow you to create a mini “safety briefing” that can be included with the invitations. 

It is also important to clearly tape off or lock areas or rooms that shouldn’t be accessed by guests. Once again, the captain can handle this, but making signs and informing your guests will ensure everyone is on the same page and stays safe throughout the party. 

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Superyachts for charter

Hosting a party or event there is no better venue than a yacht.

A party yacht offers the ideal way to maximise fun on the water. Not so long ago, guests would disembark to head to their favourite night-time hot spots, but yachts are fast becoming a destination unto themselves. Aboard the right luxury vessel, the party comes to you and hosting a party on board a yacht can be quite the unique and memorable experience. 

best party for goto's yacht

Hosting a party on a yacht offers your event a unique sense of exclusivity, and can offer a great way to celebrate all types of occasions in an intimate and completely private venue with the most spectacular of views. Party yachts typically boast spacious saloons and deck spaces, purposefully designed for hosting extravagant parties for both onboard and shore-based guests. Amenities will often include dedicated bar areas, a professional DJ booth, pool, Jacuzzi, outdoor cinema, gourmet offerings such as teppanyaki bars and BBQ grills, and state-of-the-art sound systems. 

A party on a yacht is a totally customizable experience, with little limits on the menu, the destination, the music, the decor, the activities, and much more. The latest party boats will also feature giant video walls that can display a menu of visual backgrounds, creating an ambient experience for guests, a grand piano and virtual games. The best luxury private crewed vessels may also include custom-made tables both in the interior and exterior for serving extravagant buffets and dedicated dance floors.

A luxury party yacht accommodates large numbers of guests - with the largest boats able to host up to 100 guests or sometimes more if the yacht is in the harbour. The best luxury yachts are cleverly designed to maximise space and enable large numbers of people to circulate freely around the boat and encourage mingling. Amenities are strategically placed, allowing the crew to discreetly serve guests without intruding.

Additional items can be brought aboard a yacht to ensure an incredible experience, such as wireless smoke machines, coloured lights and lasers, karaoke systems, and entertainers, including acrobats, professional singers and musicians. Support staff can also be arranged, including bartenders, servers, and catering services .

Of course, a  luxury yacht  will come with a dedicated C aptain and crew  who will work to ensure you and your guests' every need is expertly met.

Fraser offers a magnificent selection of party yachts for charter, ideal for corporate events or special occasions such as a birthday party .

One such example is the luxury motor yacht for charter FORCE BLUE . This elegant 71 metre Royal Denship yacht is a true masterpiece, offering all the space and amenities to guarantee a party that wows. Her many party features include a professional DJ station and disco-lighting, and a superb cinema room. She can accommodate up to 60 seated guests and 350 guests for events quayside. 

Party boats for charter  are particularly sought-after for special events, including the Cannes Film Festival, the F1 Monaco Grand Prix, and the Monaco Yacht Show.

All our private yachts for charter are built by the world’s finest shipbuilders and boast luxury interiors and state-of-the-art onboard amenities. 

Our skilled charter team work with some of the best party planners in the industry, guaranteeing a party that will wow. If you are searching for a luxury crewed private party yacht , then contact Fraser today.

CHRISTINA O motor yacht for charter by FRASER, built by Canadian Vickers


TATOOSH motor yacht for charter by FRASER, built by Nobiskrug


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Party by design: Top tips for creating the ultimate party yacht

It’s not all about A-list guests and vintage Champagne . You need to think about technology if you want to host the ultimate superyacht party, writes Risa Merl...

Yacht parties are a study in organised chaos. While they might be all about letting your hair down, creating a memorably wild time on board is made possible only by careful planning. The perfect party yacht is fuelled by technology, whether it’s spectacular flashing lasers or discreet custom speakers making sure the entertainment is up to the minute.

Owners and charter guests expect the latest of everything. Boat International columnist Eddie Jordan certainly had entertaining in mind when designing his yacht, 47 metre Sunseeker Blush (pictured). “A bar on each deck, the right lighting and customised sound are important, as is the positioning of the speakers,” he says, touching on just a few of the items on the long checklist of party yacht accoutrements.

Planning for parties needs to begin as early as the GA stage so the owner can offer the very best entertaining experience. Winch Design incorporates the A/V room into the layout when developing the GA so it doesn’t have to go back and ask the owner for more space later.

“A/V is a moving target,” says Patrick Moussa, operations director of yacht management company Master Yachts. “We bring the experts in early. The hardest things to retrofit are additional wires, while a speaker or TV is easily replaced. The experts will know what’s coming five years from now, and may even know how it will be wired up.”

Fully integrate the on-board tech

Today’s high-tech party yacht might have a DJ booth hidden behind panels, a video wall that slides up from a sunpad, an LED-sensitive dance floor that reveals itself after dark, and speakers, lights and lasers built into the radar arch. Integrations such as these make the transition from day to night a breeze.

Flexibility is the key word, says Dirk de Jong, Oceanco ’s director of design and innovation. “Given the limited space on a yacht, multipurpose areas are always popular. The entertainment system in such an area is usually designed to be unobtrusive during ‘regular’ use, but can then be easily augmented with extra speakers and lights, a DJ booth or a cinema set-up if that’s what the owner wants.”

A good design and A/V specialist will try to make sure that not too much crew involvement is required to put the yacht into party mode. Most party-integrated yachts can transform within an hour, with the biggest chunk of that time going to moving furniture rather than bringing the A/V online.

Automation is important to lessen the demands on the crew. “A yacht is not a club — there isn’t dedicated staff to operate the sound and lighting systems — so smart software solutions and automation should be at the centre,” says Goran Antonijevic, sales manager at A/V specialist VBH.

Photo: Feadship

Know your needs

Integration doesn’t work for all. Many owners and captains are fine hiring gear as needed. “There is so much you can hire in — like rotating lights and disco balls,” says Eddie Jordan. “One reason to do this is space, two is the cost and third is because it all goes out of date.”

The captains of Joy and Icon (pictured), both yachts known for their party credentials, agree that integration isn’t mandatory. Joy has a set of powerful JBL Professional speakers and woofers that can be brought out for special occasions — “when we really want to crank up the volume,” says the captain.

Icon ’s captain, Marcel van den Houdt, says its sound system from Mr Smith is complemented by hiring lights and disco balls when it’s time for a party. The obvious downside to this, though, is there might not be A/V gear or specialists available everywhere the yacht goes.

Consider bespoke speakers

Music is the life of any party. “Very often people try to have fewer speakers and force the sound, but you need music as a background rather than in the foreground,” says Jordan, who on Blush opted for a customised system.

Specialists can install anything from a simple sound system to a customised one able to achieve the same levels as a nightclub. VBH works with many speaker brands but recommends bespoke speakers such as those from CAT. They can fit in different spaces, are high quality, powerful and suitable for the marine environment. VBH installed custom CAT speakers on Abeking & Rasmussen ’s Cloudbreak (pictured) and the Heesens Galactica Star and Crazy Me .

Sara Stimilli, of A/V specialist Videoworks, says future proofing can be achieved by using high quality cables for the audio and space planning to allow for the installation of speakers that have built-in or separate amplifiers.

Photo: Christopher Scholey

Leave room for entertainment

“The DJ set-up can take up a lot of space, handicapping the bar. Ideally, the DJ would have a dedicated booth out of the way of foot traffic,” says De Jong. But not every yacht has the space for a DJ booth, so sometimes a bar has to do. In that case planning is vital to make this space work. “We take care to define a comfortable position for the DJ, a high level of waterproofing for the audio plug-ins and a wired internet connection,” says Stimilli.

Sound hook-ups for bands should also be planned in various spaces. These plug-ins are beginning to be integrated — “the times of having cables taped over teak decks and people tripping on them is a thing of the past,” says Andreas Iseli, head of exteriors, yachts, at Winch Design.

Also trending are sound stages that can double up as something else. Eddie Jordan covers his spa pool and uses it as a stage for his band, Eddie & the Robbers (pictured), while British design studio RWD has created seating areas that transform into concert stages.

Don’t forget the dancefloor

Dance floors, especially of the rotating or transforming variety, require careful planning early on. “The deck construction itself may need to be altered to be able to flush-mount the required equipment in the floor,” says De Jong.

The most popular high-tech dance floor at the moment is one made of LED panels, which can make colour wheels, sync visualisations to the music or be pressure-sensitive when they are danced upon. The technology is improving all the time, so future proofing and space savings can be afforded in-build.

Some of the best dance floors are in cave-like spaces, such as the beach clubs on Joy and Icon (pictured). “We can invite guests on at the transom, they walk through the beach club , all lit up in disco lights and with the video wall, and that really sets the scene for the party,” says Joy ’s captain.

Sync up the lighting

Well planned lighting can be a wow factor in itself, as the Gulf Craft Majesty 155 Sehamia (pictured) shows. Meanwhile RWD works with glass focal points — panels set in the bar, wall or ceiling — where lighting reacts to sound, creating a spectacular show. Syncing lighting with the A/V is the easiest way to make the party feel like an interactive experience. This can either be automated, or controllable from the owner’s iPad. Underwater lights should get in on the fun too. Hook them up to the DJ system so the lights move with the music. It makes quite an entrance for guests as they step off the superyacht tender .

Bar design is crucial

Eddie Jordan knew he wanted a bar on every deck: on the main deck, where guests could be greeted with champagne; the upper deck, where food could be enjoyed al fresco; and the party itself on the sundeck. But the layout of the bars is only part of the equation. Bars can have a simple lighting scheme to be illuminated at night or go all out with screens and interactive displays, like on the 51 metre Heesen Mysky .

“We’ve designed several interactive bars with built-in displays, which can have an ordering system,” says Antonijevic. But it’s important to keep in mind the durability of such equipment in the marine environment — and what the bars look like in the daytime. “We want the spaces to be functional all the time, not just like a nightclub with glowing bar tops and screens, which can come off as cheap and club-ish in the day,” says Iseli.

Use the pool to your advantage

A superyacht swimming pool is often the party’s focal point, where guests gather — or even take a dip depending on the occasion. VBH has designed a visualisation that followed a person swimming and projected the movement on the pool’s floor. A pool can also afford your party some much needed privacy. The waterfall pool on Heesen’s Quite Essential (pictured) was designed so that it could be turned on as a screen to shield partygoers from dockside onlookers.

Be brave with visual effects

How about a video wall that tracks your movement? Antonijevic describes a visualisation that combined motion sensors, 3D cameras and pressure sensors to detect movement, then used an algorithm to activate the animation on a screen. VBH installed a special interactive video wall on Cloudbreak , which is fully automated and controlled by an iPad. This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of special effects.

At the end of the night, the best party yachts tie all the tech together — sound, lighting and visual effects — so it’s one big mind-blowing ecosystem and the perfect foundation for a stunning party.

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The Metaphorical Boat

Friday 11 April 2014

Moscow metro - spirit of a city (e.p).

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Kitchen & Bathroom Remodelers in Elektrostal'

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The duration of a bathroom remodel can vary depending on the project specifics.

Here are some estimated timeframes to give you an idea:

  • Cosmetic Refresh: Updates like painting, new flooring, and fixtures typically take around 2-4 weeks.
  • Standard Renovation: Replacing fixtures, installing new tiles, and updating plumbing and electrical systems usually take 4-6 weeks.
  • Complete Remodel: For a major transformation involving layout changes, plumbing and electrical work, flooring, custom cabinetry, and luxurious fixtures, it can take 6-10 weeks or more.

Consulting with a professional remodeler in Elektrostal' and potentially involving a designer will provide a more accurate estimate based on your specific goals. Keep in mind that unforeseen issues and personal preferences can impact the timeline.

The duration of a kitchen remodel varies based on the project specifics. For a simple update of cabinets, countertops, and appliances, it may take a few weeks to a couple of months. However, if you’re planning a complete remodel with layout changes and major renovations, it could extend to several months or more.

Here are a few scenarios to illustrate the varying durations:

  • Cosmetic Refresh: Focus on repainting, new flooring, and fixture replacements, taking around 2-4 weeks.
  • Standard Renovation: Replace cabinets, install countertops, and update appliances in approximately 6-8 weeks.
  • Extensive Remodel: Major changes like layout modifications, plumbing relocation, electrical rewiring, new flooring, and custom cabinetry could range from 3-6 months.

What does an Elektrostal' kitchen and bath remodeling expert do?

Questions to ask prospective bath and kitchen remodeling companies in elektrostal', moscow oblast, russia:, business services, connect with us.

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  1. Which party members to board Goto's yacht? : r/kotor

    In my experience HL actually does best with dual blasters if you build him that way, for what its worth. I did it recently with Visas and Mira. Still hard, but stealthing around as Visas is a solid way of playing. When I did it for the second time, I found that the best pair for boarding Goto's yacht were Visas and T3.

  2. Guide part 9

    Normal attacks will quickly kill Mira. After the battle you are betrayed, and a pack of Kath hounds are released into the pen. Kill the hounds, then pick up the mines and remains of the other pit ...

  3. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords/Goto's Yacht

    The Ebon Hawk has docked with Goto's yacht on its starboard side: the Map screen shows that this is the top left side of the map, and that the Audience Chamber, where your main character is under guard, is on the center right side, at the stern of the yacht. If your party tries to go back through the docking hatch behind them in the left wall:

  4. Goto Ship Party?

    Goto Ship Party? Who are the best 2 people to take onto goto ship? KingKaineng - 14 years ago - report. Accepted Answer. ... and T3, as he can get a free +1 bonus to his Dex by accessing the first panel on the yacht and selecting the "Download Droid Defense Algorithims" option. Someone with the Demolitions skill (T3 usually has it for me) will ...

  5. Goto's Yacht : r/kotor

    For the best party: Kreia or Visas with Disable Droid or Force Lightning to deal with droids. Force Lightning would help against other organics. Someone with Computer Use, Security, Demolitions, Repair. This is usually T3-M4 with the Class skill: Demolitions feat, or Bao-Dur, or Mira (if light sided, but no Security).

  6. Kotor 2 Goto Yacht companions? : r/kotor

    Combined skills to clear the yacht or maximise unlocks .ust have Computer Use, Demolitions, Repair, and Security. T3-M4 and HK-47 can get +1 DEX by slicing the terminal and downloading the upgrade at the start of the yacht. So a template will be: Kreia with Disable Droid or Force Lightning against the droids

  7. Goto's Yacht Fighting Tips

    Before engaging droids, equip non jedi with weapons designed for droid killing (either made on the workbench, found or purchased). Activate personal shields (those that protect against energy), use things that boosts your speed (drugs or jedi powers), say some famous last words and charge them.

  8. Kotor 2: G0T0's ship best characters

    2. Brianna (Handmaiden). This is more of a personal choice, because she's my favorite character. I also like the fact that she's a tank, though. Brianna can be beastly when equipped with a Dual-saber, a nice robe, and whatnot. Her extreme vitality ratings and high strength make her an excellent asset to any mission.

  9. GameBanshee

    Just past the rows of deadly mines are the droids, waiting to get at you. In Stealth mode you can disable or recover them before having at the droids, or use the console at #12 to take down the mines, or shoot the droids from afar using one of your characters in Solo mode. The possibilities are many.

  10. An Insider's Guide to Yacht Party Rentals

    Give us a call at (310) 827-2220 or submit an event query form to discuss your options. Our event team is standing by and ready to welcome you aboard. Yacht party rentals are fun territory to charter. Whether you're looking to plan an epic corporate yacht party, host a birthday party on a yacht, rent a boat for a wedding, or.

  11. How to Host a Yacht Party

    They'll also appreciate the pro tip of wearing shoes that are easy to slide on and off without having to sit down and deal with laces or straps. And, for yacht parties during the day, encourage your guests to dress for the sun. Have sunscreen on board to use, and offer helpful suggestions like bringing a hat, a light shirt to cover easy-burn ...

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    2004 / 2022. Alfa Nero Yacht For Charter. 81m Oceanco. 2007 / 2021. Titania Yacht For Charter. 73m Lurssen. 2006 / 2020. There can be no better setting for a party than aboard a superyacht and, luckily, today's charter fleet is well-primed for providing unsurpassed entertainment in the most exclusive of surrounds.

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    Pick a Theme. Once you have chosen your yacht, a theme is a great way to add a layer of fun to the entire event. When it comes to themes, the sky is the limit, as you can choose almost anything, and it can easily work in a yacht setting. A few themes that always work well are black-tie, James Bond, etc. The goal is to make the theme memorable ...

  15. Goto's Yacht : r/kotor

    Keep up any energy shields you possess as they tend to spam energy related attacks. For the minefield (you know which), get T3/Mira/Bao-Dur into solo mode and recover as much mines possible. If enemies come after you, lure them back to your party, disengage solo mode foe the entire party to deal with them.

  16. Party yachts

    Fraser offers a magnificent selection of party yachts for charter, ideal for corporate events or special occasions such as a birthday party. One such example is the luxury motor yacht for charter FORCE BLUE. This elegant 71 metre Royal Denship yacht is a true masterpiece, offering all the space and amenities to guarantee a party that wows.

  17. Party by design: Top tips for creating the ultimate party yacht

    A good design and A/V specialist will try to make sure that not too much crew involvement is required to put the yacht into party mode. Most party-integrated yachts can transform within an hour, with the biggest chunk of that time going to moving furniture rather than bringing the A/V online. Automation is important to lessen the demands on the ...

  18. The Metaphorical Boat: Moscow Metro

    It has been over a year since first being introduced to Limerick based 4-piece Moscow Metro* through their wonderful debut double-A side containing the tracks "Spirit of a City" and "Cosmos" for free, which sounded near perfect in spite of the band only being together for a few months at the time of recording. Now fast-forward 12 months, and as a result of the initial love for the band, they ...

  19. Goto's Yacht Companions : r/kotor

    Goto's Yacht Companions. I'm playing Kotor 2 for the first time on mobile and I recently finished Goto's Yacht. I took Bao-Dur for all the skill based stuff (millions of mines, some repair use, and the terminals everywhere) and I also took Hanharr so he'd mow down the droids... which he did amazingly. I was wondering for all the people ...

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  21. Best 15 Kitchen & Bathroom Remodelers in Elektrostal', Moscow ...

    Search 13 Elektrostal' kitchen & bathroom remodelers to find the best kitchen and bathroom remodeler for your project. See the top reviewed local kitchen & bathroom remodelers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  22. Electrostal History and Art Museum

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